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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. My husband suggested I flip a coin. If I lose I have to finish another drink. I picked tails...
  2. Like a gentle squeeze? I've asked him not to tonight but who knows what will happen.
  3. Possibly! I do have a refill ready but I think this will be my last drink before the dam bursts.
  4. The floor sounds like a good idea, and so does wetting. Like you say, I'll probably decide when the moment comes.
  5. I can but I don't want to. I have children and I don't want to have to explain the wet patch
  6. I am but I'm very quickly getting more and more desperate! I wanted to hold on until 11 but now I'm doubting I'll make it to 10:30
  7. No plans at all! I am open to any suggestions though, whether that involves wetting, peeing on the floor etc. I don't mind. Clean up is perfectly fine.
  8. 9:30 and I'm starting to feel rather full! The kids have gone to bed so I don't have to be as secretive any more. I've just drank a pint of water in one go so I'm sure that will soon have a huge effect on my bladder, but I'm going to try and hold on for as long as possible.
  9. I'm starting to get jiggly now. I'm not desperate but if I was near a toilet for example, I'd probably use it. I'm getting to that gentle foot tapping, slightly squeezing my legs together, stage. I'm not finding this torturous, I'm loving it! Thank you 🙂 If I'm able to wait until 9ish when the kids go to bed I might start drinking a little quicker, or I'll just see how things go. Thanks for the support, hopefully catch you later
  10. I'm trying 🙂 I'm starting to feel that subtle urge. I'm okay for the time being but I have a little voice in my head saying "Remember, you need a wee Sophie"
  11. That's very likely! I was getting a little jiggly when I was washing up. It's gone away now but I had a desperate twinge. Also, another glass of water down.
  12. I've already had that glass of water... I'm supposed to be taking my time! 😮
  13. Either a glass of water or a glass of orange juice to go along with my tea. Nothing too crazy.
  14. I've just finished 400ml of chocolate milk, bottoms up!
  15. I've just had a wee but I'm still a little excited so I'm going to fill up again and see what happens. I won't be drinking too much too quickly but I'll keep you updated.
  16. I have deleted it for you 🙂 For future reference, you can click the report button and it will send any staff a notification. Just write your request in the box that appears and we'll handle it from there.
  17. Oh my Kupar, that was hotter than the sun! I was laid in bed reading it on my tablet and immediately after passed it to Mark. When he finished reading it he put down the tablet and surprised me, kissing me and caressing my side before slipping his hand between my legs and making me cum just like Lucy had. Thank you!
  18. This really isn't my kind of thing but I still found it enjoyable, just because of the acting and the chemistry between them both. I enjoy Becky in other videos and this was no different. It's a shame about the very glaring jump cut at 04:40 though.
  19. Sophie


    It's basically imgur.com/r/pee before they stopped showing NSFW subreddits. I like it!
  20. My two beautiful daughters. Every day I am reminded that I have managed to create something so amazing, and raise them to be the truly incredible people they are today. My teaching. I am so, so proud of being a teacher. Knowing that i have helped change peoples lives, help them have successful careers, help them be happy. Every day someone learns something from me, I feel incredibly proud. Every time someone does well in an exam, or every time I get a thank you from my pupils or their parents. Every time I see something "click" for my pupils. My marriage. I am so proud of having su
  21. Unfortunately I wasn't talented enough to make a teardrop I was happy with, but you might be able to use your imagination. A yellow pin, and a yellow ring!
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