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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I used to do that on another site but don't do it here because there is no hosting.
  2. Never been a fan of Meg, she just annoys me.
  3. Merry Christmas to everyone, hope you've all had an amazing day! I haven't done too much today yet I feel exhausted.
  4. This? If so, that's not her. That's Barbara Palvin, model for Victoria's Secret. No wonder I couldn't find it, I was looking for the wrong thing, or in this case, person. Thank you though I really appreciate you taking the time.
  5. Still can't find the one of her sitting, could you possibly link it please?
  6. Not personally, but I've been a fan the company she works for for about 5 years now. She lives in Texas, originally from Canada.
  7. Barbara Dunkelman, Marketing and Community Manager at Rooster Teeth productions. Among other things.
  8. Have a couple more photos of her :)
  9. Well I can tell you she's openly admitted to peeing in the shower.
  10. I quite like it when a girl can wear glasses really well.
  11. I’ve talked about this a few times in the shoutbox but I wanted to make a thread and possibly hear peoples opinions. I did some Christmas shopping this weekend and one of the first things I did was have a wee. The toilets I always use are pay toilets that require you to put in 30 pence before you can use them. I don’t really mind paying this because they are some of the cleanest public bathrooms I’ve ever used, there is always toilet roll, and it isn’t that much money I guess. But it got me thinking. The reason for charging to use these toilets is usually to cover expenses such as cleaning a
  12. The thing is though, every post there is pre moderated. I can only imagine what doesn't get through.
  13. I have been meaning to post in this ever since it was created and even promised Autumn I would (sorry!). I've written something a couple of times but then deleted it because I couldn't put what I wanted to say into words. I'm just going to wing it so I apologise if this is a bit short or even a ramble, or if it doesn't make much sense. Autumn has hit the nail on the head with all of her posts, we don't expect to be treated like princesses, we're not some super delicate creature that gets offended with every dirty comment. We like talking about pee or we wouldn't be here! All we're asking fo
  14. I struggle putting these into order so don't pay too much attention to the numbering past the first five or so. Final Fantasy VII.(PS1) My favourite game EVER! I could play this over and over again. Great story, great gameplay, likeable characters and three disks! Gran Turismo (PS1) Another great game, I have lots of memories of doing lap after lap of the High Speed Ring, tweaking my car to try and improve my times. Resident Evil(PS1) Love this horror game, camera is terrible but the gameplay makes up for it. These issues are solved with the remake coming out later. Fallout 3 GOTY
  15. I forgot to add Pulp Fiction to the list. I completely agree! I love curling up on the sofa and watching it. The original is definitely the best in the series. Die Hard 2 was okay, Die Hard with a Vengeance was meh, enjoyed 4.0 mostly for the whole hacking theme it had.
  16. As many others I don't think I could choose a single film eXistenZ Saw Die Hard 1+2 Alien quadrilogy Prometheus (Alien prequel) Rambo The Quick and the Dead From Dusk till Dawn Liar Liar I guess my taste in films says a bit about me.
  17. Sophie


    I call them nothing, because I avoid getting them in the first place. Vulva is also an awful word.
  18. Friends who pee together, stay together. Hi, I’m Penny (right) and this is my friend Nicole. My friends call me Penny Puddles and you’ll find out why shortly. Nicole and I had been doing some shopping and finished the day with a coffee before getting the bus home. Coffee has a huge effect on my bladder, it goes right through me. Some people need to drink a fair amount of liquid before they need the toilet, and I’m the same with juice or water but with coffee one cup is enough to send me running to the loo. We had our coffees, grabbed our bags and headed home. About three quart
  19. That's really awesome Steve! I could really imagine myself doing that. Thank you.
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