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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2018 in all areas

  1. A few more sexy black juicy slits..beautiful.
    4 points
  2. just got out of work. lol.
    4 points
  3. A few sexy black slits too...
    3 points
  4. jean skirts sometimes make it too easy to be a bit playful. 😇☺️😝
    3 points
  5. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5ab3e5b69ad37 I just joined. Here's a little video of me pissing in a classroom at work. Bunny
    2 points
  6. Hello Everyone, I wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I joined this forum a while ago to check things out but haven't posted anything until now. I have never fully opened up to anyone about my pee interests other than my wife, who doesn't have an issue with my fetish, however is not into it at all either. Due to this I had been trying to supress my fetish and forget about it with little sucess. I've decided it may be helpful to open up and talk about it with like minded people like you all. I will be looking forward to doing so. 🙂
    2 points
  7. Not sure if I'll get any response from this. Perhaps @spywareonya, maybe @Scot_Lover, maybe one or two others, it's hard to know. Einstein's theory of relativity. Amongst other things it dictates that the passage of time is not totally linear or constant but actually depends upon the situation an individual is in. Time can pass at different speeds for different people, dependent largely upon two things - the speed at which they are travelling relative to each other, and the strength of the gravity they are experiencing. Any differences though are totally negligible unless travel
    2 points
  8. It seems to me that in more recent months the new Ladies that join our membership seem to be more willing to become active and stay with us. If this is the case is it because we are presenting a more favorable atmosphere for them then we have in the past? It seems that we have always had ladies joining our membership, but have chosen to remain silent and just watch. Has anyone else felt this way?
    2 points
  9. I have another one 😅 theory I wrote at some time: possible explanation for black holes for this, taking that the whole universe, the „empty“ room itself isn’t empty but made out of something, something that connects everything and is the substance of which every single particle in the whole universe is made of. So everything is connected in this „net“, moving is only something like a wave which does not transport mass but stayes the way it is, just moves the energy so when you walk, the particles are transported and „replace“ the air in front of you with your body then (of cou
    2 points
  10. THIS THREAD IS CLOSED YET IT STILL IS HERE FOR READING @justanotheromoaccount @zzyzx52 @Jjones5285 @Daniel_defo @Brutus @Sxxn @bustin2pee @b2939 @Paulypeeps @pee01 @Blackinksoul30 @owlman76 @Sephora @expererg @daemoniak @Rich7 @Grizzly Man @clay6 @Zevashea @UnabashedUser @Illpeeforyou @bpb @nightlifeonly83 @nopjans @Riley @Alfresco @Mark J @Scot_Lover @Potatoman Ok you all are nominated here for a simple
    1 point
  11. Singularity is un unreal concept We should talk of almost-singularity And an almost singularity keep the "quantum info" thus the amount of matter stands This means that a black hole contain only a microscopical portion of the amount of matter that could build a Big bang Also, a Big bang needs a deSitter space for itself to be ensufflated into, thus this means a 3-d universe can be born ONLY from an at-least 4-d string/membrane/universe, it cannot simply split from another 3-d universe
    1 point
  12. The don't contain enough stuff They look fascinating to us but are nothing more than a big mass of matter Big Bang originated from pre-existing multidimensional Strings grinding together
    1 point
  13. Ahahahahahaha i DEFINITELY STICK TO THIS CATEGORY AHAHAHAH This indeed is true I suppose it's because they came here out of curiosity and expired quickier or slower the pre-set amount of emotions they wanted to invest... My supply is limitless that's why I'm still here!
    1 point
  14. It's quite like that indeed Space doesn't exist, it's a multidimensional matrix of which we perceive just one edge But it's a bit uncorrect to say a black hole is an entanglement, is more a mound compared to a flat desert, where there is more stuff than the rest
    1 point
  15. Monday morning isn’t easy... but I’ll try then!
    1 point
  16. Yes,its great.Sadly they do seem to not stick around for very long,or are very infrequent visitors.I think in general the site is more suitable for the more exhibitionist female,who might enjoy showing off her own urinary skills,as its not really a meeting site,where a girl might get to meet another girl etc.But its great we have some lovely ladies on here,and i hope they enjoy it in their own way.
    1 point
  17. be ready on sunday evening I'll notify you if the games will start OR if I did not win the lottery If they start, they'll start from monday morning so be ready!
    1 point
  18. Okay, I will take an entry. bpb
    1 point
  19. Yes, scientists have even invented a word to describe this - spaghettification - ie being stretched out like spaghetti. This occurs because the difference in strength of gravity over even extremely small distances is so great that it literally stretches things apart. Curiously though, the more massive the black hole, the less extreme the gravitational differences over short distances, and the less intense the spaghettification. Let's be clear here. The gravitational strength is utterly overwhelming, but the DIFFERENCE in strength over short distances is far less. For one of the large
    1 point
  20. Hello peeing_princess64, Have you tried peeing next to your bed when you wake up first thing in the morning? If you haven't and prefer not to pee on the carpet/floor you can put a towel down first and fold it up a few layers thick.
    1 point
  21. If she's over 45, you're probably fine in that aspect, but still, smart to keep close tabs!
    1 point
  22. I should very much like to attend a Kaymalan dinner party!
    1 point
  23. Count me in, but due to time zone differences I may not be able to participate as fully as some others.
    1 point
  24. @Daniel_defo @Scot_Lover @nightlifeonly83 @Potatoman @expererg Reply to this or simply react to let me know you read it, and be ready, as we will start soon if I win the lottery!!!
    1 point
  25. This is the core of magick opposed to book and philosophical pathetic magic and flamboyant dresses for rituals Because logic must bow to practice What you writes suddenly stops to be true passing Beyond a limit zone, which reaches the end of what you wrote and prevent the time-stretching from further enhancing. Reached a certain limit, the one who's sucked in will reach the limit Beyond which time will reach its maximum of acceleration, and he will likely see a lot of things in few seconds, and then he will simply burn in the Accretion Disk Likely, from the outside
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. True. I’ve never had a ton. And currently I’m in the worst financial shape in years. Gf is aware. I am watching her actions carefully. She has never asked for a penny, but I have helped her out considerably and paid for most everything we do. I’ve made it a point to say things will be different now. So far I have noticed no change in attitude or behavior.
    1 point
  28. In this vile world, money means chances, and chances are what we all are after
    1 point
  29. Call me a cynic, but I have often observed that the size of your bank balance often matters much more than the size of your dick, lol
    1 point
  30. I strongly suspect the answer would be no with an approach like that. Lol
    1 point
  31. This was something growing from afar I will never be #2 ahahahahaha I'll be hapy to become at least #5 bit it's really too far Anyway, congrats again!!!! Nobody here is a 360" contributor like you!!!!
    1 point
  32. According to the vote you guys want me to wear black on black again today xD so here's today's outfit xD
    1 point
  33. Where to begin, lol When we first met 13 years ago, we couldn't get enough, and when sweet Mary was converted, we could get enough again. We went out of our way to splatter each other, in any way you could imagine. Just one position wasn't used, the girls don't like 'squatting' over someone, they have determined that it's not a sexy thing to do. Standing in the shower works well, with suitable protection on the bed, laying down can have you feeling like you're being drowned. Laying on a floor is something quick when they're desperate, but that sometimes seems impersonal, clinical even. An
    1 point
  34. It was a sunday afternoon, a walk in town I needed a piss as I love to drink thea and/or beer, so I just paused next to a wall and let go Alex shoot this in the very beginning but by the end of the piss I made a HUGE puddle as I was really full!!!
    1 point
  35. I like this one it kind of reminds me of playing "ill show you mine if you show me yours"
    1 point
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