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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2016 in all areas

  1. This just happened today, I couldn't wait to get home and post this. I work in finance, my boss, who happens to be the CFO is kind of atypical in that she interacts and jokes with her employees often and you wouldn't think she runs the place given her approach to managing. She's in her late 40's, blonde, great figure, very big chest. Basically she is one sexy middle aged woman. Today we started this huge report that requires me to work with her so she can walk me through it since it's my first time doing it. Now usually we go out for lunch but today I stayed in my office. She didn't reali
    2 points
  2. Mark just moved into his new house and had his utilities turned on, with the exception of electricity. He thought that at first his lights needed replaced but realized there is a problem when he put his clothes in the washer and it didn't start. The power company turned it on but it is not working. After calling them and being told that his fuse box needs checked he schedules an appointment for the next morning. They tell him that the tech will be there at 9 am. He tells them that he has to work and will leave the door unlocked and for the tech to leave the bill on the kitchen table. The
    2 points
  3. Dear Wet Carpet My name is Sharon and I am a 29 year old brunette living in a council flat on the outskirts of Manchester. I have a part time job but money is tight. Life is a financial struggle to me. My best friend Debbie - she uses the "professional" name Chantal now - went to school with me and grew up on the same estate. She is the same age as me - 29 - and a very attractive blonde. She was always popular with the guys, something she now very much uses to her advantage. A few years back we often went out on the town, where I gained a reputation for being a bit of a skanky cow after a
    2 points
  4. Hi guys, There was a post like this on pee search that was really interesting so I thought I would start one here. This question is for us ladies... How do you normally go about peeing in the pool? I personally have a few methods. My favorite way is to wade in so the water is about half way up my bikini and than I let go. I love the feeling of my cool wet bikini warming with the heat of my pee as it mixes with the pool water. Sometimes, if I am lucky enough to be at the pool alone than I will go to a jet and I will pull my bikini to the side and allow the water to massage my clit. I f
    1 point
  5. Continuing through the morning with their bladders fuller than any one would usually bear, Luciana set about cleaning up Cassandra's toilets from the previous night, while Cassie went to relax on the front porch. With her ear to the open window, waiting for Luci to call her inside if she needed to pee, as per their agreement. Still wearing her sodden panties and skirt she was starting to feel the effects of the cold wet fabric clinging to her twat and buttocks, and just when she was thinking about warming herself up she saw a car coming down the road. Reflexively clamped her pee hole shut but
    1 point
  6. Hahaha, My supervisor is quite loud as well. Imagine hearing this a few stalls away? I was wispering to myself, holy shit!! I do have my loud moments and i believe many do. What makes it loud or a strong stream, i am not sure.
    1 point
  7. @Alfresco I would've loved seeing that. I really enjoy when women's thongs are visible either because their pants are too low or leggings are transparent. Some of them are clueless s to how much they are showing, others show off intentionally. Either way, just knowing and seeing that she has a thong stuck up her ass is so hot. I've seen so many women in public stick their hand in their ass to adjust their thong and they just walk around with a dirty hand without a care in the world.
    1 point
  8. @Alfresco Thanks. I was going to have her regret her act at first. I'm glad I changed my mind, it's so much sexier that she genuinely doesn't care about ruining the shirts.
    1 point
  9. Great story. Very realistic and resourceful lady finding a sensible place to pee, but not worrying about the effects on the shirts.
    1 point
  10. Definitely a lucky day. I guess you might be trying to catch a few more views and chances to listen. Not pee related, but your cameltoe viewing is a prompt for reporting that on Saturday I was at a Christmas Fair and a tall blonde lady running a book stand was wearing a long Christmas jumper with black tights and long boots. The jumper came to just below her bottom and I couldn't see any skirt underneath, so I liked to imagine that she wasn't wearing one. I was right. She was wearing the long jumper as effectively a short dress. When she bent over to pick a book out from a box und
    1 point
  11. I loved the story. Limits help focus a story and can provide new ideas within those limits that you may not of thought about the first time. You also hit a sweet spot for me with the washing machine peeing, I don't think we see that enough.
    1 point
  12. I remember my ex girlfriend and I used to share a lot with each other. First of all I was very surprised that she liked pee, I've never known anyone in person who also enjoyed it. She asked me to go on her chest and I did. It was nicer than I thought. I never imagined giving before but now I am open to it. I used to watch and touch her as she peed everyday and lick her during and afterwards. Licking as a woman pees is my favorite thing. It tastes better than I thought as well. The last time we had the best experience ever. We were getting ready to have sex and I asked if she had to pee, (which
    1 point
  13. One of my fantasies is for a lady to start peeing as I am going down on her and I continue licking her as she pees. Have never had the pleasure in real life, though, sadly
    1 point
  14. Hi Steve! I glad that you enjoyed reading. I am not sure if I will be peeing less often outdoors since the weather is cold and I am one of those that don't like the cold. If it doesn't snow for a while, then I do take my jogging runs and I do have certain places that I pee.
    1 point
  15. April 3rd 1993 Had the weirdest one yet, yesterday. A wealthy woman in her 40s wanted to hire my services for herself and her two daughters in their early 20s. I thought, hang on a fucking minute. Firstly, I don't really do lesbian sex as a rule. And certainly not if it involves anything incestuous. But it turned out to be nothing like that. Basically, there was no sex wanted or anything. They all just wanted to piss on me just for a laugh. On the floor. At my place. When I got offered 5k and she agreed to my insistence om 6k, it was a deal. We'd do it in my kitchen, where the floor does
    1 point
  16. Nice story. I love the genuine naughtiness of this one. The girl deliberately pissing on the guy's clothes, awesome. If it were my clothes I wouldn't mind at all - but only if I were allowed to watch.
    1 point
  17. I've just pissed myself wearing me mams knickers
    1 point
  18. Your description of women bending over and peeing brought back some vivid memories from past I would like to share here before they are gone from my mind. Like you I have many sightings of young women doing a bent over ass out pee in full view. For most women it would be either in bushes or where others are peeing including men. Most of them would be oblivious of the show they put for other men around. As mentioned its their clothing that actually makes them adapt to this position and most are probably aware of the show they are putting on but have no choice. In fact, I have seen bladder press
    1 point
  19. Yes the eternal butt shake and some go up and down as well giving a nice show of the as cheeks separating and closing, female pee and female genitals are the most intricate of nature's gift with variety like none.
    1 point
  20. The rear view half squats are amazing as they reveal the maximum details if one is lucky to be at the right position. This was for me a new discovery when I landed in US at age of sixteen. Most or majority of sighting I saw in India were usually full squat with ass either lifted a bit from ground or low to ground. One had to be in front to see the bits. Some older women did stand pee but they would hide their bits under their wrap around dress. I began to see many young girls do this kind of half squats when I would go for outdoor get together in school and later college. It was the most detai
    1 point
  21. On Sunday night I saw a skinny girl running down the field towards the bushes at quite a pace, she was tall and with shoulder length blonde hair with small boobs, wearing a blouse and jeans... it struck me as odd to be running in such attire. She headed into some sparse bushes nearby and put on a right show. She was sighing and whimpering as she fiddled with the catches on her jeans and the zip and was hopping from leg to leg. Finally she had her jeans unbuttoned and she pulled them down hurriedly, but her knickers (white with a blue trim around the edge) only came down a short way so she had
    1 point
  22. Never have noticed anyone watching me while I was peeing in the pool. Sometimes I go in the pool just to pee.
    1 point
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