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long-term storage

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hi, first post here - actually i made an account to ask this question cuz thought if anyone would know it'd be y'all -

a fantasy i've always had & haven't exactly experienced yet is the thought of someone i'm close with, as a gift, giving me her pee to keep - as something like a 'private decoration' lol, as ridiculous as that sounds.... but then again that's more or less what nude pictures are, aren't they?

so the actual question of this is.... should i somehow meet someone who would go through with this with me, what exactly would one put it in?
i first thought glass, right? but aside from something ugly like a mason jar (a partner's pee deserves so much better than that) i'm kinda blank as far as what sort of glass container a person could buy that comes open but can be sealed.
i'd imagine anything plastic is out of the question; if pee's anything like perfume the plastic & the liquid break eachother down, mix, and change smells. not good lol

so thinking of perfumes, i bought this empty travel bottle; aliexpress.com/item/32864912665.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dWCw1Pb & it's the best idea i've got so far,
downsides are 10mL is tiny & while the outside being decorated like a perfume bottle offers some plausible deniability, i'd rather have something that elegantly displays the pee inside always.
plus i'm a bit paranoid of pressing the button & accidentally spraying aerosolized pee across my room hhhh

long story short anyone have any better ideas?
if this isn't your thing sorry for being way to in depth lmao i'm kinda editorializing my thought process a bit as a joke cuz i know it's a niche interpretation of a niche interest.
but i figure maybe across the board /some/ of y'all might get where i'm going w/ this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not sure how you feel about it, but I was thinking along a different line - pee crystals.

Now, this will take more effort on their effort on their part, than just give you a small filled bottle They're going to want to collect at least a bladder's worth, and probably, depending on their capacity and concentration, better two or three, maybe eight. Then, it's going to have to dry out for days.

But, in the end you'll have some truly magic crystals.



Edited by glad1
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oh those bottles are cute, i like the idea~

but would y'all not worry about the cork rotting or letting the pee evaporate?

dumb question maybe lol bc i bet if i drank wine i'd already know the answer from how they do their bottles


and re:crystals - that's a thing already, isn't it? except instead of a fancy crystal i think it's a bomb you'd end up with.... on account of all the glycerin(?)

at least that's what i heard & i'm a bit afraid to find out lolol

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7 hours ago, rsrrsr said:

oh those bottles are cute, i like the idea~

but would y'all not worry about the cork rotting or letting the pee evaporate?

dumb question maybe lol bc i bet if i drank wine i'd already know the answer from how they do their bottles


and re:crystals - that's a thing already, isn't it? except instead of a fancy crystal i think it's a bomb you'd end up with.... on account of all the glycerin(?)

at least that's what i heard & i'm a bit afraid to find out lolol

Well with wine you have to keep the cork wet but I don’t think that would apply with the little bottles of pee. With wine u store them so the tilted down. But with potion bottle they don’t.  I don’t think they will evaporate if the cork is on well 

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On 2/7/2020 at 6:31 AM, rsrrsr said:

plus i'm a bit paranoid of pressing the button & accidentally spraying aerosolized pee across my room hhhh

You say that like it’s a bad thing 😊

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(Fiction, intended to be humorous)

In an Etsy-like spin off, Peefans funds itself by selling small vials of yellow liquid, embossed with cryptic user names. Among the consequences:

Security researchers are perplexed by small containers labelled @spywareonya, and carefully check them for rfid chips and data. They find nothing.

Heated debates erupt about how yellow the liquid should be. Peefans muck about with colour profiles and end up describing the concentration using the Pantone scale, then are sued for not having licensed it properly.

There is eventually a scandal when a Scotsman cracks open a vial, adds a tiny amount to a good single malt, and immediately realises that the liquid is in fact water and pigment.

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so, funny story actually

I'm helping a friend clean his place & we get to this, which - okay the labels are pretty kitschy but just take them off & it's kinda perfect isn't it?? basically exactly a combination of what y'all were saying

seems like he thinks it's trash so i ask if he'd be cool w/ me taking it - he says oh what'd you want it for?



I literally couldn't even think of a good lie so rip didn't end up w/ the bottle

at least it's a good idea of something to look for, right?


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I would be tempted to say that a bottle filled with colored sand (which has been peed into) would be a good option.  No risk of someone asking what it is, unlikely anyone would open it thinking it is something it isn't, and no issues with public display...

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hey huge thank you to everyone who posted in here - between then & now i actually found a girl who's gonna make this happen for me & i couldn't be more excited~

if anyone's curious, this is what i ended up going with for the bottle - https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32959928793.html

I'm gonna order it soon, i'll let y'all know if it turns out as expected. it really is a combination of all y'alls contributions isn't it?

as for who I'm buying it from, if anyone's curious DM me if you want her contact info - i'll ask if she's looking for more customers but i think she's definitely wanting more people for her snapchat

(@mods is that ^ an okay thing to post?)

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  • 1 month later...

If you wanted long term storage you could (in theory) collect sterile samples in sterile jars, Or pressure Cook non sterile for 15 minutes @12psi. Like UHT milk you could keep it room temp for weeks if not months, if theres no living organism inside it will stay clean. 

You could then pop the lid during a dry patch and indulge yourself?


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