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32 minutes ago, peeguy1211 said:

Had a kickball game Monday.  It really kicked my butt! I dove to make a catch and I'm fairly confident I got turf burn all over my leg.


Flag football game tonight, so we'll see how that goes! 

Nice one. In the UK (American) football isn't such a big game (though it's definitely getting a bigger following. We have an equivalent of your 'flag football' with our rugby game (tag rugby) - it can be mixed gender too. I don't know kickball at all, but I just looked it up - if it's the soccer / baseball hybrid, it sounds great fun!

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4 hours ago, Kupar said:

Just come in from my first run *of any kind* since May 19 (after which I picked up a knee niggle and gave blood and have generally been feeling sorry for myself and not motivated). A v gentle 2 miles out over the fen, watch some bees for three minutes, a few press-ups and stretches, then a v v gentle 2 miles home again. A half-marathon this summer seems an impossibility right now, but ... (a) it was something, and (b) the knee seems OK! (I had one of those neoprene / velcro things on it). Anyone want to say an encouraging thing at this point please?

That's awesome! Small steps, you don't want to do too much too soon. I'm really proud of you, keep it up! 

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1 minute ago, harry_jones_1975 said:

Dragged myself out for my first 5k in almost a month. It was hot and I was very thirsty. 27 mins 37.5 seconds for 5.04 km Ascent 15 metres lol. Deffo a Fenboy here. 

Well done! (And my ascent / descent today was 4m 🙂 ... makes it easier, doesn't it?)

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  • 1 month later...

I didn't see you this morning @harry_jones_1975 when I was attempting another short run to test my recovering knee and my post-Covid heart and lungs. (I only know that because I didn't see *any* other runners, though plenty of cyclists.) 

Very slow and steady, but (fingers crossed) no further damage to the knee, and I got back without collapsing, so I'll do it again on Tuesday, but a bit further and faster.

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Just a moment a go i made my almost daily walk in the slow coyntry road with almost no traffic at all. I try to do 4-6 km walk every day if i only have a time and the weather is even near to bearable, today weather was nice 22 celcius and quite sunny out here. Not actually truly sporting in the meaning of the word but more like getting fresh air and watching the scenery.



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No pretty pics I'm afraid. 

Ran 10km this morning in 1:05, I can do better but I'm pretty happy with my results. Need to do some more cycling and a lot more swimming (haven't done any since the start of the pandemic so I'm worried about that) but I think i might actually be able to complete the triathlon in September! 

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34 minutes ago, Sophie said:

No pretty pics I'm afraid. 

Ran 10km this morning in 1:05, I can do better but I'm pretty happy with my results. Need to do some more cycling and a lot more swimming (haven't done any since the start of the pandemic so I'm worried about that) but I think i might actually be able to complete the triathlon in September! 

Good to see that you are running again Sophie 🙂. Take care - you don't want an injury!

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11 hours ago, Sophie said:

No pretty pics I'm afraid. 

Ran 10km this morning in 1:05, I can do better but I'm pretty happy with my results. Need to do some more cycling and a lot more swimming (haven't done any since the start of the pandemic so I'm worried about that) but I think i might actually be able to complete the triathlon in September! 

Good luck. I would love to do a triathlon but it takes me about 5 minutes to swim (if you can call it that) one length of the pool 

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Well, my left knee's still not right, so no running for the time being. But I did cycle into town and back today - 10 miles each way, on my trusty, indestructible hybrid, at a leisurely 13mph. Good to get some cardiovascular and leg exercise without the impact on the joints. And the weather was very pleasant which made the rides enjoyable 🙂. Also did some hip and hamstring mobility testing and exercises - got to do something when I can't run.

Edited by Kupar
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  • 1 month later...

Today for some reason I decided it was about time to get back out on my bike.  If you read above you'll see I did get quite into cycling a couple of years ago, but over the last 9-12 months really haven't been bitten by that bug.

In fact when I checked Strava, it tells me I've been out three times this year and the last time was in June, which to be honest I remember as a hard slog.

There's always been something coming up on the calendar and I've never got around to it, until today.  With a temperature of 18C, dry and light winds it was pretty ideal.  I set out without too much of an idea where to go, perhaps in a loop with a little undulation depending how I felt when I got underway.

As it was, everything felt good and I decided to add a little climb to a local hilltop nature / forest area.  Not the quickest but that wasn't the aim.  And after a climb, at least you get to coast downhill - right.

So end statistics, a 15 mile ride and 860ft of climbing - that'll do. 





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8 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Today for some reason I decided it was about time to get back out on my bike.  If you read above you'll see I did get quite into cycling a couple of years ago, but over the last 9-12 months really haven't been bitten by that bug.

In fact when I checked Strava, it tells me I've been out three times this year and the last time was in June, which to be honest I remember as a hard slog.

There's always been something coming up on the calendar and I've never got around to it, until today.  With a temperature of 18C, dry and light winds it was pretty ideal.  I set out without too much of an idea where to go, perhaps in a loop with a little undulation depending how I felt when I got underway.

As it was, everything felt good and I decided to add a little climb to a local hilltop nature / forest area.  Not the quickest but that wasn't the aim.  And after a climb, at least you get to coast downhill - right.

So end statistics, a 15 mile ride and 860ft of climbing - that'll do. 





Hot bike, do like a Ribble, full carbon frame and forks, ultra ace? 

I would have to call mine dribble though 😏

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So I finally ran a 10k race again last weekend - worrying all the way round whether my troublesome knee (and, friends, I faithfully promise this is the last time I will mention it) would hold up. It did! And after a 'de-stress' sports massage for an hour later in the day, my legs felt OK the day after.

So ... no excuse not to get back training properly to try and return to the speeds and distances of earlier in the year. 

For the record, my time was 54mins (ish) - but that wasn't the point ... I can still run 🙂 (and actually I was the quickest, amazingly, of the nine men in my age category - not sure how that happened). Given that the fastest man clocked under 34 mins, and the fastest woman a little over 36 mins (how do some people run so fast?!), I still have plenty to aim for.

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5 hours ago, harry_jones_1975 said:

Given a recent 5k of mine took longer than that fastest man over 10k I would ignore that and be plenty proud of 54 minutes. Am doing a 10k with a friend and aiming for 1 hour 20 minutes 

Thanks! And good luck for your 10k 🙂

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20 minutes ago, harry_jones_1975 said:

Am running albeit it way slower than my usual pace with a female friend I am obsessed with. I have every confidence in me finishing but slightly less confidence for her. 

You're a gentleman. Hope she finishes with no problems 🙂

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Just discovered this thread. Yeah I am a bit slow sometimes.

I do take part in a minority sport which is quite physical and strenuous so need to get back to some running/sprinting to get fit for it, although it is getting near the end of the season, even though due to Covid it didn't really start, but I need to motivate myself over winter so I will be fit for next season.

I am quite fortunate that I have a level road at the bottom of my estate with lamp posts on it so the plan is to jog a couple of lamp posts, sprint one, jog and so on to build my fitness.

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31 minutes ago, JesseP said:

Just discovered this thread. Yeah I am a bit slow sometimes.

I do take part in a minority sport which is quite physical and strenuous so need to get back to some running/sprinting to get fit for it, although it is getting near the end of the season, even though due to Covid it didn't really start, but I need to motivate myself over winter so I will be fit for next season.

I am quite fortunate that I have a level road at the bottom of my estate with lamp posts on it so the plan is to jog a couple of lamp posts, sprint one, jog and so on to build my fitness.

Nice 🙂 Interval training is good. I should do more of it to mix things up a bit. I'll do it if you do - deal?

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