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Alfresco's Pee Sightings

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4 minutes ago, Simpfan said:

I have the fantasy in my mind that she wet herself in the car.

I agree maybe she did but didn’t tell anyone.. I had a house mate once and she woke up the next morning text me and asked me to come to her room I went and she said oh my god I was so drunk last night I wet the bed and don’t want people to know. I helped her sort it all out and clean it up.. she said do you think I am disgusting I said no it happens sometimes it’s on the way home sometimes it’s not 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So many girls feeling comfort in the outdoors.  I hope we can strive for that type of equality where women peeing outside is not considered a vile act but instead nature taking it's course!  After all we all have to pee so why should women feel the oppression to be a lady and not a human who needs relief?

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8 hours ago, Jar351 said:

So many girls feeling comfort in the outdoors.  I hope we can strive for that type of equality where women peeing outside is not considered a vile act but instead nature taking it's course!  After all we all have to pee so why should women feel the oppression to be a lady and not a human who needs relief?

From what I have seen, it is moving very much towards this.  There are many situations where quite a few girls seem to have no hesitation peeing outside and I have never in recent times seen anyone (male or female) chastising them or accusing them of being disgusting by doing so.  Had a few drunken lads shouting lewd comments or cheering them on, but never anything negative, so that hopefully means that the behaviour is more accepted and the girls will realise this and do it more.

All we need now is for the pubs to open or for it to warm up and socialising in the park and on the beach be permitted.  Even if socialising isn’t permitted by summer, there are bound to be family groups or social distance groups on the beach and in the parks. 

Edited by Alfresco
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  • 2 months later...

Thanks so much for taking the trouble to write up and illustrate these sightings @Alfresco - they are great to read, and make me very envious! You were well rewarded for your late night out in Brighton 🙂 

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Just incredible with your vivid sighting reports, seems like you are right there experiencing these sightings. Thank you for wonderfully recreating these amazing sightings of yours.

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29 minutes ago, harry_jones_1975 said:

Thought it was just me replayed everything with if only I had said... Or done.... Clearly not. 

I very definitely always replay things in my mind - not only for pee sightings, but in other aspects of life.   I just wonder how else things could turn out.   The biggest problem with pee sightings is that you don't have time to consider the options you make a split second reaction and have to go with it.  Although I constantly wonder what could have been improved, as my Dad always said, the most useless sentiments in life are "If only".  It is too late, you can't change it.  But with a bit of luck, you might use the experience to change your approach for the better next time.

29 minutes ago, harry_jones_1975 said:

Still jealous you have equalled my lifetime viewings in one night. 

Well, I wonder if having seen 10 through your lifetime means that each one is more special to you and you probably remember each one vividly, along with the circumstances.   I have seen hundreds of girls pee over the years, but because I have had a few very good nights, that means that the quiet times seem very frustrating!   Also, I have plenty that stick in my mind, but I certainly can't recall in detail every single pee sighting that I've had.  

If you really want to see girls peeing, they are out there - just a case of going out to the right places at the right times and hopefully striking lucky.   I'm not going to say you will always win - I've had nights where I've walked around freezing cold for several hours and seen nothing, but then other times I have had upwards of 50 sightings in one night.   It all depends......

Edited by Alfresco
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2 hours ago, Alfresco said:

I often think about the sightings after the event and wonder if I should have reacted differently in order to improve the experience for myself and also to put the girl being spotted more at ease.   I certainly don't want to upset the girls or make them feel violated.   For example, Sighting 6, I kicked myself afterwards for missing the opportunity to offer her a tissue.  I am sure she would have accepted and it would have improved the sighting.   Sighting 7, I maybe should have said something when she called me a pervert - just pointed out gently that I was only walking past and that I was sorry if she felt otherwise - however, that may not have washed, the fact that I'd walked past, stopped and then gone back the other way and it was probably better not to engage with someone who was clearly drunk and also already being confrontational as well as being part of a large group.   I think definitely better to avoid that one.

For sighting 3 in the park, I keep wondering what would have happened if I'd stopped a little short of the bushes and actually pulled out my dick and started peeing towards the girl who was squatted hidden in the darkness.   I could have easily pretended that I hadn't seen her as she was tucked right into the bushes, dimly lit and wearing dark clothes.   Would she have stayed quiet and enjoyed the view?  Would she have called out and said she was there (which in itself would have given me an excuse to look at her).  Her eyeline would have been right on a level with my penis, so she may have enjoyed the view or she may have been totally shocked.   Difficult one to call and certainly difficult to make the decision in the split second that I had available.   I generally decide on discretion being the better option and not putting myself in a dodgy situation, but to be fair, it could easily have been explained away as having not seen her there and I was just taking a pee - oh, which happens to be what you were doing too.

Sometimes wonder about timing, - if I hadn't followed the first two girls, I would have had a much better view of sighting 1 - but would I?   She may not have peed if she had seen me walking nearby and she would have waited until I had gone, in which case I would have missed it altogether.   The two girls who came running out of the bushes that I missed - If I had been earlier then I may have been able to spot them going to the bushes.   The girl behind the gallopers in sighting 2 - if only I'd arrived a little earlier I would have been able to see more and get closer, but it is what it is and that is all part of the adventure.   You get some great sightings, some poor sightings and some near misses.

In my case I am uncircumcised so when peeing with the ladies around I get some good glances from ladies young and old alike. 

Edited by vpw
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1 hour ago, vpw said:

In my case I am uncircumcised so when peeing with the ladies around I get some good glances from ladies young and old alike. 

Likewise.   Usually if girls see me peeing they take a sneaky peek, but I don't know what the girl would have thought if I had peed right in front of her.

Whilst I was out that night, there were two girls who had purchased a take away from a shop and then walked down the road and sat at a table outside a closed bar to eat it.  I went just along from them and peed against some bins.  The one who was further from me and therefore facing towards me definitely was looking.   I had kind of hoped that me doing that might have encouraged them to have gone by the bins to pee when they finished eating, but unfortunately it was not to be.

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7 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Likewise.   Usually if girls see me peeing they take a sneaky peek, but I don't know what the girl would have thought if I had peed right in front of her.

Whilst I was out that night, there were two girls who had purchased a take away from a shop and then walked down the road and sat at a table outside a closed bar to eat it.  I went just along from them and peed against some bins.  The one who was further from me and therefore facing towards me definitely was looking.   I had kind of hoped that me doing that might have encouraged them to have gone by the bins to pee when they finished eating, but unfortunately it was not to be.

Incidentally its the younger one that tend to stare more than the older ones who am sure stare as well but far more discreetly, the younger ones would giggle and depending on their state would watch directly sometimes enough to make things uncomfortable if you know what I mean 😉

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People who claim that that outdoor peeing never happened live in a well literally. I have seen it all over the world and not just today but for long. The degree of maturity and confidence level has gone up today as compared to the past and ladies are not concerned with privacy of their genitals as long as they are not being leered at by jerks. Also today you see far more ladies who have managed to wet themselves but thats probably due to sociological changes as in the early days if a woman managed to wet herself outdoors for some reasons she would make an effort to leave the venue whereas today the ladies confidently walk around with wet clothes.

The other change I notice is that highway pee by ladies have existed since the invention of automobiles but now they are far more discrete than ever before and in traffic they won't hesitate to squat down by their vehicles. What has also increased quite a bit is parking lot pees. Earlier it used to be a strictly holiday season shopping rush affair but now its a regular fare.

[Moderated - Closing sentence removed]

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This is a wonderful discussion and both @Alfresco and @Big Bear have brought up some fabulous points. I'll attempt to add to that a bit.

I think the key to finding sightings is to just put yourself in a position to get lucky.  A few years ago on a different site I posted something about the 5 different phases of sighting likelihood. It did not get much traction but maybe would do better here if I repost it. Anyway, part of getting lucky is repetition. The more you look, the more you will be able to recognize the signs of ladies that need to pee and when they are likely to throw caution to the wind and pop a squat somewhere.  Even if you're not actively looking for sightings you can practice this. If you are at a social even when people are getting up and down a lot you can check out the pretty women and try to gage each time they get up if they are heading to the ladies room or someplace else like to the bar or buffet.

Yes there will be frustrations. Often times they will be more vivid--at least to me--than the sightings I got. I can think of several that still eat at me years later. In fact there are times I have actually *gotten* sightings but lamented the fact that a different sighting got away. Sometimes you have to make a choice between which one to pursue and many times I have been disappointed because I pursued something that turned out to be average and wondered if the "other" one would have been better. (a near miss thread would be interesting too!)

The points about having to react in a split second are also spot on. One one hand, it's too bad we don't know how the ladies will react when/if they see us. On the other, the not knowing is part of what makes this entire experience so amazing.

Finally, for those not willing or able to go out at night or to big events, you might be surprised what you see/hear if you keep your eyes and ears open. It won't compare to straight up hunting of course but between random bathrooms with lines, people who don't like to use public bathrooms, and just some general randomness and luck, you can find more than you think just by paying attention.

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On 1/26/2021 at 12:33 AM, Jar351 said:

So many girls feeling comfort in the outdoors.  I hope we can strive for that type of equality where women peeing outside is not considered a vile act but instead nature taking it's course!  After all we all have to pee so why should women feel the oppression to be a lady and not a human who needs relief?

Everyone on here I’m sure is happy to see a female pee outdoors 

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