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Not intentionally linking the ukulele thing....


Walking through a busy city this afternoon enjoying the spring sunshine, and through the noise of the city traffic and bustle of shoppers, we walked past a busker absolutely nailing this song.  It's a firm favourite from the TV series 'Life On Mars', but they absolutely knocked it out of the park.

Slightly bizarrely as we walked into Lush, was my wife announcing that if she happened to pass away before me (very unlikely for various reasons) then this is the song to be played at her funeral.

Even more bizarrely was my wife then telling me she has my funeral planned - nobody is to wear formal somber suits, instead people are to wear T shirts expressing their connection with me, where they met me, how they know me, that sort of thing - so that'll be an interesting one for all you guys to explain why you've all got plain yellowish T shirts on...

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Guest ShyPeeMan
On 3/6/2022 at 10:35 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

Not intentionally linking the ukulele thing....



Amazing song, he did a great version where he mixes this and A Wonderful World. Brilliant. 

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Guest ShyPeeMan
10 minutes ago, Kupar said:

Say what you want, I like this 🙂

I wont say anything cos we all have guilty in pleasures, I'm just not admitting to mine lol

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Not sure if this counts as a song, but those of you who are addicted to tiktok like I am know about this:

pretty in the face, but she super thiiiiiiiiiiiick...I'm just thinking with my dick. My shut dumb 🍺😎🚶🏻‍♂️

it has been playing in my head non stop for days now 🤣

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Shall we just pause for a moment and remind ourselves? 😢 

And nerd note - Taylor Hawkins didn't play on the original recording of this song.

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