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  • 2 weeks later...
36 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

In this month's Wet Carpet Magazine we're going to introduce you to Raven, one of our favourite feature girls and winner of our member's choice 'wettest star' award no less than four times.  Recently I had the chance to hang out at her modest West Coast home and get to know her a little.  Here's what she had to say...

"So It's lovely to meet you Raven, you really have become one of the hottest stars of Wet Carpet Magazine in recent years - why do you think that is?

Well, I guess if you say so.  But I've never really considered myself a star, you know I've just a gal who likes to get wet now and then.

Yes, and we have to say yours is quite a different approach than most of our feature girls.  Many of our stars are full time models, content creators, on-demand video hostesses.  But you Raven... Well, sitting here with you, is just like chatting with a next door neighbour.

Awww, I'm glad you've picked up on that, because, well that's just who I am.  I guess I've just hit lucky - I can be myself, have a bit of fun getting naked or wetting myself in a way people love.  Y'know, just doing the same things I've always done for my own kicks and it seems like other folks enjoy seeing them.  It's like I don't really do it for anyone else, just for my own naughty fun, but always great to think of other folks getting hot under the collar from it.

It is indeed - you certainly get us hot under the collar.  So have you always been into it, can you trace the origins of your kink to anything particular?

Well I guess I first started practicing holding my pee when I was younger.  I guess I can't really discuss anything underage, but I grew up in a small town and whenever we were sitting in church on a Sunday morning we had a pastor who just loved the sound of his own voice.  He'd go on for ages, and it was a sort of rule that nobody got up before the final prayer.  Us girls used to watch each other trying not to squirm, wondering who was most desperate. We'd all be trying to hide it from the boys, who wanted any one of us to have an accident.  I'd love to tell you more, but I'd probably get you pulled off the shelves...

That's a shame - but true. We have to keep things adult I'm afraid.  I'm guessing though those experiences carried forward into adult life though?

Well yes.  Pretty much all my adult life I've been working in bars and serving in restaurants.  Now one thing is certain, when you're in a busy joint the girl serving you will without a doubt be counting the minutes to her potty break.  I'm lucky, I've got a strong bladder and I cope pretty well being desperate.  And it's a sink or swim sort of jungle out there.  A never ending line of new girls wanting a few bucks.  I've even seen some girls wetting themselves on their first night and quitting in tears.

Not me though (ha ha) - I waited until at least my third night.    I'm kidding of course, it was at least a month.   But it taught me a lot - a lot about my bladder and my limits.   How long I could hold,  how to pop a sneaky squat when taking out the empty bottles to the dumpster, or even a standing pee under my skirt to relieve the pressure a bit.  Also it taught me a lot about how to twist guys around my little finger.   Standing at their table and letting them know I needed to go, the tips would go up according to how badly I squirmed and looked desperate.  Some guys were sweet about it, but others were just complete pricks.

Any particular memories spring to mind? 

I had one older guy who used to come in every week, he was sweet enough and gave good tips.  It gradually became more obvious he had a thing for me. Well a thing for desperate me really.  I'd play up to it a bit, and it got to the point where I'd let myself get super desperate at the end of my shift and he'd give me a lift home.  I'd be genuinely frantic, about to burst and would either jump out of his car and squat or sometimes not even that.  Times when I'd flood my panties right as I stepped out of his car.  He'd have such an erection and sometimes I'd let him rub my wet panties.   Seems his wife found out though, that put an end to it.

On an opposite extreme, one bar I worked in got a bit rowdy sometimes.  One night a bunch of guys in a booth were getting a bit too much - trying to grab me as I served them, hands wandering and that kind of thing.  My manager had told the younger servers to avoid them, but knew I could take care of myself.  I went over to give them their check and ask them to leave, one of them grabbed me round the waist and pulled me onto his lap, his hand going straight up my skirt.  Thing was, I was bursting to pee and as he pulled on my waist I started to leak a little.  Then I sort of let the floodgates open.  I felt the lovely warmth of my pee flooding my panties and flowing around my bum and thighs.  It took a few seconds for it to soak through my skirt and his jeans before it dawned on his caveman brain I'd just pissed on him.  He pushed me away, knocking glasses and bottles flying, then our doorstaff muscled in and they were history.   It shook me up a bit, but the pee felt so good.

So it sounds like events like that shaped your interests and inspire your performances?

Yes definitely, and I guess as we experience more fun we get a bit bolder too.   I don't know if I'd call what I do 'performances'.  I just do what I want, and what feels right.   If I'm having coffee here on my porch and want to pee then I'll just do it and maybe snap a few pictures for your members.  Sometimes I'll do it anyway without the pics.  Or maybe if I'm walking home at night I'll let a bit of pee out.  If my panties get cold I may take them off, or maybe take my skirt off instead.  It's about being free and bold - with pee, with nudity, being myself.   And if I share and people enjoy it then all the better.

Wonderful, and we do love you for it.  Now, just a few more questions and we're done.

On a scale of 1 - 10, how much do you need a wee just now?

Erm, I'd say a six.  No, wait probably closer to an eight.

Ok, but you can hold that thought....  Favourite underwear, style and colour?

I don't know that I have a favourite - sometimes briefs, othertimes a thong.  Maybe just everyday cotton and sometime lacy.  I also do love to go commando and sometimes for fun I'll wear a pull up diaper.

Personal grooming preferences?

Usually trimmed.   I don't like to get too bushy, but at the same time I'm not one for putting the effort in to be waxed or totally shaved all the time.  You take me as you find me.

Ok, and do you have any one singular most enjoyable experience to tell us about?

That would be something that happened last month, my cousin's wedding.  It was up in the hills an hour or two from here and I'd arrived just in time to rush in to the chapel. No chance for a potty break.  Sitting through the service wasn't too bad and then it was straight outside for photographs.  No sign of the little girls' room anywhere but that wasn't a problem.  I had an ankle length dress on and strappy shoes so I just stood with my legs apart and let myself slowly go. Right in the middle of posing for group photographs.  It felt absolutely amazing, my lacy panties barely got wet as two burning rivers flowed down my legs, soaking into the grass.  I made sure I peed really slowly and at the end of it I could have orgasmed it felt so good.  I didn't actually use a bathroom until the next morning, but that doesn't mean was I holding back from peeing.

Final question now, do you have any really wild unfulfilled fantasies?

I'm not sure I should tell you this, gosh I'm blushing at the thought.  In reality pee is all just about me, and not really shared with anyone else in real life. 

But in my fantasies I'd like to be a bit of a dominatrix.  I'd like to go out with a guy to a really classy event, like say the Oscars.   Beforehand though I'd make him wear my sexiest ladies' lingerie - all black satin briefs, corset, suspenders underneath his tuxedo.   During the evening we'd down champagne and cocktails, but the thing is he's not allowed to use the bathroom at all, not even to mention it or show any signs of desperation.  He's got to hold all night without complaint.  If he's lucky enough to make it back without humiliating himself,  just when he thinks I'll let him go I'd blindfold him and restrain him.  Then tease him until he's broken and absolutely floods his suit and lingerie.  By that time of course I'd probably be desperately ready to pee too - all over him.

Wow, that's an incredible thought that we didn't expect.  But I'm hoping my tux still fits...

I'd like to thank you for your time Raven, it's been wonderful to get to know you - and we look forward to plenty more Wet Carpet Magazine adventures from you.   Thanks Raven again for all that you give to us, we love you.




A wonderful interview! She really is something special isn't she? Great to have her feature in the magazine. It's a great idea for a regular series of articles. Thanks!

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You should talk to her about why she does it and what she gets out of it. If you understand why then you might be able to relate better also you could come to some compromises about how she goes. Understanding her is step one. You might understand once you talk to her.

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Dear Wet Carpet and Aaron,

It sounds like your daughter is having a rebellious streak in response to years of being the perfect child.  Now she has come of age, her internal desire for self expression and release are finding a way to be shown.   Maybe the first time she peed after her party was out of true desperation and possible through having a little excess alcohol which lowered her inhibitions - especially if she hadn’t been drinking previously?  It is possible that this first release felt so good that she wanted to repeat it and you didn’t chastise her, so she thought it was OK to feel free to relieve herself this way whenever she wants.

It is unfortunate (although undeniably hot) that her stream is powerful enough to cause damage and I think you could use this fact to help the situation.   It seems that her previous good conduct means that you are not used to needing to be firm with her and this may need to change.   You could talk to her and explain that whilst you have no desire for her to suffer UTIs, she has managed perfectly well for the last 18 years, the carpets are suffering and you need to agree a compromise which lets her pee conveniently without destroying the house as I am sure she wants to live in a well kept house, not one with holes in the carpets.

I think that now she has found the convenience and probably pleasure of peeing wherever she is, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely take that away from her, so damage limitation may be the key.

A possible suggestion would be to tell her that she can always feel free to pee wherever she is whilst outside and maybe even make a game of that by setting up some targets that she can use to test her aim, encouraging control of her stream and making use of that power.  However, she obviously isn’t going to want to go outside all the time so you could look at damage limitation and put a thick doormat in one place in each room.  This would be a sacrificial mat that she could use to pee and yes pee would go through it into the carpet, but it would take out the force and protect the carpet from being ripped.

It also my be worth you trying to understand what she feels by seeing it from both sides.  Maybe next time you need to pee, just pee where you are.  You will probably find that you enjoy it too and if Aliyah is going to be peeing on the carpet anyway, then there is no harm in you joining her.   

Good luck!


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/22/2023 at 12:38 AM, steve25805 said:

Dear Wet Carpet.

I am an 18 year old blue eyed blonde with a resentment of my dad and my stepmother because of the way my mum got dumped. My dad is well into his 40s and she is only 29 which just annoys me even more, him dumping mum for a younger model like that. I must concede she is a curvy brunette whom most guys would regard as sexy, but that just seems to make it worse.

Well recently I have occasionally, not too often to avoid making it too obvious, been expressing my resentment in my own unique way, basically sneaking into their bedroom when they were not in there and peeing on their carpet. I must admit that I got a naughty buzz out of doing it.

But the other day I was squatting there beside her side of the bed, skirt hoisted and panties in my hand, gleefully peeing on the carpet when disaster struck. She walked in and caught me in mid flow. Like a rabbit caught in the headlights I couldnt stop immediately and was just squatting there mortified whilst still pissing away.

Naturally she looked shocked, but then grinned as she watched me. She said, "So you are the one responsible for these wet pissy patches, eh? And all this time I have been blaming the dog."

I managed at last to stop and stood up, allowing my skirt to hide my private parts, though with my panties still in my hand. She said to me, "So you think you can just piss on my carpet and get away with it do you? Well we will see about that." And she strode out of the room, with myself in hot pursuit, fearful she was going to tell my dad. But instead she just barged into my bedroom and climbed up onto my bed, hoisted her skirt and dropped into a squat, pulling her panties aside. Then with a big grin she started pissing right there on my bed. She smiled as she peed, saying "This is what you get for pissing on our carpet. And if you tell your dad about this I will let him know what you have been doing. "

By the time she was done my sheets and mattress were soaked. I had to sleep in the small sofa in my bedroom until I could dry the mattress out.

Anyway, immediately after finishing her piss and getting down off my bed she said to me. "I will tell you how it is going to be from now on. Anytime I feel like it I am going to come in here and piss on your carpet. And if you tell your dad, I will tell him about how I caught you pissing on the carpet in his bedroom. And if I should ever catch you doing that again, I shall make a point of coming in here with a very full bladder and piss all over your bed again. "

Well she had me over a barrel and since then from time to time she has come into my room when I have been in there and popped a squat and peed on my carpet with a satisfied grin on her face, sometimes in a corner, sometimes right in the middle of the room, sometimes right beside my bed. And she clearly gets a kick out of it. And there is not a damned thing I can do about it. Mind you, much to my surprise I kind of enjoy watching her doing it. And have occasionally peed on my own carpet just for fun. Well it is getting peed on anyway, right? So why not? 

My room does smell very pissy right now so it is a good job my dad never comes in.

As pay back I do still occasionally piss on her carpet beside their bed but am much more careful now and only do it occasionally and have never again been caught.


Sounds like she's pretty into it. Has anything else piss-related happened with your step mother? Have you considered pushing her further, seeing how much you can do without your dad finding out? Wonderful story and thank you for writing in!

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Dear Wet Carpet Magazine,

I'm hoping your readers might be able to give me some advice with a little problem I've got at work?

My name's Linda and I work for a private health care company.  Most of role is in visiting patients in their homes, assessing them and supporting their care.  I love the job, almost all my clients are lovely.

But I have a bit of a 'situation' shall we say that's arisen.   It happened a couple of weeks ago, the day started normally with a morning of visits.  Some of my patients are a bit lonely so I often sit and have a brew with them.  Healthcare isn't always about the physical treatment.  Anyway on that particular day I found myself running a bit late, I normally pop into the surgery over lunchtime and didn't get chance.  It was just one of those days.  Patients wanting to chat, roadworks, more chatting and before I knew it, somehow it was mid afternoon.

And to top it all, I needed a wee.   I hadn't really thought about it, but I hadn't been to the bathroom since I left my house in the morning, and I must have drunk six mugs of tea. Most of my clients understand that nurses have needs too, so I'd just ask at my next visit.  That was my plan.

The thing was, my next appointment was on the other side of my area and schools' traffic was at that nightmare point.  By the time I arrived my bladder was screaming at me, I was jiggling my knees together cursing all the other cars. I finally arrived at, let's call him Arthur's house.  With all my will power I carefully stepped out of the car, clenching my urinary sphincter for all I was worth and sort of hobbled to his front door.  I rang the bell and knocked praying he'd answer quickly.  I was literally dancing on the spot, I had to go so badly and had a hand jammed between my legs as though it would help.

Waiting was complete torture and then I felt the inevitable warm spurt as I started to pass urine. I was frantic and not really thinking straight.  I ran round the side of the house, still with a hand pressed on my crotch, I wasn't in a position to think through my options - and without thinking I spotted his garden shed door open.

You guessed it...  In a flash I was squatting with my trousers and slightly damp knickers at my knees relieving myself.  At that moment I didn't care about anything else, the feeling was amazing.

Now the thing is.  I got caught. By Arthur.   Fortunately I'd finished my wee and was just fastening my trousers when he caught me, but the huge lake at my feet and the fact I was in his shed made it pretty obvious.   Inside the house I apologised profusely and explained I was about to soil myself.  He was sweet and told me not to worry, it wasn't a problem.

But since then things have been awkward - each time I go Arthur reminds me, and it seems like he's got a crush on me and a bit of a fetish thing going on.  It started with little comments, asking if I needed a wee or if I'd been desperate again. Asking me how long since I last had a wee, if I'd ever had an accident. Then telling me I could wee in his shed again anytime I needed to.  It's not like he's being creepy, but it is a bit awkward. And the fact he seems to love me visiting is having a positive effect on his treatment.

The other big thing that's a bit awkward is that actually, my mind keeps going back to that day and actually I'm sort of a little turned on at the thought of what happened.  I think it's the risk, the naughtiness, the chance of being caught. A couple of times I've found myself desperate and my mind has flicked back to that afternoon.  My appointments with Arthur do tend to be the same time and I am contemplating perhaps holding on so I am desperate by the time I get to him...

What do your readers think - would it be unprofessional of me to accept Arthur's offer?   Nursing isn't all about the treating the physical ailment as I said. 

Edited by gldenwetgoose
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Dear Wet Carpet.

I am a lady in my late 30s, married to the local vicar. Both he and I are devout Christians, with three children all named after characters in the Bible. We are all regular church goers, followers of Jesus who strive to live righteous lives so that we are smiled upon by God almighty. I pray to Him every day, seeking guidance and signs. I am widely regarded by the wider church community as a pillar of that community, an example to be followed. But pride of course is one of the deadly sins, so as long as God is happy with the way things are, that is all I need.

But I do have a naughty pleasure which I usually only indulge in when home alone. You see, when I go to the bathroom I get a naughty pleasure out of ignoring the toilet which is right there and just squatting down and peeing all over the tiled floor. The sight and sound of it all splashing noisily down into an ever growing puddle seems like such erotically charged fun. I think it is the naughtiness and wrongness of it, the breaking of a taboo that makes it so much fun. I have wondered whether I am sinning in the eyes of God and on occasions tormented myself with guilt and shame at such a possibility. Yet I clean up the mess immediately, no one else is hurt, no one else is being cheated on or anything like that. So I have kind of reasoned that God regards this as nothing to worry about. But in moments of doubt I have prayed fervently for Him to send me a sign if I am in any way sinning. But so far God has not appeared to reveal any displeasure.

My husband would no doubt be horrified if he found out, and would probably tell me I am succumbing to the temptations of Satan. But if this were so, would not God guide me away from the path of evil? I trust in God totally so the fact that He has not revealed His displeasure reassures me that I am not sinning in the eyes of the Lord. And even rationalising it in human terms, I cannot see the harm I am doing to anyone.

So yes, I intend when home alone to keep enjoying the act of deliberately ignoring the toilet and urinating right there on the floor instead.

And another naughty confession. A few times I have even deliberately peed on the kitchen floor! Doing that was so outrageously naughty that I got a real erotically charged pleasure out of doing it. And once, I even got up and brazenly peed on the kitchen table, experiencing intense pleasure as it started flowing off the edge onto the floor. I cleaned up immediately after of course. I always do.

I hope the Lord is not offended by my writing of this letter to your magazine. After all, so many ladies seem to write in with outrageous tales of peeing all over their own, or someone else's, carpets, beds and furniture. I admire and envy them on one level but on a deeper level worry about the salvation of their souls. But it is of course not my place to judge. Only God can do that. A part of me would love to just squat down anywhere and pee all over the carpet, but that would be going too far. Am certain God would not approve of my infliction of pissy wet carpets upon the rest of my God fearing family. And I know they would not understand or approve either and I would never want to hurt them.

But one day, somehow, I hope that circumstances could somehow arise where I could enjoy a wonderfully long, guilt free, pee all over a carpet somewhere, without it being an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. Or even pee on a bed. Secretly I would love to do such things, but only if they can ever be done in ways that would not be offensive to God. Which would mean no one else being present, since allowing others apart from my husband to derive sexual pleasure from my actions would surely be a sin. As would be damaging someone else's property without their approval. 

I guess this is the first time a devout Christian and follower of Jesus has ever written to your magazine.

And unless God should show His displeasure, if I ever do get to pee on some carpet somewhere, I will let you know.


Edited by steve25805
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Dear Wet Carpet.

I am a professional photographer called Graham and I have been seeing this young science teacher called Clare. She is actually something of an exhibitionist on the quiet and loves posing for nude pics. She tends to have a surprisingly naughty streak after a few drinks and once dared me to let her pee on my kitchen floor. I gave her the go ahead. And so she did just that, squatted down and peed on my kitchen floor.

Well we were at my place again the other night, enjoying a few drinks and she got quite tipsy, and was soon naked in my living room. When she needed a pee I suggested making a photo shoot of it. Being an exhibitionist who enjoyed being filmed she agreed. And being a professional I was able to capture it all in rapid fire pics of reasonably good quality, in spite of being a bit tipsy myself. She asked where I wanted her to pee and I suggested right there in the living room. And sorry to disappoint but it is a hardwood floor, so no carpets being pissed on..

Anyway, this is a little different from most letters in that I will let the pics tell most of the story. I hope you publish it anyway. She put on quite a good show.

Anyway, here she is shortly after I suggested she pee in my living room and had my camera ready to take the first pic....
I think you might agree that she looks rather sexy in the nude, even if a bit drunk.

And here she is a few moments later, gleefully pointing to the floor in front of the coffee table, indicating her clear intention as to where she was going to pee...

But clearly she had better ideas than to just squat directly over the floor. Because next thing she did was to start getting up onto the table....

Within moments she had positioned herself into a squat upon that table, clearly planning to piss from the edge of it down onto the floor...

And then she started pissing right there onto the floor...

She sprayed that floor pretty good and the sound of it hissing out and splashing down was really loud. And as you can see she got a few dribbles onto the table itself.

It was a pretty long pee and flooded the floor. I was going to have a lot of mopping up to do later.

But alas all good things do come to an end. Here is the last pic I got of her peeing, just as the flow was starting to diminish....

And finally, here she is afterwards, looking very pleased with her performance.


Hope you enjoyed this novel form of letter.

Edited by steve25805
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Dear Wet Carpet.

My wife and I are both professionals in the pharmaceutical industry. We are in our late 40s. My wife has long been in the habit of keeping a large bowl under the bed so she can pee in at at night instead of going to the toilet. Its a habit she got into when the kids were young to avoid waking them up by going to the bathroom. It soon became apparent to both of us that I found the sight of her doing this rather sexy, and she enjoyed me watching her. So the bowl ended up being kept under my side of the bed, and she would come around, squat naked over it - we usually slept nude you see - and pee in it in front of me, always with a big grin upon her face.

This became our secret pleasure, and we kept on doing it long after the kids had grown up and left home. Sometimes I would piss in the bowl too, firstly because if I needed to go I might as well, and secondly because my wife was fascinated by my pissing dick and sometimes liked to hold it for me. And it is always my job to empty the bowl in the morning. My wife gets a buzz out of the idea of just pissing in the bowl and knowing it was my job to empty it.

Well the other night we were both nude in the bedroom and needing a pee. We had ignored the toilet in the bathroom because it was more fun to watch each other peeing in the bowl. But when my wife reached under the bed to grab it, it wasnt there. I had emptied it into the toilet that morning but for some reason left it in the bathroom. My wife then grinned, commenting that because the bowl wasnt there she was just going to have to make do without it. Whereupon she squatted over the floor on my side of the bed as usual without anything to pee in. And then she just peed anyway, right there on our bedroom carpet. Sexiest thing I'd ever seen. The sight and sound of her yellow piss splashing down onto the fabric was amazing. She had a massive grin as she peed, and was clearly enjoying it. She laughed that it was my fault for forgetting the bowl. 

When she was done she admired the puddle soaking into the carpet and stood up, at which point I announced that I needed to pee too. She asked me to come around to her side of the bed, where she took my penis in hand and aimed it towards the floor as I peed right there on the carpet beside her sleeping position.

I intend to forget the bowl again sometime, lol.

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Dear Wet Carpet

When I was growing up I knew this girl who liked to pee on her bedroom carpet in front of me and liked watching my dick as I peed there too. I used to let her pee on my bedroom carpet as well.

Well we both kind of grew up and grew out of it, each going our separate ways. She got married, had kids, kids grew up and left home, she got divorced and was left with the house. I too had kids who now live with their mum from whom I am separated. We learned all this about each other when chance bought us together in a hotel bar one night and we got talking. She is 42 now, a year older than me. 

We met up a couple more times and then she invited me round to her place for and evening of films and drinks. Though in fact we soon gave up on the films as we were far more interested in chatting to each other. 

Well we ended up having sex in her bedroom, both of us naked of course, then chatted some more laying together on the bed, supping wine. And somehow - don't remember how or who brought it up - the subject of our childish carpet pissings came up and how we were lucky our mums never found out, but agreed it seemed like fun at the time. Then with a naughty grin she told me she needed a pee right then. She said it might be fun if she - a fully grown woman now - just peed on the carpet like we used to. She said it would be such a naughty thing to do but would surely be great fun. Well lets just say I was never minded to talk her out of it. 

So, erotically naked, she got up off the bed and sashayed over towards the corner of her bedroom. Then she lowered herself down into a squat right there. And seconds later with an audible hissing she started pissing right there, an ever growing damp patch forming on the carpet beneath her. She laughed about how doing this was just as much fun as it always used to be. She gleefully enthused in mid flow that being a fully grown woman old enough to know better made it even naughtier. She was clearly enjoying herself, and I too was enjoying the show. She peed loads and created a rather large puddle slowly seeping into the carpet.

When she was done, she got up and looked down at the mess she had made with a satisfied grin. "I enjoyed that", she enthused.

I needed to go too so she had me stand beside her bed and insisted upon lending a hand so to speak, holding my dick as I pissed on the carpet beside her bed.

Well whenever we are at her place this has become a regular thing. We often go upstairs to pee together, walking right past the bathroom and going into her bedroom where we both pee on the carpet. Its our thing now. Her room does smell a bit pissy but she is not bothered about it so I am not going to be. Sometimes she likes to hold my dick whilst I piss against her bedroom wall. On one occasion when we were both quite drunk we decided it would be a good laugh to deliberately wet the bed together. She had to sleep at mine for the next few nights whilst her mattress dried out, lol.

Of course, we sometimes spent the night together at my place anyway, where she frequently insisted upon christening my bedroom carpet, peeing there beside my bed. And now at my place too we tend to have evenings when we dont use the toilet and instead pee on my bedroom carpet in front of each other just for fun. At my invitation, she has even peed on my living room carpet once, right in front of the sofa.

We indulge in other naughty pissings too from time to time, like peeing all over our own or each others kitchen and bathroom floors, then leaving it there to mop up later. One Friday evening we both peed all over her kitchen floor and she just left it there until Sunday morning before bothering to mop it up. She would be cooking food in the kitchen with piss still all over the floor which seemed so naughtily outrageous. And naturally when it came to our bathrooms, there was something so deliberately naughty about ignoring the toilet that was right there and pissing all over the floor anyway.

Another thing she occasionally likes to do is to squat upon her kitchen table and piss on it as I watch. I love the way it starts flowing off the edge onto the tiled kitchen floor. She sometimes likes to hold my dick as I piss on the table too. 

I think I love this woman. It is great to be able to have so much fun pissing together.

Edited by steve25805
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Dear Wet Carpet.

My name is Jane, my partner is called Clare. And we are both in our late 20s. And yes we are lesbians. We love this magazine with all those tales of ladies peeing all over the place, fucking up their own carpets and shit like that. We would love to just pee everywhere in our own home with total abandon, but we have lots of visitors who would never understand why the carpets and furniture are all wet, nor do we want to live somewhere that stinks of stale pee. Yet the very notion of just peeing anywhere is a turn on for both of us. In our own home for most of the time we just tend to do it on the bathroom and kitchen floors, delighting in flooding them. It is relatively easy to mop up afterwards. We do random things like get up onto the kitchen table together and piss all over it, loving the sound of it flowing off the edge and splashing down onto the tiled floor. And since the bathroom wall is painted with steam proof and waterproof paint, we sometimes like to stand naked with our hips thrust forward and piss against the wall. Another kinky thing we like to do is take a standing piss on the toilet together with the lid down so that most of it ends up on the floor anyway.

But what we really want to do is piss all over the carpet without actually doing any damage. We want the thrill without ruining our carpets. In recent months though we have had a great idea. Every week we buy several cheap rugs from charity shops. with one laid out in the living room and another in our bedroom. With several spare ones.  It costs us money but it is worth it. And when we need a piss we will just squat over the rug in the living room or the bedroom, depending upon where we are. And just piss on it. All the thrill of pissing with abandon on the carpet, but on something we can just throw away when it is ruined, and before it gets too so sodden that pee starts to seep through onto our carpets beneath. It is a tremendous rush to squat in the middle of the living room and piss on the rug. We have to move them when visitors are expected, unless they are friends in the know, in which case they are free to piss on the rug too, and most seem to enjoy doing it.

We probably throw away five or six piss soaked rugs every week. The bin men must wonder what the hell is going on. 

One evening we decided to throw a piss party for ourselves and several of our lesbian friends who were interested, ranging in age from just 18 up to their early 40s. In preparation for this planned event we travelled around all the charity stores buying up as many second hand rugs as we could get our hands on. And on the evening in question, before our half dozen or so lady guests arrived, we covered the living room floor with rugs two deep, in anticipation of lots of piss. And of course we laid on lots of alcohol though our guests were encouraged to bring their own as well. It was all planned as a drink fest cum erotic pissing session. There were only two rules. Rule 1 is that we would be naked and our guests were expected to strip naked upon arrival too. Just to enhance the eroticism of all we were going to be doing. The second rule was that all pissing had to be done openly in front of each other all over the living room floor on the rugs provided.

Soon there were eight of us all naked and drinking large amounts of alcohol, regularly squatting, semi-squatting, or just standing with parted legs, and pissing all over the floor. The rugs in the middle of the room were soaked first but we all decided it would be fun to make the entire floor wet, so we all started peeing in corners, between armchairs, all over every area of the floor not occupied by furniture. It soon seemed like every ten minutes or so, another naked female was taking a piss right there on our living room floor. Before the end of the evening, the top layer of rugs were so sodden that they were squelching underfoot. We all had wet feet, lol.

Well that was a brilliant party. All the rugs were ruined off course, especially the top layer. We removed them and threw them out in the yard in the morning. Even the bottom layer was ruined but fortunately very little had seeped through onto the carpet proper. Nothing a quick dusting of shake and vac wouldn't sort. 

Less than half an hour after we'd sorted all that out. My mother paid a visit. And she had no clue what had happened, which is just as well because she is one of those clean freaks who would freak out even if you just peed in the shower. Good  job she didnt come and hour earlier. She'd have been horrified, lol.




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