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Your best public carpet peeing experiences?

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For me the only experiences have been in a hotel room -- and that was more than a decade ago.

And it has been long enough that I think I can safely tell about some 'girls' -- young women (A Hollywood writer I used to talk to on the internet argued that I should only use the word 'girl' for a young non-menstruating female) -- that I saw at California State Univ, at Sacramento ('Sac State'). 

It was over twenty years ago.  Two 'girls', used to study in the libraries basement floor.  It was carpeted, and they would go and squat between the bookcases.  I don't recall if there were restrooms in the basement but I think that they had a fetish.  What else would inspire them to do that?  I only witnessed one of the two girls doing it.  And it was hard to see what she was doing, but I found a nice sized tear drop shaped wet spot on the carpet.  However they did discuss it.  And one time I went down to the basement an overweight male grad student was 'balling out' one of the girls.  He went on and on, and on... I ended up leaving.  But I found the idea of what they were doing a huge turn-on.

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I have never peed on anyone else's carpet, much as I am into the notion of it. Am much more interested in the idea of the ladies doing it though but have never been privileged enough to see it. 

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Most recent was this morning.  I had to go out on a few errands.  It was raining heavily and I was wearing a rain coat which came a little below my crotch.  I needed a wee so I went into the entrance hall of some flats which I have used before, unzipped and stood with my dick outside of my fly but under cover of my coat.   The dark grey carpet in the entrance way already had wet footprints on it from people tracking in from outside, so I didn’t think a little more wetness would matter.   I stood in a sort of alcove  looking at my phone and started to let pee fall from my dick to the carpet.  If anyone had approached, I would have cut the flow and walked off with my dick covered by my coat and they probably wouldn’t realise what I was doing.  As it was, nobody appeared and I was able to fully relieve myself, forming a decent puddle, which I then left soaking into the carpet as I walked out of the building.  These flats are handy as there are lots of separate blocks with their own entrances, each with a dark hard wearing carpet which is used to getting wet from foot traffic.

Probably my best in a public place was in a carpeted stairwell of a hotel.   I took the lift to the top floor, exited into the corridor and then went into the stairwell where I peed onto the carpet on the landing.  I thought I was fairly safe as most people would use the lifts, but if anyone did leave that floor and head into the stairwell, I would have been totally caught.  When finished, I zipped up and went back through the door onto the corridor just as one of the housekeepers was entering the room opposite.  If she had been a minute earlier she would have probably heard the pattering onto the carpet just the other side of the door.  Or maybe she did and she listened but didn’t investigate it….


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Whenever I travel, I look for interesting places to pee, and carpet is my preferred surface to pee on. My favourite moments include:

  • Peeing under a desk in an open hotel hallway ... fully exposed from all directions but no one noticed
  • Walking down a carpeted staircase from the mezzanine level to the hotel lobby ... again, very exposed but no one to see
  • Sitting naked on a chair in the lift lobby (upstairs, not in the hotel lobby) at 3am and just letting go ... I love hotel hallways in the dead of night
  • Peeing on a wooden post in the middle of a hotel hallway ... like peeing on an indoor tree
  • I agree with @Peesfully on the midnight naked wandering ... I've left many a wiggly trail that way, and just as many at other times of day, though I tend to keep my clothes on during waking hours
  • And, of course, carpeted cinemas are an eternal favourite ... a great place to relax 😉

I hope others can provide some new ideas.  I'm sure there are things I haven't tried. 

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8 hours ago, GenericUsername said:

Exploring hotels naked sounds fun but don’t you all have to worry about security cameras? They’re everywhere now.

Security cameras in hotels are usually in the entrances (lobby, service entrance, etc), lifts, and sometimes staircases.  They don't usually have cameras in the upstairs hallways except around the lifts due to privacy concerns.   I have been to places that have cameras everywhere, but checking for them is easy and if they're there, don't wander naked.  Pretty simple really.

The point of security cameras is deterrence, so they tend to be quite visible.  Hidden cameras would be suspect and could lead to lawsuits.  Avoiding easily identifiable cameras is not a problem.

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