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Any Peesearch refugees here?

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I am a former member of the now defunct PeeSearch.  I read and posted there on a somewhat regular basis for over 13 years.  I joined this site several years ago but really didn't participate until this past October.  I do see familiar usernames here that  I remember from PS, so I'm assuming they are the same people.  However, the username I'm using here is not the same as there.  As a matter of fact I never did care for the name I hastily chose when signing up there in 2010 but felt I was stuck with it, so I just continued with it. 

I do use the same avatar here as I did at PS, so if it looks familiar to former PS members, that's why.

I got very familiar with navigating the PS site over the years, but I have to admit that I'm not yet that familiar with this site, because it's a bit different than it was at PS.  It'll probably take me awhile to feel accustomed to new surroundings. 

So, am I out of line or violating any rules by asking who were my fellow PS members in the past?

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Hi @awkwood.   I am one of them,   but not really a refugee.  I left the ship several years before it sank,   as I found this to be a much friendlier place.   Welcome,  and I hope you enjoy the forum. 

One thing you will notice is that there are many more pictures in the threads here as it is much easier to post them.

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Oops I meant to say not entirely surprised by it (Peesearch's) demise. Basically it was a good site but it had struggled for years. Pee is something of a niche interest and I think there is a limit to the number of pee sites that can sustain themselves on the Worldwide Web, particularly if there is a lot of overlap in terms of content. I know I signed up to more than I ever had a realistic hope of keeping abreast of, and that annoying thing called "life" has an awkward habit of getting in the way. 

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9 hours ago, Adyguy6970 said:

Oops I meant to say not entirely surprised by it (Peesearch's) demise. Basically it was a good site but it had struggled for years.

I think there were a few factors that contributed to its downfall,  one being that the site owner/administrator appeared to lose interest in the site and only visited it rarely.

The format was a bit old-fashioned making it difficult to post images in the threads,  so an image was less likely to trigger comments and discussions among the members.   (The images were mainly in separate galleries,  and there was very little activity in the gallery comments.)

In later years,  a moderator with a bit of an attitude problem ran wild on the site,  and drove away a number of the major contributors.  I guess the owner was not around to rein him in.

To keep a forum like this alive needs a lot of work from a dedicated team of good people.   I appreciate very much how well this is done by our admin and moderators here.  🌟🌟🌟🏆🏆🏆

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14 hours ago, likesToLick said:

I think there were a few factors that contributed to its downfall,  one being that the site owner/administrator appeared to lose interest in the site and only visited it rarely.

The format was a bit old-fashioned making it difficult to post images in the threads,  so an image was less likely to trigger comments and discussions among the members.   (The images were mainly in separate galleries,  and there was very little activity in the gallery comments.)

In later years,  a moderator with a bit of an attitude problem ran wild on the site,  and drove away a number of the major contributors.  I guess the owner was not around to rein him in.

To keep a forum like this alive needs a lot of work from a dedicated team of good people.   I appreciate very much how well this is done by our admin and moderators here.  🌟🌟🌟🏆🏆🏆

I think that's a pretty fair analysis. To thrive I think any site needs even handed and consistent moderation.  In its early days Peesearch was a little bit "anything goes".  It then swung in the opposite direction of being over moderated.  Later moderation became very lax when it happened at all.  Keeping any site going must involve a lot of work and people need to have the time and interest to commit to it. 

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As far as shaming for naughty peeing, I was completely unaware of that.  I'm not into naughty peeing myself so perhaps I just didn't read those posts.  

I do agree that there have been, in the more distant past, some moderators that abused their power and were quick to delete posts for no valid reason.  However, those moderators disappeared over time and most recently there were only two moderators and I believe both did a great job of cleaning out spam and trying their best to maintain order, which is what a moderator is supposed to do.  As far as I know, the moderators were unpaid volunteers, devoting a good amount of their personal time performing duties thanklessly.  And in the final years those two moderators got zero support from the site administrator who seemed to have had abandoned the site completely.    

At least one of the two remaining moderators from PS is a registered member here now but I have yet to see any postings by her at PF.  I have to credit her for doing a wonderful job and never letting the "power" go to her head.  I believe she was always fair, open minded, and had excellent judgment.  But she became a moderator as the ship had already hit the iceberg and was sinking.  

I never understood how some members were banned.  When I saw that label on a member's avatar, I would read back their previous postings but was never able to figure out reasons for banishment.  I didn't sense that they necessarily had been troublemakers.  So there were mysteries behind the scenes.

Perhaps some who left PS felt the website was old cosmetically and needed a facelift.  I, for one, felt it was easy to navigate, intuitive, and functioned.  I don't believe in changing things if they work.  Too often I've seen sites (and software applications) change for the worse functionally just to please those who wanted things to 'look newer'.  

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On 12/23/2023 at 6:22 PM, awkwood said:

I am a former member of the now defunct PeeSearch.  I read and posted there on a somewhat regular basis for over 13 years.  I joined this site several years ago but really didn't participate until this past October.  I do see familiar usernames here that  I remember from PS, so I'm assuming they are the same people.  However, the username I'm using here is not the same as there.  As a matter of fact I never did care for the name I hastily chose when signing up there in 2010 but felt I was stuck with it, so I just continued with it. 

I do use the same avatar here as I did at PS, so if it looks familiar to former PS members, that's why.

I got very familiar with navigating the PS site over the years, but I have to admit that I'm not yet that familiar with this site, because it's a bit different than it was at PS.  It'll probably take me awhile to feel accustomed to new surroundings. 

So, am I out of line or violating any rules by asking who were my fellow PS members in the past?

I used to be on there.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/24/2023 at 10:22 AM, awkwood said:

I am a former member of the now defunct PeeSearch.  I read and posted there on a somewhat regular basis for over 13 years.  I joined this site several years ago but really didn't participate until this past October.  I do see familiar usernames here that  I remember from PS, so I'm assuming they are the same people.  However, the username I'm using here is not the same as there.  As a matter of fact I never did care for the name I hastily chose when signing up there in 2010 but felt I was stuck with it, so I just continued with it. 

I do use the same avatar here as I did at PS, so if it looks familiar to former PS members, that's why.

I got very familiar with navigating the PS site over the years, but I have to admit that I'm not yet that familiar with this site, because it's a bit different than it was at PS.  It'll probably take me awhile to feel accustomed to new surroundings. 

So, am I out of line or violating any rules by asking who were my fellow PS members in the past?

I'm a former member as well, made a few posts of my own, but mainly in response to people interested in pee distance attempts, both male and female, and also interested in women who can pee standing up.  Sad to hear that PeeSearch is gone just because of all the great posts that were lost.  I only just found out today.  Sure glad I saved a few posts from those good old days...

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I was there as Alfresco01, but I found it was difficult to work with.  As others have said, some attitudes were not to my liking.  The other thing that I found was that there was no option to react to a post without typing a reply, so posts often didn't seem to get any response even though they might have been appreciated by people.  

I also found Peefans to be much more friendly, welcoming and interactive, so I spent my time here rather than there.   It had its place for me early on, but in more recent years I hardly visited at all.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for asking, @awkwood; I was there until a family illness demanded most of my computer time. I didn't see its demise. Agree with much of what's been shared thus far; I would add: their software invited one to take liberties with fonts (such as MS Comic Sans), but then some Crybully there would wax emotional about its use & a Mod would validate the resulting "Heckler's-Veto," but nobody there seemed to know how to disable the "offensive" options. So (be it by accident or by design), the effect was to dangle the "forbidden" options out-there to see if the "uppity" user had learned "his PLACE." Stuff like that tends to bump an online forum further & further down one's list of things to do while at the Computer.

BTW, compliments on your pic. Best regards, all.

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