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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2018 in Posts

  1. This story is a continuation of the stories with my characters Nina and Katie. Thank you so much for your continued feedback and criticism -- you all have been very welcoming and accepting of my stories! This story contains content that may be objectionable to some, namely themes of vandalism, theft, and malice. All characters and events are works of fiction. Thank you! Pee Vandalism with Nina and Katie - Vacation  --------------------- The PA system chimed overhead, signaling the closure of a nearby gate. Starting today, the girls were treating themselves to
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  2. I found these screen shots from an older video i did. I was on my knees. maybe more to come.
    1 point
  3. So for a while in my life I went to music camp and had a really fun time. It was held on a college campus and for 2 weeks everyone would live together and play lots of music with each other. There were 2 groups of people who went to this camp. The really uptight group of people who were amazing at playing their instrument but seemed to be like robots and didn't engage in conversation with people. Then there was the second group of people who were kind of all over the place but wanted to make new friends. (I was in the second group). This story comes from the second week of the camp
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  4. So i was out with a friend in the woods lets call her emely shes a black haired medium length girl with green eyes i stressed her a litle before we went because she was so slow the drive there was about 45min and halfway she said " next time dont stress me because now i forgot to go to the toilet and i really need to go" when we got there she said her bladder hurt and that she would have to go in the woods after 5min of wallking we reached a heavy wooded part she told me she couldnt hold it and she went behind some bushes and squated she realesed a strong gusher that went on for about 20sec no
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  5. Just decided I wasn't going to use the toilet today. Got tied up on a phone call so I just peed out of the open door. Enjoy!
    1 point
  6. I usually just stand and let it go without aiming. Just stand there and let it go where it goes. I have peed on myself standing and laying on my back. I have also been lucky enough to pee on and be peed on by two different ladies,(not at same time) in the tub before shower. Both of them were to nervous to fulfill one of my pee fantasies, but i still LOVED the feeling of them peeing on me and me peeing on them. mmm mmm, Oh what a feeling!!!
    1 point
  7. i don’t always feel the actual release of sperm. but, i do feel the throbbing or pulsing, i don’t know how to describe it, lol, of a penis as it ejaculates in me.
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  8. i was pretty horny today. ended up playing twice. took a moment to capture some of one time.
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  9. I went out with my hubby xmas shopping for my nieces and we decided to eat in a local sport resto bar. My hubby took this picture of me with excitement, which I was on my second and he expected a golden shower and yeah.. I will leave it to your imagination *wink* lolol
    1 point
  10. Last night, when we arrived home from our epic coastal walk, our neighbour, who I'll call L, dropped in for a chat. She knows Mary is no longer around, and also knows that we were just more than friends, don't know how, call it a woman's thing, or the changes in Maigh, who knows? Anyway, after a half hour of so, she announced that she need to pee, Maigh looked at me, winked evilly, and called her bluff, saying that "it's a mess in there, you'll have to do it here" I expected L to go on the grass and pop a squat (she has done it before) but no, not this time. Maigh and I both heard th
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  11. when you’re not even trying, but you’re showing anyway. 😇😳🤣 so what the heck, right?
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  12. friday flip up. i wore one of the new panties i bought. and of course have to show them off. also, i knew if i crisscrossed the straps on my convertible bra, they'd be seen too. 😇😜
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  13. Right mixture of beautiful and hot, nothing more to say...
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  14. I love these black and white ones, adds a sense of mystery.
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  15. A life dedicated to things that can make your house electricity to short-cut, offering bowls made of clay to split up, objects to float down from shelves (all happened to me first person), and your life to change forever
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  16. Behold a column of ascending invisible transluminal flames, and ask yourself: What can They do for me? What could I do for Them in return?
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  17. Never channel Their powers unless you have a serious reason. Horror movies are lullabies compared to Their wrath.
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  18. Ominous worship of The Divine
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  19. ...the ritual is about to begin. Absolute silence must be observed from now on. Certain forces are Dangerous. They can protect you against anybody because They are terrible enemies to those They don't like. So avoid ending up in the aforementioned list
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  20. Headlong into utter blackness
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  21. From now on you'll be in total shadow, exception made for the lighting devices that the Gods offer. It's Their reign, enter at your own risk, marvels can be found there... in darkness undispoiled, immaculate...
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  22. Let's go toward something a bit more morbid, uh? because Darkness IS morbid. I rule there, in the name of Balance, and Balance means good manners and control, but not at all innocency...
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  23. 1 point
  24. for @Sophie mainly, for everybody indeed!!!!!
    1 point
  25. @spywareonya I really like these (especially the first one) but I also really like visible panties. Of course, any photo of you would be fantastic. Thank you!!
    1 point
  26. LIke this? It was a warm day and there were no way to pee squatting avoiding backsplashes, so I preferred to pee on a wall, so that it would pool on the floor and avoid problems
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  27. ...and this is the last pic for today, I took it just a few minutes ago, for no other purposes than to share it with you (though I think I'll send it anyway to a girl I met last Saturday...) Kissess!!!!
    1 point
  28. But the most wanderful piss I took that day was a FLOOD I let go in the town stream river, a water course which is narrow and violent. It was the highest point of the exposition, located almost on the hill-top, it was even starting to become evening and temperature were getting low. The last visitors were all in a hurry to see that place and I am a little afraid a couple saw me releasing my gush But believe me, it was a hard and magical place
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  29. But I also needed to take a leak so I tought "Let's christen this beauty!!!"
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  30. In the parking where the visitors were asked to leave their cars and use the abovementioned bus appointed for the exposition, I found a MARVELLOUS car, and I couldn't lose the opportunity to take a pic of the two of us together!!!
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  31. ...and just a week after, Spring actually exploded!!! Nice weather brought Alex to secretly arrange a Whole-day trip to a flower exposition with various stands around an out-town village, and it was one of the happiest days of my recent life, I pissed around the Whole place, in many houses gardens, and even jerked him off while packed all together in the bus leading to the village This is a pic of me taken by him on the top of an ancient war-related Watchtower. It had to be done quickly because people were climbing up too. It was a windy day!!!
    1 point
  32. Here it is the post I was talking about The robe and the knife are real, and the performance too. It simply was a celebration more than a Conjuring, and celebrations requires less stuff (the altar) and can be shown to outsiders IF THEY ARE TRUSTWORTHY Robe (originally from another coven but re-consecrated to the Gods) and Knife (From Egypt, forged on purpose from another powerful magician) Peeing out the brew, to greet the Gods and cheers to you (black candles all aorund, hard to see in this pics) closer
    1 point
  33. My robe is S-E-R-I-O-U-S BUTt meanwhile say hi to my sassy ass&pussy
    1 point
  34. For Nopjans Sincerely, the "Greater Reasons" are the desire and the possibility. I'll explain myself better. Peeing on clothes is something I do LESS that peeing in hallaways or even more between parked cars (the last one is a daily thing to me). If I spray my pee on a cloth is due to che conjoining of these 3 points 1 the angle in the actual shop so to shield me from viewers 2 the actual need to pee (or I'll not think about that at all) 3 the desire to have a kick. The actual item is utterly unimportant and I usually do NOT let out that much. For For Remi I utter
    1 point
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