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Who’s this freak? Go on... ask?

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9 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Bloomin' 'eck - that's not an easy one.   I don't know if it helps or detracts that I've just seen Chrissy's responses.


Things people may get wrong about me:

-  Thinking that I have an ego...  Maybe I do, but I suspect other people think I have a lot more of an ego, at least in one aspect of my life.   As my profile describes, for a number of years I've been a part time professional photographer.  These days a lot less so, but I still have a few regular clients.   One of those is a music festival and each year I team with the organisers as their official photographer.  It's an incredible buzz and I have some incredible privileges.  Full on-stage and backstage access and the like, and I know a lot of the regular festival goers - it has a regular core.  I make a point of talking to them, a lot of them know I don't have an ego at all about it - I'm definitely not star of any of those shows, I'm just there to take (excellent) pictures.

- The obvious thing most people would never guess are any of my perversions - I think.  It's no secret amongst you folks that my life here is kept very separate from my family and normal social life.  Just like here, I tend to be quite morally focussed in my 'normal' life - opposing sexism for example and I've been involved with various youth organisations. I don't tend to swear in general conversation, not  All of course entirely worlds apart from the content I enjoy here.  So yes, in normal life if people guessed who'd be getting horny over girls peeing, I'm thinking people would see me way down the list.  


Things I now understand about myself:

- With increasing age and life experience, I've become more 'at ease' with myself.  In some ways I'm still very shy, in other ways I'm happy to stand and speak to a crowd of hundreds.  But that being at ease with myself is similar to (not quite the same as) being more confident.  I'm much more competent at chatting to strangers or making the first contact as a consequence.  Perhaps this is realising that you don't always get a second chance.

- Based on the above - I've also realised that the whole 'out of my league' thing is a myth.  Why be scared to speak to someone because of what you imagine them to be?  If they are too-far-head-up-arse to grant me time of day then their loss.  The most attractive people often aren't like that, some are.  And there's a huge amount to be learned from a smile and a sparkle in an eye.

- Sort of related - life isn't a rehearsal, there's no point your bucket list being full when you kick it, or at least are too old to enjoy those experiences.  I'm not saying don't plan for the future, but take opportunities whilst you can - travel, spend time with your children, do stuff.


If I think of more I'll come back and edit the post...

Lovely 🙂 Thank you Goose x

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2 hours ago, Kupar said:

I asked a few people simultaneously. You answered first 😊


2 hours ago, Chrissy89 said:

I need to learn not to be first off the mark 🤣

And nothing at all wrong with your answers @Chrissy89.   At least yours were to the point.

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  • 1 month later...
7 hours ago, Sophie said:

Greylag Goose or Canadian Goose?


Hmmm...   Always good to have a question that makes you challenge your own identity.

I think I definitely identify as the Greylag, the slightly greyer of the two - after all apparently native to the UK, according to the RSPB:


The ancestor of most domestic geese, the greylag is the largest and bulkiest of the wild geese native to the UK and Europe. In many parts of the UK it has been re-established by releasing birds in suitable areas, but the resulting flocks (often mixed with Canada geese) found around gravel pits, lakes and reservoirs all year round in southern Britain tend to be semi-tame and uninspiring. The native birds and wintering flocks found in Scotland retain the special appeal of truly wild geese.

And from the same website:


The canada goose is a large goose, with a distinctive black head and neck and large white throat patch. An introduced species from North America, it has successfully spread to cover most of the UK. It forms noisy flocks and is often regarded as a nuisance in areas where large numbers occur on amenity grassland and parks.

'Noisy and a nuisance'.  I hope that's not me(?)

So yes, definitely Greylag and not one of those tourists from over the Atlantic.


Actually - a couple of insights into the @gldenwetgoose username.   Firstly it's missing the first 'o' because of a typo when I signed up.   As a gold user I could change it, but I'm used to it now.

There is a very tenuous geography reference in there but I'll say no more than that.  Mainly though it's a reference to the fairytale - goose that laid the golden egg, thinking of a very runny, splashy but definite golden excretion.   Less egg like and more pee to be honest.


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46 minutes ago, Kupar said:

!!! Tame I can believe. Uninspiring? Never!

That was talking about those found in southern Britain.   I'm closer (in location at least) to the Scottish examples, who have  "the special appeal of truly wild geese".

  • Haha 1
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4 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

That was talking about those found in southern Britain.   I'm closer (in location at least) to the Scottish examples, who have  "the special appeal of truly wild geese".


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4 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I think I definitely identify as the Greylag

I was hoping you would say that!

I adore Greylag geese, they're just so cute and so entertaining to watch. When we feed the birds R always comments that she wants one! The Greylags always get plenty of food from us. Often looking up and watching us as if to say "Can I have some more, please?" and they are adorable when they sort of run over to you. I am not a huge fan of Canada geese. At the pond they always scare the Greylags away 😞 If they were nice and shared I wouldn't mind, but don't scare the poor guys away! The ducks however aren't bothered by them in the slightest.

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Just now, gldenwetgoose said:

I don’t know, why should you never say boo to a goose?

I don't know either, and as the resident Goose, I thought you would know!

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  • 1 month later...

I could be way off the mark…. ‘Or a crumpet?’


And I confess I did resort to Google.

First thought was Arthur Dent - or was that a pot of tea?   Second thought was David Tennant’s Doctor…

And yes please - with butter and black cherry jam if you have it.


(or a cornetto would be fine too)


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8 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I could be way off the mark…. ‘Or a crumpet?’


And I confess I did resort to Google.

First thought was Arthur Dent - or was that a pot of tea?   Second thought was David Tennant’s Doctor…

And yes please - with butter and black cherry jam if you have it.


(or a cornetto would be fine too)


Strawberry, Classico or Mint?

Sorry, I mistook you for a Red Dwarf fan and in hindsight, the reference wasn't as obvious as it was in my head.

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7 hours ago, Sophie said:

Strawberry, Classico or Mint?

Sorry, I mistook you for a Red Dwarf fan and in hindsight, the reference wasn't as obvious as it was in my head.

Now there's a topic that's close to mind - especially after watching a number of Classic Cornettos being devoured last night - in between the menace that is a living statue.  On balance I think I'd opt for mint though in the End.

I do very much enjoy Red Dwarf, I really should make a point of watching it again - so I will accept the question as a well timed prompt.

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I just so happened to be scrolling your thread when my husband messaged me and said "it's weird that we have to sleep with the TV on because of you" lol. So I have to ask: are you a white noise sleeping kind of person, or do you sleep in the pitch black silence?

I've been sleeping with the tv on since I was a kid and it's been a comfort. I always sleep with the TV on now and find it difficult to sleep in quiet. I usually wake up several times a night.

Thanks uomo d'oca 🪿

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16 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I do very much enjoy Red Dwarf, I really should make a point of watching it again - so I will accept the question as a well timed prompt.

That's the reason I asked, every episode is now on iPlayer!

If you could claim credit for any invention, what would it be?

"Sorry Edison, I invented the light bulb, not you"

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17 hours ago, Bacardi said:

are you a white noise sleeping kind of person, or do you sleep in the pitch black silence?

I reckon I’m closer to silence than chaotic noise - I can never sleep on aeroplanes and if there were noise in the background like people talking or music playing it tends to irritate and stop me drifting off.  Depending how tired I am I think.

But - a secret between us, ‘cos nobody reads this stuff do they. I’ve got a mechanical artificial heart valve, and it ticks audibly with every heartbeat. My wife finds the sound, in a quit room, helps her get to sleep and it’s a sound that’s always in my ears. 

7 hours ago, Sophie said:

That's the reason I asked, every episode is now on iPlayer!

If you could claim credit for any invention, what would it be?

Awesome - I can foresee a marathon viewathon coming up. Thanks!

Claiming credit for an invention… good question, and let me choose carefully- I guess if it’s my invention and i licence it then I get royalty payments when it’s used…

First thought was something engineering related, perhaps aviation related - maybe the technology that makes GPS work or something similar. 

But on a completely different level - the little bullet style vibrator.   The item that transformed the sex toy market and brought it onto the high street, into respectable people’s handbags and lingerie drawers.  Making it respectable to give yourself a little ‘me time’.  No longer a BDSM implement, not threatening and eye-watering, but an essential accessory. 

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On 5/12/2023 at 12:08 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

Maybe ‘honk’ in goose speak is the ultimate in come-on lines which could lead to all sorts of misunderstandings?

“Honk” is a four-letter word

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5 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I’ve got a mechanical artificial heart valve, and it ticks audibly with every heartbeat.

My next question: are you sure you're really a goose and not a ticking crocodile who swallowed a watch 😱

I'm not sure that would be enough noise for me tho. I leave the TV on so I can just barely hear it when the ac fan blows at night. It can get pretty noisy but it puts me to sleep fast.

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