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2 hours ago, ShyPeeMan said:

I like to ride and run. I've done a 2 mile run so far this week and I'll be going out again soon then tomorrow I'll be going out for a 50 mile bike ride. I'm trying to burn off my biscuit belly lol

Excellent 🙂. Then you can treat yourself to another packet of biscuits 😉

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2 hours ago, harry_jones_1975 said:

Did a 10k run with a beautiful friend recently but she wouldn't let me stop and pee en route. We are aiming for a half marathon next year which definitely deserves a pee stop lol

Good luck with the training for that 🙂 You never know, we might both be running the same races without knowing it 😉 

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2 minutes ago, ShyPeeMan said:

45 mile ride this morning, out nice n early to enjoy quiet roads

Nice one  Just a couple of biscuits-worth, I reckon 😉. I'll go out for a 10k run after coffee this morning. You've inspired me.

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Building back the distance gradually. 10k this morning in 52:16. Lots of work still to do.

But I got out there, and ... I even did some quad, hamstring and groin stretches immediately afterwards, and took my vest off to walk the half mile home (it's 15 degrees and 90% relative humidity out the this morning), so I'm feeling good about myself 🙂 

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Guest ShyPeeMan
5 hours ago, Kupar said:

Building back the distance gradually. 10k this morning in 52:16. Lots of work still to do.

But I got out there, and ... I even did some quad, hamstring and groin stretches immediately afterwards, and took my vest off to walk the half mile home (it's 15 degrees and 90% relative humidity out the this morning), so I'm feeling good about myself 🙂 

I'm slowly build up to 10k, the most I've run is 8.4

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So my run this morning wasn't particularly fast or long, but I did do it wearing a Spiderman costume (obviously without the beanie hat pulled down over my face - that would have been silly).

And this being England, no-one gave me a second look. Except for a very cute, fit young lady cyclist who flashed a lovely smile as she passed me, which was nice! 

P1055337 (2).JPG

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  • 1 month later...

Ha! "Cross training" today. By which I mean I cycled 11 and and a bit miles into town, drank a couple of pints with a friend, then cycled home. On my trusty hybrid, along dead flat paths, it was 22.3 miles in total at 12 mph. But ... is it too late to ask for a suspension seatpost for Christmas? I don't care about the power delivery efficiency, I just want my sitting bones not to hurt any more.

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1 hour ago, Kupar said:

Ha! "Cross training" today. By which I mean I cycled 11 and and a bit miles into town, drank a couple of pints with a friend, then cycled home. On my trusty hybrid, along dead flat paths, it was 22.3 miles in total at 12 mph. But ... is it too late to ask for a suspension seatpost for Christmas? I don't care about the power delivery efficiency, I just want my sitting bones not to hurt any more.

My sitting bones have definitely softened up...  or the nerves around them have regained their sensitivity since I stopped cycling as much as I was.  One potential solution is to do more...   so they say.

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17 hours ago, Kupar said:

Ha! "Cross training" today. By which I mean I cycled 11 and and a bit miles into town, drank a couple of pints with a friend, then cycled home. On my trusty hybrid, along dead flat paths, it was 22.3 miles in total at 12 mph. But ... is it too late to ask for a suspension seatpost for Christmas? I don't care about the power delivery efficiency, I just want my sitting bones not to hurt any more.

Just out of interest, I compared the heart rates as measured by my running watch (so not necessarily particularly accurate) for a typical run and my cycling yesterday, to see if cycling like I do it is a decent cardiovascular workout.

And, no, it's not really: the max heart rate during cycling was only 121, with an average of only 71 (!! I might as well have stayed at home with my feet up on the sofa). But during my last 10k training run a few days ago, the max heart rate was 216 (yes, I know, I should be dead) and the average was 176.

Conclusion - pedal faster!

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I'm not sure if this counts, apologies if it doesn't. 

My good friend, Katherine , is getting a road bike this Christmas as a present from her husband,complete with clipless pedals. She's never ridden clipless before but she got the shoes today and she asked me if I had any advice. We had a little chat and a couple of hours later we met up so she could have a little practice ride on my bike. 

She hopped on my bike and I explained the basics to her, how to clip in and most importantly, how to unclip. We spent about half hour with her riding about the car park getting used to the narrower tyres, starting and stopping etc. She did great! Took to it like a duck to water. We decided to go for a short ride somewhere more exciting than an empty car park of an office building, her on my bike with me following behind on hers. 

Everything was going great until we hit a red traffic light about 15 minutes later. We slowed down to stop at the lights and then I heard a squeal as Katherine slowly toppled over next to me. She was laid on the floor in a fit of giggles, still attached to the bike! "It was going so well!" Thankfully there was nobody else around so she didn't get too embarrassed. I helped untangle her and we carried on with our ride without incident, she did really well! She can't wait to get on her bike next week and didn't want to give me mine back lol. 

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11 minutes ago, Sophie said:

I'm not sure if this counts, apologies if it doesn't. 

My good friend, Katherine , is getting a road bike this Christmas as a present from her husband,complete with clipless pedals. She's never ridden clipless before but she got the shoes today and she asked me if I had any advice. We had a little chat and a couple of hours later we met up so she could have a little practice ride on my bike. 

She hopped on my bike and I explained the basics to her, how to clip in and most importantly, how to unclip. We spent about half hour with her riding about the car park getting used to the narrower tyres, starting and stopping etc. She did great! Took to it like a duck to water. We decided to go for a short ride somewhere more exciting than an empty car park of an office building, her on my bike with me following behind on hers. 

Everything was going great until we hit a red traffic light about 15 minutes later. We slowed down to stop at the lights and then I heard a squeal as Katherine slowly toppled over next to me. She was laid on the floor in a fit of giggles, still attached to the bike! "It was going so well!" Thankfully there was nobody else around so she didn't get too embarrassed. I helped untangle her and we carried on with our ride without incident, she did really well! She can't wait to get on her bike next week and didn't want to give me mine back lol. 

I guess they take a while to get used to. I've never had a bike with clipless pedals, but I have nearly gone through the windscreen a couple of times after pressing firmly down on the 'clutch' pedal when I drive an automatic hire vehicle 😉. You don't do either thing more than a couple of times I reckon!

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15 hours ago, Kupar said:

I guess they take a while to get used to. I've never had a bike with clipless pedals, but I have nearly gone through the windscreen a couple of times after pressing firmly down on the 'clutch' pedal when I drive an automatic hire vehicle 😉. You don't do either thing more than a couple of times I reckon!

Hmmmm.  Left foot braking in an automatic is a big no no!   The G-force from the braking action throws your body weight forward against the pedal,  creating a positive feedback loop. 

That said,  I do remember doing it once, about 40 years ago.  My first time in an automatic and it also had ABS.  We stopped so suddenly I felt the force in my eyeballs!

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1 hour ago, likesToLick said:

Hmmmm.  Left foot braking in an automatic is a big no no!   The G-force from the braking action throws your body weight forward against the pedal,  creating a positive feedback loop. 

Absolutely. Manual transmission is the norm, so driving an automatic is a rarity for me. I did have one for a year or so as a company car. Nice in most respects (Audi 80 - became the A4) but I would never willingly choose an automatic box. I like changing gear manually 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing special to brag about but had a little nice walk in the fresh winter air, i was walking about 6 km and thats my usual and almost everyday routine if the weather is nice enough. Took a pic for nice sunrise at the time and that got me thinking about these times and i really think that we have to enjoy these little things now and then specially when the world is like it is now. Never have too much of a sun in our minds and hearts.20220106_104614.thumb.jpg.65abb32cc17cdd018a441af0a389d149.jpg

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2 hours ago, willinglywet said:

we have to enjoy these little things now and then specially when the world is like it is now. Never have too much of a sun in our minds and hearts.

You're right there my friend. I'm glad you are able to get out and walk - it is great therapy - both physical and mental 🙂 

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33 minutes ago, WarmWetting said:

So its been an extremely mild winter this year and I decided to redo an old climb I did to get night time picture from the top to go with the daytime picture and I'm glad I did it when I did as the next day it snowed...

However now I may have to take a few months break from doing my usual climbing/parkour activities although surprisingly not due to the weather. I fell off a building on Monday of this week... I'm still in and out of hospital  for tests and so on, but here's what i know so far: the doctors confirmed with an ultrasound on my chest that nether of my lungs are collapsed so that's good, my left radial head in my elbow is fractured according to the x-ray which is not good but not too bad, the ct scan apparently showed what the doctors called "critical damage to the ligaments pulling the bones apart" which doesn't sound great so I have a consultation with a specialized elbow surgeon tomorrow morning about possible surgery to deal with that but overall I'm alive and likely going to recover well... and most importantly I am not going to let this small incident scare me away from doing what I love so I intend to get right back to climbing buildings and doing rooftop parkour as soon as I am able to without reinjuring my elbow... in the meantime I will have to find other ways to keep in shape any ideas are welcome....
I look angry in the picture because of an unrelated incident with an a**hole bus driver

All sounds extremely painful...  Get well soon (and hope you get away without needing the surgery).

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1 hour ago, WarmWetting said:

So its been an extremely mild winter this year and I decided to redo an old climb I did to get night time picture from the top to go with the daytime picture and I'm glad I did it when I did as the next day it snowed...
this next picture is from the end of my walk to and from my bosses place when I was feeding his fish for him while he was on vacation
However now I may have to take a few months break from doing my usual climbing/parkour activities although surprisingly not due to the weather. I fell off a building on Monday of this week... I'm still in and out of hospital  for tests and so on, but here's what i know so far: the doctors confirmed with an ultrasound on my chest that nether of my lungs are collapsed so that's good, my left radial head in my elbow is fractured according to the x-ray which is not good but not too bad, the ct scan apparently showed what the doctors called "critical damage to the ligaments pulling the bones apart" which doesn't sound great so I have a consultation with a specialized elbow surgeon tomorrow morning about possible surgery to deal with that but overall I'm alive and likely going to recover well... and most importantly I am not going to let this small incident scare me away from doing what I love so I intend to get right back to climbing buildings and doing rooftop parkour as soon as I am able to without reinjuring my elbow... in the meantime I will have to find other ways to keep in shape any ideas are welcome....
I look angry in the picture because of an unrelated incident with an a**hole bus driver
I don't know if I am allowed to post this picture of my arm in the hospital waiting room as it may be a bit of a gross out factor for some people so if its a problem just let me know and I will be more than happy to edit this post to remove it...

Ouch - take care! Maybe you could strap up the damaged arm and only do what you're able to do with your other limbs free? It would be a significant challenge, but would keep your elbow from further damage perhaps. I don't know how you parkour people do what you do - it's *far* too strenuous for me!

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