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How important is it for a significant other to be into pee?

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4 hours ago, Wolfpee said:

I would like it if my other half is opened minded about what I do. Had an ex who we didn’t mention about our kinks but I always peed outside but not like in front of her or anything but she didn’t say anything and just let’s me. Then when I stayed at hers she had an en-suite so she peed with the door open and so I started doing it. And she watches. Which then leads into shower pissing. But sadly our relationship didn’t last. But would like to find someone who wouldn’t mind and not disgusted by it. 

Maybe try to MAKE that relationship  last.   Try to get back with that girl, maybe.

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I think it largely depends on how big a part of your sexuality it is. For me personally, it's pretty much the entirety of my sexuality. I like butts, boobs are nice, blowjob's are good, but peed pants is the one thing that will make me cum early if I'm not careful. I've been with girls who didn't know I had a thing for pants wetting, and I was able to perform okay (or if not, at least they spared my feelings, haha), but when the build up reached its peak and it was time to cum together, you bet your ass I was picturing her peeing her pants to push myself over the edge at the right moment. It was still very enjoyable, but it felt like I couldn't be fully open, and therefore, couldn't fully enjoy it.

Finally I got up the nerve to tell a girlfriend when I was about 19 or 20, and all that anxiety about her potentially being disgusting dissolved. Not only was she alright with it, she indulged me in it often. The relationship didn't last forever, unfortunately, but after being with someone who knew and enjoyed doing it, I couldn't go back. 

Now, in my 30s, I just tell any girl I might possibly get with whenever the subject of turn on's inevitably comes up. That way I'm not pulling any surprises out down the road, and if it's a deal breaker, nobody wastes their time 

Not every one has indulged me, but it hasn't chased anyone away yet, and one girlfriend actually came to really like it. I actually created a bit of a monster there for a bit, as she was quite willing to stage an "accident" in very embarrassing places (I'll share a couple stories of her later on). 

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Guest ShyPeeMan

I would like it if my wife was into it but she isn't so I have to find ways to enjoy it by myself. I find that limiting but it is what it is so I have to enjoy it when I can. Life isn't perfect and neither are relationships, we just have to make the most of what cards we are delt.

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I don't think it is important to me at all really, it is not something I have ever looked for or considered when I am dating. However it would be nice for them to be semi interested in it and want to do it every now and again. Although i would rather he was not into it at all and I just play solo occasionally than if he was into it in a bigger way than me as I think that would be an issue. I wouldn't want it to be the whole of our relationship or take over our sex lives and I wouldn't be happy if he liked to pee around the house or in the car for example.

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26 minutes ago, Peewee123 said:

I don't think it is important to me at all really, it is not something I have ever looked for or considered when I am dating. However it would be nice for them to be semi interested in it and want to do it every now and again. Although i would rather he was not into it at all and I just play solo occasionally than if he was into it in a bigger way than me as I think that would be an issue. I wouldn't want it to be the whole of our relationship or take over our sex lives and I wouldn't be happy if he liked to pee around the house or in the car for example.

That's a very thoughtful and considered answer. And I hear what you're saying. It all makes a lot of sense 🙂 

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She doesn’t have to be into pee. As long as she’ll piss for me we are good. I have always eased into telling my girlfriends about my fetish by finding out if they’d ever peed outside or other places other than the bathroom. They all have pretty much, and their stories were such a turn on. Even to this day I think about old girlfriends stories, some go back 25 years.

With my girlfriends knowing it turns me on it kind of puts them at ease I believe. Being out and she has to go, she would go, and not only is she relieved, she knew it turned me on. I have noticed with me, if her stream is weak or she doesn’t pee much, I’m a little less interested. Not necessarily a deal break though. 

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@Starks2010, I feel exactly as you do, about attitudes of girlfriends toward pee. Most of mine were not into it, at the beginning of our relationships, but several of them progressed to an attitude that I characterize as "amused tolerance," when they found out how much their peeing turned me on. To me, this attitude means that they will allow me to watch them piss, and they will talk about it with me, and tell me stories about their past and current experiences, which are huge turn-ons for me. I ease into revealing my fetish in a similar way to your technique, by asking questions about their experiences in bathrooms, or outdoors, basically, variations on "Did everything come out OK?" I often start with very innocuous questions on the cleanliness or design (female urinals, etc.) of the facilities they have just used, or the urgency of their need for a piss, and I am often rewarded with very detailed stories.

One of my girlfriends, "Lisa," exceeded my hopes, immensely, by really getting into the fetish with me, starting from a very reserved and secretive beginning. I have posted her story in detail, on Pee Fans, real stories some years ago, but here is the Cliff's Notes version:

Like many women of my generation, growing up during WW2, she was led to believe that her peeing was strictly an excretory function, and a total turn-off to other people, especially men. That belief was unfortunately strongly reinforced by an experience with a former lover, immediately before we met. He was getting her off by hand, and she accidentally peed on his hand when she came. He shook her pee off of his hand, in total disgust, took a shower, left the room where they were staying, and never called her again. She didn't tell me about this experience, at first. The sex between us was very good, and she seemed open to anything, but she basically ignored my lighthearted questions about her bathroom visits, and hints about how much women's peeing turned me on, for 6 or 8 months.

Finally, I begged her to leave the bathroom door open a crack, so I could listen to her pee, and she acquiesced, anxiously and reluctantly. When her hiss and tinkle ended, I opened the door, walked into the bathroom, and offered to help her wipe. She accepted when she saw my raging hard on and my obvious excitement. After we made love, she told me the whole story, and invited me into the bathroom with her, to watch her pee. She explained that she simply didn't believe my assertions that her peeing would turn me on, feared the opposite was true, and didn't want to lose me. But my excitement, that evening, proved I was telling the truth. We enjoyed a very "wet" and active relationship, for 3 or 4 years, after that. She liked to sit on the running boards of cars and pee, while I watched. Her crowning achievement was straddling my face, in the back seat of her ancient Cadillac, and peeing in my mouth. Delicious! She would also tell me intimate stories, when she had to visit public bathrooms, during our dates. 

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5 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

Long distance online.

Oh nooo! How frustrating. Also will teach me to assume things - sorry!


That my mother will never approve of. 

Hm. Well, that could be bad, or not so bad, depending on the situation. Presumably some taboo you’re taking a hammer and sickle to…

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For me, it’d be very important for a significant other to have at least some degree of interest in pee - and ideally speaking, the greater their enthusiasm for it, the better. 

It’s just far and away my biggest kink/turn on, and so I know if I were to be with someone who didn’t share that at all, then it would only be a matter of time until would want that fulfilment from elsewhere - so yeah, definite high priority! 

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