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Men desperate in front of women?

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I could be speaking out of turn - but I think in the past @Alfresco has expressed his experiences along these lines.

In my case, probably only in front of my wife on a couple of occasions where I've been driving and unable to wait.  She's not a peefan and happens to have a bladder the size of a super-tanker, so her response is usually just bemused frustration "can you not just wait ten minutes until we get there....?'   On my own I'd have pee'd in a layby or similar of course before it got to that stage.

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Not really. Every guy i know (me included) just says that they need to pee and go behind the next bush or to the next side alley. 

The closest thing that comes to mind is the situation where you need to pee while driving long distance. My (female) friends always suggest that i should just pee in a bottle but i know myself well enough to know that i wouldn't be able to pee in that situation which is why i just hold it. But my friends usually don't last much longer than myself so its not that hard.

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My ex boyfriend got to that point a couple of times around me. Each time was when I’d be out delivering with him, and there’d be a long stretch of time where there were no restrooms around or available, and no sneaky place to go publicly just due to the areas we were in (plus he wasn’t into pee- let alone public peeing). He usually ended up having to chug down his sports drink or coffee and then pee into it in the back of the van and throw it out later

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13 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I think in the past @Alfresco has expressed his experiences along these lines.

I have definitely peed in front of ladies.  I have peed in front of my wife many times, both at home and outdoors.  Usually not being particularly through total desperation as I don’t have any issue peeing outside when I am with her and out walking.  However there have been a couple of times when I have been driving and absolutely bursting to pee because there are no services and I have been trying to make it to the destination.  They often result in me arriving and making a bolt for the toilet, where I leave the door open so she sees and she usually laughs at my stream going on forever and says I shouldn’t drink so much.

One time recently having drunk too much tea I had to pee in a lay-by and went round to her side of the car to be slightly shielded from the road and peed for ages whilst she was just the other side of the car window.  I could also be seen by oncoming traffic (which no doubt included some ladies) but I didn’t care and had little choice.

Other times on nights out I have peed in alleys and car parks etc., where I know women saw me peeing and saw my dick.

I have also peed outside in front of my (adult) daughter.  That was when I had been stuck in the car for ages due to snow bringing traffic to a standstill, picked her up from work, then was stuck for ages again and finally decided to park up and get the train home.  She had been able to pee at work, but I hadn’t peed for hours.  I had been struggling visibly to hold it in the car and when we finally got parked up I told her I was sorry that I couldn’t wait the five minutes to walk to the station but I just had to pee and I made yellow snow between two cars in the car park.

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Imo it's so sad when men get desperate to piss. They should just go right where they are.

On the other hand, nothing better than a man desperately trying to hold his piss in.

Best story regarding this is an ex boyfriend who had a habit if pissing wherever convenient if outside.

We got caught in an ice storm in the middle of the city and couldn't catch a bus home. He'd been holding it for hours and finally turned around and melted some ice on a snow bank. There were people around, but theyq'd all been stuck at the station for hours, so folks either understood or had already melted some snow of their own.

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I have never really seen a man desperate. I think men seem to just go more frequently to avoid getting to that stage. Plus The men I know are more likely to just go where they are when they need it. My female friends seem to hold it more and more likely to get desperate. 

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Could it be...   <stands in front of target and places apple on head>...   that men are less 'drama queen' about it ?

As a guy there've been plenty of times I've been with others who have got out of a car, or a meeting, or other circumstances where the 'guys can pee anywhere' argument can't apply and they have commented about being bursting for a piss, and have made a bee-line for the gents or the nearest convenient place.  But there's been no standing leg-twisting, no squirming, no foot-tapping, no bending double and no huffing and puffing.

Maybe the male prostate and muscles allow us to clench and hold more easily without the distraction techniques of movement ?   Maybe it's social conditioning that men aren't supposed to show weakness ?   Maybe something else ?

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53 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Could it be...   <stands in front of target and places apple on head>...   that men are less 'drama queen' about it ?

You're brave!

54 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

no standing leg-twisting, no squirming, no foot-tapping, no bending double and no huffing and puffing.

Oh, the foot-tapping ... done that quite a lot. Involuntarily.

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23 minutes ago, Kupar said:

You're brave!

Hopefully people know me well enough to catch my humour - and if not then their loss 😉

For the record, I absolutely adore the drama of visible desperation of course. 

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5 hours ago, Jodan said:

Sorry that was so long to describe not so much.  

Don't apologise. It's a really good story; thanks for sharing it. I bet the relief when you finally peed was amazing! 

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There has been times where I have been so desperate that I do squirm, do a little dance lol. But never done it infront  of females yet. I have done to my best friend. 

there has been a few times where I was so desperate I didn’t care where I was and just pee where ever I pullled into.  Etc lay-by, hardsholders on motoraway and busy public car park. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

All the time. My husband and I've been best friends since we were in 9th grade and he is very shy and embarrased about peeing. He would never just do it in public like most guys I know, he even tries to avoid public toilets at all cost or is too shy to admit he has to pee and would rather hold it than to use the toilet in a friends house. 

I remember dozens of times were we went home together after school and he was visablly bursting. Also every time we go out or have longer car rides he ends up being desperate or had to use a bottle in the car, while I'm driving. 

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6 hours ago, Junimay said:

All the time. My husband and I've been best friends since we were in 9th grade and he is very shy and embarrased about peeing. He would never just do it in public like most guys I know, he even tries to avoid public toilets at all cost or is too shy to admit he has to pee and would rather hold it than to use the toilet in a friends house. 

I remember dozens of times were we went home together after school and he was visablly bursting. Also every time we go out or have longer car rides he ends up being desperate or had to use a bottle in the car, while I'm driving. 

Thanks for posting. I don't know whether that is a turn on for you, but is there a little conflict of interest between sympathising with his desperation or embarrassment on the one hand, and thinking about the positive aspects of him having a big desire to pee. I'm sure you're caring, but it would be interesting to know more!

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On 4/7/2022 at 4:43 AM, Girllikespee said:

We had a whole discussion about how bad he needed a piss. It was so hot.

I  love it when a girl is really turned on by a guy really needing a piss very badly! I would happily do that for any girl who would like that...!

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I've been that guy.  Not exactly desperate, but needed to pee a party.  There was a girl  I didn't know laying on her back on the floor of the only bathroom (conscious, coherent, just not feeling well).  The exchange went something along the lines of:

"I've got to piss."

"Don't think I can get up yet, but go for it."

I just went ahead with it.  Pretty sure she had a look but didn't say anything, possibly because she wasn't feeling well enough to start anything, possibly because it was an unusual situation and she didn't want to make it any weirder.  I think I asked her if she needed anything before I left.

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On 4/5/2022 at 1:57 AM, toseepee said:

Imo it's so sad when men get desperate to piss. They should just go right where they are.

On the other hand, nothing better than a man desperately trying to hold his piss in.

Best story regarding this is an ex boyfriend who had a habit if pissing wherever convenient if outside.

We got caught in an ice storm in the middle of the city and couldn't catch a bus home. He'd been holding it for hours and finally turned around and melted some ice on a snow bank. There were people around, but theyq'd all been stuck at the station for hours, so folks either understood or had already melted some snow of their own.

You seem to attract people who like to pee wherever. I'd assume it's a recurring theme at least!

Edited by Ms. Tito
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/5/2022 at 8:59 PM, Ms. Tito said:

You seem to attract people who like to pee wherever. I'd assume it's a recurring theme at least!

Fair assessment. I know a lot of kind of crunchy outdoorsy types and free spirits. I wish I had their boldness!

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3 hours ago, creativity123 said:

This happened last week and I posted on another thread but seems appropriate for this thread also. Plus it may get more people to read it. Sorry if you have seen it before

I was was waiting up last night to pick my partner up from a party she had attended. She messaged to say pick me up at midnight. I had been drinking a lot of sodas and caffeine to keep myself awake ready to pick her up as well as her sister and her friend too. It is about a 15-20 minutes drive and the areas where she lives and where the party also is are quite rural and are just small villlages dotted about between fields.
I left and within about 5 minutes of leaving the urge to pee just came on suddenly. Being aware of the time, I thought I should just go pick them up first. I got to the location and tried ringing her but no answer. There were many people leaving this party (all female) so I had no where to just go and and have a pee. After waiting for 5-10 minutes my partner and her sister and friend came. After driving 10 minutes to drop her sister off my partner noticed me squirming. It would be another 7-8 minutes to her house and her friend only lived around the corner. 
My partner asked if I was ok and I told her I have been bursting for the loo since pretty much I left and that her delay off 5-10 minutes at the party didn't help.
I also couldn't drive fast on the way back as her sister is heavily pregnant so that didn't help also.
I explained this to her and said I am on the verge now. She said just pull over in the fields and go. I didn't know her friend so well so thats what was making me apprehensive first but her friend said 'your a man, you are lucky you can just stand and go'
I pulled over and had a minute long pee next to the car, which was very liberating. I shook up well as I had nothing to wipe with and put 'him' away.
I got back in the car and my partner and her friend were like you must have been bursting you have been gone for about a minute or so. I told them I now feel very relaxed and drove the last 5 minutes back.

Great story 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

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I've been desperate several times.   I do drink quite a lot - tea and water mainly - and as a result I probably pee more often than most.   If I don't drink much, then I can hold for hours, but when I'm drinking a pint an hour or thereabouts, I end up needing to pee every hour too (PIPO - Pint In, Pint Out as we used to say at university).   If I'm at home, or going out on my own then it isn't a problem, but if I forget to restrict my intake when I'm going somewhere with others then it can be an issue.     What I tend to find if I'm drinking a lot is that the desperation level rises very quickly once I start needing a pee it doesn't seem to be very long before I'm desperate.  There are plenty of times when I haven't been able to just pee where I was and I was not near a toilet.  Some of those times I have been having to remain composed in a business environment whilst inwardly really struggling.   

Also, in cinemas watching long films and drinking sodas can be an issue.   I've ended up just making it to the end of a film, then heading to the toilet and peeing for over a minute.   

I do agree with @gldenwetgoose that I don't often show much in the way of outward signs of desperation.   I've been in the car with my wife getting more and more desperate as I am driving.  I don't show visible signs, but I might push my leg hard against the floor or loosen my belt.   I've been at the point of almost bursting and having to pull into a layby and pee for what seems like forever, but my wife hadn't noticed my predicament until I told her that I just had to stop or we'd have wet seats in the car.  When she saw how long I peed for she was amazed I hadn't stopped earlier.  

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