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Impromptu masturbation.


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On 5/17/2024 at 11:34 PM, Hornypeefan said:

Where haven’t I would probably be a shorter list 🤣

in the back seat of in laws car while they drove, various places around the house with other people walking around, in bed while my husband was asleep, in bed when sharing room with friends, on the sofa while I had many friends over and we watched a film together, public toilets, toilets at work, at my desk at work, in the stationary cupboard at work, in the work kitchen, in a queue at a theme park (where I worked), in class sat at my desk, on a bench at the side of a busy road, on a tree stump near a roundabout, in the middle of a public field/park, in the woods, on a nature trail, in a hot tub at the gym with strangers in it, in a sauna and steam room at the gym, in a car park, in a busy shop in an aisle, in fitting rooms, in my car as I drove naked, in my car in public car parks, in my car at the side of a road, back of a taxi, on a train, in a friends car, at a restaurant, in a hospital bed, in my garden, in my front garden, walking along the street, while on the phone to people, on video conference, while talking to  neighbour over a fence, I’m sure there’s likely more 🤣

Good LORD - now that is what you call an inappropriate locations wank list.. I am thoroughly impressed! That manages to even outstrip mine 😉 although there’s definitely a good number on there that I’ve already ticked off, too! And they all resulted in climax, as well? Simply incredible, I love it. How did the in a queue at a theme park one come to be..?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/26/2024 at 11:58 AM, stevemcf said:

The first time I ever pissed all over a public toilet floor got me so turned on and my dick so hard i had to rub one out right there and then. Only took a few strokes and there was a load of cum added to the mess.

Very few things make me want to cum as bad as the feeling you get when standing completely naked in a public bathroom that you have just absolutely covered in piss.

Just knowing that some low-wage worker is gonna walk in there and see the mess I made, and have to clean it up makes my cock really hard.

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On 6/13/2024 at 3:42 AM, puddyls said:

and after getting home, i ended up out on the balcony. it wasn't long before my fingers were casually massaging my clit, leading to me fingering my muffin. and then i couldn't seem to stop. at least not until i'd ended up having an orgasm. 


Do you like tasting yourself during or after you cum? Some people suffer from PNC...

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8 minutes ago, thanks1972 said:

Do you like tasting yourself during or after you cum? Some people suffer from PNC...

what is pnc?

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On 6/18/2024 at 8:49 AM, thanks1972 said:

Post nut clarity.

i still have no idea what that means

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On 7/8/2017 at 8:54 AM, F.W said:

Anyone else seen just something that just instantly aroused you,to the point where you had the opportunity to get it off? Boy or girl,come on ,be honest,there must have been occasions where you were horny and dealt with it there and then? Or is it just me? Am i the only wanker here? :11_blush:

Picking up on the original theme of this thread...

There have been (and still are) plenty of situations that arouse me and I've wanked later (=added them to the mental wank-bank pictures 😄), such as catching someone peeing as I pass an alleyway, seeing someone desperate, etc. Not a strong enough reaction to want to do it then, but arouse myself to the images later the same day.

The only situation I can recall that I got instantly and strongly aroused was many years ago when I was 18 or 19. Out on a countryside walk with a group of friends (mixed), one of the girls was becoming desperate for a pee when we were nearing the end of the walk, but there was nowhere she could hide. Eventually she started to wet herself and just pulls her jeans down and squats on the path, not caring who was around. I was with a couple of others directly behind and we got a full view of her squatting, before turning round and giving her at least some privacy. Turned back after we thought she had finished, to see her standing up facing us, trying to pull up her now wet underwear.

Still a hormonal teenager, I got a full erection before she'd finished and could have happily sat there wanking. Discretely played "pocket pinball" for the rest of the walk and wanked off in the first toilet we found, and again later in the evening back at the hostel we were staying in. Having seen her naked, for a while afterwards I would often get an erection when she was around recalling the image!

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