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Peeing naughty places at house parties?

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Anyone peed a naughty place at a houseparty before? Everyone have been at a houseparty where there is a lot of people and you might not know the owner of the house that well.

Have you then maybe peed somewhere such as the sink, bathroom floor, sofa, bedroom or god knows where? please share your stories

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I attended a party once where a massive puddle was discovered on the linoleum floor just outside the bathroom door. It was piss! No one knew who'd peed there, or even whether it was a guy or a girl.

But I like to imagine that it was a girl who did it. Besides, wouldn't a guy have been more likely to have peed against a wall or something? If a guy had done it on the floor, his piss would have been falling from a greater height, and thus made too much noise for him to have gotten away with it, unless he squatted down like a girl. It would just have been so much easier and quieter for a guy to have done it against a wall.

That's why I tend to think a girl did it.

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I never saw it, but a friend of a friend was somewhat notorious for pissing in unoccupied bedrooms at house parties if she didn't know the host. I wish I could tell more but I didn't want to ask too many questions of our mutual friend and reveal my interest in naughty peeing.

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One time my buddy's parents were out of town and we invited all of our college buddies to his house. Had a good drunken time and everyone went to bed. One friend got up to go to the bathroom to find another friend just pissing on the fridge. He had a history of sleep walking and alcohol certainly didn't help. The friend that found him asked the peeing friend what he was doing and the pisser simply replied, "Don't worry about it." We all had a good laugh about that one. Especially since I, myself, have peed in places I shouldn't have when drunkenly sleep walking.

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  • 1 month later...
I hope it wasnt too much :) but it was really an awesome experience!

Sounds like a moment most of us can only fantasise about. Feel free to post more such stories.

I've been to many house parties but I've only peed in the garden. I missed so many opportunities ..

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  • 5 weeks later...


Omg.. you sure your friend did not dream that one up? i mean.. wut? that is to perfect, to dreamy. Its the very essence of what I like, this innoccent ''i dont know what else to do..'' gnah this is madness! why cant i be this lucky?! this is probably the bestthing i ever heard >.< i now wont be able to ever forget that scene in my mind >.<

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I would be glad to. ^_^ I've posted a lot of my true stories to PeeSearch, this being one of them, but I don't see why I can't repost them here. I don't doubt people would be interested in hearing about them!

By all means feel free to repost any of your own work from anywhere else here.

I assure you it would very much be appreciated. :thumbsup:

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i've had a few incidents at house parties. it was quite a bit easier to back in college than these days though. nothing crazy, and i never went indoors, always on the balcony, or some place outside. although it wasn't uncommon for several girls to rush into the bathroom together. we'd often utilize the sink, bath, and toilet. one of these times, i ended up hovering over the wastebasket.

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This is a true story from a long time ago, Very old house a mate was renting.

My girl would wee in front of me and from time to time wet her panties as well

I would often try and get her to pee while she was wearing a skirt, and she did this from time to time both with and without panties, but at a party one evening in the 70’s…

She looked great, platform shoes lime green top and tight black pants. Like most parties back then there was sometimes a little pot, but mostly just beer and wine, some spirits.

Nothing much had happened, everything just getting louder and a bit of falling about. My girl had by this stage had more to drink than me, and she normally did not drink very much.

I was sitting on a set of outside stairs when she came down the stairs to me, and stood on the step I was sitting on, I started to rub her lightly between the legs and asked her if she wanted to do a trickle, she said yes, giggled and moved around a bit and said done it. I told her I could not feel any wet spot, she said look down, and then soon there was some pee, not a lot flowing over her shoes. Here pants still did not look wet but you could now feel the wet spot.

I said finished? She said no I have got to do lots, so we walked around the place a bit looking for somewhere a bit quiet, no one in the lounge room so I sat down on a chair, she stood beside me and started to pee again, just then someone walked through and did not realise what was happening, although she stopped and you could still see the pee dribbling off the cuffs of her pants and onto the floor. We went out onto the front veranda, and she just stared and peed and peed, quite a puddle formed around her feet.

I had a massive hard on by this stage and wanted to get going, she said no, get me a drink, a big one, which I did. She drank it quickly and then I thought we would get going, but she just went around talking to people in her wet pants and nobody noticed.

About half an hour later she peed on the kitchen floor,( by this stage of the night there was so much other spillage that it was not noticeable) I was watching from the back and you could just see it dribbling out the legs of her pants, just a small puddle. She did one more out on the back concrete almost all of it going down her left leg and really running over her feet.

After we left and parked in quiet spot up the road, I was helping her get her pants off and with them being so tight and wet it was quite a pull, but worth it

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