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your thoughts on pool peeing

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Hi everyone,

As you may have noticed, i posted about some of my pool peeing sighting the other day. I am just a bit curious as to how many people here pee in pools, either in the water discreetly or from the edge? I have a female friend who I have known for years and I know that she pees in pools, hot tubs all the time. In all the years that we have been friends, I have never seen her use a toilet if we are at a pool. She has a young child now and she spends a lot of time at the public pool with her child. She has told me that its no secret between all the mothers that she knows from the pool, that they all pee in the water when the feel the need. She has told me that some do it because they find it to be to difficult to gather up their children for a bathroom trip while others say that the bathrooms are dirty or that they don't like trying to deal with wet bathing suit bottoms. What ever the reason is, it seems like it is becoming more acceptable amongst women to pee in pools rather than in the bathroom.

Because we have been friends for so long, my friend is not shy about letting me know when she is peeing in the pool so I have seen her on many occasions over the years. Usually, if the pool is busy, she will wade in waste deep and find a quiet spot to release but if it's quiet she not swimming she has squatted beside the pool and peed into it from the edge with her bikini aside. She has also sat on the edge with her legs in the water and peed into the pool with her bikini aside. If it's busy and I'm in the pool when she decides to do this than she will some times call me over and I will stand in front of her and give her some cover as she pees into the water. If the pool is quiet than sometimes she will wade in and pee with her bikini bottoms aside. She's not shy around me and often times I have seen her uncovered pussy under the water pissing out a beautiful Golden stream into the water. There's nothing better than seeing that yellow haze around her crotch, covered or not as she warms up the pool with her lovely hot piss.

She really doesn't make it obvious to anyone round her that she's pissing in the pool but I can usually tell because she will either tell me or I can tell just by her actions as she enters the water or sits on the edge. It has really made me curious as to how many other women are pissing swimming pools. Is there any women on her that have done this before and if so, what is your technique?

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It doesn't matter where I am swimming, I always pee in the water. I find it pointless to get up and go to the bathroom, the pool has a filter and the bodies of water near where I live aren't going to suffer if I pee in them haha!

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I pee in the pool whenever I need to do so. My wife does as well. However, she wouldn't sit on the side and pee into the water - she would have to be in the water.

I did once see a female lifeguard at the pool at a gym leave her seat and sit on the side of the pool with her legs in the water for about a minute, then splash her crotch with pool water and return to her chair. I did enjoy that. I also once saw a lady sitting on the side of the pool in her swimsuit before she got in. When she sat down, the poolside was dry. I was standing behind her and noticed a puddle gradually expanding around her. She then got into the pool and went for a swim. I "accidentally" put my hand in her puddle whilst picking something up and then I tasted my fingers. It was definitely pee.

Another sighting was when I was being a timekeeper at a swimming gala. One of the female competitors was getting ready to race and she squatted down next to the starting block with her bum really low to the poolside. She leant forward to wash her goggles in the water and splash her face, but whilst she was doing this, I saw a stream coming out of her swimsuit onto the poolside. It would only be noticeable to me because I was right behind her on the poolside, but she was doing it in full view of everyone in the audience, but totally casually so that nobody would see. I guess she didn't want to have a full bladder during the race.

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If it is a public pool, honestly I think it is gross to pee in it. But, if it is closing soon I think it is okay. I will write a story of one time when I peed in public pool right before it closed so please follow me.

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There is an interesting short bit in the August 2014 Scientific American Page 18 under the category of Chemistry, "Don't Put the 'Pee' in Pool, it's dangerous. Really"

I would quote the entire quarter page article if enough people were interested.

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The article is at: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/don-t-put-the-pee-in-pool/

The text is also copied below. I like the bit that says that the the levels of resultant chemicals rises by a factor of 4 after swim meets, showing that it is common for regular swimmers to not think twice about peeing in the pool.

One in five of us will do the unthinkable this summer: take a leak in the pool.

The lazy act is more than gross, though. It results in toxic chemicals, albeit in very small amounts. “There's this perception that peeing in a pool is okay because there's chlorine, and that's just not true,” says Ernest Blatchley, a chemical engineer at Purdue University. In a pool, chlorine's job is to kill bacteria. It does not take care of bodily functions. In fact, it readily reacts with uric acid, the nitrogen-containing chemical that gives urine its name. The resulting compounds are cyanogen chloride (CNCl) and trichloramine (NCl3), which are potentially hazardous and present in every pool Blatchley has sampled for the past 10 years. His most recent study, published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, shows that 93 percent of the uric acid used to make these compounds comes from human urine (sweat also contains uric acid).

And it does not take very much pee to drive levels of these chemicals above acceptable limits set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: a previous study found that levels of trichloramine rose by a factor of four after swim meets. Other scientists have found frequent exposure to trichloramine and cyanogen chloride in pools—like swimmers and lifeguards experience—raises the likelihood of asthma and other respiratory problems, although these links require more study.

So if the ick factor isn't enough already, please, don't pee in the pool.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks to Alfresco for posting this scientific report as my hubby has mentioned hearing of it and I was curious to know more.

OK this may make me sound like a nasty person but I'm going to be totally honest and say that I'll continue to pee in swimming pools because of the rush I get from doing so. My parents always encouraged both me and brother to pee in the pool as kids, praising us when we did, and I've done the same with my (now grown-up) kids so it's a regular habit for all of us. Before he knew me my hubby would always stop to use the toilet before swimming but if he needed to go again he'd pee in the pool without giving it a second thought. Now he holds before swimming, because he knows it excites me when he pees in the water, and has said he'll continue to do so.

I haven't asked the rest of my family yet but will post again when I have.

Once again my apologies to those who may get angry, but it really does excite me when I pee in a public swimming pool and people have been doing this for many years without any apparent harm. How do the rest of you feel about this subject?

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When I was younger, I would pee in the pool all the time. I didn't see much point in getting out of the pool to go back to the locker rooms. As an adult, I'm a bit more considerate, and don't pee in the pool much anymore.

That said, I am really turned on by women deliberately choosing to pee in places that are considered unusual, off-limits, or rude. I don't know why, but that's what gets me going. So I definitely love to read about women who pee in or into the swimming pool. I've read many of Maggie_555's accounts over the years on PS, and am delighted to see her here.

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  • 1 month later...
When I was younger, I would pee in the pool all the time. I didn't see much point in getting out of the pool to go back to the locker rooms. As an adult, I'm a bit more considerate, and don't pee in the pool much anymore.

That said, I am really turned on by women deliberately choosing to pee in places that are considered unusual, off-limits, or rude. I don't know why, but that's what gets me going. So I definitely love to read about women who pee in or into the swimming pool. I've read many of Maggie_555's accounts over the years on PS, and am delighted to see her here.

I totaly agree with Nopjans, I absolutely love women peeing in pools and would volunteer to give it up to keep the water clean for Maggie and my wife to pee in. There are so many doing it that any of us giving it up would have virtually no effect so just keep on going. It just means more regular water changes are required, a small price to pay. When on holiday in Cuba, I saw very few women visit the loo after the bar but a lot visiting the pool. One woman while reading a book did the same as Alfresco noticed, sitting down on the edge of the dry pool edge, as she read a puddle formed and drained into the pool edge drain, after a minute she eased herself into the pool, still book in hand, waded to the steps and walked out, classic. On the same day another woman got off her sunbed, sat on the poolside drain with a dry bum, after a minute she returned to her sunbed with a wet bum but it could have been pool water on the floor but I doubt it. My wife rarely pees in the pool, only for a special favour to me but always pees in the sea or on the beach, I try to persuade her the loos are too far to walk. In holiday pools, especially near a bar I would think the number of people would be far more than 1 in 5

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Another one that I clearly remember which was quite blatant. I was at Disney's Blizzard Beach in Florida. There are plenty of toilets, a little way away from the beach, but certainly accessible. I was in the main beach pool when I saw a woman get up off her sun lounger where she had been reading. She walked down to the beach and sat on the sand right on the edge of the water with her legs stretched out in front of her. She stayed there for 30 seconds - no more, then casually got up and walked back to her sun lounger. There were loads of people all her round her and it was so obvious what she was doing.

Whilst on the subject of Blizzard Beach, I've been there about three times now and never once used the toilet. I have peed in the lazy river whilst floating around on the tube, I've peed in the main pool whilst swimming, I've peed in the bushes and I've peed whilst sat on a sun lounger and allowed the pee to just drain through the lounger to the ground. I've even peed my shorts whilst standing in the queue for a water slide. Everything is wet anyway and letting it out a bit at a time, nobody notices.

My wife didn't use the toilet at all either. She didn't always tell me when she was peeing, so I don't know all of her peeing exploits, but I do know that she peed in the main pool and on the lazy river.

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Thanks to Alfresco for posting this scientific report as my hubby has mentioned hearing of it and I was curious to know more.

OK this may make me sound like a nasty person but I'm going to be totally honest and say that I'll continue to pee in swimming pools because of the rush I get from doing so. My parents always encouraged both me and brother to pee in the pool as kids, praising us when we did, and I've done the same with my (now grown-up) kids so it's a regular habit for all of us. Before he knew me my hubby would always stop to use the toilet before swimming but if he needed to go again he'd pee in the pool without giving it a second thought. Now he holds before swimming, because he knows it excites me when he pees in the water, and has said he'll continue to do so.

I haven't asked the rest of my family yet but will post again when I have.

Once again my apologies to those who may get angry, but it really does excite me when I pee in a public swimming pool and people have been doing this for many years without any apparent harm. How do the rest of you feel about this subject?

One experience I've had of blatant peeing in a pool was in a small public baths in windermere in the lake district. There was a group of young mums with babies in the pool. One of the mums said to another, would she look after her child so she could to go to pee? Her friend replied, "why bother, just pee in the pool". She replied "OK", at this point they were all stood up in a foot or so of water holding the kids while they paddled. They talked between each other, and soon all six or so had kneeled down in the water, and were peeing throught their costumes, none splashed the water around as their hands were full and through the shallow water it was very easy to see the yellow pee aroung their bottoms. I've never seen such open public peeing in my life, I think its true girls are much more open to public peeing when in groups.

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Another one that I clearly remember which was quite blatant. I was at Disney's Blizzard Beach in Florida. There are plenty of toilets, a little way away from the beach, but certainly accessible. I was in the main beach pool when I saw a woman get up off her sun lounger where she had been reading. She walked down to the beach and sat on the sand right on the edge of the water with her legs stretched out in front of her. She stayed there for 30 seconds - no more, then casually got up and walked back to her sun lounger. There were loads of people all her round her and it was so obvious what she was doing.

Whilst on the subject of Blizzard Beach, I've been there about three times now and never once used the toilet. I have peed in the lazy river whilst floating around on the tube, I've peed in the main pool whilst swimming, I've peed in the bushes and I've peed whilst sat on a sun lounger and allowed the pee to just drain through the lounger to the ground. I've even peed my shorts whilst standing in the queue for a water slide. Everything is wet anyway and letting it out a bit at a time, nobody notices.

My wife didn't use the toilet at all either. She didn't always tell me when she was peeing, so I don't know all of her peeing exploits, but I do know that she peed in the main pool and on the lazy river.

Hey, Blizzard Beach looks like a great place .... and I'm VERY pleased to hear you've never used a toilet while there Alfresco! :thumbsup: :) If I'm lucky enough to go there I'll be sure to pee in the lazy river and the main pool as much as I can. I love to pee in water that others are swimming in!

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One experience I've had of blatant peeing in a pool was in a small public baths in windermere in the lake district. There was a group of young mums with babies in the pool. One of the mums said to another, would she look after her child so she could to go to pee? Her friend replied, "why bother, just pee in the pool". She replied "OK", at this point they were all stood up in a foot or so of water holding the kids while they paddled. They talked between each other, and soon all six or so had kneeled down in the water, and were peeing throught their costumes, none splashed the water around as their hands were full and through the shallow water it was very easy to see the yellow pee aroung their bottoms. I've never seen such open public peeing in my life, I think its true girls are much more open to public peeing when in groups.

Oh yes Geepee, I did the same with other mums at my local pool when my kids were very young. A group of us were in the smaller 'trainer' pool (next to the main pool) and I needed to pee so I squatted down and did it into the water through my swimsuit. Before I'd finished one of the other mums said "that's a good idea" and also squatted - with the others soon doing the same. I think the lifeguard had guessed why we were all squatted as he had a devilish smile on his face as he watched! :whistling:

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I almost got caught once peeing in the pool I was swimming one summer . Many years ago . That it had stopped me in peeing in the pool because I din't want to be caught by the life guard . Who came up to where U was standing in about 5 feet of water into a corner of the pool . just finishing my peeing when he had approached me in asking me had I peed in the pool just then . OOPS !!

I had denied peeing in the pool and had convinced him I hadn't done so :shifty:

Though I had relished the feeling of my very strong stream of pee . Flowing out of my cock and through my swim suit . As I had enjoyed peeing in that pool that time ! Even though I had denied doing so . It had put a stop to my ever trying it again . I agree with most here .

It's thrilling and most arousing to do only just fon't get caught at it . Like I did :banghead: :wink: :laugh: :x3:

I appreciate what you share on here Maggie , it makes for some most arousing . As well as enlightening reading I had enjoyed in on here . :wink: :wink:


Unlucky Kevin! :biggrin: :biggrin:

Sounds as if lifeguards tend to be more easy-going with women and girls peeing in pools than with men and boys doing it then, as I've been 'seen' many times by lifeguards. Usually by the yellowish plume coming from between my legs (as I love to hold for as long as I can before a swim) and I've never been questioned or told-off by a lifeguard. Very unfair I reckon, because I LOVE the thought of a man emptying his bladder in a swimming pool with no concern for others. That is SO sexy! :wink:

Anyone have an idea how Kevin could pee in a pool without being seen by lifeguard??

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Oh yes Geepee, I did the same with other mums at my local pool when my kids were very young. A group of us were in the smaller 'trainer' pool (next to the main pool) and I needed to pee so I squatted down and did it into the water through my swimsuit. Before I'd finished one of the other mums said "that's a good idea" and also squatted - with the others soon doing the same. I think the lifeguard had guessed why we were all squatted as he had a devilish smile on his face as he watched! :whistling:

Thanks for Sharing Maggie! There's nothing better than finding a group of moms hanging out in a pool your about to swim in. If I'm lucky enough to find my self near a few moms watching their children, I will stay close. Its only a matter of time before one of them pees ;)

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Anyone have an idea how Kevin could pee in a pool without being seen by lifeguard??

I pee in the pool pretty much every time I'm there and nobody has ever mentioned anything to me, my thoughts are:

- Make sure you are hydrated. That way you won't leave big yellow clouds.

- Pee whilst you are doing something else, e.g. talking to someone or fixing your goggles or even whilst you are swimming. Anything that diverts attention somewhere other than your lower body.

- Don't look down at your shorts to see if you are making a yellow cloud. That only draws attention to what you are doing.

- Don't adjust yourself or your swimming shorts and don't put your hand anywhere near.

- Don't simply get in the pool and stand by the edge stock still for 30 seconds. Move around, do it when you've been in there a while.

- Don't stand in the pool facing the wall unless you have a very good excuse like talking to someone on poolside.

- By all means sit on the side and pee through your shorts into the drains that go round the edge (if they have them), but again, don't just sit down, pee and then move off. Either do something else whilst peeing - e.g. fit goggles, fix your locker key to your wrist etc. or stay sat there far longer than necessary so that it doesn't look like you just stopped for a pee.

- Don't wait until you get desperate. If you are showing signs of being desperate, then stop still for a minute, then carry on looking far more relaxed then it is obvious what you have done. If you let it go before you are desperate then you won't get to the stage of attracting attention.

- Pee a bit at a time. It won't show, you won't be peeing for long enough that people would realise and you get the pleasure of peeing multiple times throughout your time in the pool.

- If they have a jacuzzi/hot tub, that is a good option because it is natural to be sat still in one place and the bubbles hide everything. Again, don't be obvious by only getting in for 30 seconds. Make sure you stay in there for 5 or 10 minutes to look natural.

I went to a leisure complex a while ago that had a normal pool, a moving water channel, jacuzzis and water slides. I peed in the pool, the jacuzzi and I peed whilst going down the slide. I even peed whilst climbing the stairs to the top of the slide. The steps were already wet from everyone going up in their wet costumes. Nobody noticed a thing. Finally, there were open unisex showers at the edge of the pool and I peed there whilst rinsing off the chlorine and standing with other people (male and female) close by.

So the answer is you can pee freely, but don't draw attention to yourself (unless of course you want the attention......)

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well the feel of water always gives me the urge to pee so yes I've peed in pools for a long time but I make sure I hide in the corner so no one knows wat I'm doin I lean on the wall in front of me and just let go and wow wat an amazing sensation and sometimes it has caused me to orgasm wen I finish so u can imagine the smile on my face wen it happens haha

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Ive been peeing in pools as long as I can remeber, as I dont really recall going swimming wiith my parents much Im not sure if I did it off of my own accord or was inspired/dared by friends, (I know several of them did at one time or another) I just remember peeing there on the weekly trip with school (it later turned into fortnightly trips with alternating classes, but if you hadnt passed your 10 meters you got to go every week, so being sneaky I just never tried for it and got to go every week) at one point I got nervous about doing so by the "dye that reacts to pee" myth but reasoned that Id already been peeing in the pool before Id heard the rumour it was safe enough to carry on. Ive no doubt I would have been chucked out for doing so by the swimming instructor, she nearly threw me out for spitting water into the pool instead of saving me from nearly drowning and banned one boy in my class for peeing in the shower. But whilst I dont hold or go out of my way to pee in the pool, if Im there I will happily do so, although I have peed in the showers and changing cubicles on purpose.

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I went to a leisure complex a while ago that had a normal pool, a moving water channel, jacuzzis and water slides. I peed in the pool, the jacuzzi and I peed whilst going down the slide.

Interesting. I would not be able to relax whilst going down the slide! Even if I need to pee very badly, I need to concentrate a bit to actually start peeing. You will never see any yellow around me in a (fast) water slide or while swimming . It just doesn't work. I need to relax a little bit . That works for example by standing still for a moment (a few seconds will suffice). Once the pee starts going, it is easy to control (i.e. stop for a moment and resume soon after). The jacuzzi is also perfect! You are in there to relax anyway plus there is added naughtiness because it is much smaller than a big pool.

Funny (?) thing is: while I was young, I always went to the bathroom (many people will admit to peeing in the pool while they were young and now find it gross - for me it is vice versa). I started to pee in the pool when I was maybe 17 years old. And ever since I read Maggie's posts about drinking an extra amount of water before going to the pool, I do the same! My friends don't know about it and sometimes I even have to make sure they don't notice that I am bursting before going in. However, I think most of them also pee in the pool. We don't talk about it.

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Oh yes Geepee, I did the same with other mums at my local pool when my kids were very young. A group of us were in the smaller 'trainer' pool (next to the main pool) and I needed to pee so I squatted down and did it into the water through my swimsuit. Before I'd finished one of the other mums said "that's a good idea" and also squatted - with the others soon doing the same. I think the lifeguard had guessed why we were all squatted as he had a devilish smile on his face as he watched! :whistling:

Hi Maggie thanks for the reply, my wife pees more in the sea than the pool but is treating me to quite a few outdoor pees at the moment, did one on a footpath this morning infact. Do you ever get the opportunity for a naughty wee outdoors ?

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I enjoy peeing in a pool. I love standing in the water talking to other and they have no idea that I am peeing in front of then. The feeling of my pee warming the water around my genitals gets me so aroused.

I'm just happy that there really is not a chemical they put in pool water to turn your pee blue when pee in it. Lol

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