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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. A pleasant day in the park.
  2. Some artistic images of my favorite game. I would love to have a job in this salon.
  3. There used to be an Australian company that made jeans for women with the zip in the back instead of in the front. You would think that would make life easier for them, but I don't know if it caught on.
  4. I originally thought you were asking for us to display gender on our posts, but it's clear now that I misunderstood what you meant. If it would cause female members to get spammed or harassed then that would definitely be a bad idea, so I am happy to leave things as they are.
  5. I already updated mine, but it isn't displayed against our posts for some reason. Other forums do that and I think it's a good idea.
  6. I like this approach. Me too. I noticed that my phone was reporting all my movements to Google whenever I used the GPS. A permanent record of my movements was being kept. I have changed my google account settings to turn this off, but one never knows really. A lot of interesting implications, but I guess I'm getting off topic for the thread. Apologies to everyone for the derailment.
  7. I don't quite see what you mean by the above. Google "phones home" every time you do a google search. If you blocked google search in your firewall, then you couldn't do any searches. Chrome "phones home" whenever you use it to access a web page. If you blocked its access through your firewall, you could not use it for web browsing. Even your browser config information is stored at google. If you are logged on to google (e.g. Gmail) while doing any of the above, then all of this data is logged against your name. If not, then it is logged against your IP address.
  8. Site works OK for me with firefox 59.0.2 in windows 10. I did have some problems with Firefox when using it with an older version of Windows.
  9. From 35 years ago, at the height of the cold war, when most of us were expecting civilisation to be utterly destroyed in nuclear fire. Pink Floyd's Roger Waters caught the mood perfectly with these gentle words: In my rear view mirror the sun is going down Sinking behind bridges in the road And I think of all the good things That we have left undone And I suffer premonitions ... Confirm suspicions Of the holocaust to come. The rusty wire that holds the cork That keeps the anger in Gives way And suddenly it's day again. The sun is in the east Ev
  10. Given that the snail is super intelligent, I could probably find a way to talk to it. Once communication is established I would try to find out what the snail wants out of life, and how it hopes to achieve that by touching me. Perhaps we could negotiate an arrangement where the snail can get what it wants without killing me.
  11. Buy a really nice motor home and travel a lot? If the snail is so intelligent why does it want to kill me anyway?
  12. I'm not familiar with your British politicians, but don't make the mistake of thinking that anyone who disagrees with you is from "the left". Here in Australia the religious reich right of the liberal party (equivalent to your Tories) has been trying its best to suppress peoples marriage and contraception rights for years. Before that, the extreme Catholic right wing of the Labor party tried to censor the Internet. Pretty much every freedom that ordinary people enjoy in Australia today was given to us by the left.
  13. I am old enough to remember the time when a friendly pat on the bottom was just considered to be flirting, and both men and women would do it without a second thought. Now it appears that it is defined to be sexual assault. Is that an improvement? Many people seem to think so. I have my doubts, but I will of course comply with the law and modern customs. In Sweden, the lives of sex workers are now made miserable by a cruel set of laws known as the "nordic model". I condemn this unequivocally. I think FW is mistaken about this coming from the left of politics. the "left" st
  14. Just a small counterpoint to this. In some cases, unlicensed distribution can be to your advantage. I have subscribed to many sites over the past 20 years. For a lot of those sites, my introduction to them was by seeing samples of their content that had been distributed illegally. If I had not seen those "pirate" images or clips, I would not have known of the producer in the first place, so unlicensed copying actually led to them receiving money from me that they would not otherwise have had. Some people will never pay for anything. They are not your customers, and will never
  15. Hi Pantylover and welcome. You might enjoy this thread: dirty pant fetish cheers, L2L.
  16. It's only a fetish if you cannot become aroused without it.
  17. Truly a delightful fantasy Sophie. Thank you for sharing it with us all.
  18. This is a strange one. A porn movie maker has built a truck with sides completely made of one-way glass. Inside it is fitted out as a bedroom. From the inside it looks like you are completely exposed to everyone nearby, but the people outside can't see anything while the couple undress and have sex. There's no peeing, just sex, but it sure looks like fun. Enjoy
  19. I joined WGP in 2014 and remember the original layout that you have shown above. I think the most recent layout is the one i prefer.
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