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Sometimes I feel ashamed, I don’t know why and I hate that.

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In my younger days I used to feel deep shame and embarassment about the fetish.

Back then there was no internet to allow reaching out to like-minded people. But in the 12 years I have been online interacting with fellow fetishists, I have come to feel part of a community and have come to terms with myself. I no longer feel the shame and embarassment I once did. Live and let live. 

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I’m not sure I can add a single word to either of those reassurances from @Bacardi & @steve25805

Summed up the situation perfectly - the sometime shame I used to feel has gradually faded, I’m sure as a direct consequence of knowing friends as amazing as these and knowing I’m most definitely not alone. 

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I, too was raised to believe that anything sexual was a sin and very dirty and peeing was a very personal and very private thing. As I got older and more exposed to worldly things I began to realize that everyone has some kind of fetish, and peeing is a very mild and safe one in comparison to others which are far more dangerous. So I began to tell partners about my fetish about watching girls pee, some were willing some were not. I am happy to say that I am in a relationship where we can be open and honest with each other and she lets me see her pee often.

So, you're not a pervert. Everyone has something they feel is dirty and if everyone did it openly it wouldn't be a fetish! Enjoy your self. Peeing is natural and harmless, a long as partners agree. Go ask a girl to piss for you! 

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It is absolutely the same for me. I'd gladly trade this and all the other more 'out of the ordinary' kinks i have in against something vanilla passion. In a heartbeat.

But see it this way: you are not alone. Not at all if you look how many views those kind of videos have and how frequented certain places with this topic are. Plus there are so much way more bizarre kinks out there. Most people have certain kinks and special affections for something, whether they realize it or not. No matter your status. Some are more open about it and continue to exist aswell. Each one has different stuff that gets them going a bit and as long as you are not hurting anyone without consent people should have more of a 'not my business' attitude towards other peoples interests.

The pee kink is much more common and not that unnatural as it often has a sexual connotation in nature aswell if i am not mistaken. And to be honest...is there any difference in getting turned on by accidently hearing someone pee or by spotting someone with a nice body/butt on the street? No need for shame.

So try to enjoy yourself as good as you can. Others most likely do. And if you don't want to tell anyone about it thats fine. I don't. Others most likely don't do that aswell or how many people are completely open about it with anyone besides their partner, if thats even the case? Having said all that...fuck what others think.  

(If only that'd be so easy...)

Edited by Remi
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I can't say I've felt shame, but I have felt guilt.  After all, if I have to hide what I do and I know others would judge me for what I've done, I'm guilty, right?  These feelings come and go at random intervals.

But the guilty feelings have never stopped me from peeing in places I know I shouldn't.  In fact, they sometimes encourage me.  Yeah, this is "bad", so sue me, whatever.

In the end, I hurt no one (unless the carpet has feelings, too) so I get over it.  I'm not ashamed of what I've done but I do get the guilty twinges.  I get where you're coming from and if I gave more of a damn about what other people think I might think of it as shame.  But I don't, so I just have my fun and let the guilt go.  It's not worth my time and energy dwelling on what others think.

Be true to yourself, don't hurt others, and be free.  Everything else is just social conditioning. 

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1 hour ago, Remi said:

The pee kink is much more common and not that unnatural as it often has a sexual connotation in nature aswell if i am not mistaken. And to be honest...is there any difference in getting turned on by accidently hearing someone pee or by spotting someone with a nice body/butt on the street? No need for shame.

@spywareonya somehow flipped my understanding of this upside down. Is there anything sexy about pee? What could be sexual about genitals and fluids? ... Maybe it's, as much as that we somehow became unusually into it, other people became surprisingly not into it, and I haven't thought it about quite the same way since

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5 hours ago, Bacardi said:

One thing that helped me was the sex positive movement. It basically states that as long as your sexuality is safe, sane, and consensual that it is perfectly fine. Exploring your pee fetish in a way that does not upset or involve any unwilling participants and does not harm yourself or anyone around you is just fine

I'd be happier if I could feel more solace from the sex-positive movement. Safe, sane and consensual is a fine banner to march under, but the prosecution lawyer in my head is quite capable of twisting things until something falls off the edge (how willing was the girl in the  video I just watched, and how can I tell?) And conventional penetrative sex can only be made safe-ish, there are practical limits. (With the oddity that, from this angle, should I be more ashamed of my more "vanilla" desires than of the pee-kink ones?)

Edited by oliver2
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8 minutes ago, oliver2 said:

I'd be happier if I could feel more solace from the sex-positive movement. Safe, sane and consensual is a fine banner to march under, but the prosecution lawyer in my head is quite capable of twisting things until something falls off the edge (how willing was the girl in the  video I just watched, and how can I tell?) And conventional penetrative sex can only be made safe-ish, there are practical limits. (With the oddity that, from this angle, should I be more ashamed of my more "vanilla" desires than of the pee-kink ones?)

I am relieved then that I wrote that for the user that was struggling to accept his fetishes, and not for the prosecution lawyer in your head 😇

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4 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

I am relieved then that I wrote that for the user that was struggling to accept his fetishes, and not for the prosecution lawyer in your head 😇

I will hand it to the defense lawyer in my head & hope for the best ❤️ And all this is about the sex-positive movement in general, not about your wonderful summary of it

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  • 1 month later...

I feel huge guilt and shame about this fetish. And out of the few people I've admitted it to, some have actually used it against me later. It sucks having people know your weakness. Once at a bar, a woman I barely know said "your ex likes to talk when she's wasted. And I found out some pretty interesting stuff about you." Then gave me a wink. And not in a sexy way. 

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