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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2019 in Posts

  1. It is time for the penultimate category, best newcomer. This category only applies to members who joined in 2018 and we have four nominations. Riley, Mark J, Wetinkbunny and Blackinksoul30. All of these nominations have made wonderful contributions over the last 12 months, but there can only be one winner. Let's see who it is... And the winner is... Once again we have two winners! A trophy each for @Riley and @Mark J ! Congratulations guys! Please be careful not to slip in the various puddles, I'd hate for you to have an accident now! Well, not this kind anyway 😉
    6 points
  2. and now for a few final words. First of all I want to thank each and every one of you who has contributed to the forum in some way, no matter how little or small. Whether it was a photo, a video, or even a story. It was greatly appreciated. Secondly, if you didn't win an award or even if you wasn't nominated, please don't feel sad. If I could give every member an award, I would. I hope this encourages you instead of discouraging, encourages you to post more, to share more, see how well you do in the 2019 awards. Who knows who will win? I would like to thank @spywareonya for the videos yo
    5 points
  3. The awards are nearly over which means I'll finally be able to have a wee. I'm bursting! I see many of you couldn't wait or simply didn't want to! Last but not least, it is time for our final category. The wettest member! This category had no real definition like the others, simply who did you believe was our wettest member. Is Puddlys the wettest member for the second year running, was autumnpeach wet enough for you, or will spywareonya go home with a third award? Let's find out... And the winner is... @spywareonya ! Wow you really are getting quite a collection! Please let me know
    5 points
  4. It is time for our fifth category, best real story or sighting. These are the guys and girls who share their personal experiences, whether that is ones they've created themselves, or sightings they have been lucky enough to witness. Do I hear splashing? You guys really took my comment about keeping hydrated to heart! This category has five nominations and they are, in no particular order, Alfresco, pop-a-squat, Starks2010, Sephora and Sophie. Good luck, may the odds be ever in your favour. And the winner is... Well actually, we have two winners! A trophy each! @Alfresco and @Sophie !
    5 points
  5. We have passed the half way mark for the ceremony, I hope you are staying hydrated. It is very warm in here! For the fourth category we have the best fictional writer. Peefans has seen many writers over 2018, and I believe it would make a best selling novel if published, There was a lot of nominations for this category, BeneathMyWillow, Wetwulf, Nopjans, and Sophie But who do you think has been the best fictional writer? Let's find out... And the winner is... @Sophie ! Oh my gosh, you chose me! Wow... I cannot believe it.... *blushes* I didn't even prepare a speech. Umm... I would li
    5 points
  6. It is time for the third winner of the night, and this is for the best video contributor. Who contributed to the video section of this site the most? Three nominations for this one, Spywareonya, thedario and Ozabot. Ozabot has been nominated twice in a row now, clearly a very popular member! Good luck guys! And the winner is... @spywareonya! Congratulations, please come collect your trophy. You have contributed a so much in terms of your videos for the site and the community felt you were best deserving of the award. You're going to need a trophy cabinet if you keep this up!
    5 points
  7. Our second category is for the best picture contributor. Who do you feel contributed the most or best photos to the forum in 2018? This award includes both photos of themselves, and photos of others. There has been hundreds if not thousands of photos posted to this forum over the last year so I understand it was very difficult to pick a winner. This category had four nominations, and in no particular order. Ozabot, zzyzx52, steve25805 and Puddyls. Steve was unfortunate to not win an award for the last category, will this be his lucky chance? Let's find out... And the winner is... @st
    5 points
  8. Our first award is for the best forum contributor. Which of our lovely members did you think contributed to the forum the most in 2018? Our nominations were, and in no particular order, Spywareonya, Sophie, Steve25805 and Admin. Could Spywareonya take the crown? Perhaps you felt Steve was more deserving for the title. Admin has done a lot for the forum so it's very possible he took the crown. Or was it Sophie? Let's find out... And the winner is... @spywareonya! Congratulations, come collect your award! The PeeFans community felt you contributed to the forum the most in 2018. I'm sur
    5 points
  9. Ladles and jellyspoons, boys and girls, please put your hands together for the 2018 Golden Stream Awards ceremony! All through December you have nominated and voted for the member you think is most deserving for an award in a number of categories. And what is an award without a trophy to show your beloved friends and family? That's right, every winner will walk home with a Golden Stream Awards trophy!
    4 points
  10. Oh Goddess... I just noticed all of this... AMAZING There are no words for what this forum gave me... I have been on a rollercoaster last weeks, but now is time to be back for real. And I never expected so much. I mean, many people cheered me as a great forum contributor… but hell… I am… I am… best forum contributor… it is Amazing... last year best newcomer, and this year best overall… and also wettest and best video… I am speechless. Gratitude goes completely Beyond ego, both for the kind of person I recently have become, and for its inherent light for the soul...
    4 points
  11. Well done Sophie!A better host we couldnt wish for.I hope you had your wee in time.... Congratulations Spyware for winning many awards,we hope you will be inspired to demonstrate your pee skills all the more.
    4 points
  12. Back in my younger days a GF of mine and I were at the bar, stepped out to the car for a smoke. As the cold air & many drinks hit us we both squirmed around for a few debating on running back in but she had a “if you do it, I’ll do it” & we both squat by the truck & pissed a long stream downhill.
    4 points
  13. I was at a party one night and I was with one of my friends and she really really had to pee at the end of the concert but the bathroom lines were very long and the wait would've been longer than the 30 minutes drive home. She was super desperate in the car and about to wet herself and partway through the drive a wet spot speared on her jeans and she grabbed herself desperately trying not to pee and we stopped on the side of the road and she peed onto the asphalt. Sorry that was a horrible short version of the story🤦
    4 points
  14. I’m sure this has been asked before, but what is the most public place you’ve ever peed? Was it just because or out of desperation? For me, just because was in the park while walking. I could have waited til I got home, but something came over me about the thought of peeing in the open, so I sat on the nearest bench & slid my shorts to the side & peed like no one was around. Out of desperation, just the other day I was forced to piss in the trash can beneath my desk at work. My office is very open to the public but I was the only one in there for quite some time & I was unable
    3 points
  15. This was a lot of fun and its good we all get to show our appreciation of other members.
    3 points
  16. A huge congratulations to all the winners - very deserved! From the look of the polls, pretty much every single nominee had multiple votes each, which I think just shows how many great contributors we have here. There are some excellent posters who didn't even get nominated because the competition is so high, so a sincere thank you to everyone here for bringing this community to life. Really appreciate your kind words Sophie, and I completely agree with F.W that we couldn't ask for a better host. I know that a lot of time and organisation goes into running an event like this each year, so
    3 points
  17. I do this often (no winkie here lol) but wearing a skirt. I like just being able to stand and pee freely, while most are oblivious.
    3 points
  18. Outdoors is the best! So freeing!
    3 points
  19. Mine was a sincere accident. I was out all day & I try to avoid public restrooms at all costs. After leaking a bunch, I figured I should get home before I peed all over myself. But to no avail I lost control as I was getting in my car & soaked my clothes and the ground beneath me. At first I was mad because hey, I’m grown lol. But the whole way home I couldn’t help but think of how wet (if you know what I mean 😏) I was because of it. Tried it again on purpose & was hooked!
    3 points
  20. This morning! On my way in to work, my car broke down on the side of the highway. After waiting almost 2 hours for someone to come help, I was desperate & couldn’t wait. I opened the passenger door & pulled my leggings down far enough I wouldn’t soak them & pissed right on the side of the highway, cars passing by and all.
    3 points
  21. The return of leaky_one, my all-time favourite author of naughty pee erotica, seems to have sparked some need to write a new story. I will not promise any continuation, I don't even have any specific plan, as usual I'll write when the muse whispers in my hear. I realized that the Dark Ages were probably a treasure trove of naughty peeing. There was no plumbing then, and only the most wealthy would have chamber pots. Indeed, even in Versailles which was much later it is reported that courtesans would routinely find a quiet corner or alcove to relieve themselves; the smell was apparently no
    2 points
  22. I hope you guys aren't getting bored of me🤷 but here's a story from this morning😂 Last night where I am there was a massive storm and everything was covered in ice in the morning. I decided that wasn't going to stop me and I decided to take a walk in the morning anyway. At that point it wasn't super slippery because a layer of snow was covering the ice so there was something to grip onto. I got dressed in black jeans and a black tshirt with a warmer sweatshirt and walked outside. For the first while of my walk it was very pleasant and beautiful outside. I was listening to music and
    2 points
  23. Happy new year, all the members here !
    2 points
  24. Good for you!I once had a 15 minute window to enjoy a pair of an exs friends.When they came back from the shops,i knew she knew....i did my best to put the pair exactly as i found them,but she knew they had been touched at least...i had my fun though.☺️
    2 points
  25. I probably wouldn’t confront him, I’d let him have his enjoyment. But I’d make it known that I knew with 😏 or something lol
    2 points
  26. I do. Anyone peeing is a major turn on.
    2 points
  27. If they went in my room without permission, I’d probably be a little mad. But my laundry room is in my kitchen & I’d probably be a little turned on knowing I peed in them purposely but they don’t know that!
    2 points
  28. I wouldn’t mind. My hubby’s wanked off with a pair after I’ve peed in them, but he knew that I had just peed.
    2 points
  29. Certainly! I’ve been on walks before & gotten back to my car realizing I’ve had to pee & no bathroom in sight. I open my car door, slide my leggings/panties halfway down and squat beside the car. I love checking out my puddles as I’m leaving.
    2 points
  30. It is kind of hard to measure "publicness" when there are a lot of variables, but I think that the most public for me was probably while standing in the crowded pub watching the karaoke. I knew everyone would be watching Sweetie singing wearing little more than her nightie so I just spontaneously let loose and peed full blast on the carpet (and my feet!). PP
    2 points
  31. Here are some nice ones.(by "nice",ones that stirred me a little).
    2 points
  32. I just ran to the toilet spurting on the way. Relief feels so nice😂
    2 points
  33. I'm barely holding on now. I have to pee Soo bad. I'm holding myself trying to keep it in
    2 points
  34. Such a hot description @PantyPissr28 - Needs must, but at the same time so exciting. Not sure what counts as the most public - probably parked at the side of the road with traffic passing... I do love the great outdoors though.
    2 points
  35. For me it's the entire face added together. From someone's face, especially their eyes, you can tell a lot about their personality which adds or detracts from their attractiveness. This could just be me though. 🤷
    2 points
  36. Happy New Year Folks!
    2 points
  37. It was actually yesterday morning. My car broke down on the side of the highway. While waiting almost 2 hours for someone to arrive to help my husband, I grew pretty desperate. I opened the car door & slid my leggings to my knees & peed while all the cars passed by us.
    1 point
  38. Thank you for entering! Hmm that's hard. Probably this.
    1 point
  39. I was sitting against a tree in the park listening to some music and I had to pee so i just peed there. No one ever found out😂😂
    1 point
  40. If only i could watch godammit!
    1 point
  41. I regularly while out walking pee from under my long outdoor coat,with my winkie hanging out of sight.Very liberating.
    1 point
  42. We could start out by drinking a lot. Like a liter?
    1 point
  43. I. What is your favourite peeing fantasy? Peeing in naughty and/or public places. 2. What is your hottest real life peeing experience? I live a very boring life lol so my hottest experience was watching my husband piss beside the car after one too many beers. 3. What is your main area of interest with the pee fetish? Peeing in naughty places & the freeness of it. 4. Briefly describe the first pee porn you can remember seeing. As horrible as this sounds, when I was a teenager I used my parents bathroom while my brother was in the shower & there was a PlayBoy m
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. It’s awesome to say the least. I was nervous to bring it up at first but he asked and I told. Was so glad when he agreed with me. Hopefully one day you’ll find one 🙂
    1 point
  46. Friday night and Alice was partying in a club with her mates. Jim had been watching her as she gyrated in her short skirt, her brunette hair bouncing around as she moved and the movement of her ass and skirt giving the occasional flash of flesh hidden only in part by her black G-string. Alice left her group and went to the bar for another drink. Jim excused himself from his own group and headed to the bar, right next to Alice. He bought her drink and they started chatting. Soon they were on the dance floor together. By the end of the evening, Alice and Jim were dancing very closely,
    1 point
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