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When was the first time you saw someone pee in front of you?

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I don't remember the first time but once I had this female friend that was sometimes a little more than a friend, and one day we were laying in a park after drinking a six pack and I remember she just got up, squatted down and pissed long and hard right next to me. I had to pee really bad too but I was too shy to do it with her 🙂

Edited by hold_on
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I was very young and the neighbor girl and I were the same age and we would play together. She would never want to take time out to go to the bathroom when we were playing. I think the very first time we were in her yard and she started to hold herself and dance around and at the time her mother was outside cleaning up and she said Janie must you go potty and she said no I am ok. About 15 minutes later we went inside and we were playing a game while sitting on the floor and Janie kept holding herself and then she started peeing in her pants right on the hardwood floors. She just continued playing until her mother came in and saw the floor was wet and she said oh Janie go the the bathroom and her mother was really mad. I remember she did things like that several times after that and her mother would get so mad. She then took her upstairs and changed her pants and came down and cleaned the floor. 

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Similar games in a sandbox with a girl playmate.

Rather than to go into the house and be kept there by the two mothers, she squatted in a corner of the sandbox, panties on her ankles and let her pee fly while I looked on. 

I discovered that my pecker would become hard but as a kid didn't know why but mutual peeing (she'd always start it ) became a regular thing between us until she moved away.

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I was really young and I don’t remember which happened first. My mom was friends with a woman who lived down the road and I spent a lot of time with her daughters. I remember we all went to the toilet together. There was another time when I was with playing outside with a couple of boys in the neighborhood they peed and dared me to or something. I had forgotten about both until I read this topic.

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As a child, it was rather normal for me and my friends (male and female) to pee in the garden while playing. So I have first seen someone peeing in front of me already in kindergarten age

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As I was in school I hang out with some older girls that used to bring me when they were going to pee. I got to watch when they squatted and later on I joined in and they used to pee from an old wall at an abandoned building on our way home from school. It was a perfect height for me to stand next and let the piss stream hit my dick. So nice and warm 😋

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  • 3 months later...

My dad when he helped to potty train me.  Saw my dad, uncles, cousins, and friends pee in locker rooms when we went to the pool or lake, or out in nature.  Public mens rooms at sporting events.

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