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Bacardi- Ask Me Anything

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1 hour ago, Sorin said:

Hi. What panties do you prefer to wear? Thong, normal, boxers, brazilian? And what color do you prefer the panties to have?

I like my cheeky panties. They feel the best and are comfortable. Color doesn't matter to me 😊

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  • 1 month later...

I'm sorry @Bacardi. I had forgotten that you had an AMA thread, but now I have remembered I will ask these questions I thought of and which I have also asked some others:

If you think about how others see you, what do you think are 2 or 3 things that people might get wrong unless they know you very well?

What are 2 or 3 things you now understand about yourself that you didn't know ten years ago?

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42 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

1. My skin, hair, and eyes are so light that people have looked at me so confused when I tell them I'm half black 😬 you wouldn't belive the amount of racist comments I've heard by my white "friends" only for them to jump back and look horrified when I tell them my dad was a black man. 

2. Yes I'm quiet, and yes I am enjoying being alone! It's taken me years to figure out that I would rather go to a restaurant alone than with a friend and have awkward conversations/sit and stare at our phones the whole time. When I am alone, I thrive. 

3. I may look like an adult but really I'm probably thinking about a toy or a doll lol. I love collecting toys and baby dolls. Was just thinking last night I was so attached to my toys growing up cause it was basically all I had growing up. So I love seeing what the newest releases are in toyland. 

1. That I really am a product of my environment. This really caught my attention when my kids came along. I found myself wanting to react to what they were doing with yelling and force like my mother and babysitter reacted to me. That made me nothing but an anxious people pleaser that's petrified of loud noises and has a horrible image of herself, so I make it my goal to raise my kids consciously/with gentle parenting techniques. Does it work every day? No. Have I still lost my cool and yelled? Yes. But I feel like I'm still raising confident young people that are going to put themselves and their desires first before what they think I or their father want them to do. And before anyone asks, yes my children are very well behaved lol. 

2. That me thinking I had my life all figured out by the age of 20 was fine and dandy. I was majoring in something people were telling me was profitable and something that made my mother proud (see previous answer), but it was difficult for me and wasn't what I wanted to do at all. Then when I actually figured out what I wanted to do in college I realized I had no idea what I actually wanted to do with the degree. I still flip flop back and forth with what I want out of this degree that is taking me roughly 11 years to earn. But when I do, i just know I'm gonna be happy. 

3. Religion is not the end all be all. I don't have to believe in God to be a good person unlike what I was taught growing up in my strict religious upbringing. In fact, after reading more into the Bible I refuse to believe anything that's in there for fact. One newer example I have is how my childhood church praised God for killing everyone but Noah and his family in the story of Noah's ark. Again, I was a product of my environment. People at the church praised me when I emulated their joy for God killing the sinners and everyone but Noah's family. It's so embarrassing to think I was happy about people dying just because they were sinners, and looking back I know some of those people think the same of "modern day sins," of which I will not go into detail but I am sure you can take a guess. In my opionin, religion should be a comfort to you and those around you. It shouldn't be teaching children to rejoice when they found out people died. 

Thanks so much @Bacardi - you have really opened up in such an honest way 💖. You're amazing.

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4 hours ago, MC Cumzy said:

Do you have a favourite comedian?

Do Tiktok comedians count? If so @ Keegankevesdy on tiktok is my favorite. The commentary he adds in his funny voice and the extreme faces he pulls cracks me up each time.

Exhibit A, and my absolute favorite, multi-player toilet:


Exhibit B: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRcvcJwP/

He is really funny! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Bacardi! I've enjoyed reading your stories, and wanted to ask:

If you're really full and had just started peeing, are you able to stop your stream? And would you be able to hold it afterwards, say after going for 5 seconds or so? I know for me, once I get going it's difficult to stop!

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On 5/5/2023 at 3:51 PM, Vyreal said:

If you're really full and had just started peeing, are you able to stop your stream? And would you be able to hold it afterwards, say after going for 5 seconds or so? I know for me, once I get going it's difficult to stop!

If I am full to bursting then no I probably couldn't lol. I'd have to offload a lot before I could gain control of my bladder again. I've tried before in recording some audio of me peeing and started peeing before I could record and couldn't stop it.

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On 4/7/2023 at 1:28 PM, Bacardi said:

1. My skin, hair, and eyes are so light that people have looked at me so confused when I tell them I'm half black 😬 you wouldn't belive the amount of racist comments I've heard by my white "friends" only for them to jump back and look horrified when I tell them my dad was a black man. 

2. Yes I'm quiet, and yes I am enjoying being alone! It's taken me years to figure out that I would rather go to a restaurant alone than with a friend and have awkward conversations/sit and stare at our phones the whole time. When I am alone, I thrive. 

3. I may look like an adult but really I'm probably thinking about a toy or a doll lol. I love collecting toys and baby dolls. Was just thinking last night I was so attached to my toys growing up cause it was basically all I had growing up. So I love seeing what the newest releases are in toyland. 

1. That I really am a product of my environment. This really caught my attention when my kids came along. I found myself wanting to react to what they were doing with yelling and force like my mother and babysitter reacted to me. That made me nothing but an anxious people pleaser that's petrified of loud noises and has a horrible image of herself, so I make it my goal to raise my kids consciously/with gentle parenting techniques. Does it work every day? No. Have I still lost my cool and yelled? Yes. But I feel like I'm still raising confident young people that are going to put themselves and their desires first before what they think I or their father want them to do. And before anyone asks, yes my children are very well behaved lol. 

2. That me thinking I had my life all figured out by the age of 20 was fine and dandy. I was majoring in something people were telling me was profitable and something that made my mother proud (see previous answer), but it was difficult for me and wasn't what I wanted to do at all. Then when I actually figured out what I wanted to do in college I realized I had no idea what I actually wanted to do with the degree. I still flip flop back and forth with what I want out of this degree that is taking me roughly 11 years to earn. But when I do, i just know I'm gonna be happy. 

3. Religion is not the end all be all. I don't have to believe in God to be a good person unlike what I was taught growing up in my strict religious upbringing. In fact, after reading more into the Bible I refuse to believe anything that's in there for fact. One newer example I have is how my childhood church praised God for killing everyone but Noah and his family in the story of Noah's ark. Again, I was a product of my environment. People at the church praised me when I emulated their joy for God killing the sinners and everyone but Noah's family. It's so embarrassing to think I was happy about people dying just because they were sinners, and looking back I know some of those people think the same of "modern day sins," of which I will not go into detail but I am sure you can take a guess. In my opionin, religion should be a comfort to you and those around you. It shouldn't be teaching children to rejoice when they found out people died. 

So beautiful kind and honest answers... Thank you so much...

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1 hour ago, PisSRL said:

Hey Bacardi, I remember your a fellow gamer 🙂 anything coming out in the switch that your looking forward to ? 

Omg I can't wait for Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life remake to come out next month! I played so much of that game on the gamecube as a child! 

I loved BOTW but I think I'll pass on this new Zelda game. The fact that it's mostly vertical puts me off, and I never finished the first one. I beat all the Ganon blights but have yet to beat Ganon cause I am too scared 😅 

I have Katamari on the Switch already but I really want the remaster coming out because Katamari is one of my favorite games.

And finally My Time at Sandrock and Fantasy life are games whose predecessors I enjoyed in the past and I can't wait to play the newest versions. I think that's all the Switch games I can remember.

Off the Switch I'm looking forward to Starfield and Elder Scrolls six. Was looking forward to Dead Island 3 but upon googling I figured out it finally came out last month; I just don't have money to buy it 🫤

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That’s a list to go through 😁 yeah feel the same about the Zelda game here? Never finished the last one and currently playing the new fire emblem game and loving it 😁 also wanting to get advance wars cause that just looks like a fun way to spend like long trips 🙂

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1 hour ago, PisSRL said:

also wanting to get advance wars cause that just looks like a fun way to spend like long trips

I feel like i have heard of this but I am not sure lol. What is it?

I really want to play Prophunt. But husband says it's a PC only title for Gs Mod and I dont/can't play on his PC (his desk is a pig sty). I wish that they would put it on the Playstation. I've been having the time of my life watching people play it on twitch. 

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Yeah it’s like a remake of the old games and it’s been advertised a lot the past year by Nintendo on there directs :)

yeah unfortunately a lot of the modded game stuff is really on pc only but prop hunt does always look a blast 😂

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Let’s pretend you are employed in a SPA. Your boss is a dictator and checks how frequently you go to the loo.

One day, before opening time, you have finished all your chores  and would like to visit the little girls place… but your boss is watching!

Would you rather:

a. Find a secluded spot in the frigidarium (garden) and squat down there.

b. Pee in the main pool. You’re sure many others have already used the pool for that.

c. Pee in the water flasks that will be used in the sauna to increase the steam. Let’s customers enjoy your special steam!

d. Leave a big yellow stain on the new moquette of your boss’ office. He deserves that!

e. Other. Be creative!

Edited by Goatscabinfragrance
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2 hours ago, Goatscabinfragrance said:

a. Find a secluded spot in the frigidarium (garden) and squat down there.

This one. 

Although I cant imagine working at a job where I can't pee when I need to 🫣 that sounds horrible lol. But if it game down to it I guess a sneaky pee in the garden sounds great. 

2 hours ago, Goatscabinfragrance said:

e. Other. Be creative!

If the garden wasn't available maybe I'd pee on the carpet in the hallway. I enjoy peeing in hallways. 

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4 hours ago, Banzai said:


Hi. What is the most special place where you peed?

Probably in the corner of my bedroom. It was the first pee I ever had on the floor of the first home that I own 😁 

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10 hours ago, Goatscabinfragrance said:

Is there any sort of color, pattern or texture in carpets that makes them especially irresistible for you to pee on them?

I usually prefer thicker carpets, like the carpets you find in homes rather than hotels. I guess cause it's what I have the most experience peeing on, and when it comes to my porn I tend to like hotel videos less. 

10 hours ago, Goatscabinfragrance said:

What does usually get you in the mood to be creative with pee?


I think a lot of it depends on who I talk with. If I'm by myself and watch/read some porn I usually don't feel like having a pee in the sink or floor or whatever. But I can think of two occasions where I was having really hot conversations with some friends on the forum and decided to have a pee somewhere different: once in a mug and once on the floor in the corner of my bed room. None of thst would have happened if I was alone lol.

10 hours ago, Goatscabinfragrance said:

What instead kills the mood for you?

I think the only thing that really kills the mood for me is when I am looking through porn and can't find anything to my taste. It's why I don't watch porn regularly. I like to read porn more because then I can kinda imagine my own scenarios in my head. 

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10 hours ago, Jar351 said:

If you can't find a carpet what will you pee on instead?

Probably outside lol if this is a continuation of the last question. If not then I'd probably just find a boring toilet 😅

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  • 7 months later...

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