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Women watching the men pee.

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Yesterday I went to a beer festival, it opened at 11am just as I arrived, the first thing that I did was to go for a pee, (the tablets that I am on). The toilet area is normally set up so that as you go into it there is a hand-wash station with 2 or 3 disabled toilets behind it with the lady's toilets going to the right in a L shape, to the left a 6 module urinal with its entrance in the middle, then toilets to make up a L shape. This time the lady's was the same but the disabled toilets were to the left of a gap, (to give an emergency exit), with a 3 module urinal to the left of them with the entrance on the end with the hand-wash station infront of the entrance.
I went in and as I peed I could see the hand-wash station and anyone using it could see straight into the urinals, when I came out I saw the other 3 module urinal on the other side of the hand-wash, its entrance at the end so that anyone coming from the lady's to use it could see right up through it.
On my second visit to pee there was a woman with her back to the hand-wash side looking into the urinals at a young lad, I said excuse me as I went passed her into the urinals passed the lad to the second urinal module trough, she was still looking as I peed, the lad went to the hand-wash with the woman, who was still watching.
The next time I went there was a male security guard there telling you to go to the far end of the urinals as some lady had complained about the men peeing.
The last time I went there was both a male and female guard there they were putting red/white tape across the other urinal entrance and had taped black bin bags over the first urinal trough with a notice not to be used.
How come us men can get into trouble peeing into the gents urinals there for that use, but a women watching can complain about it and get it stopped.

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That's the usual double standard like:

If a woman sunbathes nude in her garden and a man looks out of his window next door and sees her, he is classed as a peeping Tom.   However, if a man sunbathes nude in his garden and a woman looks out of her window next door and sees him, he risks being reported for exposing himself.

If a woman goes into a male toilet (e.g. when queues are long), she gets full view of the men peeing at the urinals, then goes and hides herself completely in the cubicle and the men don't worry about it at all.  If a man goes into a woman's toilet the woman complain bitterly and accuse him of all sorts of things, then he risks arrest.

Having said that, at the O2 arena in London where women were queuing for the men's cubicles and standing watching the men using the urinals, the security did kick them out (but didn't do anything else).  To be honest, they could have left them because none of the men were complaining at all.

I have found that male urinal facilities at events are becoming more and more exposed.   I was at an airshow recently where there were some normal, permanent toilet facilities, but a lot of portaloos had been set up and there were male urinals of the sort where they are free standing units that four people can use facing into the centre.   They had screening around them, but with a gap for the entrance and no dogleg of screening, so that people outside could see straight in.  I was stood peeing in one of them whilst three ladies were queuing for the portaloos and they were very clearly watching me whilst they waited.

Another event had urinals in a trailer, so you went up the steps and into a trailer where a row of urinals was on each side.  The first three urinals on each side could clearly be seen from the doors.   They were sited adjacent to the ladies portaloos, so there were usually queues of ladies there and they could be seen to be looking into the urinals.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Not sure I'd like this in a public setting like at a concert or festival, but I have no problem in the outdoors where there's no other options nearby. Many times I've peed on trailsides, off small boats and sandbars on the side of rivers, only to look around and catch the eyes of women staring back at me. The least I could do was smile.

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This was a music festival one summer.  There were a line of port-a-loos near the front of the main stage.  There was a gap between them and the chain link fence behind them.  On the other side of the fence was woodland.  I went for a walk in the woods and found my way behind the loos.  There was a constant stream of people - in broad daylight - going behind the loos to pee.  Both men and women.  The women peeing there were too desperate to be able to wait in the queue for the toilets, and I saw many bare themselves to squat and pee on the ground.

With me in the woods was a small group; two blokes, and two girls.  The blokes were watching all the girls peeing behind the toilets, and the the two girls were watching the men, and also watching the men with them getting turned on by the activity.

I didn't stay long, but I must have seen 20-30 girls squatting, and there must have been twice that number of men watering the ground.

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  • 2 years later...
On 11/19/2019 at 3:27 PM, Beach Bro said:

This topic reminded me of my physical for the army when I was 19.  All of the inductees were wearing just their underwear.  We were in a single file line and went from station to station to check our heart, blood pressure, etc.  As the line passed a wall into the next room, I saw 2 porcelain trough urinals built into an L shaped wall.  At the entrance was a woman handing out jars and giving us a sticker to apply with our information.  At the end of the urinals was another woman who collected the jars.  My place was at the end of the urinals next to the lady who collected the jars and put them on a cart.  I walked up to the trough, lifted the leg opening of my briefs, and stood there waiting to pee.  For whatever reason, it took me a little while to start the flow.  Meanwhile, guys are walking behind me to give the lady the filled jars to put on the cart.  A guy walked up to the empty spot next to me as my dick was inside the jar waiting to fire.  As soon as I heard his flow start, mine began.  I looked at the lady while I was peeing and almost overflowed the jar.  It was an odd experience, yet I really like peeing with the woman standing right next to me.

I wonder if she liked watching or whether she found it awkward or just part of standard life.

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  • 2 months later...
On ‎11‎/‎29‎/‎2019 at 1:24 AM, owlman76 said:

Reminds me of when we have to take drug tests at work, you go into a toilet and are handed a pot by the tester, usually female, for security reasons she has to remain with you while you do it, but she turns around whilst you pee. I'd drank loads of liquid, filled the pot and continued into the toilet, I was pissing like a racehorse, finally I'd finished, she turned around and took the steaming pot from me, "sounds like you really needed that" she said with a little smile. I was talking to her afterwards and asked what she did for a living, it transpired that most of her working life was spent going around collecting samples for drug testing. "imagine telling people that you take the piss for a living" I replied, " I bet that gets some strange comments" she began to laugh then suddenly added, "oops, nearly did my own sample then", what a shame she was wearing dark trousers, because I think we both knew from her reaction that she'd probably done her 'own sample' albeit a very small one. lol

I get that it's not the main point of your post, but I'm really surprised that a woman would be allowed to supervise male employees taking a drug test. I'm guessing that female employees wouldn't be asked to pee in the presence of a male tester. Also, it seems to me that the process is not conclusive - as I understand it, when Olympic athletes are required to supply a urine sample, the tester actually watches the athlete pee into the collection container.     

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/24/2017 at 10:17 AM, blob74 said:

Yesterday I went to a beer festival, it opened at 11am just as I arrived, the first thing that I did was to go for a pee, (the tablets that I am on). The toilet area is normally set up so that as you go into it there is a hand-wash station with 2 or 3 disabled toilets behind it with the lady's toilets going to the right in a L shape, to the left a 6 module urinal with its entrance in the middle, then toilets to make up a L shape. This time the lady's was the same but the disabled toilets were to the left of a gap, (to give an emergency exit), with a 3 module urinal to the left of them with the entrance on the end with the hand-wash station infront of the entrance.
I went in and as I peed I could see the hand-wash station and anyone using it could see straight into the urinals, when I came out I saw the other 3 module urinal on the other side of the hand-wash, its entrance at the end so that anyone coming from the lady's to use it could see right up through it.
On my second visit to pee there was a woman with her back to the hand-wash side looking into the urinals at a young lad, I said excuse me as I went passed her into the urinals passed the lad to the second urinal module trough, she was still looking as I peed, the lad went to the hand-wash with the woman, who was still watching.
The next time I went there was a male security guard there telling you to go to the far end of the urinals as some lady had complained about the men peeing.
The last time I went there was both a male and female guard there they were putting red/white tape across the other urinal entrance and had taped black bin bags over the first urinal trough with a notice not to be used.
How come us men can get into trouble peeing into the gents urinals there for that use, but a women watching can complain about it and get it stopped.

If I was watching I certainly wouldn't complain.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/20/2019 at 12:31 PM, Alfresco said:

I wonder if she liked watching or whether she found it awkward or just part of standard life.

Hey Alfresco:  The nurse didn't really react other than to notice that it took me a while to start the flow.  Once the flow started, I looked over at her taking samples from the other men.  Before I knew it, I had to deflect my stream out of the jar and into the trough.  I thought that it was cool that all of these young men peed in front of these 2 women all morning long.  I'd love to have that job!

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On 9/24/2017 at 3:17 PM, blob74 said:

How come us men can get into trouble peeing into the gents urinals there for that use, but a women watching can complain about it and get it stopped.

Gender equality.

Us men always get in trouble for this or that. How things are now.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again here...

Before reaching this community I'd had a growing pee fetish (along with a near obsession with the female body) for a long time.  Like many young men I couldn't get enough, whether it be as a young teen browsing the lingerie section of a Kays catalogue or later discovering porn.  The thing was (a) it was always a guilty secret and (b) it always felt very one sided. Guiltily I felt very much that I was some sort of predator (in thought anyway, not physically) in some male dominated way.  Porn models being controlled and forced to do degrading things for man's pleasure.

Now having spent time here, I find it an absolute blast to realise that there are ladies out there who enjoy seeing a guy pee, just as much as I'd enjoy seeing them. It redresses the balance, brings some equality into things - for me at least.

I'm no exhibitionist, but if there's a circumstance where someone wants to sneak a glance at me, I'm more than happy to allow them.

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