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Pee Day in the life as a trucker

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2 hours ago, busbus said:

I started the day at the yard and have my normal pee in the drain down the side of the truck at the yard it a bit of a tradition now, get in get everything sorted do check on the truck and then pop a sqaut and have a piss it quite often the first of the day but not today as i started later.

I am not sure I understand "in the drain down the side of the truck". Is there a drain that runs down the side of the truck? Those first pees of the day can be quite large, I bet those feel great.

2 hours ago, busbus said:

got to the drop of but was keeps waiting 4 hrs i asked to use their loo to be told due to health and safety it staff only 

Same thing happens in the USA too. 😞

2 hours ago, busbus said:

Had 3 for unadventurous pees in lay-by this afternoon and now it a lay-by for the night….. so will see what happens their 3 other trucks hear heading for a pee now but how many more during the night will be questionable!

Curious what you do at night? Do you get out of the truck or have some sort of urinal in the truck? American truck drivers are famous for the fermenting bottles of pee left along the highways. I always presumed truck (lorry) drivers have occupationally stretched bladders. Do you feel like this is the case in how much you can hold? - Is it the result of your job?


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I drive for a living and find myself peeing all over and on pull off all day long sometimes I use parking lots. I love a naughty outside piss. Id love to see pictures of the puddles you make during the day.

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Thank you for the outline of your day, @busbus.   It is great to have an insight into your daily routine although I know that I've seen other updates from you, it is nice to see it as a whole day outline.   I love the way that you are so open to peeing in front of other drivers and even if you are all doing it as a natural need, I am sure it makes their day to see a lady peeing outside and joining in, doing the same as they do without making a fuss. 

Bonus for you is that if you pee openly with the guys around, you get to enjoy seeing them peeing too.


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I'm up and down the a12 most days. I'm now praying and have fingers toes and everything else crossed I've bought a rabbits foot and a black cat to walk in front of hoping to see you on the road one day 😇

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On 6/20/2024 at 8:29 PM, busbus said:

Though i would explain my pee’s for the day as a female truck driving in the uk 🙂 i appolgies for a similar theme for some of these 

I started the day at the yard and have my normal pee in the drain down the side of the truck at the yard it a bit of a tradition now, get in get everything sorted do check on the truck and then pop a sqaut and have a piss it quite often the first of the day but not today as i started later.

Made my coffee and went on the way first drive was about 2hr 30 mins so about 1hr 30 in that coffee was taking it told so pull in to a lay-by and watered the wee while having a conversation with another trucker whom also need a quick pee break so we both had a pee and finish out conversation and went on our way he offered to move away but i was quite open we are need too pee!.

got to the drop of but was keeps waiting 4 hrs i asked to use their loo to be told due to health and safety it staff only also three other drivers asked and we got talking for a bit and in the end one of the guy said he really needed to pee and i suggest he just did it up the wheel if they cant provide facility that not out fault so the four of us took turns having a piss up the wheel and carry on talking,

Had 3 for unadventurous pees in lay-by this afternoon and now it a lay-by for the night….. so will see what happens their 3 other trucks hear heading for a pee now but how many more during the night will be questionable!

Long time no see. I hope you read this response as I know you from the chat site poolchat. But I'm banned there till a few months from now in fact so I might be back there soon. Nice to see you found this site too.

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