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What is your star sign?

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What is your star sign? And do you think it has any significance?

I am Cancer. And it seems to have some relevance to me because temperament and character wise I am typically Cancerian - emotional, compassionate, loyal, shy, a champion of causes who wishes to set the world to rights, perhaps a little too emotionally vulnerable sometimes, yet also very self-contained and in that sense strong. I have an emotional shell and limit who gets in but care deeply about those who do.

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Uh, I have some bad news for you.  You're not a Cancer.  You're actually a Gemini.  I studied Astronomy in college.  Astrology is superstition with no basis in science.  But, for those who choose to believe, read the following:

"A staggering 98% of people in the UK know the answer to this question. But did you know around 86% of us were actually born under a different constellation to our star sign?

The dates of the ‘star signs’ were fixed, over 2,000 years ago, when the zodiac was first devised. Then, they corresponded to the constellation of stars that appeared behind the Sun on the day you were born. But an astronomical phenomenon, known as precession, means that the constellations have drifted since then. So which stars were you actually born under?"

Cancer is 21 July to August 10.  LMAO!

Besides, how does when we're born determine our traits?  No one has ever been able to explain that part to me.

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@2prnot2p, always the arch sceptic, lol.

I believe that all things are connected, that a spiritual life force permeates the entire universe but is particularly concentrated in material things, including us, and it is what our souls are formed from.

Even as I say that I know you will think that so much horse shit, but it is the basis of how the planets can influence us. A lot of energy is focussed in them and we are all interconnected with them. As for precession, I would presume any adherent of astrology already has that vectored in.

And as far as character traits go, all I know is that mine are typically what a Cancerian's are supposed to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...





Astrology is not based on on constellations, it just uses them to name 12 equal parts of the apparent sun trail around the sky

Cancer does not relate to the Cancer constellation, but to the period among 21 of June and 21-22 of July, it just gets inspiration from the constellation more visible in that moment.


Also, astrology must be studied in detail because it gives hundreds of details much wider than the simple star sign, so complex that it is personal to you to the point of fingerprints differences, even two gemini born one minute of distance in time got different astral charts


The esoteric meaning is not about planets, is more complicated: souls (quantistic supercomputers existing in pockets of compressed spaces) enter this dimensions from their own only when the overall position of the planets generates a certain variation in the quantistic field of the solar system.


So planets do NOT influence the body and its genetical tendencies: but a soul FITTING FOR AN ALREADY EXISTING body incarnates only when planets are in the right position.

Your astrological charts describes which characteristics your soul brings along from the previous life, when a different body was the proxy of the quantistic video-log of your eternal existence (your soul), but it says NOTHING of what you can do with your Free Will. You can subdue almost any characteristic from your astrological chart if you, for any example, fix your mind to one of them.


Take Steve, for example: Cancers are easy to scare, almost they are cowards. I would NEVER cross Steve as he is a brave and mighty foe if angered. He overcame Cancer's tendencies to retreat as soon as somebody says BOO!!


But for example, some characteristics are cool: Leos are tenacious, Cancers are sensitive, Aquarius are nerd-like (here inferred as a positive word) and fascinated with Science and oddities… don't you guys are like that indeed?

Ih ih ih!!!


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50 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

He overcame Cancer's tendencies to retreat as soon as somebody says BOO!!

In real life I do tend to take the path of least resistance and walk away from strife, though. And will often retreat from a fight if I think it is not worth the hassle. I pick my fights carefully, but when I fight I fight hard, without fear.

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@spywareonya, I have long believed that there is a spiritual life force which permeates everything, but is particularly strongly concentrated wherever matter is, whether it be us, or the stars or the planets.

As large material objects, are not the planets therefore a focus of this spiritual energy? And are they not connected with everything else including us? Does it not follow that the spiritual energy residing in the planets can interact with the spiritual element within us? Our souls?

I have always tended to believe that this is how the planets can influence us? It is not the planets themselves but the spiritual energy focussed within them. But their influence is spiritual rather than material.

I always rationalised this as being - at least in part - a rational basis for astrology.

Am I right or wrong?

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15 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

@spywareonya, I have long believed that there is a spiritual life force which permeates everything, but is particularly strongly concentrated wherever matter is, whether it be us, or the stars or the planets.

As large material objects, are not the planets therefore a focus of this spiritual energy? And are they not connected with everything else including us? Does it not follow that the spiritual energy residing in the planets can interact with the spiritual element within us? Our souls?

I have always tended to believe that this is how the planets can influence us? It is not the planets themselves but the spiritual energy focussed within them. But their influence is spiritual rather than material.

I always rationalised this as being - at least in part - a rational basis for astrology.

Am I right or wrong?


You are absolutely right, planets are like producers of certain energies, but this does NOT counteract what I said, they open the doors!

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10 minutes ago, UnabashedUser said:

Yes. It's a joke. 

In the past, first members like you seemed to feel somehow summoned to complete the profile with all infos requested, and so if not comfortable to share their true birthdates, they put fake ones

Now people simply refuses to write them, but I love when they do so I can draw their natal chart when I have time!!! ihihihihih!!!

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11 minutes ago, UnabashedUser said:

If I fill them out at all it's usually with fake info in case someone wants to cast a spell on me. 

Ok first of all if it's not a joke then well done, hexing people you do not know is almost impossible but knowing their birthdate can help them identify your weakness and attack them (which is anyway scum-like behaviour, but what do you expect from a black magician?)


Anyway, since I respect your usually stern attitude toward the supernatural (it exists, but superstitious attitudes are a bad thing, paradoxically skepticism is better, I respect it), I am now focusing on simple privacy...

I indeed wrote it NOT!!!

I just say I am Aquarius, and 29 years old… ihihihi!!!

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Neither my date or year of birth are accurate in my profile (although not far off) with the details here I'd be Pisces, but am actually Aries. Irrelevant to me though as I don't believe in any of it.

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10 minutes ago, mickymoist said:

Neither my date or year of birth are accurate in my profile (although not far off) with the details here I'd be Pisces, but am actually Aries. Irrelevant to me though as I don't believe in any of it.

Well, I am curious about it, I have my reasons to believe in a portion of astrology!

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11 minutes ago, Scot_Lover said:

technically, we are not supposed to get along



Road-side astrology can go fuck itself


Aquarius and Pisces can do great to each other, the only potential problem is that it can happen that Aquarius can stir, within Pisces, some reflections based on situations created by the very Aquarius, reflections I was saying, about things that the Pisces one would have been better left alone, and shun forever without facing them

Unconscious stuff

But it is just a chance


You guys simply grew up together and now, being emotionally mature, are not clogged in the most base entaglement of astrological signs





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2 minutes ago, spywareonya said:




Lol, I know. We both know what the other is supposed to feel (as per the star sign) but we don't agree with not 'fitting' in with the scheme of things. There is something else working with us, something that made us 'click' on the first night we meet all those years ago. I can still remember seeing her for the first time, and my reaction at the time was 'holy shit', and we've been like that ever since.

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10 minutes ago, Scot_Lover said:

I can still remember seeing her for the first time, and my reaction at the time was 'holy shit', and we've been like that ever since.

Ouh… it's so ROMANTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I blushed and felt a surge of heat reading it!!!

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I am a gemini, and yes, I am definitely a true gemini .  Gemini is supposed to have multiple personalities, but for me it's that I have so many different moods, which effect how I look at things day to day. For example, I can never tell you what my favorite anything is, because my favorite can change at any time, depending on what kind of mood I'm in.  Truth is, I'm interested in, and like, almost everything!

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13 minutes ago, Rewdna said:

I'm a Virgo.I believe I may be fairly typical.Virgo's like neatness and dislike clutter.It is something I can relate to.

Virgo are brave, loyal, and moral.

Intelligent and kind, they are also smart and very perceptive.

They're only flaw is that usually they tend to believe it's up to them to carry the world's weight on their shoulder, this can make them reserved, dark, self-judging, and even embittered if nobody ever tell them to relax

You guys ask a lot from yourselves… you are great, but you are NOT alone

Mark these words!!!

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25 minutes ago, Lilipee said:

I am a gemini, and yes, I am definitely a true gemini .  Gemini is supposed to have multiple personalities, but for me it's that I have so many different moods, which effect how I look at things day to day. For example, I can never tell you what my favorite anything is, because my favorite can change at any time, depending on what kind of mood I'm in.  Truth is, I'm interested in, and like, almost everything!

Awwww this is NOT simply Gemini… because Gemini are all the things you said, but they can ALSO be superficial, and a bit of a coward… all things you defintiely are NOT

What you listed is not only thank to your star sign: it's your Amazing soul that shines so bright!!!

Always remember I love you, sweetheart...

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