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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2016 in all areas

  1. I am not quite sure if is shouldn't have posted this in the off topic sections, since it is about Video-/Computer-Games, but since it has to do with peeing, I figure it might just as well fit here. ;) I have come across a lot of games in my life, but this one must be one of the weirdest. My Summer Car - Trailer You are playing as a guy in Finland in 1995, the game starts in a house in a rural area near a lake. The goal seems to be to assemble a Car from scratch (all necessary parts are in your garage, including tools). You can make money doing some tasks, and yo
    1 point
  2. Hi guys, There was a post like this on pee search that was really interesting so I thought I would start one here. This question is for us ladies... How do you normally go about peeing in the pool? I personally have a few methods. My favorite way is to wade in so the water is about half way up my bikini and than I let go. I love the feeling of my cool wet bikini warming with the heat of my pee as it mixes with the pool water. Sometimes, if I am lucky enough to be at the pool alone than I will go to a jet and I will pull my bikini to the side and allow the water to massage my clit. I f
    1 point
  3. One time I was at a house party with over 200 people. There was a live band, tons of alcohol and it was so much fun.. I must have drank over 6 beers within the first hour and felt the strongest urge to pee. Unfortunately there was only one available bathroom in the house but I didn’t think I could wait. I noticed there were 3 portable pottys in the yard but there was no way in hell I was gonna use one of those nasty things. So I casually snuck into one of the bedrooms and decided to pee in a closet. I kicked off my flip flops, took off my shorts, then sat my ass down on a little step stool an
    1 point
  4. Some days when I’m feeling excited for that warm damp feeling I’ll purposely let out a few drops of pee right in my panties where it isn’t so noticeable. Usually if I am weraing a loose skirt or sweat pants. Just enough trickle to feel a little damp spot in my crotch. Then as the day progresses I’ll let out a tiny bit more pee (about every 30 minutes or so) just to keep that wonderful moist feeling of being wet even longer. There’s nothing quite like that naughty secret of being wet as I roam around the house, grocery store, or where ever I may be, with a nice damp crotch.
    1 point
  5. Go to the toilet, do not pass go, do not collect $200, rofl. Sorry, girls and I got a giggle out of that, couldn't let it go by.
    1 point
  6. I wonder how many games developers have a pee fetish and have managed to subtly add it to the game. "We should totally add the ability to pee in this game!" "Dave... it's monopoly "
    1 point
  7. You know, I kind of wish Egwalrus was here right now to say "I told you so". I cannot believe they actually went and did it.....overlooking totally the obnoxious character of the man in order to register a protest against the Establishment. And in consequence they have just put a racist, sexist, sociopath with a short fuse into the Whitehouse with access to the nuclear codes. The world is about to become a much more dangerous place. Only racists have much to cheer.
    1 point
  8. I have done a bit of research into this as we have a hot tub. The thing with a hot tub is you sometimes get several people sitting in it at the same time, often drinking and the temptation to pee in the warm water is very great and preferable to having to get out to pee and getting cold into the bargain. It is typically recommended that the water in a domestic hot tub is changed around 3 to 4 times a year, so there is potential for pee to accumulate in that time. (As an aside, if you've ever peed in a hot tub, it is an interesting effect if the water is warmer than body temperature as the
    1 point
  9. Alfresco's post reminded me of a train journey. The train was virtually empty, and I had been sitting and gently peeing through my black skirt into the seat when I fancied getting something from the buffet. I stopped peeing for a few minutes to let the wet patch on my skirt fade and went to the buffet (enjoying the wet hem of my skirt on the back of my legs as I walked). When I got back to my seat with my comestibles I was a little surprised to find a group of people now sitting in my bay surrounded by all of my stuff! Why they did not sit in an empty bay I will never know, but the chap s
    1 point
  10. I have a friend who usually throws a girls weekend every year. She has a beautiful back yard with a pool and a nice patio. Giirls weekend falls on the same weekend as the guys fishing weekend so all the guys head up to a cabin and us girls drink, tan and hang by the pool. She has no problem with us pissing in the pool as the only bathrooms are inside and she has very nice wood floors with she doesn't want stained or damaged by pool water and wet people. Therefore, during the day when we are out in the pool, it serves not only as a great place to hang out But it also serves as our main bathr
    1 point
  11. I like the idea from Uniloo of having chairs shaped like toilet seats at swim-up bars. Almost everyone will pee while sitting there so why not emphasize it! As Sara says it's sexy to know that people around you are discretely emptying themselves in the same water as you are sitting in. Drinking, chatting and peeing - with the water possibly gradually getting slightly warmer.
    1 point
  12. In the case of a swim up bar, I think it's an open invitation to pee where you want when you want. I've spent nearly entire days around the swim up bar area. Not once did I go out of my way to pee. I just go when the need strikes. If someone happens to be lucky enough to be close to me than they will get to enjoy my warmth too. I like to share and I always hope that those around me are sharing too. There's nothing sexier than people discretely emptying themselves around you. I love meeting people around the swim up bar. It's always such a rush to have that first piss right in front of them.
    1 point
  13. Have you used any other methods maggie? Another common one I've seen is where girls will rest their arms on the pool wall and rest their head on them while they are peeing to make it look like they are just resting and enjoying the water. I've seen this a few times but most recently while I was on vacation. It was mid morning, about 10:30 or 11:00. There was a couple lying out by the pool reading. They were both in their 30's. They didn't appear to be big partiers as they were at the quiet pool and seemed to just be drinking water. I was in the pool keeping a watchful eye for pool peers when
    1 point
  14. A thoughtful post by Alfresco and I agree with everything he says. The fact is that a majority of swimmers pee in pools. At one extreme are the tiny minority who will always visit toilets before swimming and always get out if they need to pee during a swim. At the other extreme are another minority who always hold before a swim, and also top-up with drinks during a pool visit, to make sure they can pee in the pool as much as possible. (I'll be honest here and admit I'm in this category.) However the majority of swimmers, from what I've seen, take the easiest option. If they need to pee
    1 point
  15. I was at a pool party this weekend at a family friends house! Her name is Jessica and her husband have a beautiful back yard with a lovely in ground pool. I know that jessica isn't afraid to pee in pools because we have vacationed together before and we have peed in the water together many times. I was there with my two sisters and my nieces. There were a bunch of other people there that I hadn't met before too, mostly friends who they worked with. Pretty much all the ladies were in the pool while the men were all in the garage looking at Jessica husbands car. Jessica took the opportunity to
    1 point
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