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  1. I once peed in my friends shed! She was running a few errands and would be a little late so she told me instead of standing outside the front like a lemon I could go down the side of her house and wait in the back garden.I already really needed to pee and hoped to use her bathroom but it was also the middle of winter and absolutely freezing, and the cold makes you need to pee more. I had been sitting at her garden table for about 20 minutes when I just couldn't wait any longer. I needed to pee and now! Normally I would just go on the grass but it was overlooked on all sides and I could he
    4 points
  2. I also found these
    3 points
  3. I'm really not proud of this but here goes😬😬 I was at a house party and had drank back lot of fluids so I got into the line for the toilet feeling my bladder getting really full. The waistband on my skinny jeans was not helping things. The line wasn't moving because someone was throwing up and I felt a spurt leak into my panties as my need to pee rapidly increased. I knew I'd never make the line. I slipped into one of the guest bedrooms so I could hold myself for a second and when I went out saw that ten more people had gotten in line and my spot was gone. I felt another leak spurt
    3 points
  4. Let me explain the situation, where I work, there's a beautiful girl that works in the office, and I work for the maintenance company. The beautiful yound lady always pee's down the hallway bathroom. Once i went in the next bahroom which I was able to listen to her pee. Wow, the sound is quite impressive and when she left the washroom, i entered to go see this single toilet bathroom which, after closer inspection, there was pee all over the seat, so I licked the seat. I have been doing it 5 days a week or almost a month. A friend found out what I like doing, he never said anything about i
    2 points
  5. Hi all, long time since I've had chance to write anything but here is another from me -- just a short one today. This is a story set in the 'Kaymala' world -- you should be able to read these in any order, but if interested the first episode is here, and the introduction of these characters is here. **************************** Simon awoke to the sound of water trickling onto a wooden floor. He opened his eyes and looked groggily around. Sunlight was creeping in through the hostel dorm window, and he guessed it must be mid morning. There was no sign of life from the othe
    2 points
  6. I don't consider this cheating and here's why, You derived enjoyment of a sexual nature from the fluids of another woman, as opposed to directly interacting with her. You have not had physical or emotional contact with her, plus this woman is not aware or knowingly participating in your sexual enjoyment of her pee, so I consider it no more cheating than admiring a coworker from afar and never acting on it. As a man you are attracted to good looking women, it's natural, it's what nature designed us to do. But remember every time you're out and see a hot random woman that you know you would
    2 points
  7. It is a greeting A ritual cannot be taped I was performing a greeting for the Gods, indeed summoning if not Them, at least Their glory to shoot a book that was meant to show the actual side of what I am/do That knife had been forged on purpose by a fellow magician, with hieroglyphs carved on the blade, and the robe was originally from a different coven, but re-consacrated by me first person to the Gods The incenses are real incenses from various parts of the world I shelter in my magick room, and the candles are black and consacrated with my urine, expelled after holding it
    2 points
  8. @Ponme Ok Pon, first of all, I need to notify you that since I am a Witch, my conception of cheating si different than usual That said, I think that according to common sense, it is, since you practiced an act which grants you sexual gratification while you girlfriend was at home suspecting nothing That said, ME MYSELF AND I have a different point of view In my opinion you di not cheated on her, as it is normal for men to crave every woman, sexually appealing ones even more I think you should talk to yourself The only thing you really betrayed is the
    2 points
  9. So I had to flip a coin to see for both the top and bottom. The winning combination was black leggings and an athletic jacket! So I pretty much look like this. Thanks for voting!
    2 points
  10. @Sophie Ok Trying to slow down breath "Dear Sophie… I am officially fingering" This is the kind of story that brought me here years ago, much before actually registering
    2 points
  11. This is a thread about weapons Anybody can post his favourites and talk about them!!! I am not in Agreement with weapon-prolification, people says they are needed for protection, but I say "Protection from who??" if weapons were not so easy to find?! BUT in themselves, the mechanic, the masculine power, the powerful and arousing appearence, and the tribute to the fact that, used for good or bad or even kept quiet, violence is part of existence, and part of us
    1 point
  12. So I decided to have some fun and drank a ton of water to get really desperate and let go in my jean shorts xD. I tried to spread the wetness as much as I could with my hands so sorry for the weird wet spot. Anyways thanks for looking my pictures! I love you all so much!!❤️ -Riley
    1 point
  13. A human soul is a 5 dimensional seed that at its current status is asleep. It means that it holds all our history throughout every Death and rebirth, granting us immortality, though losing almost all memories from one life through another, yet treasuring all important experiences that slowly shapes us from infant souls to powerful beings. Souls need a body to express themselves, when they are between reincarnations they sleep and dream, if life had been honourable, memories are crafted in an overall sensation of peace, while if life had been evil and filled with anguish and negativ
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Ok I am saying it... IT NEVER FUCKING JAMS
    1 point
  16. I am Always sad when humans have to fght against each other, as the only battle is against the meaninglessness of our lives to make them great again But the masculine danger and honour of war, the fight to the Death, the fear, the capability to keep one's blood cold, the tactical thinking... WOW It's supreme!!!
    1 point
  17. Thak you darling Now you know me a little better….
    1 point
  18. Mercy! I have seen many of these pictures before as you have shared them over the past year, but how wonderful to have them all in one place. A few of them I do not recall seeing and want to know more. I will copy and paste them when I am back at my full computer instead of the tablet and can more easily select content.
    1 point
  19. Sunday walk in town center, I felt the need for a good piss, so I just hiked up my dress and...
    1 point
  20. @Sophie Beside some (pleasurable for me) interruptions… well… just cummed That was a quickie!!!
    1 point
  21. I am never desperate I can hold it for many hours before becoming desperate and indeed much before I reach that point I piss somewhere Indeed, I piss where I am as soon as I begin to feel the need, I simply hide and pop a squat, utterly wherever To really find a place, I must go back, back, back with the memory I was waiting to shoot a professional photobook for a porn-producing society, but there was one single bathroom and many girls waiting in line, so I pissed in the building hallway, down the stairs that lead to the floor we were on Nobody noticed me, and i
    1 point
  22. Somehow I never published this chapter here, although it has been available elsewhere for years. Since I'm publishing part 5 now, I'd like all the chapters available in one convenient location. The World Is Her Toilet Part 4 - The Japanese Garden Betty awoke feeling refreshed and smiled as she recalled the acts of piss vandalism she and Kelsey perpetuated earlier that morning. The evidence would be gone by now, but maybe she would walk by the Metro Rail System Authority and take a peek anyway. Today might hold its own opportunities for naughtiness. A few weeks ago, Betty rec
    1 point
  23. My point about the vapes is,if smoking tobacco is addictive,then why is the idea of sucking on what is basically a metal cigarette,any better?Its still an indication of your weak will.That you need to have something to do with your hands.Just quit.
    1 point
  24. I've posted this elsewhere, but thought the audience here might enjoy it as well, if it hasn't been seen already. I made a few minor edits and changes from the original posting. (This was the first naughty peeing story I ever wrote, and there are things I'd do differently now, but what's done is done.) All feedback is welcome. If there's interest, I'll post the other three parts. Betty and Edward had mutual friends they were meeting at a bar downtown, and it seemed like a good idea to share a ride. But Betty was growing frustrated. Edward had circled the same few city blocks five times alr
    1 point
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