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2 hours ago, wetwulf said:

Dear Wet Carpet, 

I want to thank those of you who commented or messaged me asking for more stories about my mother and me and our peeing experiences. If you haven't read my previous letter yet, go back and read that one, and this one will make more sense. If you loved my last letter, I hope you enjoy this one, as well, because there is a lot to share. 

To say that my mother's mood and behavior changed dramatically after her first night at my place would be an understatement. I had never seen her so happy, and it began to occur to me how miserable she must have really been with my dad and how they both just faked it. I'm not saying all my mom's problems were solved by some peeing and some masturbation, but it's like she seemed more… set free, for lack of a better term. Like she had been liberated from something that was holding her back from being happy. She also became a little bit more risky and more open about it with me.

We both had to work the day where my last letter left off. About an hour into work, I got a text from Mom that said:

"Coffee is going right through me. I need to go pee, but the bathroom is downstairs from my office."

I texted back: "Well, what choice do you have? You can't pee in an office with other people around!"

"I know," she replied. "I considered it, though. Guess I'll just get up and go."

I responded with a thumbs up and didn't hear anything from her for a bit. Then about fifteen minutes later my phone rang. 

"You'll never believe what just happened," my mom said.

"Please tell me you didn't get caught pissing yourself," I replied. 

"I did not," she said, "but almost." She giggled and then explained. As soon as she sent her last text message she had stayed at her desk and tried to hold her pee a little longer. When she finally felt she should go soon or have an accident, she stood up, and as soon as she did a small spurt leaked into her panties. "I almost sat right back down because I thought for sure it was coming out," Mom said. "And it would have been better to piss myself sitting at my office chair than standing up where everyone could see." She managed to stop her pee, though, and hold it long enough to walk out of her office and to the stairwell. "That's when it got really bad," Mom said. As soon as she stepped into the stairwell, another wave hit her and she gasped and could feel another warm spurt in her panties. She sort of shuffle walked down the first set of stairs, feeling tiny dribbles down her legs. "I got to that first landing, and I just knew my bladder was done," she said. "I wasn't going to make it another step without pissing myself." Mom said she desperately looked up and down the stairs in hopes that no one was coming as she pulled her panties aside and dropped into a half squat and sprayed a strong stream of piss that splashed loudly against the wall behind her and trickled down to the concrete floor. 

Mom knew as soon as she started emptying her bladder that it would be a mess and that if anyone entered the stairwell there would be no hiding what had happened. "But… this kind of turned me on," Mom said. I smiled because I knew exactly what she meant. Having peed in public several times myself, I knew the thrill of almost getting caught.

As soon as the pressure in her bladder had been relieved, Mom said she got the heck out of there and ran to the bathroom. "My legs and feet were a little wet from the splash, and there was a small wet spot on my panties, too. I thought about taking them off, but I was also turned on by the idea of wearing wet panties all day without anyone knowing." 

Mom said while she was in the bathroom, she sat on the toilet because she knew there was more pee, and another naughty idea occurred to her. "I was thinking about when we peed in your living room and how I scooted to the edge of the chair and just let it out." Mom said she scooted her big bottom to the edge of the toilet seat and emptied her bladder onto the bathroom floor, enjoying the relief and the splashing sound it made as it fell from her pussy to the floor. Then she said she had to rub herself, and because she was already so excited it didn't take long for her to have a quiet but satisfying orgasm.

"So what have you been up to?" Mom asked. Unfortunately, my day consisted of work, work, and more work. Unlike my mother, I was surrounded by people all day, and the bathroom is located literally fifteen steps away from my cubicle. Although there is some chance I could have gotten away with a secret pee since I am mostly hidden behind my cubicle, but my coworkers are so close on each side and even across from me that I would be afraid to risk it. "Bummer," Mom said.

"Yeah," I said. "But maybe I'll get lucky and my day will get better once my shift is over."

"Well, if it happens before I see you this evening, you'll have to tell me all about it." I agreed to tell her and hung up so I could get back to work. A few hours later, near the end of my shift, I got another text.

"Had to pee just a little bit and decided to try something." Shortly after receiving this text, I got another one that said, "Delete immediately" with a photo of the crotch of my mom's panties with an obvious wet spot on her panties and her office chair. I stared wide-eyed for a few seconds and then obediently deleted the photo. The memory of that image stuck in my mind, though, and it excited me and reminded me of my own growing need. 

I am usually able to hold my bladder between my lunch break and the end of my shift, but not without difficulty. Most of the time I grab my stuff, leave my desk, and rush into the bathroom before taking the long walk to my car, which is parked in the parking garage next to our building. This day, I had an idea, and it was a risky one. Even though I really had to pee, I skipped the bathroom trip, grabbed my belongings, and walked out of the office.

I was on the elevator with five other people when a wave of pressure hit my bladder. I felt a small spurt dampen the crotch of my panties, and even though I was wearing black leggings, my heart was beating from the fear that if I had an accident right now, everyone in this elevator would know. The idea also excited me, but I honestly could not risk someone reporting such a thing to my supervisors. 

So I did my best to hold on longer. It took a lot of self control to hold my pee during the entire elevator ride and then to shuffle as inconspicuously as possible out to my car. As soon as I saw my car, I pushed the key fob to unlock the doors and walked even faster. I swear it was like my body mistook my car for a bathroom because as soon as I reached it, my bladder gave up and I felt my panties fill with warm pee. I didn't even look around to see if anyone could see me as I just gave up, stood next to my car, and emptied my bladder. It flowed out of me with a loud hiss as it filled my panties and trickled warmly down my legs. I sighed and had to put a hand on my car to support myself from the wave of relief and pleasure. I peed for at least a minute before I heard voices and finally snapped back to reality.

I quickly opened my car door and hopped in, not even thinking about my now wet bottom and if it would ruin my car seat. Once I was seated, though, I could already feel the seat getting wet under me. "Dammit," I said. "Well, can't do anything about it now." I started my car and sat for a moment, feeling the wetness beneath me. I reached in my purse and took out my phone and called my mother.

"Hello!" she said, sounding very cheerful.

"So I just pissed my pants in the parking garage," I said. Mom gasped.

"Did anyone see you?" she asked.

"I don't think so," I said. "But I heard someone coming, so I hopped in my car without thinking, and now my seat is wet." Mom burst into laughter. 

"Oops," she said and laughed again. "I mean I guess the good news is the seats are dark."

"Yeah, and…." I got quiet because I felt a slight wave of pressure again. "Since the damage is already done… ahhhhhh." My mother gasped again. 

"Are you peeing in your car?" she asked.

"I am," I said, sighing and laughing with pleasure as the last dribbles soaked through my panties and pants and into the already wet car seat.

"You naughty girl," Mom said. "You're making me have to pee now."

"Where are you?" I asked. Now that I had finished peeing, I backed my car out of my parking space and started the drive out of the parking garage.

"I'm still at the office," she said. "Almost everyone has left for the day, at least in my department."

"You're really thinking about doing it, aren't you?" I said. My mom giggled, and I could hear that joy in her laughter, and it made my heart soar.

"I am," she said. "I just don't know how I'm going to do it yet." I heard her suck air in through her teeth. "I need to decide quickly, though, or I'll just be pissing myself right here." I could hear Mom walking around and assumed she was either looking for a place to pee or was checking to see if anyone was around. Maybe both?

"What are you doing?" I asked. At the bottom of the parking garage, I stopped at the stoplight and relaxed as another short burst of pee warmed my bottom.

"There's this old storage room," Mom said, "where they've been putting the old furniture and stuff." The light turned green, and I stopped peeing. I heard a creaking sound that must have been my mom opening a door. "Here we go," she said. "Oh wow, so many chairs and desks and even a sofa!" She giggled.

"Mom, are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked.

"No one ever comes in here," she said, "or at least no one important." Then I heard her gasp. "Holy shit, Anna, there's a wet spot on one of these office chairs!"


"Yes!" Mom said. "And it's… it's not an old one! And there are some wet spots on the floor!"

"That means someone else at your office is a pee freak," I said, laughing. 

"I told you the bathroom is all the way downstairs. Someone else must hate making the trip down there and found a solution. Oooh!"

"What?" I asked.

"I just about pissed myself just now," Mom said. "I need to find somewhere to go right now! Oooh, I know! I've always wanted to do this."

"Do what?" I asked. "I want to know!"

"So impatient," she said and giggled. "I'm sitting up on top of one of the desks. Oh! The top is cold on my bottom!" She laughed. "Okay, I'm just gonna spread my legs and go. Ahhhhhh." I could hear a spraying and dribbling sound. "Ohhhh, it's puddling between my legs and then running down off the edge of the desk." Mom sighed, and then the dribbling sound stopped and I heard her moving again.

"What are you doing now?" I asked.

"Remember how great you said it felt to piss into your sofa?" she asked.

"I do." I came to another stoplight, and this time I put my car in park and then slid my leggings and panties down just enough to feel my bare ass and pussy against the wet fabric of my seat.

"Well, I'm about to find out, too," Mom said. "I'm just going to sit on this sofa and piss into it through my panties."

"Mmmm," was all I could say in response as another dribble of pee seeped out of me and directly into my car seat.

"Oh, here it comes," Mom said. "Oh! Oh my god! Mmmm! It feel so good and so naughty. Ohhhh, shit, Anna." Mom's moans became gasps, and I could tell even through the phone that she was moving her hips, rubbing her soaked panties and pussy against the wet cushion. "Oh god, I'm gonna come!" I heard her try her best to stifle a scream. I wanted so badly to touch myself, but I was worried my orgasm would be too much to drive carefully, so I had to settle for moving my ass just enough to feel the wet seat against my ass and pussy.

"Ohh, Anna," my mom said. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but I don't think your couch is ever going to be dry because if it feels this good, I will be peeing on it soon." I laughed, causing another small spurt of pee to sleep into my car seat.

"And I will probably join you," I said.

More stories to come!


Again great part of the story. Cant wait to read more

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, wetwulf said:

This is the next letter from the daughter about her wetting experiences with her mother. It contains wetting, naughty peeing, furniture wetting, and masturbation.


Dear Wet Carpet, 

My mom just hit me with a bombshell, something that in my 23 years of life I never would have expected: before she met my father, she used to enjoy peeing in naughty places.

We were sitting in my living room after a long work day for both of us when she stood up and walked to the corner of the room and squatted over an area rug that we had agreed was acceptable for peeing without needing much cleaning other than to throw it  in the washer if it started to smell. I commented that she seemed to be getting more comfortable with just squatting and peeing in places she shouldn't. That's when she just casually said, "Well, I used to do stuff like this all the time before I met your father."

Mom said it started when she was younger. She remembers that her mom (my grandmother) used to get caught short sometimes when they were out running errands. "I think she said her bladder had been messed up since she had my brother because he was a big baby." I laughed; my uncle John was now 6'3" and about 225 pounds. "Anyway," Mom continued, "We would be out shopping, and on our way out to the car she would say something like, 'Ooh, I should have used the restroom.' Then she would look around and say, 'Sweetie, watch and see if anybody comes, okay?' I would nod and then look out for her while she would pull her dress or skirt up or take down her blue jeans and just pee right there next to our car. A few times she asked if I needed to pee, too, and if I did she would look out for me while I did my best to go, as well."

My mom said this became a normal thing, and it was mostly for convenience, saving her mother a trip to a bathroom or keeping her from having to use a nasty public bathroom. A few times, she caught my grandmother squatting outside in their yard and even a few times in secluded places in their house. Always if she spotted my mom, she would extend the opportunity for her to pee there, as well. My mom never refused.

As my mom grew up, though, this became a regular habit even when she wasn't with my grandmother. While playing outside with friends, my mother might find the chance to squat behind a bush, or if she was alone on a hike somewhere she would shamelessly pull her pants and panties down and pee right on the trail. She revisited some of the same discreet corners of  the house.  "The point is, I really started to enjoy it, so I did it as often as I could get away with it." As she matured, she started to notice how much peeing secretly in naughty places excited her in a different sort of way, and as she became aware of the sexual changes and feelings in her body, she knew that the naughtiness of peeing where she shouldn't was exciting her sexually.

"This just made me want to do it more often," Mom said. She told me that she woke up one night when she was a teenager and really needed to pee. She got out of bed, and her stomach fluttered with excitement as she walked to the corner of her room and squatted over the carpet. Seconds later she peed fully, enjoying the hissing and splashing sound echoing in the darkness of her room. The next morning, my grandma came in, woke her up, and mentioned the wet spot. Mom said my grandma wasn't angry but cautioned my mom to be more discrete if she didn't want her father or brother to find out.

"Her approval just made me bolder," Mom said. When she started college, my mom was lucky enough to get a dorm room to herself. Similar to what had happened at home, Mom woke up needing to pee. She climbed out of her bed and walked over to the back corner of her dorm room and emptied her bladder onto the carpet. At her first college party, the bathrooms were really busy, so her and a friend found an unoccupied room of the house, pulled down their shorts and panties, and soaked the floor of the room.

"Then I got a job as a lifeguard at the university's pool," Mom said. "This was like a whole new world of chances to pee." Mom said until then her naughty pees had been with her bottom garments and panties removed, but wearing a one-piece allowed for an excuse to try wetting. Mom said she learned how to pee through her bathing suit while standing, letting her pee slowly quietly and secretly down her legs, and how to pee herself while sitting and while laying out on a towel or a lounge chair with her legs together so no one would notice without looking closely. 

"So then I started thinking of ways to piss myself without taking any of my clothes off," Mom said. Of course this was easy with skirts and dresses, but Mom said she also perfected the skill of pulling the crotch of her shorts and panties aside and peeing through the leg hole. She wore black pants, shorts, and skirts as often as she could. 

"I even pissed myself during one of my classes," she said. It was an important lecture, and Mom knew she couldn't miss any of it, so when the inevitable pressure came, she was sure that if she just let it  out in small spurts, the cushioned seat beneath her should be able to soak it up. Luckily, the only other people in her row were near the other end. So Mom said she just relaxed and tried to let a little bit out. This lasted until the feeling of the warmth of the seat started to excite her, and she decided to relax fully and just soak her seat. "It was so hard to concentrate on the lecture because it felt so damn good. I had to bite my lip because if I thought I was going to cum right there in class." Mom said that maybe the reason she enjoyed pissing in my couch so much is that it reminded her of her first experience soaking a seat cushion.

"Speaking of," I said as I slid my leggings and panties off.

"What are you doing?" Mom asked. I answered her with a smile and then looked down as I relaxed in my recliner and spread my legs just enough that I could see my pussy. I sighed and watched open-mouthed as a warm and messy dribble of pee splashed out of me and onto the chair cushion. It pooled between my legs for a few seconds before absorbing slowly into the material.

"So we're back to making messes again?" Mom asked, laughing.

I was out of breath and so close to orgasm. "I'm sorry, but… ohhh… your story just… made me so hot… Ohhhh."

"Well, I'm not going to let you have all the fun," Mom said. As my pee was becoming a trickle, I watched as my mother removed her pants and panties, as well, and then sat back onto the couch. She didn't spread her legs like I did, though. Instead she just sat there in what otherwise looked like a perfectly normal way to sit on the couch. But then she exhaled, and I could just barely hear a quiet hissing sound. "Oh!" Mom whined. "Oh my god. Ahhhhh." She leaned back into the couch and then spread her legs. I could now see the growing wet spot and the strong stream of pee that sprayed out of her and into the couch cushion. Mom closed her eyes and started to rub her wet slit, so I did the same. I closed my eyes and slid my fingers into my pussy and rubbed my clit. It did not take long before we were both whimpering with pleasure and then screaming as we climaxed almost simultaneously. 

When we were finished, we both just laughed at the mess. I smiled at my mother. "Thank you for telling me all of this," I said.

"Thank you for bringing me back to it," she said.

I'll have more stories for you later if you want them. 

Love these stories of mom and her daughter. Hope there is more to come

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On 3/30/2021 at 7:19 PM, hentaixt said:

The wealthy really do live in a different world from us. I’ve been working at furniture store for a summer job, not even been there a month, but I've to tell you about this client. Strap in, it might be long.


I was chatting with a co-worker on a slow day when this well dressed woman comes in and starts meandering around. I mean she would just look at something, wrinkle her nose, and dash away. She went through the sofa section THREE TIMES, like she was going to find something new. Finally she comes over to us and her eyes light up. "What is this chair?"


"It's one of newer models. Would you like some information on it?"
"Yes, very much. I have some questions as well, how absorbent is it?"
"What amount of liquid can it hold?"


"It-It's a chair... they're not rated for that. In fact most of them have 'Cloth-Cloak' so spills just roll off without absorbing."


"Well that's just terrible! Do you have a version without that??"
"There's a whole catalog of styles and colors."


"I need something quickly. Will it take long to order or do you have each variety in the back?"
"I mean we might?"
"Could I test this one?"
"Yes, you can sit in it. Whoa!! What are you doing with your skirt?"
"I want to pee here."
"Uh, NO."
"Look I'll be honest. I have a very large house; my library is VERY far from the nearest bathroom. I am looking to buy a chair to use for convenience."
"Well, IF you purchase a chair you can do whatever you want with it. But there's NO WAY, we can let you do that on a floor model."


"Alright, I'll go and use the ladies room. While I'm gone find me what I requested."
"I'll do my best." Here she wanders off; we watched to make sure she actually made TO the bathroom. She was gone for longer than expected, so she must have really had to go. I get the feeling she had been waiting to visit here until she was desperate. That also might explain the erratic nature of her in the store. Once she returned, I showed the styles that I'd found and we did in fact have one in the back ready to go. She paid, I got commission off it and she spoke to my manager. I was worried, thinking she was going to complain about my service..... since I didn't let her pee on the chair. Quite the opposite, she commended me and told the manager I was to accompany the delivery team when they took the chair our tomorrow, else she would leave a bad review of the store online. This is getting longer than I thought already, so you'll have to wait for next time to find out about what happened. Well, that's if you tell me you actually want to know.  :WINK:


I’d love to hear part 2! 😛

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4 hours ago, wetwulf said:

This is the next letter from Anna. It includes furniture wetting, bedwetting, naughty peeing, desperation, and masturbation. 

Dear Wet Carpet, 

Hello everyone. It's Anna again. So I blame my mother for this (although I guess to be fair, I did it first). I have fallen in love with pissing in my car. Now, every morning on my way to work, if I need to pee, I've been waiting for a stoplight, adjusting my skirt or sliding my leggings and panties down, and just letting it go in my car seat. The feeling of my warm pee soaking into the seat under me and warming my bottom is such an incredible feeling. I've also come to enjoy the risk of sitting at a red light with cars right next to me, and then emptying my bladder without anyone knowing. On more than one occasion, I've had to masturbate as soon as I get to work.

So of course I wasn't surprised when my mom called me during her drive to work. "Anna, I'm on my way to work, but I really need to pee." I laughed, but I wasn't sure if she was serious or if this was a sort of game.

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" I asked. "Pull over somewhere or find a bathroom."

"But I'm running late," Mom said. "I don't have time to stop anywhere." I heard her inhale. "Oooh, I really need to pee."

"Mom," I said, "you know what you want to do."

"Of course I know what I want to do," she said, "but I haven't pissed in my car yet. And the seats aren't fabric like yours. They're bucket seats. I'll be soaked." She gasped again. "Shit! I just went a little bit."

I tried to think of a solution for her. "Aren't you wearing a dress?" I asked.

"Yes I am," Mom said.

"So just pull it up out of the way, scoot forward, and go on the floor."

"Okay, I'll try," Mom said. I could hear her moving around. "Oh god, I can't hold it anymore. Oh!" Now I could hear a soft hissing and splashing sound. "Ohh, that's much better. Oh, it's making a puddle on the floor mat." Mom giggled. "Mmm, this is nice, just letting my pee out while I'm driving. Thank you, Anna. Ohhh. Anyways, I'll see you after work."

Mom called me again a few hours later after her lunch break. "So… I did it," she said.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I pissed in my car seat," she said. Mom said that on her way to get lunch, she really had to pee. She hadn't been to the bathroom since our talk that morning. Since she had an hour for her lunch break, Mom said she drove out to the empty parking lot where the old shopping plaza used to be. "I was getting pretty desperate at this point, so I put the car in park and looked around to make sure no one else was around." Mom said she slid her panties off, put them in  the passenger seat, and then bunched her dress up to keep it from getting wet. "I knew it was going to be a lot, but I sat back in the seat and just tried to relax." Mom said seconds later, a strong dribble of pee splashed out of her and right away started making a puddle between her legs. "And oh my god, it felt good," she said. "It made a big puddle right at my pussy, and it turned me on so much that… well, you know." Mom giggled, and I laughed knowingly. I asked her what she did about the wet mess because I knew she didn't want to get her dress wet since she had to go back to work. "I just scooted forward and pushed most of the puddle into the floor, and I had a towel in my back seat, so I put it down and sat on it." Mom said the towel was so soft and comfortable under her bottom that as she was almost back to her workplace she had to pee again, so she just relaxed and felt her warm pee soak into the towel.

A few other places have become regular favorites in my house, as well. A few nights ago, I woke up feeling the need to pee. Mom was fast asleep, and I was hesitant to wake her up by asking her to let me out of the bed since I was on the end closest to the wall. I guess I could have sat up and scooted down to the foot of the bed and gotten out that way, but as another wave of pressure hit my bladder, I decided that was too much trouble. I remembered the first night Mom stayed with me, and I had caught her pissing on my bedroom carpet, and how I had slid my ass against the far wall and secretly peed down the wall into the space between my bed and the wall. 

I smiled as I scooted my bottom back until it touched the wall. I was wearing a nightgown with panties, but I didn't even bother moving either of them out of the way. I just relaxed and right away felt a warm flow of pee soak my bottom and then dribble down the wall. I thought I was being quiet until my mom suddenly rolled over.

"Are you peeing?" she asked.

I didn't say anything for a few seconds, mostly because I was really enjoying the warmth of my pee soaking my panties and nightgown. "Maybe," I finally said.

"Oh my, I can hear it," Mom said. "It's making me have to go." I watched as my mom moved under the covers, bringing her knees up closer and her hands to her crotch. "Well, it wouldn't be the first time this bed's been wet," she said. Then before I could say anything in response, she sighed, and the hiss of her pee was loud in the quiet of the room, and so was the sound of her pee dribbling into the bed. "Ohhhh, my god. Mmm. And it won't be the last time." Mom exhaled as she peed fully, soaking the bed between her legs. I saw her hands moving under the covers. I also started touching my wet slit through my nightgown and panties and soon we were both moaning and crying out as we climaxed almost together. When we were finished, Mom giggled and put her knees back down. "Good night," she said. We both fell back to sleep pretty quickly.

The next morning I woke up to Mom squirming in the bed. I opened my eyes just as she rolled over to face me. She smiled. "I really soaked the bed last night," she said.

"Yes, you did." I could feel some of the wetness on my side of the bed, as well.

"It's gotten cold," Mom said. "Guess I could just…. Ohhhhh." Mom didn't move from the position she was in, but I could hear the hiss of her pee and a quiet splashing as she peed directly into the bed. The sound sent a wave of pressure through my bladder, as well. I was also laying on my side with my left leg extended, so I followed my mother's example and just relaxed. My panties became saturated again as I peed fully, soaking them and my nightgown and feeling my warm pee soak into the bed beneath me. 

"Ohhh, god, that feels good," I said.

"Mmm hmm," Mom said in response.

After we finished peeing, Mom got up and stripped off her wet clothes. There was a huge wet spot in the bed, but we both just stared at it and smiled. Mom went across the hall to the bathroom and shut the door. I also stripped off my wet clothes and walked naked to my dresser to choose my outfit for the day. I heard the shower running, and this somehow awakened a slight need to pee again. Since I was naked, I just relaxed and let a few dribbles run down my legs to the carpet. 

I waited patiently for Mom to be finished showering, scrolling on my phone while I waited. Once the water stopped, I walked across the hall and waited outside the door, expecting her to come out soon. I badly needed a shower, so when I finally got tired of waiting, I opened the bathroom door and was surprised to see Mom sitting on the toilet with her top on but naked from  the waist down. She had the toilet lid down and a small but steady trickle of pee was falling from between her legs and dripping off the seat to the floor. "Sorry," she said, smiling sheepishly. "Had to pee, didn't want to bother lifting the seat." I just shook my head and stepped over to take a shower. When I got out later, I saw she had dropped some towels onto the floor to soak up her pee.

Later, at breakfast, we were sitting at the dining table, sipping coffee, eating cereal, and talking about work plans and coworkers and about our favorite TV show. Then without saying anything, Mom scooted forward in her seat and adjusted her bottom as she slid her leggings and panties down. I soon heard a dripping sound as she peed right onto the floor beneath the dining table. I smiled as I got up to pour myself another cup of coffee. Just as my mother's pee was coming to an end, I felt my own need. I was wearing a dark blue dress that reached my knees, so I just relaxed and emptied my bladder, filling my panties with delicious warmth, sighing as my pee dribbled down my legs and created a puddle on  the kitchen floor at my feet.

After this, our cars, the bed, the couch, the bathroom floor, and the kitchen became regular pee spots. I'll share more another time. Mom and I also have plans to have a ladies' night and maybe hook up with some hot guys, so I'm sure I'll have tales to tell after that.



That was another amezing story of anna and her mother. Love the series, keep this going man

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  • 2 weeks later...
15 hours ago, wetwulf said:

This is Anna's next letter about her pee experiences with her mother. It contains desperation, wetting, peeing on public transport, and masturbation.

Dear Wet Carpet, 

When I last wrote to you, I told you that my mom and I were planning a night out. Well, we decided to make an entire day of it and take the train into town. It would be about an hour's journey by train and then a short walk to the plaza where there were shops and restaurants and a theater. I knew we were in for an incredible day while we were getting dressed when my mother said, "I think I'm going to skip the panties today and wear my black skirt." I laughed because I had a similar thought, but instead of a skirt I slid on a pair of black leggings. Mom also wore a lacy pink bra and a red blouse, and I wore a silver strapless bra and a light blue tube top.

Once we arrived at the station, Mom decided we'd better visit the restrooms before boarding the train. As soon as we entered the restroom, however, we were both bombarded by a disgusting smell. It didn't take long for us to decide there was no way in hell we were going anywhere near that horrid place. I still don't know what was all over the floor, and I don't think I want to know. We got out of there as quickly as we walked in.

"Guess we'll find out if we can hold it the entire trip," my mother said.

"Maybe there will be some stops along the way, and we can get off to pee before getting back on," I said. Mom just shrugged. 

"I kind of need to go now," she said. We both looked around to see if there were any corners or private areas where we could get away with a sneaky pee. Unfortunately, there were too many people around and not really anywhere to pee secretly. Even if we had decided to wet ourselves, the floor was concrete, and the puddle would have been impossible to hide. And as we were still looking, the train arrived. My mother shrugged again and we boarded the train.

We weren't on the train very long when it became obvious to me that Mom wouldn't last much longer. She kept crossing her legs and groaning. There weren't a lot of people in our car but definitely enough that neither of us wanted to just pee openly.

"I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to hold it," Mom whispered to me. "What do you think I should do?"

"I don't know, Mom," I said. "Whatever you have to, I guess. Just please don't embarrass yourself or me." I smiled at her. 

"I would never," Mom said and she winked at me and smiled. Then she sat up, and I could just barely hear her sigh softly, followed by just a faint hissing sound. I knew there was no one close enough to hear it but me, and Mom was doing an excellent job of just sitting there,  nonchalantly pissing into her skirt and the seat. I knew the soft material of the seat would absorb most of it, but as her pee continued to hiss out I started to worry that it might not hold all of it if she peed too much. Mom didn't seem concerned though, and I heard her moan softly and could hear a burbling sound. Mom's face reddened, but she managed to compose herself and seconds later the burbling and hissing stopped.

Mom leaned closed to me. "That felt so good I thought I was going to come." I laughed. 

"Kind of sounded like you did," I said.

"Almost," Mom said. "Don't you have to pee?"

"Yes, but I'm going to try to hold it," I said. A little later, though, I felt a slight wave of pressure. I really didn't want to fully wet my seat all at once because I was worried my leggings wouldn't hide my wetting as much as Mom's skirt hid hers. But I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it all until we reached our stop. So I scooted back in the seat until my bottom was as far back as I could get it and I could feel the most cushioned part of the seat just under my pussy. Then I relaxed and right away felt a warm burst of pee squirt directly into my leggings, wetting my crotch and inner thighs and soaking slowly into my seat. I tried to hide my gasp and cut off my flow, but Mom heard me and gave me a knowing look. "I'm trying to just let a little bit out at a time because I'm worried someone will see," I said. "But that felt so good." Mom giggled.

"You want to let it all out, don't you?" she said.

"Mmm hmm."

"Just let it go," Mom said. "There aren't that many people on this car, and they're all the way over there. And as far as I can tell there are no cameras on this train. No one is going to know except you and me."

"Okay, you convinced me," I said. "I can't hold it much longer anyway." I sighed and just completely let go. The hiss of my pee was audible as it filled my crotch with delicious warmth, spraying through my leggings and soaking my thighs and the seat. I felt the wetness grow under me as my warm pee soaked into the seat and tried to compose myself. I couldn't stop a satisfying moan from escaping my lips as the spray of my pee tickled my clit and I had a small orgasm.

"That's my girl," Mom said. "Feel better?" I nodded.

About 10 minutes later the train stopped and to our delight the car emptied as everyone else exited at this stop and no one else got on. Just before the train moved again, Mom and I both got up and changed from our wet seats to dry ones on the other side. As soon as I was seated and the train started moving again, I scooted to the edge of the seat and slid my leggings down. I exhaled and sprayed a messy stream of pee that splashed loudly onto the train car floor, creating a puddle and a stream that quickly flowed away from me.

Mom giggled, stood up, and walked to one of the poles in the center of the train car. I was confused until I heard her sigh and then saw a trickle of pee running down her legs and pooling at her feet. She moaned, and her pee hissed loudly as it sprayed hard enough to splash through the front of her skirt. "Oh my god," she said and gasped. Mom reached down and touched the crotch of her skirt, soaking it more and sighing as she felt the wetness with her hand.

I was so turned on by watching her expressions of pleasure. I pulled my leggings back up and then knelt on the floor in front of my seat. I started rubbing my wet crotch as I peed more through my leggings, letting it spray my fingers as I rubbed. Mom was gasping and panting as she rubbed her crotch more vigorously. Her eyes were closed in total abandon to pleasure. I closed mine, as well, and rubbed harder, and soon we were both crying out as we climaxed.

And that was just the first half of the train ride. More stories to come in my next letter.


I cant wait for the next part i hope its just as good as this one

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/10/2015 at 4:53 PM, wetwulf said:

Dear Wet Carpet,

I have hesitated writing to you until my daughter went off to college out of risk of someone finding out who I am and embarrassing her. I think it's safe now, though.

When my story is finished, you may think our family strange, and you may judge us, but we've been at this long enough that it won't matter much to me what anyone says.

We are nudists. Well, part time, at least. Our house is located on a hill away from other houses and we have a fenced in yard. Of course, when we go out we wear clothes and we always keep clothes close by in case someone drops by for a visit. But around the house, my husband and I and our daughter are rarely dressed. Like many nudists, we are comfortable with our bodies and we believe that the naked body is not simply a sex object, but also a beautiful creation meant to be seen. Plus, it feels great to move about without the restriction of clothing.

After our daughter left, though, something new happened. My husband and I were sitting nude together on the couch in the front room watching a movie. About an hour into the movie, I had to pee, so I started to sit up.

"Where are you going?" my husband asked.


"Oh, come on, you're comfortable." I had been leaning back on him, his arms across my breasts. I could occasionally feel his penis throb against my lower back.

"I really have to pee." I tried to sit up again but he tugged me down again and wrapped his arms around me. "What do you want me to do, pee here on the couch?"

"If that's what you want to do," he said. As he said this, I could feel his penis grow. And I must admit the thought of just laying there in his arms, relaxing, and just peeing right there excited me. My husband was stronger than me, anyway, so if he really wanted he could hold me there. But he didn't have to. I leaned back and got comfortable again, continued watching the movie, until I felt like I couldn't hold it anymore.

"I'm going to pee," I said. I felt his penis throb again. "I can't hold it anymore." I leaned back a little more, pressing my body close to him, relaxed, and released my bladder.

A strong stream sprayed out of me and splashed against my thighs and soaked the couch cushion. I could feel it get warm under my bottom and I licked my lips, sighing to show my relief and pleasure. As I peed, my husband surprised me and reached his hand to my vagina, stroking my clitoris gently.

"Oh, honey, that's so hot," he said as he continued to touch me. He scooted back a little and I leaned back more, allowing him closer access to my wet vagina. "Watching you go, though... now I have to go."

"Just go," I said. After saying this, I felt something warm and wet against my lower back and more wetness under my bottom, and I knew he was peeing.

As soon as he finished, I lifted myself up just enough to be over his now very erect penis and he entered me quickly and easily. After just a few seconds of wriggling my hips, we both climaxed and I scooted off of him and lay back against his chest again as we finished the movie.

This all started a new facet to our nudity. No need to use the bathroom. I will often stand in the middle of the front room and just pee down my legs to the carpet. My husband loves to sit in his chair and just squirt a jet of pee, soaking his lap and the chair. At night if we wake up with the need to pee, we just let go in the bed. And, of course, pee has become a regular part of our sex life now.

As I type this, my husband just walked into the room. He knows what I'm writing and he's smiling. I have to pee and he just told me to let it go right in the computer chair. He just said he's going to pee on the floor. I can hear him peeing from the couch to the carpet behind me and I'm not going to be able to hold it much longer. I'm spreading my legs right now and I can't believe I'm about to pee while I write to you. Ohh, I can't hold it. Mmm. It feels amazing splashing out of me. Ohhh, that feels so good. I'm putting my legs together now and still peeing into the cushion. It's so warm under my bottom.

My husband just called me away from the computer. I know what he wants. I hope you enjoyed my letter.

With love,


Do y’all still enjoy pissing around when your daughter returns from college I hope y’all do and let her piss around house also

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On 3/10/2015 at 4:53 PM, wetwulf said:

Dear Wet Carpet,

I have hesitated writing to you until my daughter went off to college out of risk of someone finding out who I am and embarrassing her. I think it's safe now, though.

When my story is finished, you may think our family strange, and you may judge us, but we've been at this long enough that it won't matter much to me what anyone says.

We are nudists. Well, part time, at least. Our house is located on a hill away from other houses and we have a fenced in yard. Of course, when we go out we wear clothes and we always keep clothes close by in case someone drops by for a visit. But around the house, my husband and I and our daughter are rarely dressed. Like many nudists, we are comfortable with our bodies and we believe that the naked body is not simply a sex object, but also a beautiful creation meant to be seen. Plus, it feels great to move about without the restriction of clothing.

After our daughter left, though, something new happened. My husband and I were sitting nude together on the couch in the front room watching a movie. About an hour into the movie, I had to pee, so I started to sit up.

"Where are you going?" my husband asked.


"Oh, come on, you're comfortable." I had been leaning back on him, his arms across my breasts. I could occasionally feel his penis throb against my lower back.

"I really have to pee." I tried to sit up again but he tugged me down again and wrapped his arms around me. "What do you want me to do, pee here on the couch?"

"If that's what you want to do," he said. As he said this, I could feel his penis grow. And I must admit the thought of just laying there in his arms, relaxing, and just peeing right there excited me. My husband was stronger than me, anyway, so if he really wanted he could hold me there. But he didn't have to. I leaned back and got comfortable again, continued watching the movie, until I felt like I couldn't hold it anymore.

"I'm going to pee," I said. I felt his penis throb again. "I can't hold it anymore." I leaned back a little more, pressing my body close to him, relaxed, and released my bladder.

A strong stream sprayed out of me and splashed against my thighs and soaked the couch cushion. I could feel it get warm under my bottom and I licked my lips, sighing to show my relief and pleasure. As I peed, my husband surprised me and reached his hand to my vagina, stroking my clitoris gently.

"Oh, honey, that's so hot," he said as he continued to touch me. He scooted back a little and I leaned back more, allowing him closer access to my wet vagina. "Watching you go, though... now I have to go."

"Just go," I said. After saying this, I felt something warm and wet against my lower back and more wetness under my bottom, and I knew he was peeing.

As soon as he finished, I lifted myself up just enough to be over his now very erect penis and he entered me quickly and easily. After just a few seconds of wriggling my hips, we both climaxed and I scooted off of him and lay back against his chest again as we finished the movie.

This all started a new facet to our nudity. No need to use the bathroom. I will often stand in the middle of the front room and just pee down my legs to the carpet. My husband loves to sit in his chair and just squirt a jet of pee, soaking his lap and the chair. At night if we wake up with the need to pee, we just let go in the bed. And, of course, pee has become a regular part of our sex life now.

As I type this, my husband just walked into the room. He knows what I'm writing and he's smiling. I have to pee and he just told me to let it go right in the computer chair. He just said he's going to pee on the floor. I can hear him peeing from the couch to the carpet behind me and I'm not going to be able to hold it much longer. I'm spreading my legs right now and I can't believe I'm about to pee while I write to you. Ohh, I can't hold it. Mmm. It feels amazing splashing out of me. Ohhh, that feels so good. I'm putting my legs together now and still peeing into the cushion. It's so warm under my bottom.

My husband just called me away from the computer. I know what he wants. I hope you enjoyed my letter.

With love,


I hope y’all let your daughter piss around the house when she returns home from college 

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3 hours ago, wetwulf said:

This is the next letter from Anna. It contains desperation, peeing, wetting, furniture and seat wetting. It also contains some peeing on public transport and public property.

Dear Wet Carpet, 

Anna again. I sometimes feel like I'm blowing up your letter section with all these stories, but I keep receiving really kind requests from readers to tell more. So I guess it's a good thing that I have plenty more to tell.

Anyway, to pick up where I last left off. The train car we were on remained empty for the rest of our trip to our stop. In that time, we drank more water and had to pee several times, each time trying to be creative and pee in a different place and in a different way, if possible. 

In one instance, Mom stood up and walked carefully to the wall of the train car. Then I watched as she hiked her skirt up, stuck her butt out just a little bit, and sprayed a strong stream of pee behind her against the wall. It trickled down and flowed towards the back of the train car. As I watched her, I slid my leggings down to my feet, lifted my legs, and sprayed an arc of pee that drummed loudly onto the floor. We both sighed to show our relief and smiled with pleasure. 

Another time, I stood in the middle of the train car, holding onto one of the poles in the middle. I pulled my leggings down just enough to expose my pussy. Then I sighed and pushed hard, spraying a strong stream that at first shot out in front of me, but as it weakened it fell in a messy splash into the crotch of my leggings. Mom was seated across from me, and she smiled as she spread her legs. I couldn't see anything because of her long skirt, but I could hear the hissing sound and soon could see the glistening of her pee soaking the front of her skirt. She closed her eyes, clearly enjoying herself.

As we were getting closer to our destination, I knew I wanted to feel the warmth of my pee soaking into the seat one more time, so I pulled my leggings down just enough that my bare pussy was right over the seat cushion. Then I sat back and relaxed. Right away my pee splashed out of me and soaked into the seat between my legs. I was so mesmerized by the soothing pleasure that I barely heard the "Oh!" sound coming from my mom. I looked across the train car and saw that she had hiked her skirt up completely and like me had her bare ass on the seat cushion, but her legs were together. It was obvious from her open-mouthed look of pleasure that she was peeing into the seat. "Oh my god!" she said and started rocking her hips back and forth, rubbing her pussy into the wet cushion. I reached my fingers to my wet pussy and rubbed my slit, deliberately rubbing some of the pee from the puddle between my legs onto my pussy. Mom started to squeal and then cry out, and soon I was jamming two fingers into my pussy and screaming, as well.

Soon we reached our destination. We both stood at the doors, waiting for them to open. We were surprised to see that there was no one on the other side of the doors waiting to enter. Maybe because it was a weekday? Or maybe no one was going wherever this train went next? As we waited, I heard my mother sigh softly and looked down to see tiny drops of pee falling from under her skirt. I would need to pee soon, as well, but I held it as the doors open and we stepped out into the station. 

There were people waiting at various places in the station and others boarding other trains. On our way out of the station, we passed the restrooms, both of us smiling at each other as we walked right by them. Once we got outside, I saw a small patch of grass with some shrubbery next to the road. "Hold on, Mom," I said. "I need to fix my shoes." I smiled at her, and we walked over to the patch of grass. I knelt down next to one of the bushes, facing away from the small crowd of people walking out of the station, and then I relaxed. Soon, my pee was hissing through my leggings and falling silently to the grass. My mother was close enough to see and hear it, but I don't think anyone noticed. Not that I cared as I sighed and enjoyed emptying my bladder into my pants. As soon as I was finished "fixing my shoes," I stood up and we walked to the edge of the road to wait for a cab.

A cab arrived in less than five minutes. We opened the back doors and slid in and told the driver we were going to the plaza. Mom looked at me and winked, and I wondered what she was up to this time. "Excuse me, driver," my mother said, "Do you know how much longer? I'm dying for a piss. Those station bathrooms were disgusting."

"About 25 minutes," the driver said. He looked at my mother in his rearview mirror. 

Mom hissed and crossed her legs. "Oooh, I don't know if I'll make it that long. My bladder isn't like it used to be. I guess I'll have to try."

"If you can't hold it, just let me know," the driver said. Mom shook her head. 

"I don't think I'm going to be able to. The bumps on this road are really getting to me. Can you pull off somewhere?" The driver glanced back at my mother.

"Not on this road," he said. Mom hissed again.

"Oh my goodness," she said.

"Look, ma'am," the driver said, "if you have to go, it wouldn't be the first time someone has had an accident in my cab."

"I'm not going to have a choice anyway," Mom said. "Oh!" She parted her legs and right away a soft hissing sound could be heard in the cab. Mom closed her eyes, and her mouth was open in an expression of relief and pleasure. The driver kept sneaking wide-eyed glances at her in the mirror. He couldn't see much other than my Mom's expression and a glistening wet spot in the crotch of her skirt. "Ohhh, thank you so much," Mom said. "That is such a relief. Ahhhh. Mmm. I'm sorry, but I really had to go."

"Don't worry about it," the driver said.

"We'll be sure to leave you with a generous tip," Mom said. I saw movement in the front seat that I'm pretty sure was the driver grabbing his dick through his pants with one hand while driving with the other. When we finally arrived at the plaza, Mom gave the driver well over what we owed, and before climbing out I could clearly see his erection poking out the front of his pants. I closed the door and took one more look, and I swear he was unzipping his pants to take his cock out, probably to jerk off to the memory of what he'd just seen.

We walked from the cab to the nearest entrance to the plaza, which mostly resembled a small town but with shops and restaurants and a cinema located on the far end, which was perfect for us because we planned to visit it last. There were plenty of people walking in and out of the plaza, as well as long the walkways beside it, but it wasn't as crowded as I expected.

I needed to pee, so I looked around and saw a kiosk with a big map of the plaza. There wasn't anyone near the kiosk, so I had an idea. "Hey, Mom, let's go look at the map." She smiled, and we walked across to the map of the kiosk. We both stood in front of it, and I was very careful to stand as close to the grassy area next to it as possible. "Hmm, where would you like to go first?" I asked. Meanwhile, I relaxed my bladder and felt the first warm dribbles of pee soak through the crotch of my leggings and down my legs.

"I don't know," Mom said. Her grin was unmistakable, but also only I would have understood why she was grinning. I tried to keep my composure as I let go completely, hearing the barely audible hiss as I peed fully through my leggings, letting it run down my legs, over my sandals, and to the grass beneath my feet. "This store looks good," Mom said, pointing to one of the larger department stores on the map.

"Yes," I said. "Mmm, I agree." I pushed out the last of my warm pee, and we walked away from the kiosk. 

We walked just a little ways from the kiosk further into the plaza until we reached the department store my mother pointed out on the map. It was big, but there weren't a lot of people inside, maybe 15 or 20, including employees. We walked to the women's clothing section and spent some time browsing clothes. We even picked out some clothes we liked. "Let's go try these on," Mom said. I agreed and followed her to the dressing rooms.

It was one of those larger dressing room areas with women's to the left and men's to the right. We walked to the left, not seeing any employees but passing another customer coming out of one of the dressing booths. At the very end was a double-sized dressing booth meant for families. Mom and I both entered that one, and I locked the door behind me and then turned to my mother.

"We're not really in here to try on clothes, are we?" I asked. Mom giggled.

"Nope," she said, grinning.

"Mom, you are getting really naughty," I said.

"Well, it's your fault," she said. She walked over to the corner of the cushioned bench along the wall of the dressing booth and sat down without bothering to move her skirt out of the way. Then she parted her legs and her face changed to an expression of pleasure and relief as a soft hissing sound filled the room. "Ohhh, that feels good," Mom said. "I really like… ohh… just peeing through my skirt like this. Ahhhhh." The hissing sound grew louder, and I could see just a little glimmer of pee on the front of her skirt.

I didn't think I had to pee again, but the hissing sound must have sent a signal to my bladder because I felt a small wave of pressure. I walked to the other far corner of the bench and tugged my leggings down to my knees and sat my bare ass onto the cushioned seat. I sighed and seconds later I was peeing directly into the cushion, smiling with pleasure at the warm feeling as my pee soaked in and warmed my pussy and bottom. Mom's hissing stopped, and I was finished soon, as well. We both stood up and composed ourselves, grabbed the clothes that we knew we actually wanted to buy without trying them on, and walked out. 

"Let's go see a movie," Mom said.

Next time, I'll tell you about our movie theater experience. 

Everytime these stories are getting better.

Keep it going

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3 hours ago, wetwulf said:

This is the next letter from Anna. It contains desperation, peeing, wetting, furniture and seat wetting. It also contains some peeing on public transport and public property.

Dear Wet Carpet, 

Anna again. I sometimes feel like I'm blowing up your letter section with all these stories, but I keep receiving really kind requests from readers to tell more. So I guess it's a good thing that I have plenty more to tell.

Anyway, to pick up where I last left off. The train car we were on remained empty for the rest of our trip to our stop. In that time, we drank more water and had to pee several times, each time trying to be creative and pee in a different place and in a different way, if possible. 

In one instance, Mom stood up and walked carefully to the wall of the train car. Then I watched as she hiked her skirt up, stuck her butt out just a little bit, and sprayed a strong stream of pee behind her against the wall. It trickled down and flowed towards the back of the train car. As I watched her, I slid my leggings down to my feet, lifted my legs, and sprayed an arc of pee that drummed loudly onto the floor. We both sighed to show our relief and smiled with pleasure. 

Another time, I stood in the middle of the train car, holding onto one of the poles in the middle. I pulled my leggings down just enough to expose my pussy. Then I sighed and pushed hard, spraying a strong stream that at first shot out in front of me, but as it weakened it fell in a messy splash into the crotch of my leggings. Mom was seated across from me, and she smiled as she spread her legs. I couldn't see anything because of her long skirt, but I could hear the hissing sound and soon could see the glistening of her pee soaking the front of her skirt. She closed her eyes, clearly enjoying herself.

As we were getting closer to our destination, I knew I wanted to feel the warmth of my pee soaking into the seat one more time, so I pulled my leggings down just enough that my bare pussy was right over the seat cushion. Then I sat back and relaxed. Right away my pee splashed out of me and soaked into the seat between my legs. I was so mesmerized by the soothing pleasure that I barely heard the "Oh!" sound coming from my mom. I looked across the train car and saw that she had hiked her skirt up completely and like me had her bare ass on the seat cushion, but her legs were together. It was obvious from her open-mouthed look of pleasure that she was peeing into the seat. "Oh my god!" she said and started rocking her hips back and forth, rubbing her pussy into the wet cushion. I reached my fingers to my wet pussy and rubbed my slit, deliberately rubbing some of the pee from the puddle between my legs onto my pussy. Mom started to squeal and then cry out, and soon I was jamming two fingers into my pussy and screaming, as well.

Soon we reached our destination. We both stood at the doors, waiting for them to open. We were surprised to see that there was no one on the other side of the doors waiting to enter. Maybe because it was a weekday? Or maybe no one was going wherever this train went next? As we waited, I heard my mother sigh softly and looked down to see tiny drops of pee falling from under her skirt. I would need to pee soon, as well, but I held it as the doors open and we stepped out into the station. 

There were people waiting at various places in the station and others boarding other trains. On our way out of the station, we passed the restrooms, both of us smiling at each other as we walked right by them. Once we got outside, I saw a small patch of grass with some shrubbery next to the road. "Hold on, Mom," I said. "I need to fix my shoes." I smiled at her, and we walked over to the patch of grass. I knelt down next to one of the bushes, facing away from the small crowd of people walking out of the station, and then I relaxed. Soon, my pee was hissing through my leggings and falling silently to the grass. My mother was close enough to see and hear it, but I don't think anyone noticed. Not that I cared as I sighed and enjoyed emptying my bladder into my pants. As soon as I was finished "fixing my shoes," I stood up and we walked to the edge of the road to wait for a cab.

A cab arrived in less than five minutes. We opened the back doors and slid in and told the driver we were going to the plaza. Mom looked at me and winked, and I wondered what she was up to this time. "Excuse me, driver," my mother said, "Do you know how much longer? I'm dying for a piss. Those station bathrooms were disgusting."

"About 25 minutes," the driver said. He looked at my mother in his rearview mirror. 

Mom hissed and crossed her legs. "Oooh, I don't know if I'll make it that long. My bladder isn't like it used to be. I guess I'll have to try."

"If you can't hold it, just let me know," the driver said. Mom shook her head. 

"I don't think I'm going to be able to. The bumps on this road are really getting to me. Can you pull off somewhere?" The driver glanced back at my mother.

"Not on this road," he said. Mom hissed again.

"Oh my goodness," she said.

"Look, ma'am," the driver said, "if you have to go, it wouldn't be the first time someone has had an accident in my cab."

"I'm not going to have a choice anyway," Mom said. "Oh!" She parted her legs and right away a soft hissing sound could be heard in the cab. Mom closed her eyes, and her mouth was open in an expression of relief and pleasure. The driver kept sneaking wide-eyed glances at her in the mirror. He couldn't see much other than my Mom's expression and a glistening wet spot in the crotch of her skirt. "Ohhh, thank you so much," Mom said. "That is such a relief. Ahhhh. Mmm. I'm sorry, but I really had to go."

"Don't worry about it," the driver said.

"We'll be sure to leave you with a generous tip," Mom said. I saw movement in the front seat that I'm pretty sure was the driver grabbing his dick through his pants with one hand while driving with the other. When we finally arrived at the plaza, Mom gave the driver well over what we owed, and before climbing out I could clearly see his erection poking out the front of his pants. I closed the door and took one more look, and I swear he was unzipping his pants to take his cock out, probably to jerk off to the memory of what he'd just seen.

We walked from the cab to the nearest entrance to the plaza, which mostly resembled a small town but with shops and restaurants and a cinema located on the far end, which was perfect for us because we planned to visit it last. There were plenty of people walking in and out of the plaza, as well as long the walkways beside it, but it wasn't as crowded as I expected.

I needed to pee, so I looked around and saw a kiosk with a big map of the plaza. There wasn't anyone near the kiosk, so I had an idea. "Hey, Mom, let's go look at the map." She smiled, and we walked across to the map of the kiosk. We both stood in front of it, and I was very careful to stand as close to the grassy area next to it as possible. "Hmm, where would you like to go first?" I asked. Meanwhile, I relaxed my bladder and felt the first warm dribbles of pee soak through the crotch of my leggings and down my legs.

"I don't know," Mom said. Her grin was unmistakable, but also only I would have understood why she was grinning. I tried to keep my composure as I let go completely, hearing the barely audible hiss as I peed fully through my leggings, letting it run down my legs, over my sandals, and to the grass beneath my feet. "This store looks good," Mom said, pointing to one of the larger department stores on the map.

"Yes," I said. "Mmm, I agree." I pushed out the last of my warm pee, and we walked away from the kiosk. 

We walked just a little ways from the kiosk further into the plaza until we reached the department store my mother pointed out on the map. It was big, but there weren't a lot of people inside, maybe 15 or 20, including employees. We walked to the women's clothing section and spent some time browsing clothes. We even picked out some clothes we liked. "Let's go try these on," Mom said. I agreed and followed her to the dressing rooms.

It was one of those larger dressing room areas with women's to the left and men's to the right. We walked to the left, not seeing any employees but passing another customer coming out of one of the dressing booths. At the very end was a double-sized dressing booth meant for families. Mom and I both entered that one, and I locked the door behind me and then turned to my mother.

"We're not really in here to try on clothes, are we?" I asked. Mom giggled.

"Nope," she said, grinning.

"Mom, you are getting really naughty," I said.

"Well, it's your fault," she said. She walked over to the corner of the cushioned bench along the wall of the dressing booth and sat down without bothering to move her skirt out of the way. Then she parted her legs and her face changed to an expression of pleasure and relief as a soft hissing sound filled the room. "Ohhh, that feels good," Mom said. "I really like… ohh… just peeing through my skirt like this. Ahhhhh." The hissing sound grew louder, and I could see just a little glimmer of pee on the front of her skirt.

I didn't think I had to pee again, but the hissing sound must have sent a signal to my bladder because I felt a small wave of pressure. I walked to the other far corner of the bench and tugged my leggings down to my knees and sat my bare ass onto the cushioned seat. I sighed and seconds later I was peeing directly into the cushion, smiling with pleasure at the warm feeling as my pee soaked in and warmed my pussy and bottom. Mom's hissing stopped, and I was finished soon, as well. We both stood up and composed ourselves, grabbed the clothes that we knew we actually wanted to buy without trying them on, and walked out. 

"Let's go see a movie," Mom said.

Next time, I'll tell you about our movie theater experience. 

Wow that was a horny read. Amazing

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  • 4 weeks later...

(4th wall, trying out a SPAM post... got another 1 for guys later. Link just loops to the homepage here.)
Are you tired of being caught short, stuck waiting in long line for the loo?

We have the answer!! Join the coalition of H.E.R.S.!

H.E.R.S. is an organization taking advantage of laws that were never removed from the books. If you want more information open the website below for full details on joining us. We will provide signs for you to post anywhere and pee to your heart's content. In fact it is common to have other women and girls join in as well. The gallery will show you images of up to a dozen girls squatting, sitting, standing, leaning, and even supporting each other several different locations. H.E.R.S. can be invoked at ANY TIME in ANY SETTING (exclusions apply), thanks to arcane edicts that are grandfathered in and cannot be altered. Once again click the site below for full details.


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