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Do you think being allowed or not allowed to pee outside as a kid influenced you?

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Do you think whether or not you were allowed to pee outside has influenced your love of naughty pee? 

I grew up with two brothers, a sister and my mom and dad. There were 6 of us. We had one bathroom upstairs, it was hard when dad would come home from work and then my sister would get home from dance and both would need to shower so the bathroom was always busy. I mean regardless of that my parents let us all pee outside but because of that situation, in winter if the bathroom was occupied and you were desperate you could go piss over the drain in their basement. I feel like the fact it was normal to pee outside and in the basement made it a part of my life. I don’t know if it made me into it necessarily I think I was just predisposed to be a bisexual man into men and women pissing 

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Yes, I think it has. I was constantly confused by being encouraged to pee all over outside in Europe and then being scolded or prevented from peeing outside in the US. You can read more about it in these threads among others.





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  • 2 months later...

I think it did for me but not the way people might think about. My parents would sometimes allow me to pee outside if I had to, as a result I knew that it was a possibility, and for whatever reason I thought it was fun and such. Plus, before moving into town for college I lived in a pretty rural and secluded area so peeing outside often went unnoticed so 😈

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On 5/21/2024 at 1:23 PM, vivi54 said:

For me I think it definitely has. I was raised to be a "good girl" and only pee in the toilet. But I'm pretty sure that only made me more naughty, once I finally realized there were other ways 😈😁

@vivi54 did you never pee outside as a kid? When did you start peeing other places?

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At home it was just my mom and I and neither of us ever brought up the topic. I had friends who would pee outside and even one of their moms who encouraged us, but my mom never suggested that I could. I recall a couple of times when I was testing her a bit, waiting until there weren't any restrooms around to say I needed to pee. She'd scold me for not going earlier and make a big fuss about it, but would find a restroom. Hence I always assumed she was completely against it, so while I was doing so around friends, I never had the nerve to do so around mom and always felt it was being crude when did so . For some reason, maybe because I've never been an outdoorsy person and I'm seen as being rather shy and self conscious, mom assumed I'd be uncomfortable, even unwilling to pee outside and didn't want to make it awkward by asking me to. It wasn't until mom overheard my good friend picking on me for my hesitancy to pee in the locker room at school that mom finally took me aside and explained that it might be sensible for me to do as the other boys rather than be ridiculed. She went on to say that it's rather common for guys to do so, telling her brothers and even my dad used to pee there among many other places. I was quite surprised that all this time mom would have been okay with me doing so, yet I've been feeling guilty anytime I've done so.

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On 5/24/2024 at 8:54 AM, vivi54 said:

Only once I got into high school and met my bestie who taught me

I’m very curious to hear how it came about that your bestie taught you. Did this become a regular habit for the two of you?

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Good question. My parents never made a deal of it when I was a kid. I grew up in a village and peeing in the woods or yard was just normal, so no special encouragement needed. The only thing I actively remember was that my mom told me to pee in the hotel pool, when I was 8 or so. Hindsight I am sure she did it herself all the time. Simply out of convenience. But she also taught me not to talk about it. Lol. Of course the sexual arousal only emerged when I was 13 or 14. Let’s put it like this: my childhood experiences didn’t prevent me from truly enjoying the naughty fun later.

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11 hours ago, vivi54 said:

I've already written down some of these earlier stories of mine, if I ever get to translating them into English, I'll be sure to post them here... But in the mean time the tldr is that when your best friend repeatedly pees in naughty places and gets away with it, you'll quickly get tired of holding it and just join in 😂

So yeah we definitely regularly peed outside together

@vivi54 Post the stories in your native language and we can Google translate. Did you post them on a forum in another language previously?

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FWIW when we're quite young, at least some of us may get the notion a particular rules-change is arbitrary & capricious. This, in turn, may inspire the ASSumption any rule not clearly explained is the same; a product from the "WeSAYso©" book of rules to impose on the powerless. A child's assumption needn't be correct to seem-so to that child.

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19 hours ago, Havelock said:

@vivi54 Post the stories in your native language and we can Google translate. Did you post them on a forum in another language previously?

See that's the thing, most of them I haven't. So I'd anyway have to go over them once, just to make sure I don't accidentally mention some private detail I'd rather not have public...

Oh and btw, English is my native language too. It's just that throughout my life I've been using the other (German) way more

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It probably was a factor for me. Growing up the family vacations were always camping and we were constantly hiking. There's a lot of other factors in my childhood that I think contributed but being able to pee freely outside definitely helped. As a latch key kid I'd sometimes forget my house key and being the first one home often had to sit outside until someone got home. I remember some trepidation going to piss by the side of the house but it was just natural. I wasn't going to hold it for however long.

I now wonder how much of Leave No Trace practices also had an influence. I can remember as a good little boy walking off trail 100-200 feet to pee until I realized that if no one is around I could just whip it out and piss wherever I stopped (away from water sources of course). That might also contribute to how I like naughty and nonchalant peeing. 

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I also wasn’t allowed to growing up and I think influenced me to see it as naughty and erotic. However, the down side is that I’m now too shy to pee outside or in public, while I wish I wasn’t! 

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On 5/28/2024 at 3:13 PM, vivi54 said:

See that's the thing, most of them I haven't. So I'd anyway have to go over them once, just to make sure I don't accidentally mention some private detail I'd rather not have public...

Oh and btw, English is my native language too. It's just that throughout my life I've been using the other (German) way more

Would love to see them if you have time. Did you spend time in Germany? I’m always curious because I think my time spent in Europe contributed to my pee interests. 

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8 hours ago, Vassal said:

if no one is around I could just whip it out and piss wherever I stopped (away from water sources of course)


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I can't say that I was particularly 'allowed' to pee outside, but I did get a thrill from peeing in the garden. There is one spot behind a hedge, ended up with a patch of dead grass. 

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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Havelock said:

Did you spend time in Germany? I’m always curious because I think my time spent in Europe contributed to my pee interests. 

Basically my whole childhood, yeah. And same, I don't think I ever would've started peeing outside if I grew up in the US...

21 hours ago, PeeNymph said:

I also wasn’t allowed to growing up and I think influenced me to see it as naughty and erotic. However, the down side is that I’m now too shy to pee outside or in public, while I wish I wasn’t! 

Been there... Maybe start with a place where you know for certain no one would ever disturb you, that way you can slowly get used to it... We'll all wish you luck 😘

Edited by vivi54
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/27/2024 at 9:10 PM, vivi54 said:

I've already written down some of these earlier stories of mine, if I ever get to translating them into English, I'll be sure to post them here... But in the mean time the tldr is that when your best friend repeatedly pees in naughty places and gets away with it, you'll quickly get tired of holding it and just join in 😂

So yeah we definitely regularly peed outside together

nice, if they are every translated ill defs read 😍
what was your favorite thing about peeing together?

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Absolutely, but from the opposite side. Peeing outside growing up would have been considered dramatic or perverted in my family growing up, and some of my earliest pee memories are related to holding it until we were somewhere more acceptable. I’ve found that this awareness of social norms vs. physical desperation dynamic is where most of my pee fantasies live.

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6 hours ago, vivi54 said:

Idk, ig the bonding experience of messing up a place together 😆🤭

what were your favorite places to mess growing up?

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On 6/19/2024 at 9:38 PM, vivi54 said:

Idk, ig the bonding experience of messing up a place together 😆🤭

I can so relate. Occasionally my girl and I still talk about how we pissed all over the toilet at a club together for the first time. 

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