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Everything posted by Simpfan4

  1. I don't have any experience peeing on potted plants, but I have outdoor gardening experience. Houseplants always die on me, even without the addition of urine. I have never peed on any plant that I cared about, though I am sure many animals have on my outdoor plants. That said, I think that whatever ingredients are contained in (or added to) one's urine might adversely affect vegetation; in your case nicotine, and in my case currently chemotherapy.
  2. I hope so too. It definitely doesn't help the major depression, but neither does the cancer. After years of having men compliment my sexual abilities, I get shot down by someone I'm deeply in love with. I'm not really seeking advice as much as an outlet to vent. Thanks for listening and being my friend. I never planned to return to this site, but as for the "best-laid plans of mice and men..." It isn't strength I have as much as faith. I'm determined to make this marriage work.
  3. Thanks to all who responded. This isn't an easy topic for me to admit to. I can't turn on my guy, and everywhere we are, other women are hitting on him. And he keeps telling me about it because he thinks it's amusing. And I'm thinking, "Little do they know... "
  4. I wouldn't leave him or cheat on him. This is my third marriage and I want it to work. The other two were to extremely abusive men. I have survived CSA and rape as an adult. But I worked through that. I was trafficked into prostitution in my early 20s. But I escaped and healed. I told him the other day that I wouldn't leave him because of this, but if he had planned all along to remain a virgin throughout our marriage, he should have been honest with me about it. He had a TURP procedure that whittled away part of his prostate and his erections are much weaker than before. We courted for 14 yea
  5. He tells me I don't look so bad without hair. It was supposed to be reassuring, but it was another occasion for me to tear up inside. I don't feel desirable anymore. I could turn him on before the cancer. It's him but I take on the unnecessary burden of assuming it's me.
  6. I am tactfully blunt; I make my needs known. I told him this stuff already, I bought books for us to read, I offered suggestions. He was born with Kleinfelters Syndrome, which is an extra X chromosome. When I met him back in 1985, he hadn't gotten medical treatment for it yet and had a high-pitched voice and no facial hair. Now he's a bearded biker with a deeper voice, but he doesn't like taking the doctor prescribed testosterone injections because they enlarge his prostate. Even so, he's supposed to be taking them twice a month, but he's been skipping them so that he isn't even taking them ev
  7. I guess this will make me seem weird, but I would be okay with open urinals and open toilets (in the same room) as it would make bringing my wheelchair into the bathroom much easier.
  8. I peed in the front seat of a car I was told was left for scrap. Then I saw it being driven in a demolition derby. Somebody was sitting where I and then-hubby had pissed all over. The bench seat upholstery was torn and the foam filler had soaked up my full bladder. I had sat in the driver's seat when I used it for my toilet. I didn't think of it as vandalism, because I was told it would never be driven again.
  9. I think it's harder because I have always enjoyed consensual sex and experienced a great amount of pleasure quite easily, whether or not there was intercourse. I'm talking about when someone pushes your hand away from them when you're trying to be affectionate, saying it feels weird because they've never experienced it before. I never had any problems arousing a man before, including him, before we were married. But now, he perceives all sex, even married sex, as sinful. So I can't help thinking the problem is more psychological than sexual. I told him there are ways he can touch me that would
  10. If you got married and intended it to include sexual relations with your spouse -- there were no indications during the relationship that would have warned you otherwise -- and suddenly learned that your spouse had no intention of ever having a sexual relationship with you, would that be a deal breaker for you? I know that the chromosomal abnormality he was born with places limits on his ability to become aroused, but I was hoping we would work through it, that he would keep taking the prescribed testosterone shots, and that we would function somewhat normally eventually. But that hasn't been
  11. Thanks, everyone! I have great news! The pain lessened during my second chemo. I just had my third and last chemo yesterday. My main oncologist was excited to show the results of my PET scan yesterday in comparison to the one I had in May. The tumor is much smaller now! I can eat and drink almost as well as I could before. I still go easy on citrus, though I was able to eat a serving of raw pineapple (my favorite fruit) last week. I found some patterns to knit for chemo hats. I'm very excited about recovery. Still have 35 radiations after I recover from the chemo, but I'm very happy about this
  12. I have seen Klinefelters referred to as intersex, but one quality my husband has disagrees with one KS characteristic in particular: He doesn't have a small penis! 😉But he can be naive sometimes when people are trying to use him for their own benefit.
  13. I just know what I like, and what I like is warm, wet, and plentiful.
  14. That section is my favorite guilty pleasure. I still haven't seen my husband pee and he has a beautiful cock to work with.
  15. I'm not trans, but I married a male who was born with Kleinfelters Syndrome. (XXY chromosomes) I think my youngest son has KS too. I know that isn't the same thing, but each has its own set of struggles and medical issues. Glad you're into pee. That's the one thing all of us here have in common.
  16. Again, thanks for the warm greetings. We want to have a wedding reception when I go into remission. Every time I have chemo, some more of the tumor shrinks and I get a bit more of my voice back. I'm almost back to guzzling water the way I used to.
  17. Thanks for your warm responses. The first chemo left me nearly as bald as the day I was born. The hardest part has been the pain of the first two weeks after each chemo. Every joint and muscle inflamed at the same time. In the TMI dept, I only had 3 puke days. Never did get constipated. My treatments are outpatient, but the facility is a 4-hour drive each way. Very expensive gas and hotel costs.
  18. I'm back temporarily because I missed talking to people. I'm currently undergoing treatment for stage 3 throat cancer. The other change I made is to my marital status. We finally got hitched! Have a glitch on my profile now; they put the wrong birth month. 😕
  19. Incidentally, they tell us to flush the toilet with the lid down, twice, in the first 48 hours after receiving a chemo treatment. And men are told to pee sitting. My first chemo hit me differently than my second. With the second, I was peeing almost constantly, and very much feeling as though it had run right through my exercise leggings. They had to bring me to the toilet twice, IV stand and all. Don't know how my third will be.
  20. My husband has been asking my care team if radiation is going to make me glow in the dark, but all I have had so far is chemotherapy.
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