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    • Yesterday i was thinking to something special and out of my comfort zone completely. I have few days of from work now and i am decided to have good omo fun while i have time and no plans and hurry in few days, haha. I am a shy guy my mid 30s but i think maybe i could do something more daring than my usual wet my pants alone in the shower🤣 I thought it would be fun to have a little holding contest with someone or maybe even with multiple people via skype, i bet it would be special. haha. Like i said i am a bit shy so we can do it in the way we are showing ourselves without showing the face and as i am not good pronouncing english i prefer to chat just with text myself. haha. You can decide how much you will show yourself, its completely yours decicion. I think i like to do this at some point during today if there is interest to participate here, hehe. It is open for anyone without any gender limitations. Answer if you are interested about it, its a bit daring but heck you only live once😆 Rules will be simple: we will have 1.5liter/50.5oz  liquid of your choice, you can decide what you want to consume. We drink normal size drinking glass (2.5dl/8.5oz) in every 10 minutes. By that i mean you will have 10 mins to finish the drink. So liquid will have been consumed around an hour of time. Little leak isnt judged to be losing but after completely lost control is a lose. haha No special rules about clothes but it would be nice to wear some light coloured to make sure wettnes is easy to spot, haha.
    • Steady as he goes still super hydrated
    • Sometimes it’s a squat on your bedroom floor and pee off the edge of your bed onto your clothes type of night.
    • Unfortunately not, I don't go to that many parties at all and if I do I 100% know the person and don't want to do it to them. If left alone a few seconds in a strangers home I would most likely concider it, like if the person I'm in a room with says they have to go pee. Then I know I have like a minute to my self and could find a suitable place for my own pee. Like under a chair cushion or something that would go unnoticed. In a chair or sofa for me, it would have to be one that's in a secluded room or like the basement or something where noone is. I'd simply stand beside it and spray it. I actually did exactly that once (ok, twice) but that wasn't in a party setting, so OT.
    • Nice steady hydrated pee 
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