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12 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Here is one from this morning.   I was out in the car and had to collect a couple of things from people.   I needed to pee and was thinking about where I might stop.  When I arrived at one of the collections, it was on an estate that had houses, but also several blocks of apartments.   I realised that the apartments had communal bin stores and I needed to pee, so no further encouragement was required.   I went towards one of the bins stores and opened the door.  The light flicked on automatically and I was presented with a clean, tidy store with dumpy bins down each side in neat lines.    Unlike a lot of bin stores, there was no rubbish strewn around.   The back right hand corner was completely empty and this is where I headed.  As I got there the lights went out - obviously I was not triggering the sensor and it had timed out.   I pulled out my dick and peed on the wall, although I couldn't really see what I was doing, I knew I was close to the wall and I could hear it splashing against the blockwork.   I stood there and peed for about 20 seconds and remembering the recent post elsewhere on the forum about peeing mindfully, I took the opportunity of being in the dark to take in the sounds and also the smell of my peeing.  The impact on the wall, the splashes of drops that were bouncing off and hitting the floor, the subtle aroma.   All too soon it was finished, so I gave a quick shake, put it away and zipped up.  I walked back towards the entrance, which triggered the lights and I took a photo of the result.   There was obviously a risk factor as it was 8:30 am and if anyone had come in to dump a bag of rubbish, they would have immediately seen me and what I was doing, there was only one entrance, so I couldn't have escaped without passing them either.

Here is the building.  The toilet, sorry, bin store is the left most of the two white solid doors


Nice, orderly storage:



With toilet facilities in the corner:  The white pillar in the photo below is the same white pillar as the photo above, so the toilet area is round to the right behind the wall that you can see in the above photo by the green bins.


I bet going in the dark really heightened the other sensations. I might try that!

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A couple of days ago I had to go out and pick something up from the pharmacy which is part of a row of about 6 shops on a busy road.  I waited until I needed to pee before leaving the house.  It was about 4pm so getting dark, but still a bit of light plus the street lights.  I had in my mind that I would pee in an alcove that I knew was at the side of the row of shops, leading to stairs to the flats above the shops.  However, when I parked the car and got out, I spotted that someone had left a mattress on the pavement next to the road at the side of the shops.  It had black marks on it that looked like a vehicle had driven over it.

I couldn’t resist the opportunity, so I stood next to the mattress and looked around. There were cars moving on the busy road at the end of the side road that I was on, but nobody too close, so unzipped and peed directly onto the mattress.  The mattress was already wet from being out in the rain earlier so when I peed on it, it soaked in very quickly and didn’t really leave an obvious stain. I moved my stream around to soak more of the mattress and emptied my full bladder onto it.  I then put myself away and zipped back up before going into the pharmacy.

When I returned to my car, I don’t really know why, but I drove over the mattress as well   It made a squelching sound as I did, so it must have been pretty well saturated.  I don’t know how long it had been there.

Photo below shows the mattress after I peed on it.  As I say, you can’t really see the pee because a lot soaked in and it was already wet.  


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Yesterday, I peed in a car park between my car and the next one along.  There were two young ladies walking past on the road at the edge of the car park.  They glanced in my direction but didn’t say anything.  I left a nice puddle between the cars, so whoever owned the car next to mine would have seen the very obvious puddle when they returned. 

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On 12/10/2021 at 10:49 AM, Alfresco said:

Here is one from this morning.   I was out in the car and had to collect a couple of things from people.   I needed to pee and was thinking about where I might stop.  When I arrived at one of the collections, it was on an estate that had houses, but also several blocks of apartments.   I realised that the apartments had communal bin stores and I needed to pee, so no further encouragement was required.   I went towards one of the bins stores and opened the door.  The light flicked on automatically and I was presented with a clean, tidy store with dumpy bins down each side in neat lines.    Unlike a lot of bin stores, there was no rubbish strewn around.   The back right hand corner was completely empty and this is where I headed.  As I got there the lights went out - obviously I was not triggering the sensor and it had timed out.   I pulled out my dick and peed on the wall, although I couldn't really see what I was doing, I knew I was close to the wall and I could hear it splashing against the blockwork.   I stood there and peed for about 20 seconds and remembering the recent post elsewhere on the forum about peeing mindfully, I took the opportunity of being in the dark to take in the sounds and also the smell of my peeing.  The impact on the wall, the splashes of drops that were bouncing off and hitting the floor, the subtle aroma.   All too soon it was finished, so I gave a quick shake, put it away and zipped up.  I walked back towards the entrance, which triggered the lights and I took a photo of the result.   There was obviously a risk factor as it was 8:30 am and if anyone had come in to dump a bag of rubbish, they would have immediately seen me and what I was doing, there was only one entrance, so I couldn't have escaped without passing them either.

Here is the building.  The toilet, sorry, bin store is the left most of the two white solid doors


Nice, orderly storage:



With toilet facilities in the corner:  The white pillar in the photo below is the same white pillar as the photo above, so the toilet area is round to the right behind the wall that you can see in the above photo by the green bins.


Oh this is something I find very exciting Alfresco. As you've shown us this bin store was clean and tidy before you used it as a toilet, with this making your activity lovely and naughty.  You were also brave to pee in there at 8:30 am when you could have easily been caught doing so.  Nice work! 😉 

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On 12/17/2021 at 6:39 PM, Maggie_555 said:

Oh this is something I find very exciting Alfresco. As you've shown us this bin store was clean and tidy before you used it as a toilet, with this making your activity lovely and naughty.  You were also brave to pee in there at 8:30 am when you could have easily been caught doing so.  Nice work! 😉 

Thank you.

I've got another one which I'm sure you will enjoy.  I've got to sort out getting pics and a video off my phone, but I thought I'd try something that you don't often see from men.  I peed on the carpet in the entrance of some flats, but unusually, I lowered my trousers and sat on the floor to do it.  I just fancied doing something different and naughty.  It was risky in that if anyone had come out of the flats, I would literally have been caught with my pants down and there is no way I could have denied what I was doing or sorted myself out quickly enough.  I'll write it up properly soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are the photos and more complete write up of the pee on the carpet in the flats that I mentioned in the previous post.  Also, a link to the video.  

I had been out late on my own, which is a rare opportunity.   I knew this area which has quite a number of small blocks of flats with their own entrance halls and they all have carpet just inside the doors.  Interestingly, the carpet gives way to tiled floors away from the doors, so the carpets are almost like a very large door mat and probably designed to catch water general debris off people's shoes before trailing to other parts of the building.   In some flats, there are entrances that don't have doors, so the carpets must get wet from rain water from the outside and from people's shoes.

I have peed on these carpets during the day many times, but always in a way that would allow me to exit quickly if I heard or saw someone approaching.   Some of these events have already been posted in this thread.  However, this time, I wanted to try something that is a bit less common for men peeing and which I hope some of the ladies here might enjoy/appreciate.  I guess I'll know whether it is something to try again by the number of likes/comments.   If you like it, then I might consider doing other similar things, but if you don't, then there is not much point in taking the risk!

So, I approached one of these sets of flats at about 3am.   I picked a block where I couldn't see any lights on and I walked through the front door into the corridor.  The flats were three floors high and there are four flats on each floor, so from the entrance corridor, there were four doorways to flats where I was and the stairs leading up to the other floors as well as the door that I'd come through and another entrance door the opposite side.  Pic below shows the view from the door by which I entered (as ever, sorry for poor quality).


I went to the right of the door and sat on the floor, leaning against the wall.  I checked that all was quiet and sat there for a couple of minutes, then I lifted my bum, slipped down my trousers to my knees, which I kept raised and I spread my legs out.   I relaxed and seemed to find it hard to get going, maybe because I felt the risk of being fully exposed - if any of the doors on that floor had opened from one of the flats, or if anyone had entered through either of the exterior doors, then there was no way I could possibly have stopped peeing, pulled up my trousers and got out of there without being caught.  Anyway, I did eventually manage to start peeing and could hear the liquid splashing into the carpet - it was relatively quiet due to the small distance from my penis to the carpet, but on the other hand, the building was otherwise silent, so the peeing was very audible.  As the pee continued, it initially started to spread across the carpet, with some pooling on top, but once the carpet was suitably wet, it started to soak in and the spreading slowed down.  The sound changed to be more splashy as I was now peeing into a pool rather than onto the dry carpet.   I peed for about 25 seconds continuously and then a couple of spurts at the end.  (Timings based on video I took).

Interestingly, because of the way I was leaning back, my dick sort of curled to one side, which I only realised looking at the video afterwards.  It looks like it is twisted, which is a bit weird, but there you go.  Photo below is a screenshot from the video, with pool at about maximum spread:


As soon as I finished, I got up and pulled up my trousers, then I took a pic of the resulting puddle, which was already soaking away into the carpet.  I'm sure that by morning nobody would even notice it was there:


Just as I was taking the pic of the puddle, a door upstairs banged and I left rapidly - I don't know whether it was someone who heard me moving about or whether (more likely) it was someone heading off to work early, but I didn't hang around to find out.



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A little while ago, I posted in a thread about peeing in phone boxes, which can be found here:

More recently, I needed to pee at about 9pm one evening.  I was driving along a road  where I spotted a phone box - admittedly it wasn't one of the nice red boxes, but one with glass panels on two sides, a fixed panel with the phone on the third side and the fourth side was open (no door).  Anyway, it was a convenient option nevertheless, so I parked up and walked over to it.   The photo below shows the general location.   Houses over the road to the left, a community building and a park to the right.  The open side of the phone box is the side nearest the camera.   


I went into the phone box, but there were quite a few cars going by and I noticed a bloke in his kitchen on the opposite side of the road who was pretty much looking straight across to the phone box direction whilst washing up.   I wasn't sure whether to proceed, so I left the box and walked for a couple of minutes, decided I was going to use it anyway and went back.   

I stood with my back mostly to the open side and unzipped.  I peed up against the cash collection box underneath the phone, and against the back wall on which the phone was mounted, the glass on the side a bit on the shelf and also onto the ground.    I don't think the guy in his kitchen noticed.  If he did, he didn't make any acknowledgment of it.   A couple of cars went past, but they were either oblivious or they may have seen.  If the latter, then I hope they enjoyed watching!


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Another one for those who are interested.   I went to a park, where the toilets have still not opened since before Covid.   The toilet block is at one side of a playing field, but has a path down the back side and the road on another side, so there is no really hidden side, which means that if you find the toilets closed and have the idea to pee behind the block, you don't have the usual discrete hideaway at the back and if you decide to pee against the building, you are visible from one direction or another.  Also, there are not any suitable bushes nearby, so you either have the choice of walking across the field to where the trees are, going down the road and then a quiet path by the tennis courts, or you take a place that is visible.

I chose to pee on the side of the toilet block.  Just in case anyone was looking, I walked up to the front of the toilets, which were clearly shuttered, then walked around them as if looking for options.  I finally stopped on the side that was nearer the driveway, figuring that there was currently no car approaching and I was hidden from the playing field side where there were a couple of dog walkers.   I unzipped and started to spray down the side of the wall, leaving a mark running down the wall and a small puddle at the bottom.  I then turned and zipped up as I walked away and headed for the car park.   As I did so a pick up truck came up the driveway and passed me.   I realised as he drove past that it was the park keeper!   Good job he didn't appear a minute earlier....

This is the toilet block - as you can see out in the middle away from any bushes etc.


I peed on the wall to the right of the block.   Here is the result:


And the view from a bit further away with the pee stain clearly visible.


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  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Alfresco said:

I still regularly peeing in places other than toilets, but today I did something a little different which I thought some might appreciate.

I woke up a bit early today, so about 6:15am, I decided to go in the hot tub that we have outside.   I got out of bed and went downstairs.  I needed to pee, having not peed since about 10pm, but as is often the case when I use the hot tub,  I decided to pee outside in the garden rather than using the toilet.   I made a large mug of tea, grabbed a towel and headed out into the garden.   It was still dark, so I didn't bother putting the towel around me, but walked naked from the back door, across the patio, down the steps and across the grass to the hot tub area.   I was going to simply stand and pee on the grass, but I decided to have a bit of fun.  Although our garden is overlooked by the house next door and also some flats about  100m away, I figured it was dark and most people would still be in bed, so the exposure risk was fairly minimal.

I laid naked on the grass and laid my dick pointing up my body and started to pee.   It was quite cold - maybe 1 or 2 degrees C, so my pee felt hot on my belly as it spread up to my chest and then ran over the sides of my hips and chest.   I took my dick and pointed it skyward, allowing the pee to rain down on me, some splashed on my chest and bounced onto my face.   I pointed it lower and cupped my hands around my balls allowing the pee to bathe me in that area, then releasing the pool to splash onto the grass between my legs.   I sprayed the last of my pee down my legs and up onto my chest as the pressure dropped.   

I could smell that the pee was quite strong, being my morning pee, but it was lovely and warm.  I lay there for about another 20 seconds whilst the pee mostly ran off me, then I stood up and felt it run down my legs.   Without wiping it off, I then got in the hot tub which rinsed the residue from my body.   I then drank the large mug of tea whilst I was in the hot tub and when I got out, I draped the towel around my shoulders and sat on the step outside, enjoying the fresh cold air as a contrast from the hot water and listening to the birds starting to wake.   It felt totally natural to release my bladder again and whilst it was a smaller pee, it was nice to just relax and let it fall to the grass below the step whilst I sat there.

Sounds like a really lovely way to start the day @Alfresco 🙂 

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when i was younger my paents were very open and let us pee whereever we wanted i rarly used the toilet growing up i would always stand next to the pool and pee in or do wee wes in the grass, i didnt wear pants too often growing up caus ei would always take them off so i would pee in the shower when i was not showering, and on the floor alot i was in pull ups till i was 6-7 in the day and i was 12 when i diddnt wear dry night to bed, my parents got used to me peeing everywhere i would go in a high sumo squat standing and just let it rip whereever i was, i peed in the car a lot too there would be many days where i would not use the bathroom 

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today i have peed in the garden 3 times i'm thinking should i pee in the garden again or should i do a wee wee into the pool from the edge i could also do a wee wee in to some bushes becaus ei just walk out lift up my skirt pee and walk back inside 

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43 minutes ago, lilyc_400 said:

today i have peed in the garden 3 times i'm thinking should i pee in the garden again or should i do a wee wee into the pool from the edge i could also do a wee wee in to some bushes becaus ei just walk out lift up my skirt pee and walk back inside 

They all sound good, but my vote is for the garden again. I'm sure the plants could use the watering.

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  • 1 month later...

Yesterday, I had the first trip away for my work since before Covid.   I took advantage and peed without the use of the toilet both before and after the meeting.

On arrival to the destination, I found a quiet side road and parked the car with the driver's door against the kerb.  There was a narrow pavement, then a low wall and beyond that was an open area of park land.   The location is shown below to help you visualise.   There were a few people walking in the park land, not directly next to me, but a bit in the distance.   I unzipped my trousers, pulled out my dick, had a quick look around, opened the car door, swung one leg out and started peeing into the gutter.   The people in the park, if they had looked, would see me stopped with the door open and facing out of the car and may or may not have guessed what I was doing, but they wouldn't be able to see me actually peeing. 


The pee accumulated in the gutter and started running down the road.   I kept peeing until I was empty.  A post office van was approaching up the lane just as I was finishing, so I swung my leg back inside and closed the door.   As is sometimes the case, when peeing in that position, I find that there is a last spurt as I readjust everything.  With my car, I try to ensure that is done successfully before moving and closing the door, but I was in a hire car, so I just worried about getting back in and out of view.  The final spurt and shake of drips went on the floor and got absorbed by the black carpet.  I then drove the last five minutes to the place where I was going.   I met a colleague in reception and of course his first destination was to the toilets, whereas I was already relieved.   We both then got a tea/coffee from the on site cafe and took them to the meeting room.




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  • 3 weeks later...

It's amazing how lighting can make a dick look so much different. Like, compare

On 1/10/2022 at 12:32 PM, Alfresco said:



6 hours ago, Alfresco said:



Looking nice in both pics, but if I hadn't seen them in the same thread, I'd have never guessed that that is the same pp.

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9 hours ago, TMN_Femboi said:

It's amazing how lighting can make a dick look so much different. Like, compare

Absolutely.   Light is a photographer’s best friend and lack thereof is generally the worst enemy. (Well unless you want to take pictures of stars - then the opposite is true, but you get the point).

9 hours ago, TMN_Femboi said:

Looking nice in both pics, but if I hadn't seen them in the same thread, I'd have never guessed that that is the same pp.

The difference between taking it at 3am with little ambient light and a concern against using the flash to avoid attention compared to natural lighting in the middle of the day in a completely private location with no fear of getting caught.   Also, the first was from a video capture, so another reason why I couldn’t use a flash.


Edited by Alfresco
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9 hours ago, Eliminature said:

I want to cross streams! 

I've been fingering myself to this and I'm about to do it again.

Thank you!  Would love this to happen.   I will be posting more of my exploits whilst away, so hopefully that will at least give you more to enjoy in the meantime. Watch this space as they say.

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Another uncircumcised guy who pulls the foreskin back when peeing, I see. Did someone teach you that or did you figure it out on your own? I started pulling back before pissing when I was like 12 as I noticed it leads to a more clean stream, easier to control the flow.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/3/2022 at 3:03 PM, Loller said:

Another uncircumcised guy who pulls the foreskin back when peeing, I see. Did someone teach you that or did you figure it out on your own? I started pulling back before pissing when I was like 12 as I noticed it leads to a more clean stream, easier to control the flow.

Sorry for the delayed response - only just seen this.   It varies.   Sometimes I leave the skin back all the time (whether peeing or not) and sometimes I leave the head covered.   I don't really have any particular reason why I vary it.  

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