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What is the longest time you have gone without using a toilet

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For me, it was about a week. I peed everywhere but in a toilet, and of course, sometimes I had to just hold it and wait for the chance to pee. I would mostly pee in sinks, outside, in bottles, and in rubbish bins. When at home, I'd use the sink if nobody was awake or home, otherwise I would go in some plastic bottles I have specifically for pee, or into my rubbish bin. Sometimes I would also go into my backyard to pee, and of course I peed while having a shower too. In a public toilet, I would go in a sink, in a bin, and sometimes on the floor. I often peed out while walking, usually at a park in some place hidden. Also while on the train, I sometimes peed on the floor when I had to go.

Only reason I stopped after a week was because sometimes it is a bit inconvenient to hold or look for a place to go while doing something possibly important. It is quite a bit of effort I found to always try and do it at the right time, and have to hold it in, sometimes even strategically plan when I could pee. Although maybe part of that is because I'm not naughty enough with where I pee, and because I care too much about who sees.

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I think mine was about 10 days.  I went on a cycle touring holiday in Scotland and was wild camping (not using campsites) so just peed near the tent when we were camped and pee breaks during the day were wherever we stopped, but I am sure I didn’t pee in a toilet for the whole of that holiday.  

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Not really having kept track of the length of time without peeing in a toilet but I'm sure it must easily be a week. As a rule I normally use the sink but will piss in the garden, on the floor, in a bin,  and when out walking or cycling will find somewhere to pee or pee myself. 

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Nice. I'm hoping to try and extend my time to over a week, or possibly try never using a toilet, just avoiding peeing in one at all costs. Although, at that point I may start to get desensitized to naughty peeing, if I never pee in a toilet again.

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Anywhere from weeks to at least a full month. Had a lot of alone time at home during the pandemic. Made it kind of easy. While hiking I usually don't use a toilet due to circumstance but I'd be forced to use one if I was at a hotel or hostel. 

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My longest time is about 9 months give or take a few weeks. That was when i was working as a lumberjack, the job site was over 700km form my house but luckily it was really close to my cottage only about 30km from my cottage. I decided to just live at the cottage for the 9 months and its my summer cottage so no running water which obviously means no toilet either. We also didn’t have toilet at work ’cause lets be honest why the fuck would anyone go thru the trouble of transporting a toilet to the middle of the forest.

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On 10/18/2021 at 2:46 PM, owlman76 said:

About 4 hours and i was really dying to piss, it was a hot day and i got stuck in traffic, I'd been drinking loads to avoid dehydration and got stuck in traffic on a motorway after an accident. I was really getting concerned and i think I arrived at the services with only a couple of minutes to spare, by the looks on the faces of several women drivers alongside me I'd guess that several didnt make it.

I got stuck in traffic on the M25 due to a lorry breaking down. I could feel that I wanted to pee but after sitting for 15/20 minutes my bladder was saying that it needed to empty. After a little longer I decided to pee in my empty thermos, removing the top I inserted my cock into the flask and started peeing, instant relief. 

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11 minutes ago, BGSB86 said:

I think it was 4 days. I went on a camping trip with my family. There’s something about squatting down in nature that’s makes peeing 100x better than peeing in any toilet.

Looking up at the sky on a cold, crisp night and hearing the pee splatter.

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