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Who Knows? Who do you tell?

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My wife knows, it has been openly suggested/hinted at. But there is no interest there at all. So we just pretend it's never been brought up. Other than that, just people on these forums. Anonymous fellow enthusiasts

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I've only ever told 3 people. The first was the girlfriend I had at the time. She initially thought I was kidding, then thought it was a little odd, but over time she indulged me a handful of times. She could never understand it, and it made her uncomfortable and caused a few arguments between us. Overall, I think I made the correct decision in telling her.

The second was a girl I dated briefly. Right from the start, I could tell she had an open mind sexually and was far more open to exploring things. I told her, she took it well, and told me that it didn't turn her on, but turned her on to turn me on, and was happy to do it. The relationship fizzled out amicably, but she gave me confidence that telling your partner can be a very liberating thing.

The third is one of my exes. Again, very open minded, she told me a few things about her, so I reciprocated. She accepts it fully (as a friend, nothing more), asked a few questions, completely non-judgemental.

So overall, I've had mostly positive experiences from sharing my interests, but it still makes me nervous to do so.

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  • 1 year later...
On ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2015 at 11:35 AM, LetsGetQuizzical said:

So overall, I've had mostly positive experiences from sharing my interests, but it still makes me nervous to do so.

I thought it time to bump this post again.

The anonymity of online communication lets us be pretty bold on here. But, how many of us discuss our interests in real life? And with whom - partners, close friends, family members? In turn, how many of them have expressed they have a pee fetish to us?

Over the years, I've had a total of three women tell me outright they were fascinated with pee. Two were lovers and one a very good friend, who probably revealed more of her interests than anyone. But, there were a dozen or more others who, by their actions, indicated they were more than willing to indulge but uncomfortable in saying so.


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Guest UnabashedUser

So far only two females one of which is my wife and the second one we just found out about. See here:

Both the wife and I keep our pee secrets safe from the general public and family. Best that way. It's good to have this outlet have met some fine folks online here. As you  say anonymity is the key.

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Hello all, this is my first post here but I figured it a good place to start. :)

my first girlfriend ever from high school, who I was with for 5 years, knows. She sensed about half way through our relationship that I wasn't totally satisfied and cornered me into asking what's wrong. I was really stressed by the whole thing out of fear that she'd be disgusted, and spent likely a half hour dancing around it, until I finally laid all my cards on the table. To my surprise, she was very accepting and it was probably one of the most positive experiences I could've ever asked for. That being said, she was also not into it, and while she'd indulge and let me experiment, she'd also lose patience sometimes. I am always thankful that she was so accepting, but wish it could've been more. We are actually still friends to this day.

Other than her, I only had one other person who  I told, albeit with much less stress. It was actually pretty early on, she was a friend that became a little bit more for a while, then nothing. She was also not super into it, but she liked how much it turned me on and in hat respect got off to it, which I liked. 

I've actually stopped trying to make vanilla relationships work for the most part. I was with someone for a while who was sexually amazing, by far the best I've ever had, but she would get real grossed out in non sexual pee situations and I could tell it wouldn't work out if I told her. I want to find someone I can share this kink with, which I suppose is an uphill battle, but I'm hopeful. :)

Edited by ZooeyGlass
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My estranged sister knows, she turned up unexpectedly one morning, and it just so happened that she arrived on the morning after of an intense pee session. I mean there were pee soaked clothes strewn all over the bathroom floor, smell was unmistakeable. She was grossed out but was more outraged that both Mary and Maigh were in my bed. Seems like wallowing in pee was acceptable, but a 3some was not.

The whole situation was sorted out eventually, but she says nothing about it, and she is still a little distant toward Maigh and Mary, it's like she can get used to one thing but not the other. 

No one else knows, no one else needs to know, lol.


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Guest UnabashedUser

Only one other person and that's a recent acquaintance who is also a devotee of the sport. She revealed it to wife Bonnie in a pee incident in the bathroom at work. Since then we've gotton much closer the 3 of us <wink>

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Two of my ex girlfriends know about it.  Both thought it was a bit weird when I first mentioned it to them,  but found it exciting when they actually tried it.

At least five of my regular friends know,  but we have never shared any activities other than watching porn.  Other friends don't know.

My family is fairly vanilla,  so I haven't told any of them,  but it wouldn't really be a big deal.

I have told an escort lady. (That turned out to be an excellent idea. :15_yum: :17_heart_eyes: )

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  • 1 month later...

Well I told a second person a couple of days ago, she's a lovely girl that I've been mates with for years but only recently started seeing. Turns out she's really in to it. Could not believe my luck, I had told my previous long term girlfriend but she wasn't into it at all; she did indulge me a couple of times but just didn't enjoy it.

The reaction from my new girl was the best, she immediately offered to play asking what kind of pee play I liked best.

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  • 1 month later...

I have several experiences to share on this subject. Reactions of female friends and girlfriends have run the gamut for me, from angry rejection to enthusiastic acceptance, with one falling in the area of reluctant or amused tolerance, while another evolved into enthusiastic participation, after initial reluctance. As most of you point out, it is a very delicate subject to bring up or discuss, mostly because of the strong negative social conditioning to which most of us in Western cultures have been subjected.

I am a straight man who has had a strong interest in, and curiosity about female urination, virtually since birth. My mother noticed this, and tried to discourage it, by telling me it was "not nice," and frustrating my efforts to learn more. That obviously didn't work. I have enough experiences and supporting details that I think would be better presented in the "Real Pee Stories and Sightings" forum. So if the subject interests you, please look for my post there.

Dr. P.

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Guest UnabashedUser
On 1/7/2014 at 6:08 AM, steve25805 said:

I have always tended to be in the closet about my peeing interests in real life. You see, once you put that knowledge out there amongst your own social circle in any way, you lose control of who gets told about it. And there are a lot of people around who would engage in gossipping and sniggering behind your back, and think less of you as a person.

There are others who would be grossed out to such an extent that they would regard you as some thouroughly disgusting pervert, and spread the word about that supposed "fact" in self-righteous indignation. The problem here is partly one of conditioning. We are all pretty much taught from a very young age that pee is totally disgusting and dirty, should never be done anywhere other than a toilet, hands always washed afterwards to remove all germs, etc. Those who never develop any kind of sexual interest in pee are vulnerable to just being left with the feelings of disgust that have been ingrained in them.

There are also of course still plenty of narrowmind judgementalists out there who are never happier than when they are adopting an air of moral superiority and looking down their noses at those who are in any way "different". These are often the ones championing laws to crack down on sexual freedoms.

And of course any of the above could include our bosses, our foremen, our managers, etc, who might have the power to make life difficult for us at work or even cost us our jobs.

I feel that we must always be very careful about who we confide in. But I do now have a number of online friends whom I met specifically on fetish sites - Peesearch and EP mostly - who have been aware of my interests from the very beginning, and with whom I chat often, and rarely about pee actually. As with most friendships, we have a lot else in common and chat about our everyday lives and concerns and general interests most of the time like any other friends. The pee fetish thing is just not a taboo for us at all, though if it ever get's mentioned at all it is generally wholly in an unashamed and totally natural matter-of-fact way.

You're absolutely right about everything here, exactly! We must keep our fetish to ourselves in most instances until we discover another person so inclined and even then be careful whom you let in on the secret.  Bravo for excellent writing and hitting the nail squarely on its head.

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In real life, only about 4 people know about my fetish. Curiously only ladies. ;)

All of them I met in the internet.

One in particular I came to know in an only game.

The other three I met in a dating forum, but I only met one of those three in person.

I did not get into a relationship with any of those four, though.



In general, I tend to keep my fetish a secret, unless I meet a lady who I am interested in and I think I can trust. For me, a lady that does not share this fetish is not a suitable partner - it's just to important, and I know I will not be able to have a fulfilling relationship if that part is missing.

So... yes... I've been single quite a while now. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've only told my ex-wife, when I first married her. It didn't go far. Early on, once in a while, she'd let me go in the bathroom with her, while she sat on the toilet, but it was rare. And she was a "big girl", so I couldn't see anything. For me, this fantasy has always been about watching the piss leaving the vagina. For a brief time, we'd take showers together, and she'd start relieving herself, then tell me. By the time I looked down, she was almost done. But the way I always wanted it to go involved KNOWING she had to take a leak first so I could enjoy it. Maybe "play" with her a little bit while I knew she had to go.

The closest I ever got was about 5 weeks after I married her. We went to a wedding, and I ended up having to drive home so she could drink. She was fairly well hammered. She had about 9 drinks, and I don't remember her relieving herself at the reception, which lasted for hours. She came out with me to smoke, and I asked if I could watch her go to the bathroom when we got home. She agreed. Since she was pretty hammered, she was saying out loud and happy that I was going to watch her take a leak. I asked her to quiet down so other people didn't hear. The whole drive home, she talked kept talking about how much she had to pee. I was really erect. We got home, I took our clothes off, and while she kept asking when she could go to the bathroom, I kept wondering how to delay her a little longer. She wasn't dancing or anything. I knelt down and put my hands over her abdomen and my mouth over her vagina. I thought it was hot. I couldn't get her to lay down in bed though. She said she had to go bad and didn't want to have sex before she could relieve herself. That's the closest I ever got to experiencing this fantasy the way I think I'd want it to go. After that, it was a disaster. I never was able to get her that drunk again.

I haven't told my second wife yet. Every now and again, she'll want to have sex while I have to take a leak, and damn, it feels good. She mentioned once that she could never have sex while she had to go to the bathroom because she's afraid the pressure would cause her to make a mess. I haven't found a good way to bring it up. I keep wanting to, but after the experience with my ex-wife, I'm kind of afraid. But when we do it while I need to go, it's awesome. One time in particular, I really had to take a leak. She came up and started "playing" with my dick. I got hard fast. So we went in the bedroom and had sex. As soon as we got done, I had to jump up and run in the bathroom. She asked why I didn't go first. I told her I was so hard, I would have had to piss in the shower, because there's now way I could have aimed for the toilet. She seemed amused by that.

I also realized that most of my life, I've had a way I want this "fantasy" to work out, but since I've never had a chance to try, I have no idea how it would go. I've halfway thought about using an adult site to meet a woman who is willing to play to my fantasy, but I don't want to cheat on my wife.




Edited by PissDude
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A practical solution to the messy bed problem is fairly simple. Just fold a couple of large, thick towels beneath the two of you, on the bed. They should absorb everything. Just throw them in the washing machine, when you're done. This was exactly what one of my girlfriends did, when she wanted to experiment with pee sex.

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  • 6 months later...

My hubby knows. He knew within the first few months of us dating. One or two female friends of mine know. Plus some of my guy friends know. One of which i openly talk about watersports with. (me and him have been online friends for years. actually met through a watersports site.. not met like.. in person but online)

My hubby.. he's okay with letting me watch him pee. but he doesn't want to take things further than that. 

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in the past year a few more people have found out because my other half has told them. Turns out they do a bit of watersports as a BDSM thing. I wasnt happy at the mrs telling folks, especially people I'd only met a couple of times but I was pleasantly surprised that out of the 4 people she told 2 had participated and the other 2 weren't completely disgusted. I guess watersports is getting a bit more acceptable. Dont get me wrong I still wouldn't go shouting from the roof tops but it's definitely a bit more accepted.

I have to say I've very lucky with my current relationship because despite the aforementioned breach of trust I do get: Glasses of fresh piss handed to me, we have a latex sheet for pee play in the bedroom, she made me lie down on the bathroom floor stood over me and pissed righting my mouth, she's given me pairs of pissed knickers sealed in bags when I'm not going to see her for a while. She pissed the bed once after a night out, when I woke her she wanted to be fucked in the puddle.... so yeah I think I can forgive her for telling a couple of people.

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  • 4 weeks later...

three very close friends of mine know of my interests, two male one female. one of the males, a gay guy ive known for many years, is into heavy fetish stuff himself (no we never did anything together, we are "just" friends).

apart from that, no one knows, as far as i can recall. none of my relatives know about it.

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18 hours ago, Galileo123 said:

three very close friends of mine know of my interests, two male one female. one of the males, a gay guy ive known for many years, is into heavy fetish stuff himself (no we never did anything together, we are "just" friends).

apart from that, no one knows, as far as i can recall. none of my relatives know about it.

publicly admitting a FETISH is never simple

I have to admit that beside some of my lesbian lovers, I have never told anybody... though lots of people saw me piss during parties and I let out comments like "oh come on it's sexy" or "is just piss" or even "wanna get a Golden shower?" so maybe somebody suspected...

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27 minutes ago, Galileo123 said:

If you would ask me that question at a party, I would say yes without hesitation, even in front of others.

and you would get it... I am shameless!!!

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9 minutes ago, Galileo123 said:

and I would take it, wasting not a single drop. I am shameless as well. 😉

Politeness and shamelessness, when mixed in the same man, build one big bad madafakka ahahahahahah sexy as hell

many men on this wonderful forum are like that

and I am so glad you are here with us

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