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ladies,how do you feel about peeing in open squat urinal?

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ladies,have you ever squat to pee in a asian (japanese,chinese,indian) style squat toilet? if yes,what was your position?did you do a full squat or squat on your toe or semi squat? was your stream forward or downward? could you aim and shoot the hole? did you pee on your shoe? did your stream flow forward and pee on  the floor? what was that feel like?

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2 minutes ago, kitty and mimi said:

ladies,have you ever squat to pee in a asian (japanese,chinese,indian) style squat toilet? if yes,what was your position?did you do a full squat or squat on your toe or semi squat? was your stream forward or downward? could you aim and shoot the hole? did you pee on your shoe? did your stream flow forward and pee on  the floor? what was that feel like?

Critical thing to ask, I would like to ask the same question as well. By the way I found some guiding videos for women to use Japanese and Asian squat toilets.  Some of them are mentioning more pee options too.





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I just commented on asian squat toilet designs in the pee angle topic. 

I was talking with my wife about forward pee streams and how common they are in Asia. She informed me that you can see this in the squat toilet designs. 

"In Japan most squat toilets have hoods in the front to catch the forward stream. Chinese toilets are not as well designed and thus often end up with a mess with women having to more accurately position themselves over the hole/ trough. This can be a problem if you have to do more than pee because you may need your butt over the hole but that would put your stream landing in front of the trough unless you unnaturally angle forward. Thus it can be a tradeoff of what you are optimizing to hit. She also said that this is why many squat toilets don't work well for kids in China and it further reinforces just letting them go outside. She said school toilets and older public toilets in China are often long troughs and in this design a forward stream is no issue unless someone were to squat too close in front or behind you."

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19 hours ago, Havelock said:

I just commented on asian squat toilet designs in the pee angle topic. 

I was talking with my wife about forward pee streams and how common they are in Asia. She informed me that you can see this in the squat toilet designs. 

"In Japan most squat toilets have hoods in the front to catch the forward stream. Chinese toilets are not as well designed and thus often end up with a mess with women having to more accurately position themselves over the hole/ trough. This can be a problem if you have to do more than pee because you may need your butt over the hole but that would put your stream landing in front of the trough unless you unnaturally angle forward. Thus it can be a tradeoff of what you are optimizing to hit. She also said that this is why many squat toilets don't work well for kids in China and it further reinforces just letting them go outside. She said school toilets and older public toilets in China are often long troughs and in this design a forward stream is no issue unless someone were to squat too close in front or behind you."

Yes, Japanese squat toilets have a small hood at the front end of the toilet bowl. That means there is a big chance to shoot the pee stream high and forward. Some of Chinese female urinals are designed like just small canals and have some more distance to shoot. 


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15 hours ago, kitty and mimi said:

which exist in China, India and Russia,but why not exist in English speaking countries?

I think it's likely because they have moved on from a hole in the ground to more sophisticated options. 

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1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:

It does seem like of they all turned sideways, so all facing one way with a foot either side may be a better option - but what do I know as a bloke. 😉

Maybe that is the intention but the first girl adopted a pose so the others followed.

But what do I know as another bloke.

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No thanks. It looks unhygienic (water that everyone else has peed in flowing underneath your exposed vulva?), and tough on your knees.

I'd rather stand. I got back into standing as an adult to eradicate the need to squat down. 

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6 hours ago, mickymoist said:

I'm by no means an expert but it looks all wrong to me, would any of their streams actually go in the trough from that angle? 😄

They do look like they are using it the wrong way--squat toilets are generally made for you to have the long dimension of the opening going front to back and one foot on each side.

They're calling it a "urinal", but it really isn't a urinal any more than any other squat toilet. A "squat urinal" would be up off the ground--someone in another thread posted a pic of a series of them.

From pictures I've seen, squat toilets vary from at one extreme being separate porcelain fixtures, like men's urinals but horizontal rather than vertical, each set in the floor in its own stall, to at the other extreme being a long fully open trough like this. In between you have bathrooms with one trough going under a series of stalls, or one trough with a series of walls so you can't see the person in front of you but can still be seen from the side. 

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On 8/12/2022 at 7:05 PM, Carb0nBased said:

They do look like they are using it the wrong way--squat toilets are generally made for you to have the long dimension of the opening going front to back and one foot on each side.

They're calling it a "urinal", but it really isn't a urinal any more than any other squat toilet. A "squat urinal" would be up off the ground--someone in another thread posted a pic of a series of them.

From pictures I've seen, squat toilets vary from at one extreme being separate porcelain fixtures, like men's urinals but horizontal rather than vertical, each set in the floor in its own stall, to at the other extreme being a long fully open trough like this. In between you have bathrooms with one trough going under a series of stalls, or one trough with a series of walls so you can't see the person in front of you but can still be seen from the side. 

this is not entirely true,some Chinese ladies rooms in Beijing do not have series of wall or partition. It allow five women who don't know to each other squat and pee at the same time.  when a famous Taiwanese actress gynoy first travel to Beijing four years ago in 2018, she feel so scary when she had to squat to pee with other four women. she prefer to squat to pee outside than in lady's room. Now,she have already got used to it. the picture below is the picture that she took in Beijing's lady's room four years ago.


Edited by kitty and mimi
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On 8/16/2022 at 4:49 PM, kitty and mimi said:

this is not entirely true,some Chinese ladies rooms in Beijing do not have series of wall or partition. It allow five women who don't know to each other squat and pee at the same time.  when a famous Taiwanese actress gynoy first travel to Beijing four years ago in 2018, she feel so scary when she had to squat to pee with other four women. she prefer to squat to pee outside than in lady's room. Now,she have already got used to it. the picture below is the picture that she took in Beijing's lady's room four years ago.


That's interesting, I didn't think that the separate fixtures were ever in one room together. That seems like it would be as odd as having a row of toilets in the open in the West--as squat toilets are used for both "bathroom functions".   

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13 hours ago, Carb0nBased said:

That seems like it would be as odd as having a row of toilets in the open in the West

some western women do feel okay with this version of squat toilet. The picture below was taken by a female traveler who traveled to china. she praise the convenience that she can squat to pee without sitting on a dirty toilet seat. she pointed her thumb upward in the picture.

https _ __ _mmbiz.qpic.jpg

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/11/2022 at 3:33 PM, Havelock said:

forward stream is no issue unless someone were to squat too close in front or behind you.

this is a issue only happen in kindergarten, because there are no partition in the bathroom of kindergarten. other than that, long troughs toilet in public bathroom, even in elementary school, have partitions between stalls, even though there is no door. forward stream is no issue even if someone squat in front or behind you, since there is a partition between you and the person in front of you.main-qimg-00ece3b6f42071956559405741270f

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19 hours ago, kitty and mimi said:

this is a issue only happen in kindergarten, because there are no partition in the bathroom of kindergarten. other than that, long troughs toilet in public bathroom, even in elementary school, have partitions between stalls, even though there is no door. forward stream is no issue even if someone squat in front or behind you, since there is a partition between you and the person in front of you.main-qimg-00ece3b6f42071956559405741270f

Yes, my wife said in the trough with dividers like this, sometime your stream can hit the bottom of the divider and then run into the trough.

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On 8/11/2022 at 3:33 PM, Havelock said:

She also told me that there is a funny cultural difference in thinking about forward streams. She said in the US, all these mom's of girls are annoyed/concerned when their daughters have forward streams because they pee over the front of potties/ western toilets and make in mess. Sometimes they even ask in mom groups if they should be taking their daughters to the doctor to see about the forward pee "problem."In many parts of Asia it's the opposite. It's considered fortuitous if a girl has a forward stream because it means they can squat and pee clear in front of their feet. Thus they are less likely to get their feet wet and make a mess of themselves.In Japan most squat toilets have hoods in the front to catch the forward stream.



not only for little girls, some Chinese younger adult women also feel good to have forward stream. see the Chinese webpage below:


also, google translation of the page:https://zhidao-baidu-com.translate.goog/question/281955295.html?qbpn=2_3&tx&word=女人小便时,尿很有冲力的吗,还是慢慢流出来的?&fr=newsearchlist&_x_tr_sl=zh-CN&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp

the page above is a thread posted by a Chinese woman in a Chinese forum. She is a downward pee-er. whenever she go to bathroom with her female coworkers, she was jealous because all of her coworkers she saw have forward stream.

so called "peeing contest" can sometime take place in Chinese ladies room(with open squat toilets) among young women. women compete to see who can shoot the farthest while squatting. downward pee-ers some times will be jealous of forward pee-ers, because they think peeing forward is so hot. It make the people of same sex jealous and attract the opposite sex.

In west, peeing contest almost always take place among men, and it sometime take place inside men's room. it is hard for western women to imagine that peeing contest can take place inside ladies room,since western women don't usually pee together, nor seeing each other peeing.(bathroom have stall and door),and women are usually either sit or semi-squat on western toilet.

Edited by kitty and mimi
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Those multi pit with no partition reminded me of my first experience with "communal pooping" when I was in my advanced training cycle in the Army at Ft. Polk. Old WWII barracks, the latrines in the barracks had urinals but toilets were in a row of about 6 with no partitions between them. Strange experience for me from Basic Training at another fort with more modern restrooms/latrines with stalls. The first time I had a bm, several other guys did too and we all had to ignore our pride and "shoot the shit together"...literally. At least in public restrooms in like Walmart urinals have barriers between them and guys don't pee next to another guy unless there is no vacant urinal. Or go into a stall an pee in a toilet. Wonder how gals would handle a row of toilets with no stall walls? Granted, it's a normal biological function but most of us are used to some sort of privacy when peeing and pooping!

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2 hours ago, kitty and mimi said:

not only for little girls, some Chinese younger adult women also feel good to have forward stream. see the Chinese webpage below:


also, google translation of the page:https://zhidao-baidu-com.translate.goog/question/281955295.html?qbpn=2_3&tx&word=女人小便时,尿很有冲力的吗,还是慢慢流出来的?&fr=newsearchlist&_x_tr_sl=zh-CN&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp

the page above is a thread posted by a Chinese woman in a Chinese forum. She is a downward pee-er. whenever she go to bathroom with her female coworkers, she was jealous because all of her coworkers she saw have forward stream.

so called "peeing contest" can sometime take place in Chinese ladies room(with open squat toilets) among young women. women compete to see who can shoot the farthest while squatting. downward pee-ers some times will be jealous of forward pee-ers, because they think peeing forward is so hot. It make the people of same sex jealous and attract the opposite sex.

In west, peeing contest almost always take place among men, and it sometime take place inside men's room. it is hard for western women to imagine that peeing contest can take place inside ladies room,since western women don't usually pee together, nor seeing each other peeing.(bathroom have stall and door),and women are usually either sit or semi-squat on western toilet.

That's super interesting that the cultures are so different. In the western societies a forward stream is considered a problem but in Asia, not having a forward stream is considered a problem. I guess its because they pee squatting much more in Asia. I had never heard for the female peeing contests inside ladies rooms. I will have to ask my wife if she every saw that. I guess it makes sense if they grow up with the pee troughs and squatting toilets that is bound to happen. The only female peeing contests I ever saw were my female cousins in Spain/France having pee races down slopes or hills. 

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