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Ever drank urine?

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Before anyone complains,im NOT judging here.I can thoroughly understand the desire you may have to drink someones urine,male or female,im just raising a discussion about it...Anyone ACTUALLY drank urine?Myself,its not something i fancy,no matter who it comes out of.Ive tasted a drop maybe on my finger,but i dont fancy actually quaffing a pint or two.I imagine it tastes like hot salty water.On videos where urine is squirted into the mouth,you can see a look of shock,as the alkaline hot taste hits.Probably like drinking from a hot volcanic spring.Its not true either its sterile.Its only sterile whilst in the bladder,but collects all kind of pathogens on its way through the urethra.If anyone likes it,good for you though.

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Been doing it for years.  Never once got sick from it.  It's sterile enough (when the source is healthy) to drink. Period.

The taste varies but from a healthy person who is drug free it's salty to be sure but there's an underlying earthy, almost nutty flavor that I personally find quite pleasant.  When it's stronger, it's saltier and tends to leave a bit of an unpleasant aftertaste, both of which can become overwhelming in a short amount of time.  So, for the stronger pee, go easy.  Maybe a small sip or two and spit the rest out.  When the contributor is well hydrated even over hydrated a bit, their urine is quite pleasant and enjoyable to taste and drink right down.

Urines to stay away from (except for showers and brief oral contact):

__The strong stuff.  Already mentioned.  Stay hydrated.

__Asparagus.  Discussed here and elsewhere.  Imparts a strong odor to the stronger urine but really, not noticeable at all when the contributor is well hydrated.

__B vitamins. Don't take more than the recommended dose and this shouldn't be a factor.  When over indulged though, it can make even the smell unpleasant.  This urine shouldn't even be considered for showering.

__Unless you actually like the flavor of artificial sweeteners, don't consume diet drinks before urine drinking sessions.

__Meds.  Some  drugs and their break down products are passed out of the body via urine.  Some drugs go through unchanged:  opiates, alcohol, antibiotics, amphetamines are some drugs that pass in whole or in part as fully active parent drug.

   If you are on prescription drugs always read the data sheets to find out if your urine drinking partner will be in danger of ingesting these drugs or their by products.

__Antacids.  These are what are responsible for imparting a very unpleasant bitter taste to the urine.  Even a small amount (one Tums tablet, A tablet of Alkaseltzer) within 24 hours of urine drinking can have this effect.  If antacids are consumed before pee play, I would recommend restricting activity to showering and wetting games until the drug as been totally eliminated from the body.

These are just some observations I have made over the years on this subject.  Don't be afraid to taste or even drink urine if you want to but please be aware that there are factors that can make the experience less than enjoyable on occasion.



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My wife either does it in a pint glass for me or squats over me & lets go & i swallow the lot,, & have had her freinds on a couple of occasions too, if they have been drinking rosie wine or alcho pops like blue wickeds ect it tastes nice & is easy to swallow;

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The main problem that people have is the actual idea of chugging it down, I still can't do lots, maybe a mouthful at a time. Mary was funny one time, she accidentally swallowed some, then was horrified that she did, lol. She doesn't mind a little now and then, but like me, still not lots.

Maigh is the only one of us who thinks nothing of it, the thought of swallowing is enough to set her off, and when she does drink, she gets into it totally. We love what it does to her, and just let her do her thing (multiple times, lol). Maigh has learnt what makes her crook and stays away from strong battery acid stuff, while Mary and I may feel queasy, we've never been sick from it. The worst I've been was some intense heartburn, but that seems to have stopped altogether now.

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I have tried it once from my best friend believe it or not and I have swallowed some in small mouth dose being concerned about throwing up. It was okay however it's not my cup of tea. I have asked my husband what does it do for him. First, I am not for peeing in a jug and watch him drink, that's a no no for me, maybe because I am turned on by his desperate reaction. His eyes has like a glaze and he get's horny knowing I'm about to pee. I would say, he swallows at least the first 15 seconds ish and the rest well he can't keep up lololol   He told me how it tasted and said it tastes not bad at all and has no problem drinking. As long as it turns him on, I will keep doing it for him.

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I once drank mine for a dare but I didn't enjoy it probably more for the fact of my diet at the time. I also sampled my ex'es once after we had both been out drinking, from what I remember it didn't taste unpleasant. But this could have been for the fact that copious amounts of liquids had been consumed so it was like drinking water. Would I do it again? Given the right circumstances I would consider it but I wouldn't want to commit to it.

Edited by lovestoseepee
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I love it and do it as often as my fiance wants to, but for us it's mostly take a mouthful or so in the tub while she pees on me.  I have downed a whole glass of hers occasionally and as long as she's hydrated, which she usually is, it doesn't have much flavor except for a buttery nutty taste to it that I find nice.

Obviously if she is sick, especially if she is worried about any urinary tract stuff I don't drink it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have drunk my own and my wife’s.  I prefer my wife’s.   It is better when she has drunk plenty so she is hydrated and therefore not excessively strong.   I also prefer it when she has drunk lemonade as it sweetens it.  

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3 hours ago, Alfresco said:

definitely tastes nicest when she has been drinking rose wine and lemonade spritzer.

wow, interesting

next time I'll have a lesbian lover, I will definitely try!!!:')

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As i said,im not judging anyone on this,it was purely curiousity.If you like it,enjoy.I HAVE tasted it lightly,on my finger tips.I can honestly say nothing tastes as nice a strangers pee.If you saw who the stranger is of course.One time,where i knew 2 girls out jogging had been,and a few times the girl who worked at a cafe,where id set up the unisex loo so i knew it was hers only.

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