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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Thank you! Three hours since I've had a wee and I'm filling up nicely! I'm not jiggling yet but I've reached the point where I have a constant reminder about the contents of my bladder.
  2. I like them. Sexy without being slutty
  3. I'm going to be filling up this evening 🙂 I had a wee about two hours ago and I'm starting to feel the need to go again but I'm going to try and wait as long as possible.
  4. I was talking to the lovely people in the chatbox last night and I've seen it mentioned on a few forum posts, we discussed the idea of adding a hug rating to show sympathy and the like. With us being a community and somewhat of a family we have occasionally talked about more personal topics with people we consider friends. I have previously used the "love" rating but a dedicated hug rating would be ideal.
  5. Last night! I was posting on the forum yesterday how I masturbated to six orgasms. My husband helped me to seven and eight! Potentially graphic saucy details below so read at your own risk... We went upstairs and as soon as we went into the bedroom we started kissing, holding each other tight and slowly undressing each other. Only breaking the kiss to pull off t-shirts. It was a few minutes before I was down to just my underwear, a white lacy bra and thong, and after taking off my bra he gently guided me onto the bed, laying above me and kissing some more. Things were nice and slow
  6. Orgasm six! Going to give my hoohah a bit of a rest now and head out for a Chinese takeaway https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph60cd547dd53ba
  7. I masturbated this morning before getting out of bed, my eyes closed and my hands wandering fantasising about being in a room with lots of cubicles and a bed inside, kinda like toilets but larger. Laying on the bed and playing, women in the other cubicles doing the same thing, being able to be heard but not seen. It is like public toilets but for relieving sexual tension, not a full bladder. A little later I did a little reading and my hand wandered to the latest two updates to this story by @gldenwetgoose, the newest part bringing me to orgasm. Somehow still not satisfied w
  8. That's awesome! Small steps, you don't want to do too much too soon. I'm really proud of you, keep it up!
  9. I think knowing I was safe and didn't have to worry about wet clothes, being able to just let it go made things much more intense. It was a mental relief just as much as a physical one.
  10. A few minutes ago I arrived home from work bursting for a wee. As soon as I walked through the door I kicked off my heels and ran up the stairs to the bathroom, I hadn't even said hello to my husband and kids yet. I burst into the bathroom, wriggled my skirt up over my hips, and tore down my thong while sitting in one motion. As soon as my buns hit the seat I started peeing heavily, it was shooting forward and jetting against the porcelain with a hiss because I was just perched on the front of the seat, ricocheting off the bowl and spraying my thighs and backside so I slid backwards a lit
  11. Main chatbox isn't working again, popout chat in the corner is still functional.
  12. Let me know if showers are not allowed!
  13. Sophie


    Haha even with your permission I don't think I could do it. I'd feel too guilty about damaging property.
  14. Is it possible to just have it always paste in plain text? I'm guessing not.
  15. I always wipe whenever possible. I always carry a pack of kleenex with me everywhere I go so even when I am peeing outside or somewhere with no toilet paper I have something to wipe with.
  16. I always, always wash my hands when I can. In public toilets I think it's extra important because you never know who else has touched the flush, the door lock etc. I guess it's less important for guys because they can use a urinal. I even use those awful all in one hand wash thingies where it pees on your hands , dribbles a tiny amount of soap, pees on them again and then tries to dry them with the force of an asthmatic gnat. At home I still wash my hands even after a quick wee. Everything I touch is relatively clean (it is still a bathroom after all) but it is deeply ingrai
  17. That's awesome! Really clever. This could be expanded for long distance relationships or something, if you had another glove with capacitive fingertips and Internet connectivity you could touch yourself and your partner would feel it through their glove.
  18. This is an issue I have noticed previously but I haven't had the opportunity to share a screenshot for various reasons. When things have been copied and then pasted with the default rich text (instead of selecting paste as plain text) they retain their font colours. That's not an issue except for when using the dark theme. The font keeps it's default black colour but it is on a dark background so it's incredibly difficult to read. and here you can see Cheekyfe11a has copied and pasted non-Euclidean geometry (I don't blame him it's hard to spell!) https://peefans.com
  19. I've just entered myself into a sprint triathlon at the end of September. I hope I'm fit enough when the day comes! 400 metre pool swim (16 lengths) followed by a 20km road cycle and finishing with a 5km road run.
  20. Have I introduced you guys to the lovely Anne Reburn?
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