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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2017 in Posts

  1. When we were young kids,we used to lie on our bellies in the snow and make holes for our willies and pee in the holes.The fun of childhood...
    2 points
  2. There is too much snow and its really cold outside, too cold to pee for sure. I told my husband, if I am ever stuck needing to pee, there is no way in hell I am going to freeze outside and that he would better be ready to serve me lololol (he will not argue with it too)
    2 points
  3. Many suggestions I would have made have already been offered, but here are some ideas for the future, or just to fantasize about. I know some of them may not be possible given the concern about CCTV cameras. - On someone's car. Either brazenly climbing on it without worrying about dents or scratches from your heels and piss all over the hood or roof, or take a standing pee and piss all over the driver side door and handle, knowing whoever owns the car will have to touch your pee to get back in their vehicle. - Against the front door or window of a shop. - On the floor or
    2 points
  4. It's too hot here, puddles evaporate as you watch them, wet clothes are dry in 15 min, I've never seen much snow, let alone enough snow to pee in, lol
    2 points
  5. Waited all day to have a naughty pee in the bedroom. It felt relieving and arousing at the same time! some of it got under the door and rolled down the hallway!
    1 point
  6. Well i finished a pot of coffee and the paper this morning. Started to feel the urge and decided i didnt want to get up and head to the bathroom. Most of it ended up on my shorts.
    1 point
  7. Hi Nancy.Heres a new thread for communicating.
    1 point
  8. My man's beard is like the one bore by guys from India, the kind of beard that looks like female pubic hairs It's really long, I mean no less than 3 - 4 inches when left to herself all curdled, and up to 8 if pulled straight He got moustache too, and his hairs reach his waist (and are FUCKING softer than silk, he damned motherfucker) Many warlocks shave their heads completely, other clans focus more on a wild image
    1 point
  9. In a wide research about various subject, it popped up that, among 8000 people interviewed, from all around the world and from the most different social classes, ONE PERSON OUT OF SEVEN had sexual interests in pee. Not that they are pee fetishists, the poll wasn't that detailed, it was mostly about other things, but 'round 1000 - 1200 persons adfirmed they consider urine as something related to sex and performed or imagined pee play at least once. This could mean that outthere there is a BILLION of pee fetishists. I can sincerely say this: I can very roughly sum up the number of pe
    1 point
  10. I wrote little thoughts about my life as a witch throughout the Whole forum, most than else in the spam thread about Sophie's custom story for Christmas. It cannot be described shortly, though I can obviously answer focused questions (if they are not secrets to be kept). You have to understand that this particular thing in my life is less a facet of the geometrical figure I am, and more the overall colour of the figure itself. Therefore, it is more likely that new thoughts and considerations will pop up a little here and a little there around the various threads, rather than pile up those kink
    1 point
  11. Here, I'll talk about anything people like!!! Except for those things I wouldn't talk to anybody, like Coven secrets or the like The only problem is that I have to log out now!!! :-( sad face Post what you like, and I'll answer when I got back in. I excuse myself in advance, because I will not be on the forum that much in these days. I will have to do a lot of things, many of which involve pee which will be told on this forum ASAP. Thanks Fanny, forgive me for logging out like that just now
    1 point
  12. AHAHAHAHAHAHA absurd, your'great!!!
    1 point
  13. I love gothic and romantic metal, like Nightwish. They are quite my favourite band because though the singer was a boastful fucker, she had a marvellous voice and their Tunes were dream-like. I am really romantic person, though It is hard for me to deploy that side of me because after meeting Alex, I had been introduced in much much darker misteries. I am not gonna talk about these things with anybody in details, let's just say that while I had Always known that Wtchcraft possessed both a Light and a Dark side, I was completely unexperienced about what the Dark really meant until I met Alex. F
    1 point
  14. There's a line in the lyrics where the singer cry out something like "...Master, I can feel your breath" with a demented voice. It really gives me chills
    1 point
  15. For what concerns my dreams, they are twisted, believe me. Dreams engendered by rituals are like LSD trips. Not necessarily for what happens, but for the feeling they are filled with
    1 point
  16. I know that ths forum is great and full of love. Yet, when you are at a party, you do not start talking about Nazi's extermination camps, though Jewish suffering are one of the most terrible and worthy of respect of all the things in the world. I do not endorse their religion because I do not endorse religions at all, but fuck what they endured is Beyond words. Yet, though eorthy of the utmost respect, it's a History chapter so dark that nobody could be willing to talk about it while trying to hook up. There's a time for everything. The music I like most is not "wrong", but is terrifying.
    1 point
  17. When do I not leave big puddles? No I have not taken any pictures, we were trying to do this quickly before other people would pass by. :-)
    1 point
  18. Thanks from the heart Not only is something like that Always heart - touching to read, but also THIS was the kind of friendship I wanted to build when I decide to become more active on the forum, therefore I am very happee to read that!!! Done countless times. It is naughty and avoid splashes Too high!!! Though I peed on leftlets in blocks hallways those times too to avoid splashes, but mainly out of plain - out kinkiness Done. It was night and Alex and I were outside. We ended up in a similar place while walking, and I peed down the slide. He got
    1 point
  19. Christmas day today and I had been with my wifes family about 2 hours from home. On the way back, I was travelling with my wife, daughter and Mother in law (MIL). i had to drop MIL off before returning home. Wife fell asleep in the car. when we got to MIL’s, daughter said she really needed to pee. She went inside and went straight upstairs to the bathroom. I carried MIL’s bags in and left her inside to unload them. i needed to pee as well but I figured with daughter in bathroom and MIL also likely to need the bathroom, I would pee on the path that goes up to woods next to her house. I
    1 point
  20. Yesterday actually I popped over to a friends house to drop off her Christmas present and we had a coffee together, a chat etc. You know how it goes. Well a quick chat and a coffee lasted a couple of hours and by the end of it I really needed a wee. I asked where her bathroom was because I had never been to this new house of hers and she said "Oh it's weird, follow me I'll show you." It was weird, we went down a narrow hallway and then down like a little corridor before getting to her bathroom. She said "Actually, do you mind if I go first? I'm bursting" I told her it was no proble
    1 point
  21. 1 In a club, there was a cage people can climb into and dance. I always danced there in my corset - microskirt - stockings- no panties - high heels attire, and drunk-danced like the witch I am , often (I had been told by those on the floor, a bit lower than the cage-platform) showing my pussy for the world to see My fantasy had Always been peeing from there, down onto people, targeting casual bystanders or, even better, a fully willingly one!!! 2 Peed in a plant pot in the garden of night club, while talking to a girl I was desperately trying to hook up with. I wasn't so sure she wa
    1 point
  22. Sorry for the late reply... I just now saw all the posts. I'm not going to shun the praise like I usually do, because this isn't about me this time. I'd never the intention of hi-jacking this thread and for a long time I questioned whether or not to even post in it at all. I know this was your idea and you have filled so many pages with those ideas, that you have every right to take a step back, breathe, and brainstorm. I'll say for this thread to stay "humble" as it were, we needed stories that were somewhat similarly repetitive. It added the aire of believably to the stories, seeing 1 person
    1 point
  23. Hi there, all of you guys! :-) We are Alex, 28, and Nancy, 27. We have been reading threads on this forum for ages but never decided to sign in, because we have always been very reluctant to give people details about our kinky life. The main reason is that what we do is often law-breaking (public pee always is, yet my country is particularly strict about it) and very daring, therefore we have always been afraid that one day police would have started to scan forums online. We do not believe in the necessity of the concept of "Nation" and do not endorse the existence of laws, except fo
    1 point
  24. 2 Girls By Leaky_One Whilst posing for their picture together, Sally couldn’t help notice how Katrina kept squirming. It was quite obvious that she was bursting to go but was too polite to say anything. As soon as the photoset was done Sally ceased her chance. “Katrina, I’m going round the back for a quick pee. Do you want to join me?”. It was obvious by the uncertain way that Katrina agreed that she didn’t really appreciate the fact that Sally meant doing her piss outside rather than find a toilet. Taking Katrina’s hand, Sally lead her round the corner of the building
    1 point
  25. I just did this twice today.i was at the mall and I had to go sooooo bad. They had just opened actually and everything was all clean. So of course I had to make it dirty. Went to the last stall pulled down my pants went right in front of the toilet on the floor. And than went on the seat than on the side. I stood up went 2 stalls down and peed in front of the toilet there and than went to the bigger stall and finished in the corner. I got what I needed and left the mall. Tonight I was coming home and had to go so I stopped at a gas station. It was a single bathroom, to my pleasure it was alre
    1 point
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