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Girls using guys bathrooms

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Any other girls into using the men's restroom? I love going into the men's rr and peeing I started doing it at about 12 going to the local park with my girlfriend and hanging out in the guys bathroom. Pulling down my pants and trying to use the urinal was always such a turn on. And getting caught/walked in on made it so much better. There's nothing better then walking into the guys rr and getting a whiff of stale piss and "other things" and then being a girl and making my own mess in there.

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I love using men's restrooms and peeing in the urinals. It's such a turn-on!

Would be a massive turn on to see you doing it, as well. :)

And you love peeing in urinals? You must have done it to know that. Fucking wow! Would love to hear those tales. Was it out of desperation? For a dare? For a laugh? For a thrill? Or some combination of several or all of those?

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Would be a massive turn on to see you doing it, as well. :)

And you love peeing in urinals? You must have done it to know that. Fucking wow! Would love to hear those tales. Was it out of desperation? For a dare? For a laugh? For a thrill? Or some combination of several or all of those?

Once on a dare and a bet.

I like using the one person unisex toilets in convenience stores and gas stations. I'll always use the urinal if they have one. If I'm feeling naughty, I'll "forget" to lock the door. That's proved embarrassing for several people but a turn-on for me. "Oops, sorry!"

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  • 3 weeks later...
Why does this never happen to me? Id love to see a girl pissing at a urinal

Many years ago when I was much younger. I was at my local watering hole/ bar- tavern. Quite a few of us patrons had been drinking large amounts of our favorite beverages. After a while I had to PISS, so I went to the little Marines room. Which by the way was a small restroom with a john, a urinal, and a small vanity/sink. All in a approximately 5' wide X 7' deep room. Without any partitions or privacy screens. So if anyone opened the door they got to see you doing your thing. Sorry I digressed anyway I went to the john and opened the door and standing there was a VERY cute young lady with her shorts and panties around her ankles peeing into the urinal.

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how come girls can get away with going in our restroom but if we end up in theirs we end up being perverts or peeping toms

Especially as ladies going into a gents toilet can see men standing at the urinals with their dicks exposed, but if a man went into the ladies they wouldn't see anything because they are protected by cubicles anyway.

I think women should only be allowed to use the gents toilets if they return the favour and let us watch - either by leaving the cubicle door open or using the urinals themselves. They would get no objection then!

Edited by Guest
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I can't say i am into it, however, i am curious about it and i have in the past used a sink to pee in, in company of a friend and her boyfriend at the time, because the line up for the ladies was bad.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Well I really enjoy using the men's room, especially at night in quiet areas. Peeing and aiming into the urinal is what I like to do there

I love those images of a Lady Peeing into a mens urinal standing up straight in front of it.

One Lady on this forum won 50 dollars by Peeing in a men's room on a bet, and it was busy inside the room.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

In the late 80s and early 90s there was a down at heel club in my home city in Northern England where on any weekend night the girls would queue for the one toilet stall in the men's and stand there in a line whilst men would use the urinals right there in front of them. I was never fortunate enough to see any girl trying to use the urinal herself, but I got the impression that some of them only went in there to have a look, and not just because of the excess queues in the women's toilets.

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One of my lasting regrets is that I never took part in the three-legged pub crawl when I was a student.   Once you and the girl were tied together, you had to stay together all night.  

And you both had to drink at each pub you visited.  Most girls had to use the toilet at the fourth pub, if not before.  And then almost every pub after that.

They soon stopped being shy about it, particularly if they had to stop for a piss between pub visits.

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it's one of the things i really enjoying doing. especially using a urinal, where you're basically peeing in the open. even though it's the right place to pee, there's a bit of naughtiness about doing so in the wrong one. 

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On the 3legged pub crawl, which toilets were used? Did the girl "drag" the guy into the Ladies or did both use the Gents? I am assuming that in each pub they only went into one set of toilets where both of them peed (obviously if only one needed to pee at that time they would, still tied together, go into the toilets appropriate for the one needing to pee)

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5 hours ago, uniloo said:

On the 3legged pub crawl, which toilets were used? Did the girl "drag" the guy into the Ladies or did both use the Gents? I am assuming that in each pub they only went into one set of toilets where both of them peed (obviously if only one needed to pee at that time they would, still tied together, go into the toilets appropriate for the one needing to pee)

There were few rules.  If you stopped at a pub, both of you had to drink.  Men had to drink a pint but the ladies could drink just a half.  So generally it started in the gents, and just the men pissing, with the girls tied to them for company.  They would normally be at the urinals, and, at first, the girls wouldn't know where to look or how to behave.

By the time the girls too were having to pee it would get very messy.  She might try to take him into the ladies, only to find that the queue looks longer than she can wait.  Not much privacy there anyway, as the cubicle door won't close.

So she might try peeing in the urinal in the gents, or even a sink.  I know that some wanted to squat in the car park as that was easier, and gave them more personal space.

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7 hours ago, lugia said:

So were their legs tied at the ankle? I'm trying to visualize this properly, as nobody's given a personal experience account yet.

lol. right. it'd be hard to squat tied anywhere else though. either way that sounds kinda fun. 

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On 02/01/2017 at 0:05 PM, puddyls said:

lol. right. it'd be hard to squat tied anywhere else though. either way that sounds kinda fun. 

Perhaps we should experiment?  At least you have someone to hold for support.

Back on topic - sort of - yes, tied at the ankles.  So walking you have to march together, like, 'loose', 'bound', 'loose', 'bound' ...

And, yeah, the girls who managed to pee standing perhaps found it easier, and won respect for their skill.

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  • 4 months later...

I was at a concert event last week.  It was probably 75% female audience and I guessed there would be some girls that tried to sneak into the gents.  Interestingly, the gents toilets were arranged so that they had a door each end, three cubicles each end facing the doors and a long wall/trough style stainless steel urinal in between with enough room for probably 20 or more males to pee at once.   Before the concert started, I went in to pee.  I walked in through one end, and turned towards the urinals and noticed that there were a couple of ladies waiting at the cubicles at the other end.  I used the urinal (along with a couple of other guys, whilst the girls were stood there looking in our general direction.   Two girls came out of the cubicles and went to wash their hands at the sinks right behind the urinals.  Two other girls moved from the queue into the cubicles.  I washed my hands at the sink nearest the ladies queuing and the cubicles, where I could hear faintly a tinkling into the water.   As I walked out past the ladies, I realised that only the first three people in the queue could see the urinals and the queue out the door which was getting longer couldn't see in at all.  Some of the ladies in the queue gave me a funny look as I came out, as if maybe I shouldn't be there.  I mentioned in passing "If you are going to use the gents anyway, there are three more cubicles at the other end.  Two of the ladies looked horrified and said "What?  This is the gents?" to which I responded in the affirmative and they legged it out of the queue.    A few of the girls did make the move down to the other end to the free cubicle and the rest just stayed where they were.

In the interval, I left my seat straight away and headed for the toilet.   There were no ladies going into the gents, but the queue for the ladies was getting longer and longer.  After a short while, two ladies who were at the back of the queue were looking longingly across to the gents where men were walking in and coming back out before the ladies had even moved much.   Eventually they left the queue and headed for the gents.  I walked in at the same time as them, slightly ahead of them and took the middle cubicle where I sat on the toilet and listened.   I heard the two ladies bang the doors either side of me and then they were calling across to each other - one saying how she wasn't going to wait in that queue and the other saying she was busting whilst I could hear them adjusting their clothing. followed by one strong spray into the water and another spraying the porcelain. 

Meanwhile, I could hear more girls coming into the the room, presumably queuing outside the men's cubicles.  They was general chatter.  Then the two girls flushed and ran out, being quickly replaced by two more.   I was enjoying listening to them when I heard the raised voice of a woman outside:
"This is the male toilets!  The ladies is over there!  Please go and join that queue!"
This was met with quite a few protests from the ladies in the queue about how long the queue was for the ladies and that nobody in the men's seemed to be bothered.  The stern woman was having none of it, so the noise level dropped and the women had obviously been ejected.  I waited until the two women currently in the cubicles finished, then I left the cubicle as they were flushing.  I went to wash my hands and the two women came out of the cubicles and dashed out of the door.  I left casually and found that the stern woman was in fact a security person and was stood squarely in the entrance of the toilet with her arms held wide apart and sending any women who may be tempted over to the back of the now ridiculously long queue for the ladies.

So I then stayed near the toilets and watched the next iteration unfold.   An announcement came over the tannoy informing us that the show would re-commence in 10 minutes.   Those stood in the ladies queue could see that they weren't going to get through the queue in 10 minutes.  Eventually the security lady got called away by her radio and abandoned her post.   Almost immediately people started breaking off the back of the ladies queue and heading to BOTH entrances of the men's toilets.  I did as before and made it to the middle cubicle before the ladies got there.   I enjoyed listening to more rustling, hissing, sprinkling and flushing, although there was so much background noise that it wasn't that clear.

I got a bit brave and decided to try and discretely poke the camera part of my phone under the cubicle divider.  I set it to video using the front facing camera so that I could see on the screen what the camera was seeing the other side.  I pushed the camera just under the cubicle divider and saw a view of one side of a lady's bum cheek sat on the toilet seat.  I continued to watch as she finished peeing, then lifted her bum up before wiping, giving a great view of her bum and vaginal area.  She then proceeded to spread her legs slightly, put a large wad of toilet paper between her legs and wipe back and forth several times before discarding it into the toilet.  At that point I withdrew the phone, fearing that she might look down whilst pulling up her trousers and I obviously didn't want her to spot the phone - even though she was in the Men's toilets.   A couple of screen shots from the video are below.  They are somewhat grainy as it is not the best camera and there was very little light.


O2 1-c.JPG

O2 1-d.JPG

O2 1-a.JPG

O2 1-b.JPG

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