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Forums show: Majority of everyday housewives and moms support men and boys peeing in the yard when they're outside.

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It's being asked in various mothering, parenting and relationship sites how housewives feel about their husbands, boyfriends, sons and other male guests or workers peeing in the yard rather than tracking into their house and the results and discussions on the subject might surprise many young men. On a popular birthing / mothering site 75% of moms said they would allow their boys to pee outdoors when they're out in the yard.  https://community.babycenter.com/post/a69857843/boys-peeing-outside 

Another poll asked women what they would think about their husband or boyfriend peeing in their back yard.  While 75% of women said they've observed them doing so, a surprising 88% of them said they'd be fine with them doing so, 28% saying they'd be happy to having less mess inside.  https://www.misterpoll.com/polls/576739/results

This was inline with another poll from babycenter also showing that 28% of moms would rather their boys pee in the yard.  https://community.babycenter.com/post/a62791711/where-would-you-prefer-your-boys-go-to-pee-when-playing-outside

Angi, a popular source for finding contractors and getting advice on home construction projects has a page asking. "Should You Let a Contractor Take a Wee in Your Yard?"  Their advice was to discuss the matter before the work begins and listed the possible benefits of allowing them to do so, while rebuffing many of the concerns of them doing so. Concluding that  "Provided you agree with your contractor that it’s fine to urinate in your yard, and they find a private spot, it shouldn’t be a legal problem."     https://www.angi.com/articles/should-your-outdoor-contractor-pee-yard.htm

There have been many posts like this one, where a husband is questioning his wives judgement for teaching their son to pee outside.  https://slate.com/human-interest/2020/11/boys-peeing-outside-care-and-feeding.html    and a second husband questioning his wife  https://www.reddit.com/r/Parenting/comments/c4uby5/at_what_age_is_it_no_longer_appropriate_for_my/ 

A rather comprehensive poll asks moms where they allow their boys to pee and where they'd prefer for them to pee.  In this poll moms were asked where they'd prefer their boys pee when they're outside to which 58% of moms said "just pee anywhere in the yard" and another 17% said "find a discrete place in the yard to go." This poll also revealed that at some time 73% of moms confess they've mentioned or even told their sons to pee in the yard.   https://www.misterpoll.com/polls/92080/results

Another discussion on a mothers advice site simply weighs the pro's and con's but states that "Moms have been letting their children urinate outside for many years, this is especially true for young boys."    https://www.moms.com/kids-urinating-outside-disagreement-among-parents/   

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I agree with these forums that it shouldn’t be a big thing for guys  to pee in their backyard when they want , saving the time trailing through the house. I very often piss at the back of the house in my yard for exactly the same reason 

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It absolutely amazes me that so very many young men and teen boys are terrified to pee outside at home when in fact the vast majority of moms, housewives and women in general see nothing wrong with men doing so and roughly a third would prefer for guys to pee outdoors!

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  • 10 months later...
40 minutes ago, avatar said:

Don't really see why it's that unexpected. Might just be the attitude around here but men peeing on grass/bushes is a pretty accepted thing for me, especially little boys up to a certain age. 

For me, when it comes to peeing on the grass, or in bushes or on a tree, and I'm in the backyard alone, I always pee somewhere where no neighbors can't see my actions. 

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Just now, Johnboy777 said:

For me, when it comes to peeing on the grass, or in bushes or on a tree, and I'm in the backyard alone, I always pee somewhere where no neighbors can't see my actions. 

Yeah obviously you try to find a spot where you are the most of sight. What I meant to say that public pissing for men is seen that bad here, given you at least try to conceal yourself.


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23 minutes ago, avatar said:

Yeah obviously you try to find a spot where you are the most of sight. What I meant to say that public pissing for men is seen that bad here, given you at least try to conceal yourself.


And when I'm out in public, on a walk, and the need arises, I usually piss in an alley, or behind an abandoned building, where there's less risk of being caught. As the saying goes, when you gotta go, you gotta go. It's not good, especially for males, to hold it in too long.

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6 hours ago, Louise france said:


@beachmom and other friends of the message boards mrpoll is back again i the old site with an updated adress





hope to read contributions soon

I learned that address fix rather quickly, but as I was seeing no new posts I was afraid that most people wouldn't find it. Can't imagine why they did that without any notice. Anyway, I'm pleased you've found the fix and I hope you'll post here as well in case Mister Poll disappears again.

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On 1/21/2023 at 8:43 AM, Louise france said:


@beachmom and other friends of the message boards mrpoll is back again i the old site with an updated adress





hope to read contributions soon

Louise!  Great to see you here!  I've been reading your (and beachmom's) posts on Mr Poll for years.  Sadly, I have no experiences of my own to contribute, but I want you (and beachmom) to know your contributions are very much appreciated.  Mr Poll would be virtually nothing without you two.

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5 hours ago, Havelock said:

@Louise france @beachmom I appreciated your content on mister poll. I think this is a much better interface for posting, reading and interacting with the community. Perhaps you can recreate some of the topics from the old misterpoll here and get everyone's fresh take on them. 

While I like being on this site, I think that for many, especially young people, this site has the appearance of being too much of a fetish site, something many wouldn't want to admit to. On the other hand, sites such as "Misterpoll", "Redit", "Quora" and such are less intimidating and any polls or opinions offered there are much more of a mainstream opinion. Even more enlightening are polling and forums from parenting sites, "Cafemom", "Mothering", "Babycenter" and such as they give the opinion of mothers today, the people who will be teaching the new generation. Anyway, for getting the opinion of the general public and for giving advice to rather timid young people based on that I always found sites like "Misterpoll" were the best. Sadly it may be on the way out. Also I find that many fetish site, this one included are very uptight when anyone mentions kids or young people, whereas on mothering sites we are very free to discuss what we feel is appropriate to teach or allow our kids to do.  

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Just to continue on the original subject matter, the polls I pointed to at the top of this thread were mostly the thoughts of today's mothers or parents in general. I always thought that there is a strong correlation between what mothers teach or allow and what young men are comfortable doing. Men are rarely concerned about what others might say or think, but many, especially teenage and young men living at home are terrified of what their mom might say. When guys understand their mom to be okay with it, they don't seem to be concerned about it. I recently came across this poll    https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/where-do-we-pee-a-yougov-survey-has-the-answers/    which reveals what adult men and women actually do. What I found really interesting with the correlation between this poll and those at the top of this thread.  For example,   75% of moms say they're okay with boys peeing outdoors and this study found 71% of men pee in a bush or tree. A poll on "mothering" showed 58% of moms have let their boys pee in the yard and 28% prefer they do so when outside, whereas just over half of men say they do so.  Some 43% of moms confess they've had their sons pee roadside or in a parking lot and 32% of men say they've peed in the street. While this new survey shows that women are much less likely to pee in other places than men, other parenting site reveal that it's likely moms whom have introduced the idea to the guys.

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3 hours ago, beachmom said:

Just to continue on the original subject matter, the polls I pointed to at the top of this thread were mostly the thoughts of today's mothers or parents in general. I always thought that there is a strong correlation between what mothers teach or allow and what young men are comfortable doing. Men are rarely concerned about what others might say or think, but many, especially teenage and young men living at home are terrified of what their mom might say. When guys understand their mom to be okay with it, they don't seem to be concerned about it. I recently came across this poll    https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/where-do-we-pee-a-yougov-survey-has-the-answers/    which reveals what adult men and women actually do. What I found really interesting with the correlation between this poll and those at the top of this thread.  For example,   75% of moms say they're okay with boys peeing outdoors and this study found 71% of men pee in a bush or tree. A poll on "mothering" showed 58% of moms have let their boys pee in the yard and 28% prefer they do so when outside, whereas just over half of men say they do so.  Some 43% of moms confess they've had their sons pee roadside or in a parking lot and 32% of men say they've peed in the street. While this new survey shows that women are much less likely to pee in other places than men, other parenting site reveal that it's likely moms whom have introduced the idea to the guys.

I feel like the amount of female public pissing is gonna increase over the next few decades, if not the next 5 years. 

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7 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

I feel like the amount of female public pissing is gonna increase over the next few decades, if not the next 5 years. 

I rather imagine that women will overtake men in that respect as men have become so much more timid these days and young women today have a much more relaxed view. It happened with swimsuits, men used to wear little speedo suits or nothing at all and women wore huge one piece swimming dresses. Today the guys where long trunks and shirts whereas the girls are in string bikinis.

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On 1/21/2023 at 3:43 PM, Louise france said:


@beachmom and other friends of the message boards mrpoll is back again i the old site with an updated adress





hope to read contributions soon

Great to hear from you @Louise france.  I always enjoyed your contributions on Mister Poll.   Hopefully you'll join in and contribute plenty here too.

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On 1/23/2023 at 5:34 AM, beachmom said:

I rather imagine that women will overtake men in that respect as men have become so much more timid these days and young women today have a much more relaxed view. It happened with swimsuits, men used to wear little speedo suits or nothing at all and women wore huge one piece swimming dresses. Today the guys where long trunks and shirts whereas the girls are in string bikinis.

Beachmom, your comment about changing swimsuit styles made me think back to when I was a child growing up in the US in the 1970s.  The kind of swim suit that I and all the other boys wore back then was a kind of stretchy, form-fitting fabric that you sometimes had to struggle with to pull on, especially if it was wet.  It was thicker fabric than a speedo (although I've never worn a speedo myself) and just slightly stretchy, not like spandex.  I'm not sure what it was made of.  It was also short as was the style for men and boys then.  It covered just the very upper part of your thighs, sort of like boxer briefs today, but shorter.  I don't remember exactly, but I probably wore that style of suit into my teen years.  If you watch movies from the 50s and 60s that's what the guys typically wore.  It was only the older men back then, like my grandfather's age, who wore the loose, baggy type of suit that guys usually wear today, but it was much shorter too.  By the time I was college age I was definitely wearing the loose fitting suits, but even in the 1980s they were still somewhat shorter than today's suits.  The suits I've worn in recent years actually bother me with so much fabric getting in the way as they nearly approach the knees.  I did recently see some in the stores that seemed to be slightly shorter so maybe the pendulum is about to swing the other way. 

I think I've mentioned this in a previous post on here, but there's also another difference in women's swimsuits between the 1970s and today beyond them becoming more revealing.   Back then the one piece women's suits usually had some padding up top (at least the ones my mother wore did) but bikini tops universally did not then.  So it was commonplace to see nipples poking through on the girls and women who wore them.  As an insecure teenager, it kind of made me a little uncomfortable to be in the presence of women so attired lol.  Today, it seems like the vast majority of bikini tops have some sort of padding.  I'm not sure if the purpose is to make things look fuller there, or to hide the outline of the nipples, or both. 

But I think it is true that whatever you are presented with as something normal during your childhood, whether it's clothing styles or nudity or peeing practices, is what you will be comfortable with and see as normal as you get older, even into adulthood.  I was extremely private about peeing and bathroom usage as a child, but I didn't give it a second thought to wriggle into that tiny, form-fitting swim suit because it was the only thing I had ever worn for swimming and every other boy was wearing the same thing.

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My wife definitely doesn't mind if I or my son pee in the yard. We live in a residential neighborhood with houses all around, so it doesn't happen often. But, for example, we have a pine tree with low boughs that offer a little privacy. Occasionally when my son is swimming, he'll pee there rather than going in the house. Similarly, when my wife and I are in the hot tub, if I have to pee, I'll just stand up and pee into the mulch vs. getting out and going in the house. 

I can only think of two occasions when my wife has peed in the yard (that I know of). One was at a hot tub party at her friend's house, with her girlfriends, where she peed through her suit into the grass while walking to the cooler to get a drink. I've told that story here before, in another thread.

The other time occurred when my wife and I were having a campfire in the backyard. It was a while ago, the kids were little, and in bed already. We'd had a few beers, and we both needed to pee. I figured if we went inside, that'd probably be the end of our evening. It also risked waking one or both of the kids. So I said to her "Let's just pee here. It's dark, no one will know." I went first, scooching to the edge of my lawnchair, and pulling my penis out of my shorts. I quietly let my pee flow into the grass. I said "See? Quiet, easy, done. Now you." 

Reluctantly, she did the same. She scooched to the edge of her lawnchair, and pulled her shorts and underwear down just far enough so she could pee. She slowly let it flow, being careful not to unleash the full stream all at once, for fear that a neighbor might see or hear something. It was dark, so I couldn't really see anything sitting right next to her. I could see the soft streams just a little as she started and stopped a few times, and hear them quietly hitting the grass below. When she finished, I don't remember if she wiped. We might've had a napkin with us, but I don't recall. We stayed out a little longer until the fire died down, and ebentually we went in. 

I wish she would do that type of thing more, but unfortunately she's pretty pee shy.

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On 1/22/2023 at 4:32 PM, beachmom said:

While I like being on this site, I think that for many, especially young people, this site has the appearance of being too much of a fetish site, something many wouldn't want to admit to. On the other hand, sites such as "Misterpoll", "Redit", "Quora" and such are less intimidating and any polls or opinions offered there are much more of a mainstream opinion. Even more enlightening are polling and forums from parenting sites, "Cafemom", "Mothering", "Babycenter" and such as they give the opinion of mothers today, the people who will be teaching the new generation. Anyway, for getting the opinion of the general public and for giving advice to rather timid young people based on that I always found sites like "Misterpoll" were the best. Sadly it may be on the way out. Also I find that many fetish site, this one included are very uptight when anyone mentions kids or young people, whereas on mothering sites we are very free to discuss what we feel is appropriate to teach or allow our kids to do.  

I see. That makes sense.

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2 hours ago, niceguy1 said:

Beachmom, your comment about changing swimsuit styles made me think back to when I was a child growing up in the US in the 1970s.  The kind of swim suit that I and all the other boys wore back then was a kind of stretchy, form-fitting fabric that you sometimes had to struggle with to pull on, especially if it was wet.  It was thicker fabric than a speedo (although I've never worn a speedo myself) and just slightly stretchy, not like spandex.  I'm not sure what it was made of.  It was also short as was the style for men and boys then.  It covered just the very upper part of your thighs, sort of like boxer briefs today, but shorter.  I don't remember exactly, but I probably wore that style of suit into my teen years.  If you watch movies from the 50s and 60s that's what the guys typically wore.  It was only the older men back then, like my grandfather's age, who wore the loose, baggy type of suit that guys usually wear today, but it was much shorter too.  By the time I was college age I was definitely wearing the loose fitting suits, but even in the 1980s they were still somewhat shorter than today's suits.  The suits I've worn in recent years actually bother me with so much fabric getting in the way as they nearly approach the knees.  I did recently see some in the stores that seemed to be slightly shorter so maybe the pendulum is about to swing the other way. 

I think I've mentioned this in a previous post on here, but there's also another difference in women's swimsuits between the 1970s and today beyond them becoming more revealing.   Back then the one piece women's suits usually had some padding up top (at least the ones my mother wore did) but bikini tops universally did not then.  So it was commonplace to see nipples poking through on the girls and women who wore them.  As an insecure teenager, it kind of made me a little uncomfortable to be in the presence of women so attired lol.  Today, it seems like the vast majority of bikini tops have some sort of padding.  I'm not sure if the purpose is to make things look fuller there, or to hide the outline of the nipples, or both. 

But I think it is true that whatever you are presented with as something normal during your childhood, whether it's clothing styles or nudity or peeing practices, is what you will be comfortable with and see as normal as you get older, even into adulthood.  I was extremely private about peeing and bathroom usage as a child, but I didn't give it a second thought to wriggle into that tiny, form-fitting swim suit because it was the only thing I had ever worn for swimming and every other boy was wearing the same thing.

It's interesting you mention swim suits in your youth.  Just like I have mentioned witnessing different cultures around peeing in the US vs. EU when I was growing up, I also noticed different cultures around dressing and nudity. In the 70s ad 80s in France and Spain I remember many kids going nude at the beach or to swim. Nudity for older people also seemed accepted. Many moms even went topless. This was a stark contrast to many places in the US.


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