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What do you think of the street urinals in these videos?

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At 5:28 , and 22:06

At 2:34

What are your thoughts on these types of urinals? I find it so fascinating that the men using them don’t care at all about the other people walking by them. That they are willing to expose themselves in that moment of relief.

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On 7/16/2024 at 5:24 AM, Alfresco said:

I haven’t watched the videos as they are too long and I don’t know at which point(s) in the videos the urinals feature.

However, I have seen street urinals in London and other cities and I have used them.  I like using them because it gives me an opportunity to pee in public on show without any fear of repercussions.  If others, especially the ladies, choose to look, then that is fine by me.

My general view is that people who are a bit drunk lose inhibitions and the men who use these would otherwise pee on the street in a corner anyway, so this just reduces the amount of piss on the street.   The one thing that I find a bit strange is that they are often positioned very publically and in full view of people walking on a busy route, so if you use it you are going to be seen.   This means that some guys would still rather go and find a more secluded corner to pee, which partially defeats the object of having them.   I often wonder whether they would be better if they were positioned in less conspicuous positions and maybe had signs in prominent positions indicating where they are.   That said, whilst it is obvious what you are doing, if you get close to the urinal then you are not really exposing yourself although it is obvious what you are doing.  Personally I stand a little further back which allows a view if someone wants to look.

I do think that in the interest of equality, facilities for the ladies should be offered too.  There are options that could work.   I have seen ladies use male street urinals a couple of times and also seen evidence that woman have used them - eg tissues on the floor.

My apologies. If you want to see them,

the timestamps for the first video is 5:28 and 22:06.


For the second video it’s 2:34

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4 hours ago, MrLover87 said:

My apologies. If you want to see them,

the timestamps for the first video is 5:28 and 22:06.


For the second video it’s 2:34

Thank you.  Yes, I've used those types and several others.    The ones in the first video do seem to be in an incredibly public place though!    In the place for the second video it looks like they have realised that ladies also pee and they have put a proper portaloo there.   Personally I'd like to see public urinals for men and women, but that's just because I'm a bit of a voyeur and an exhibitionist and also I don't think it is fair that guys get approval to pee in public and yet similar facilities are not available for ladies.

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These videos and an increasing number like them are really lovely to watch, and it saves having to stop out until the small hours to enjoy the atmosphere which I love!  Looking at the shots it's easy to see and imagine which lovely girls are having to hold their pee, and beginning to think where should they go now to find a place to relieve themselves. For a lady late at night that must be hard!  Those shots when they do find somewhere however are sadly rather more rare! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, being from America this is wild. I love how at 5:28 there is a girl standing there talking to a guy face to face while he stands there on the street corner pissing.

I need to visit London soon because if I saw one of those while walking at night, I would walk right up to it with my arm around my girl, ask her to pull my cock out and aim it at the urinal while I spray a huge stream into it right there in front of everyone. What a hot show that would be for everyone walking by!



Edited by jayjay85
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Used one of them today. A little bit small version, but it's fine. After a few times u get used to it.

You don't need to search for a toilet because those are all over the place. Very practical.

And as you can see in de video, nobody cares about the men pissing in those. Why would u care about the people around, they are not even looking at you... Totally normal thing to do.

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It's interesting. I think the idea is good in nature, although they are very much so open in public for anyone to see, but I guess that's the point. I pee'd in a urinal today, and I don't very often because I'm usually not in a situation to use one, but I noticed I had to step back a bit to avoid splash back. I'm sure most men are the same. Rarely will a man stand so close to a urinal. So, there's always a bit of space between the man peeing and the urinal, so therefore anyone in these situations could walk by and get an eyeful if at the right angle. As @jayjay85 pointed out, there was a girl in the first video at 5:28 talking to a man using the urinal, along with 2 other girls standing at the corner. If they really wanted to, they could've walked just slightly ahead and gotten a view lol

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As a German who has to deal with pay2pee-style public toilets I like the idea of those urinals.

They can not be easily vandalized (which is probably why you have to pay2pee here) due to their openness.
The openness on the other hand is why some people might not want to use it; some people are just pee-shy.

The other problem is - as Ms.Tito already pointed out - they are sexists.
Where are the urinals for ladies?

Where do I find an actual loo for doing a No.2...?

I think it's a good start.

From the perspective of a Urophile:
Yeah, they are certainly more interesting for our type.
Certainly a good conversation starter, if nothing else. 😉

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On one hand, I love the idea of having a public place where I'm legally permitted to pull my dick out and piss. But the fact that there wasn't even an attempt to make an equivalent urinal for women is shockingly regressive. It's like when indoor plumbing was first installed in buildings and they wouldn't install women's facilities because they were expected to stay home.

Honestly, it fucking infuriates me because it feels like they are penalizing and simultaneously mocking women for not having an appendage to piss from. 

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21 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Totally agree with the issue that everyone is raising - what about the ladies?

The sole reason is I guess, these street urinals are being introduced to fix a problem.  They are not just a nice forward thought - it's not about 'let's do something nice for the guys' - they're solely solving a problem.   And that problem is that shop doorways, alleys, bins, trees, pavements are flooded in piss.  Piss that results from currently a large number of guys pissing all over the place. Guys who don't go off and find a secluded alleyway, they just piss right where they are.

So the solution to the problem of guys pissing freely is to give the guys a contained place to piss.

For the ladies, the fact that fear of sexual harassment or even assault, societal pressure and expectations, historic bias etc etc means that they don't piss everywhere in the public street (to the same extent as the men) means they're not a problem that needs fixing.

We're all very focussed here on the site on how much we support ladies peeing anywhere - but for every lady who has a drunken wee in an alleyway or between parked cars, how many dozens and dozens of other girls are all holding full bladders hoping they make it home without wetting ?  How much more likely is it they'll go into a late night bar or club to pee, rather than just whipping it out on the street?  How normalised is it that a girl does wet herself, compared to a guy?   And the chances are ladies are moderating their intake so they don't have to wee as often - and maybe aren't drinking pints like the guys.

Remember, the street urinals are being placed prominently in the street - not in the back corner of car parks, or alleys and side streets.

When there's the same issue of women peeing all over the high street. When the ladies are doing it to the same extent as the guys, when they're causing equal offence, then that's when provision will be made.   And that's not unachievable - looking at how trends are changing and pee is becoming less taboo.   Yes there is the historic attitude that it's ok for guys, but more and more across the social media etc attitudes are shifting.

So here's to girls showing there's an equal need.  Create those puddles.   Prove that ladies are a problem too.

So, if only those women would piss more brazenly then they too would have their needs met? Again, this feels like punishing women for having to relieve themselves in a more vulnerable position. If only the average woman shared the impressive stream manipulating skills or stealth pissing abilities of some of the vulva equipped members of this site, perhaps they too could be a proper nuisance.

I agree those rivers of male piss are a problem. As are the numerous adverse effects associated with sustained female urinary retention. It's quite likely that there are women in the crowd already struggling with urinary health issues. Possibly even feeling their symptoms worsening in real time as they watch entitled men whizzing away without consequence. 

I get that there was a need, but there are alternatives to rewarding men for bad behavior. The way I see it, those business owners were in something of a hostage situation and they buckled. And if I've learned anything from US foreign policy, it's that you never negotiate with terrorists. They should either ticket the guys pissing on the businesses. Install women only porta potties next to the urinals. Or at the very least, create a policy that requires men to pull their pants all the way down to their knees when peeing outside. That way they're just as exposed as their female companions. 

Finally, these women need to start staging mass protests like the activists in Holland who pissed all over the public urinals. And I'm not just saying that because it would turn me on. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, vanessa9 said:

There are actually women using these urinals, specially late at night and/or when they are not as "public" as in the videos. A pee-mate or other stand-to-pee device is perfect in this situation, because we then don't expose much more than men - even less, depending on the size of their equipment :))) We only show cardboard or plastic / silicon, after all !

I mostly agree with what was said above : it is largely unfair to provide a free / easy peeing solution to men, and not to women. Therefore, when I come across these kinds of urinals and there is no alternative solution, I usually consider them to be unisex, and treat them as such. Using a pee-mate is a perfect way to not look too provocative, trigger interested / surprised looks and possibly start great discussion about gender equality.

I was once confronted by a female (!) security agent when using one of those street urinals. I had just started peeing using a stand-to-pee device, when she quickly walked towards the urinal and asked me to stop peeing. I didn't comply, and asked her why. The conversation went more or less : "because you are indecent" - "why am I any more indecent than the men around me doing the same ? " - "Because this urinal is for men only" - "Really ? There is no signage ! Then where are the facilities for women ?" By then I had more or less finished peeing, and I explained to the woman that the device I was using was specially made for situations like this one. She listened to me, but I could feel she wasn't fully convinced and still a bit uncomfortable with the situation. Eventually she gave up and went back to her duty.

I have also used these urinals without a pee device, just back to the urinal. The ones that I know are usually not very easy to use by a woman, because of their shape and height. Obviously much more is exposed, but at certain times of the night, nobody cares any more 🙂

I assume that the urinal's providers were not expecting women to take advantage of them. However, a law that explicitly prohibited use by women would probably attract a decent amount of negative publicity. Especially if a woman faced a legal penalty for using one. Or how about a trans man? Technically, he wouldn't be breaking the law. So that would be a clear case of discriminating against someone for their genitalia. 

That security agent was the only one being indecent. Did she not understand the difference between your device and a penis? Unless a man is working with a serious micro situation, it's near impossible for him to pee without exposing at least part of his penis. Yet how much of your genitalia was outside of your clothing while you were peeing? From what I've seen, stand to pee devices don't leave any part of your vulva exposed. 


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/31/2024 at 1:03 AM, WantonLee said:

As a German who has to deal with pay2pee-style public toilets I like the idea of those urinals.

They can not be easily vandalized (which is probably why you have to pay2pee here) due to their openness.
The openness on the other hand is why some people might not want to use it; some people are just pee-shy.

The other problem is - as Ms.Tito already pointed out - they are sexists.
Where are the urinals for ladies?

Where do I find an actual loo for doing a No.2...?

I think it's a good start.

From the perspective of a Urophile:
Yeah, they are certainly more interesting for our type.
Certainly a good conversation starter, if nothing else. 😉

What are you talking about? Everyone keeps saying there are no urinals for women as if only MEN are allowed to use them. Where is it written that they are off limits to women? Especially, when women are allowed to use facilities that actually ARE labeled for men.

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27 minutes ago, esbatmad said:

What are you talking about? Everyone keeps saying there are no urinals for women as if only MEN are allowed to use them. Where is it written that they are off limits to women? Especially, when women are allowed to use facilities that actually ARE labeled for men.

Its not that they aren't allowed to it's that its far more difficult for them to use. 

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1 hour ago, Ms. Tito said:

Its not that they aren't allowed to it's that its far more difficult for them to use. 

Not at all. Every woman can use them by backing up to them. I'm sure you've seen plenty of such videos. And most women can simply walk up to it, spread their lips out of the way, and go. It's becoming more common for women to pee standing up. And for those that still subscribe to the myth that woman can't pee standing up, they can always use the handicap device pee funnel! Nothing sexist about such urinals.


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Just now, esbatmad said:

Not at all. Every woman can use them by backing up to them. I'm sure you've seen plenty of such videos. And most women can simply walk up to it, spread their lips out of the way, and go. It's becoming more common for women to pee standing up. And for those that still subscribe to the myth that woman can't pee standing up, they can always use the handicap device pee funnel! Nothing sexist about such urinals.


true true

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Just now, esbatmad said:

Install porta potties only for women? What about MEN who want privacy? Why should THEY be excluded from them? You continue saying men should be required to pull their pants down to their knees suggesting some sort of equality. But just not when it comes to privacy apparently...


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On 8/5/2024 at 2:22 AM, Takashi96 said:

On one hand, I love the idea of having a public place where I'm legally permitted to pull my dick out and piss. But the fact that there wasn't even an attempt to make an equivalent urinal for women is shockingly regressive. It's like when indoor plumbing was first installed in buildings and they wouldn't install women's facilities because they were expected to stay home.

Honestly, it fucking infuriates me because it feels like they are penalizing and simultaneously mocking women for not having an appendage to piss from. 

Don't need an "appendage" to use them, and women are free to use them too! Personal choice.

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