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Trump's Stupidity Continues!


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Just recently, Trump met with Apple CEO Tim Cook.  Some of you may have seen this on TV.  It was shown all over the world.  At a press conference in front of many members of the media and on TV, he referred to Tim Cook as "Tim Apple."  LMAO! 🤣  The awkward look on Tim Cook's face was obvious.

On another very recent occasion, the same thing happened.  He introduced the CEO of Lockheed, a defense contractor company, as "Marilyn Lockheed."  LOL!

Ignorance happens to us all. It's simply a lack of knowledge.  Stupidity is another thing all together.  This man, the leader of the USA, must have been told their names well in advance.  But, my guess is that he didn't care.  He has stated on numerous occasions that he does not like to read!  He must not like to listen either.  He has people who coach him on such meetings.  All presidents have had them. 

I'm telling you...this guy is so stupid, literally, that I'd bet he has to wear a hat when he shits so he knows which end to wipe!  For real!  George W. was Einstein compared to Trump.  And Bush was a dummy too.

Edited by 2prnot2p
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There was a report on Twitter yesterday, that he now flatly denies the Tim Apple comment - despite the video evidence.

That for me places him firmly in the territory of either a dementia type condition, or some other form to egotistical mental illness where he believes himself to have the power to declare truth over and above any form of evidence.  The media presentation always seems to have played the latter card, but I'm giving credence to the former.

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This idiot and his antics would be utterly hilarious if it were not so serious.

This is the leader of America, no less!

How the fuck did we get here?

How can there be so many total idiots who thought voting for this goon was a good idea?

We encounter similar idiots over here all the time too, seemingly devoid of any intelligence when it comes to voting, unable to see what is right in front of their eyes.

I despair sometimes. 

The biggest flaw with democracy is the number of absolute idiots and thickos casting their votes. 

Democracy would work far better if those participating in it displayed some measure of intelligence, weighing up the pros and cons of every argument and engaging actual thought before deciding whom to vote for.

Sadly, the biggest voting bloc out there - far bigger than the gay vote, the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the working class vote, the middle class vote, the youth vote, the elderly vote - is the idiot vote. The idiot bloc is the largest bloc out there and no one can hope for victory without winning over part of it.

What Trump has sadly proved is that the best way to corner the idiot vote is to be as openly stupid as they are.

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I still dont see the hysteria.Who can say if Hilary Clinton would be better?

Obama wasnt so great.Trump is ham strung by the Democrats in Congress.

Its wrong to say voters are idiots,simply because they believe in different things to yourself.Theres a lot i disagree with,but i accept that people vote differently.

The trouble with the world today,is there are too many people that try to please everyone despite knowing how the majority voted.Nothing gets settled or resolved.


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Some things here deserve a deep analysis


9 minutes ago, F.W said:

I still dont see the hysteria.Who can say if Hilary Clinton would be better?


My personal opinion is that Hilary lacks human warmth, and that's why she lost in first place. Trump allows a complicated exorcistic psychology on people, allowing them to see their funniest sides embodied in a leader. And indeed, beside being a bit irresponsible, he hadn't yet did any of the terrible things many feared he would had, from the Wall (I haven't yet see the money start to flow) or a war against North Korea.

What people accuses him of, is to be exceedingly irresponsible for somebody who got so much power. A leader should be stern and serious… or, I should say, I Always thought that way… until Trump was elected. I do not like him, I must admit I agree with previous posts in this thread, but I also see this as a chance for us Witches to study the effects on Society for a "crazy" leader and see what happens


9 minutes ago, F.W said:

Obama wasnt so great.


Indeed, he changed both America and the World less than we would have thought. But in itself, he showed two things: first, the most racist country of the world voted a black skinned man as President, and second, that also a man which is Young and devoid of exceptional political knowledge managed to lead the world's most powerful country without incidents, using only cautiousness and good heart



9 minutes ago, F.W said:

Its wrong to say voters are idiots,simply because they believe in different things to yourself.Theres a lot i disagree with,but i accept that people vote differently.


Here I am afraid you mistook Steve's words

He meant that when you meet somebody possessing different ideas than you, still you can talk with this person, confronting, and even if in the end you guys will part ways remaining both on your initial opinions, good politic can anyway be done, as politic is this too, talking with people with different ideas or ideals


But there are people with a very low education and culture, who could vote for the President with the same attitude they would vote for their favourite character of a TV program about phone pranks. People like them are superficial and thus Dangerous, since they are a lot


9 minutes ago, F.W said:

The trouble with the world today,is there are too many people that try to please everyone despite knowing how the majority voted.Nothing gets settled or resolved.


Until now I tried to be the voice of reason, here I can only tell my opinion as there is no commonground beside preferencies

I personally believe it's hard to rule a country made of both those who voted you, and those that didn't, unless you try to get the best of each Party, still loyal to your voters but also open to those of the opponent party. Unless, people would just shift between different political current each time Elections are held: I suppose it's less a shock to keep going with the Nation as it was when you took it by winning Election themselves, and then keep it afloat avoiding exceeding extremism

But this is just my personal opinion: it can be argued that this way nothing changes, and I wouldn't know what to answer to this, beside the fact that sometimes, some changes are summoned but they are better never to happen (like Trump's wall) because we can't foresee which will be consequences on long terms...

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3 hours ago, F.W said:


Its wrong to say voters are idiots,simply because they believe in different things to yourself.Theres a lot i disagree with,but i accept that people vote differently.


I don't think voters are idiots because they disagree with me. You and I are worlds apart on politics but I do not regard you as an idiot.

But there is of course an idiot bloc out there who barely think and vote for whomever for the stupidest reasons, some of them allowing themselves to be told what to think cos they don't think for themselves.

Some of that large idiot block sometimes votes my way. Indeed, my side cannot win without the support of part of it. It is too big a bloc to be totally outvoted. No one can win without it.

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22 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

But there is of course an idiot bloc out there who barely think and vote for whomever for the stupidest reasons, some of them allowing themselves to be told what to think cos they don't think for themselves.


Yes Fanny I meant this in my previous post



Some of that large idiot block sometimes votes my way. Indeed, my side cannot win without the support of part of it. It is too big a bloc to be totally outvoted. No one can win without it.

THIS is the problem

Edited by spywareonya
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10 hours ago, F.W said:

I still dont see the hysteria.Who can say if Hilary Clinton would be better?

Obama wasnt so great.Trump is ham strung by the Democrats in Congress.

Its wrong to say voters are idiots,simply because they believe in different things to yourself.Theres a lot i disagree with,but i accept that people vote differently.

The trouble with the world today,is there are too many people that try to please everyone despite knowing how the majority voted.Nothing gets settled or resolved.



You are clearly out of your mind!  There, I said it.  You once said people in the UK admire Trump!  Uh, that would be incorrect.  Maybe you do, but...who else does? 

This is not merely a matter of politics.  We have had presidents here in the USA, where I live, that I did not like, but it was NEVER personal.  I respected the first President Bush, even though he was not my cup of tea, politically speaking.  He was smart and was former Director of the CIA.  You don't get that job if you're stupid.  He was also a gentleman.  He was polite, diplomatic, and even a war hero of WWII.  I hope you see my point.  I even thought it was funny when he banned broccoli from the White House!  He didn't like it, but loved other vegetables.  I didn't vote for Clinton, but respected him as our leader.  The same goes for Obama.  I did vote for Obama both times and I truly loved the guy.  I even voted once for a Republican!  And I'm a Democrat.  I voted for Dole in 1996.  I admired the guy.  He lost.

Now, we move on to Trump.  The man is a pig!  I have no respect for that piece of walking feces.  He is disgusting in all that he does.  There's no sugar-coating it at all.  I live in America and we all talk about him daily.  We are humiliated that he is our president!  Trump has alienated the leaders of the UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia...and on and on.  He does that while giving head to Putin, Kim, and the Saudis!  WTF?!  And, if I hear him say "We'll see how it goes" one more time, I'm gonna throw up!  What President says that?!  He says it daily!  He is so stupid and inept that I cannot believe it's all real!  Argh!

F.W....you really belong in some kind of home if you believe what you've said.


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2 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:


You are clearly out of your mind!  There, I said it.  You once said people in the UK admire Trump!  Uh, that would be incorrect.  Maybe you do, but...who else does? 

This is not merely a matter of politics.  We have had presidents here in the USA, where I live, that I did not like, but it was NEVER personal.  I respected the first President Bush, even though he was not my cup of tea, politically speaking.  He was smart and was former Director of the CIA.  You don't get that job if you're stupid.  He was also a gentleman.  He was polite, diplomatic, and even a war hero of WWII.  I hope you see my point.  I even thought it was funny when he banned broccoli from the White House!  He didn't like it, but loved other vegetables.  I didn't vote for Clinton, but respected him as our leader.  The same goes for Obama.  I did vote for Obama both times and I truly loved the guy.  I even voted once for a Republican!  And I'm a Democrat.  I voted for Dole in 1996.  I admired the guy.  He lost.

Now, we move on to Trump.  The man is a pig!  I have no respect for that piece of walking feces.  He is disgusting in all that he does.  There's no sugar-coating it at all.  I live in America and we all talk about him daily.  We are humiliated that he is our president!  Trump has alienated the leaders of the UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia...and on and on.  He does that while giving head to Putin, Kim, and the Saudis!  WTF?!  And, if I hear him say "We'll see how it goes" one more time, I'm gonna throw up!  What President says that?!  He says it daily!  He is so stupid and inept that I cannot believe it's all real!  Argh!

F.W....you really belong in some kind of home if you believe what you've said.


I certainly think Donald Trump is a racist, misogynist, sexually abusive and utterly narcissistic moral monster. I also suspect he is something of a sociopath yet does not appear to be too bright.

But FW is entitled to his opinions too.

Part of the reason Trump won is that the Americans - like us - can see that the system isn't working for them anymore and so they want radical change. Unfortunately the Democrats responded by kicking aside their radical candidates and running with a champion of the status quo, and someone who was also felt to be cold and soulless and having a history of self-aggrandizing dishonestly both financial and political.

So if idiots are responsible for Trump, some of them were the ones making the decisions on the Democrat side. The democrats put up the one candidate most vulnerable to Trump and duly lost to him. I sure hope they have learned that lesson and put up someone with more passion, less baggage, and who is far more radical, next time.

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5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I certainly think Donald Trump is a racist, misogynist, sexually abusive and utterly narcissistic moral monster. I also suspect he is something of a sociopath yet does not appear to be too bright.

But FW is entitled to his opinions too.

Part of the reason Trump won is that the Americans - like us - can see that the system isn't working for them anymore and so they want radical change. Unfortunately the Democrats responded by kicking aside their radical candidates and running with a champion of the status quo, and someone who was also felt to be cold and soulless and having a history of self-aggrandizing dishonestly both financial and political.

So if idiots are responsible for Trump, some of them were the ones making the decisions on the Democrat side. The democrats put up the one candidate most vulnerable to Trump and duly lost to him. I sure hope they have learned that lesson and put up someone with more passion, less baggage, and who is far more radical, next time.

Yes, it's important that we tone down the discussion or it could happen that people got bothered

Steve is absolutely right so please @2prnot2p comply with us!!!

@F.W has been missing from this thread for a while and I would be hurt upon discovering he left because it sounded like a one-side thread. It's hard when your closest friends are on opposite political positions but as I once said to somebody who asked me how can I keep myself coherent in this, a healthy body needs both kidneys and lungs and they are up to much different goals

Plus I know them both on a personal level and they are great humans, and though throdding toward different hierarchy system of goals (exploration of possibilities is #1 for Steve, and preservation of what good was already achieved is more urgent for Fanny) they can also understand what's good in the other POV, and respect each other

Let us all avoid throwing fuel on the fire

Edited by spywareonya
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That’s right, we’re all members here because of our mutual interest- and building up barriers between us (I won’t use the term walls) isn’t helpful. 

As a complete outsider to US politics and a European, two things are apparent to me:

- politics the world over isn’t always about who is best to be elected, but sometimes about lesser of evils. After a period of one party in government, a swing in the opposite direction isn’t necessarily a vote for a particular candidate but perhaps a vote in favour of opposing manifesto goals?

- the media hold huge sway over the way particular parties and individuals are represented, both in falsely positive and overly negative ways. More and more it seems that individual networks are political party channels in their entirety- which combined with the trend of political smear campaigns makes them hugely powerful.

Combining those two factors together it’s hard to have a realistic picture of what is real and what is fictional, and absolutely impossible to have a crystal ball view of what will happen half way through a politicians term. 

We all are where we are - I’ll vote in favour of capping this discussion and returning to something we all agree on...

Does anybody need a wee?

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Guest UnabashedUser
3 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

We all are where we are - I’ll vote in favour of capping this discussion and returning to something we all agree on...

Does anybody need a wee?

Agreed. There are 100K forums dedicated to whatever flavor of politics a person subscribes to. We don't need it here. It's off topic and gauche.

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This is the general chat subforum where all non-banned off-topic subjects are acceptable, including politics.

If people wish to bring this one to a close they need simply refrain from posting more and not respond to anyone who does.

If any members wish to pursue political discussions here they are free to do so.

No one need come to any thread they don't wish to visit. It's a free world here.

But it is true that politics is never worth anyone here falling out over.

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29 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

This is the general chat subforum where all non-banned off-topic subjects are acceptable, including politics.

If people wish to bring this one to a close they need simply refrain from posting more and not respond to anyone who does.

If any members wish to pursue political discussions here they are free to do so.

No one need come to any thread they don't wish to visit. It's a free world here.

But it is true that politics is never worth anyone here falling out over.

This is both absolutely wise, and the Word of the Top Moderator either


We just need to make people "argue peacefully"

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Whilst it's certainly fine to discuss non-pee topics here (in fact highly encouraged), politics is always a tough discussion to have, because the vast majority of people on both sides are too entrenched in their view to even see the other perspective, so it's never really a debate. 

People take an attack on their politics as a personal attack, which is why already this thread has turned a little hostile. By all means feel free to share your views, but there is never a need to attack another member for disagreeing with you. Aside from being against the rules, if someone makes a rational point and your response is to attack them, you immediately lose all credibility in my opinion. 

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7 minutes ago, Admin said:

Whilst it's certainly fine to discuss non-pee topics here (in fact highly encouraged), politics is always a tough discussion to have, because the vast majority of people on both sides are too entrenched in their view to even see the other perspective, so it's never really a debate. 

People take an attack on their politics as a personal attack, which is why already this thread has turned a little hostile. By all means feel free to share your views, but there is never a need to attack another member for disagreeing with you. Aside from being against the rules, if someone makes a rational point and your response is to attack them, you immediately lose all credibility in my opinion. 



Agree wholeheartedly

We have some of the best minds of the forum here, let's keep it this way

ps Thank you Admin for your intervention

NOTHING ispires humans to their highest points like Politic, and it is what most touches my heart

This thread is born funny (its title says all) but I think it can house great things

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14 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:


F.W....you really belong in some kind of home if you believe what you've said.

With all due respect, 2prnot2p, I'd like you to consider for a moment what use those kind of words are in getting your point across to someone who's oppinion you do not agree with.

I can only speak for myself, of cause, but if someone would push me, that push would.. well.. push me away from that person. Maybe even further towards the opposing point.

Just some food for thoughts... .


That being said: I do not fear Trump. I fear the persons that that are... in charge of the US. And I am not going into any more details about this - probably crazy sounding - point of view of mine.

In any case: I am completely indifferent about Trump having allienated the leaders of the country I am living in. Those leaders have allienated themselves from the people living here a long time ago, so I call it quits.

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15 minutes ago, WantonLee said:

I fear the persons that that are... in charge of the US.

I got it

I fear them too

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and fear our war won't lead anywhere

But then I got angry, and go back to sleep to fight another day

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12 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

I got it

I fear them too

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and fear our war won't lead anywhere

But then I got angry, and go back to sleep to fight another day

* Drops the subject, because of reasons *

Let's get back to Trump. It's probably more fun. o_0

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12 minutes ago, WantonLee said:

* Drops the subject, because of reasons *

Let's get back to Trump. It's probably more fun. o_0

Yes, The Empire Trumps back

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6 hours ago, spywareonya said:

This is both absolutely wise, and the Word of the Top Moderator either.

You give me too much credit.

I am not - and do not see myself as - the top moderator but merely one of four equals. And in my own honest opinion, in some ways some of the others are perhaps better at it than me.

But I like to try and do my bit.

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This has shown me one thing, voting a change of government is surely different in other parts of the world. 

Here in Australia, you have to vote once you turn 18, no ifs, buts or maybe's. This is for everything, local councils, state governement up to federal government. There is a fine if you don't bother ($20 here in Victoria) so a lot of people just wear the fine and say to hell with it. I wouldn't be surprised if the non voters were noted in some obscure gubermint department.

In the last election, I just voted for the party that I felt was best suited for the job, no names, you just pick one party from a list of maybe 15 (The Australian Sex Party if you need to know, lol. This is now called The Reason Party). Yes it's real, look it up, or look up Fiona Patten.

Doesnt really matter who you vote for, when 45 'dissidents' within the party in power can arbitrarily change the government overnight, what is the point of it all? We are going to the polls later in the year, I'm so looking forward to that sausage and onion sandwich.

Is it just me or is anyone else concerned that the USA is slowly becoming the laughing stock of the planet? I didn't mind Obama, thought he was cool, never got in trouble, kept a relatively low profile, even considered some of the things we have here in Aus. This new guy? Lol, tell me of another world leader who uses Twitter, of all things.

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11 hours ago, steve25805 said:

You give me too much credit.

I am not - and do not see myself as - the top moderator but merely one of four equals. And in my own honest opinion, in some ways some of the others are perhaps better at it than me.

But I like to try and do my bit.




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On 3/14/2019 at 1:11 PM, Scot_Lover said:

Is it just me or is anyone else concerned that the USA is slowly becoming the laughing stock of the planet?

Yes,  I am concerned.   Forty years ago the USA was a champion of freedom in the world.  Since then it has degenerated into a nation repressed by fascistic corporate bosses, and loud-mouthed religious bigots.

Once the USA led the world in science,  now the merchants persecute and publicly smear the scientists because a population with knowledge might interfere with the vile things they are doing in the name of corporate profits.

Both of their major political parties are corrupted by corporate finance,  and their voting system is so undemocratic they have little hope of electing anyone else.  The American people are hurting badly.  A demagogue like Trump is just a sign of how desperate some of them are,  but he is only making everything worse wherever he can.

One Australian political commentator said "Some will cheer the downfall of the USA, but I think we will miss it when it's gone."

In my opinion, the tear down of American civilisation began with Ronald Reagan.  I wasn't the only one to notice it back then.  Here are some words from the Little River Band that were written in that era.

You can be a millionaire by steppin' on the needy,
Words of equality, but they're written for the greedy,
Statue of Liberty,
Standing in the harbour,
This is America, we try a little harder.

Oh, but now it's tumbling, fakin', quakin',
Tremblin' on its own foundation,
There's been so many warnings,
Too late the old lady's fallin',
The only thing to do is to get out of the way,
Anything can happen in the U. S. of A.
Ain't no use anymore in tryin' harder,
Statue of Liberty sinkin' in the harbour.



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