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When was your most desperate piss?

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3 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Mine was not that long ago and ended in some embarrassment.   I had gone to collect my daughter who was coming to stay with me.  She lives about 2 hours drive from me.   I drove from here and went directly to her house.  She was at work and the plan was for me to collect some things that she wanted to bring with her, do some jobs at her house for her and then collect her from work and drive her back to ours.   All was fine and I had lunch whilst I was there, including a pint of water and then I had a mug of tea before I left her house.   I didn't need to pee at that point, so I headed into town.   I was about an hour early for picking her up, so I wandered around the town and waited for her.   She was a little bit late coming out of work, but I met her OK and we walked to where I'd parked the car.   I made the comment to her that we may need to stop because I had had a couple of drinks and didn't need the loo before I left, but was guaranteed to need it shortly!   

Anyway, the trip passed uneventfully and I was getting to need a pee by the time I got near home, but I still wasn't feeling it as a serious need.   I needed to refuel the car ready for the next day's trip and whilst I could have just gone home and then gone back out for fuel, I thought I wasn't that desperate, so I'd call in and get diesel.  It was all fine until I got out of the car.   I don't know about you, but quite often I find my need for pee increases exponentially as I get closer to the possibility and when I stand up it also increases.   My psychological self must have prepared itself for me arriving at home and I confused it by stopping for fuel.   The fact that it was freezing cold didn't help either!

I started pumping the fuel and I suddenly felt VERY full.   I was bouncing around, willing the pump to run faster.   Then a spurt escaped me....   And another....  I managed to clamp down, but the fuel tank was only half full.   I guess I could have aborted, but then I would have still had to come back out for more fuel.   I carried on.   Another spurt, then a longer blast.   By now I could feel it running down my legs.  The legs of my trousers were wet along the inseams.   My boxes were very damp.   I clamped again, but my muscles were failing me.   The next blast was much longer and I basically half emptied my bladder whilst stood by the petrol pump on the forecourt with other people filling up their cars all around.   

Then came the more embarrassing bit.  By that time, my trousers were totally soaked and I had to get back in the car.....  With my daughter being there.....   Thankfully I had used pay at pump so didn't have to go into the kiosk.   Anyway I got back in the car and I said to her that I'd misjudged my situation and had had an accident.  She asked what I was on about and I explained and said it was something hadn't happened in years.  She felt sorry for me and didn't make fun or anything.   We got home and I then had to go straight into the bathroom and strip off, get cleaned up and get changed.

Pumping gas is really hard with a full bladder!! 

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17 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Mine was not that long ago and ended in some embarrassment.   I had gone to collect my daughter who was coming to stay with me.  She lives about 2 hours drive from me.   I drove from here and went directly to her house.  She was at work and the plan was for me to collect some things that she wanted to bring with her, do some jobs at her house for her and then collect her from work and drive her back to ours.   All was fine and I had lunch whilst I was there, including a pint of water and then I had a mug of tea before I left her house.   I didn't need to pee at that point, so I headed into town.   I was about an hour early for picking her up, so I wandered around the town and waited for her.   She was a little bit late coming out of work, but I met her OK and we walked to where I'd parked the car.   I made the comment to her that we may need to stop because I had had a couple of drinks and didn't need the loo before I left, but was guaranteed to need it shortly!   

Anyway, the trip passed uneventfully and I was getting to need a pee by the time I got near home, but I still wasn't feeling it as a serious need.   I needed to refuel the car ready for the next day's trip and whilst I could have just gone home and then gone back out for fuel, I thought I wasn't that desperate, so I'd call in and get diesel.  It was all fine until I got out of the car.   I don't know about you, but quite often I find my need for pee increases exponentially as I get closer to the possibility and when I stand up it also increases.   My psychological self must have prepared itself for me arriving at home and I confused it by stopping for fuel.   The fact that it was freezing cold didn't help either!

I started pumping the fuel and I suddenly felt VERY full.   I was bouncing around, willing the pump to run faster.   Then a spurt escaped me....   And another....  I managed to clamp down, but the fuel tank was only half full.   I guess I could have aborted, but then I would have still had to come back out for more fuel.   I carried on.   Another spurt, then a longer blast.   By now I could feel it running down my legs.  The legs of my trousers were wet along the inseams.   My boxes were very damp.   I clamped again, but my muscles were failing me.   The next blast was much longer and I basically half emptied my bladder whilst stood by the petrol pump on the forecourt with other people filling up their cars all around.   

Then came the more embarrassing bit.  By that time, my trousers were totally soaked and I had to get back in the car.....  With my daughter being there.....   Thankfully I had used pay at pump so didn't have to go into the kiosk.   Anyway I got back in the car and I said to her that I'd misjudged my situation and had had an accident.  She asked what I was on about and I explained and said it was something hadn't happened in years.  She felt sorry for me and didn't make fun or anything.   We got home and I then had to go straight into the bathroom and strip off, get cleaned up and get changed.

Nightmare scenarion @Alfresco - you have my heartfelt empathy.   I'm sure there is absolutely nothing harder to fight than the urge to pee at the exact moment (and whole duration) of standing at a petrol pump.  Your daughter is obviously a credit to you...

If it's any consolation, you're by no means alone.  Thanks for sharing.

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2 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

at the exact moment (and whole duration) of standing at a petrol pump

And never did I regret more the fact that my car has a large fuel tank!   And it was not far off empty!

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2 hours ago, oliver2 said:

... then you realise you have, in a fit of confusion, discreetly poured petrol down the side of the car, whilst spraying piss into the fuel tank.

I did debate trying to extract my penis and discretely pee by the back tyre but there are so many cameras covering the forecourt that I didn't think it was a viable option.

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39 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

I did debate trying to extract my penis and discretely pee by the back tyre but there are so many cameras covering the forecourt that I didn't think it was a viable option.

Perhaps it is time to invest in those leather trousers you always promised yourself @Alfresco 🙂 

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8 hours ago, owlman76 said:

I remember my stepdaughters most desperate piss, she was about 18 at the time and had moved to Blackpool, she'd always been a bit lazy about going to the toilet, when she lived at home she'd always leave it to the last minute, we'd had a number of arguments about it.

ADULT Can you like plan ahead a bit

TEENAGER noooooooo!

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  • 1 month later...
14 minutes ago, Mamabear93 said:

One time I was coming home late at night from a BBQ/pool party. I needed to pee before I'd even left, but there was only one bathroom there for way too many people, so I figured I'd find a place to stop on the way home. Unfortunately everything on my route  (about a 30 minute drive to my apartment) was either closed or didn't have a public restroom. So I just drove as fast as I could...I was SO relieved when I pulled into my apartment complex. I grabbed my bag with my pool towels and locked the car, then hurried up the 3 flights of stairs to my door. I know I was squirming a bit as I dug around for my keys. I really wanted to hold my crotch too, but i didn't since there were cameras all over the complex and I wasn't sure where they were. After a long while of fishing around in my purse, I started to become concerned that I couldn't find my keys anywhere. Finally I dumped the whole thing out and realized they weren't there. I knew I'd just had them...so I start re-tracing my steps, thinking maybe I dropped them somewhere... all the way back to my car, where I spot them- still in the ignition of my locked car!! I didn't even have time to be mad about the fact that I had locked the keys in the car because all I could think about was how I had to pee soooo badly at this point, and I'm locked out of my house, and there is nowhere I can pee.

So I call the emergency maintenance number to have someone come let me in. Since it was so late, this meant I would need to wait for the maintenance guy to get out of bed, get dressed, and drive over, since he didn't live on site. They estimated it would be about 30 minutes. Which sounded like an eternity. So I go back inside to wait by my door because there's not much else I can do. After ten minutes, i decided to sit down where I could kind of discreetly sit on the heel of my foot. It wasn't helping much, though. I kept checking the time constantly and all I could think about was how incredibly full my bladder was. Another ten minutes went by, and still no one had arrived to let me in. I had been in some desperate situations before, but this was by far the worst. It was the only time I was ever genuinely afraid I might wet myself as a full grown adult. I couldn't stop squirming and had even unbuttoned my shorts to take some of the pressure off my bladder. I put my bag in my lap and used it to cover the fact that I had slid my hand down my shorts and was holding on for dear life. Another ten minutes went by... STILL the maintenance man had not came. I was using every muscle possible to hold on, along with keeping my hand over my crotch. 

Suddenly, all the muscles I was clenching so hard just gave out. Only for a split second, but long enough that I felt my hand growing hot as a quick spurt of pee began to spread across my bikini bottom. A few seconds later I felt my cheeks burning in humiliation as another jet of hot piss soaked my hand and completely wet the bottom of my shorts. I kept clenching hard but there was just nothing I could do to stop it...i could only slow it down to a dribble as i frantically yanked one of the beach towels from my bag and sat it underneath me. Once I had the folded up towel in position, I allowed myself to relax quite a bit and just let the pee hiss forcefully through my shorts. God I had to go so bad, I didn't want to stop, but I did cut off the flow as soon as I was able to, because I didn't want the towel to soak through to the carpet. Now that I had let some out, i was able to stand and walk the soaked (but luckily not dripping) towel down to the laundry room, where I just threw it into a washing machine. I came back up and wrapped my other towel around me like I had just got done swimming, so the maintenance man (who arrived about 5 minutes later) wouldn't see that I'd peed in my shorts. When I finally got inside and got to the toilet, I peeled my wet shorts off and finished peeing. Even after soaking a rolled up towel, it still took an extremely long time to fully empty my bladder. It is still the only time I ever actually peed myself. 

Wow! That's an amazing story, wonderfully told! Thanks for sharing. I hope you were able to enjoy the relief of peeing when you finally had the chance to finish. And I hope you were able to get your keys out of your car the next day! 

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41 minutes ago, Mamabear93 said:

I came back up and wrapped my other towel around me like I had just got done swimming, so the maintenance man (who arrived about 5 minutes later) wouldn't see that I'd peed in my shorts.

Very hot story, thanks for sharing! I love the idea that you had to see the maintenance man with peed-in shorts under your towel. If he had known......  😉

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  • 3 months later...
On 1/11/2021 at 2:48 AM, Bladderlad said:

Had to travel back to central London from friends party a few years ago- 30 minute walk to train station. Was bursting by the time I got there but nowhere to piss- train was delayed but due so didn’t want to leave platform which was surprisingly busy even though last train. Eventually got on train, by this point in agony! To my horror it stopped everywhere taking 45 minutes to get to Victoria station- how I held on I don’t know, but remember having to undo my belt to take the pressure off- as we were pulling into the platform I was literally pacing up and down by the doors- got off and sprinted across the concourse bent double! Jumped the barrier and was literally ripping my jeans open as I ran down the stairs- had my cock out and was pissing before I even got to the urinal 😂

Omg that is insanely hot!!! I can't help it! A guy who is that insanely desperate is one of the biggest turning!!! I love seeing.them at their breaking point!

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  • 7 months later...

helloo togheter:) im totally into pee desperation. Im curious what was your most desperate time you had to go and how it ended up;) also up to have a desperate pee chat. would be nice to hear some hot storys and might have a even hotter chat:) 

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9 minutes ago, ShyPeeMan said:

@gldenwetgoose there's so many threads it's hard to read them all and to know if you're making a new thread or repeating 1 that's already on here. They all make great reading

@swizzyy, was hunting for some to share with you and came across this thread - pretty much matches your question so as a Mod I've merged your post into it.  Enjoy reading the content and of course any new responses now it's been bumped back up.

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  • 1 month later...

My most desperate piss was while walking in the woods with a friend and he lost his phone somehow and we spent a long time looking for it and i ended up having to piss discretely while he was distracted because i had been holding all day after drinking a lot of water as it was a hot day outside

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  • 9 months later...

I was in traffic and had a really need to piss, but I couldn't get out of the car. I was already thinking about peeing my pants, but I remembered that I have an empty thermos bottle in my backpack. I took the bottle out of my backpack and quickly opened the cap. I put my penis in the bottle and the piss came out with a very strong flow. Peeing had never felt so good before. The thermos bottle filled up quickly and pee dripped onto the floor of the car. I couldn't empty my bladder completely, but I made it all the way home where I went to the bathroom.

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3 minutes ago, Tony89 said:

I was in traffic and had a really need to piss, but I couldn't get out of the car. I was already thinking about peeing my pants, but I remembered that I have an empty thermos bottle in my backpack. I took the bottle out of my backpack and quickly opened the cap. I put my penis in the bottle and the piss came out with a very strong flow. Peeing had never felt so good before. The thermos bottle filled up quickly and pee dripped onto the floor of the car. I couldn't empty my bladder completely, but I made it all the way home where I went to the bathroom.

Lol stopping must have been really hard??

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3 hours ago, Bladderlad said:

Lol stopping must have been really hard??

I was in a traffic jam completely surrounded by cars in four different lanes. The cars were moving forward very slowly. I couldn't leave the car in the middle of everything and run to pee somewhere.

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