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Everything posted by Lutab

  1. Wonderful story. It was really hot!
  2. Looking forward to more. Maybe they can pee on the floor soon. 🙂
  3. Wonderful story. Would love to hear more. Maybe they piss at the theater too.
  4. Thank you! Those are great stories!
  5. Could you put links to a few here? You have so many posts they are hard to find. 🙂
  6. That totally counts. Great story.
  7. Fun to hear that. 🙂 glad you enjoyed them 😛
  8. Yep posted them years ago. Check out the CSV results from them. Has all the written responses and a lot more details. :)
  9. I put this as a comment on my peeing at parties post, but thought it deserved it's own post so I'm putting it here. A while ago I made a few polls on MisterPoll about this and got some great results. Here they are. Girls Naughty Peeing: https://www.misterpoll.com/polls/604895 Here is the CSV from it (has a lot more information in it) http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=16668799571426616769 Girls Naughty Peeing at a Party: https://www.misterpoll.com/polls/607067 The CSV http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=57012490652075396159 Girls peeing inside at house parties
  10. A while ago I made a few polls on MisterPoll about this and got some great results. Here they are. Girls Naughty Peeing: https://www.misterpoll.com/polls/604895 Here is the CSV from it (has a lot more information in it) http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=16668799571426616769 Girls Naughty Peeing at a Party: https://www.misterpoll.com/polls/607067 The CSV http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=57012490652075396159 Girls peeing inside at house parties https://www.misterpoll.com/polls/602881 the CSV http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=57440426015097931649
  11. I would love to hear any stories about peeing in a car. Where did you pee. How much? Did it leave a stain? Did you see someone else do it? A few times I've peed a little bit in a rental car. Not enough to be noticed later, but just getting a seat or the floor a little wet.
  12. I would love to hear any more stories you have of peeing on the carpet or sofas at clubs!!
  13. What type of floor was it? Wood or carpet?
  14. I would love to hear more about peeing on the wall or sofa. Have you already posted those stories?
  15. I don't know what happened to the link to my post from my first comment, but here it is again
  16. I would love it if you could post your story on here. Maybe with some more details? 🙂
  17. I’d love to hear any stories people have of naughty peeing at house parties. Have you ever needed to go too badly to wait for the bathroom and snuck into an empty room to pee on the carpet or bed? Or maybe you were in a room with someone when they decided to take a piss in there instead of heading back through the party to get to a bathroom. The most I’ve done is pee into a drawer in the bathroom at a party. I was in there and thought it would be hot to relieve myself somewhere other than the toilet so I opened an empty drawer of the cabinet and let my piss out into it. I do ha
  18. I would love to hear about what they get up to back at Uni
  19. Great story. I’d like to hear him finding it hot more than upsetting. Would enjoy the story more that way. Good work though.
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