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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I'd be willing to try but I already know it will be an absolute disaster. 😄
  2. I wish I could call 14 degrees "cold" :P
  3. Hehe nice to know! I can always share more photos of her if you're interested 🙂
  4. Oops! Forgot to say who she was when I uploaded the photos, just hit send She's Lucy Pinder. A retired British glamour model.
  5. That middle photo is really pushing my buttons 🙂
  6. Isabel Lucas is an Australian actress, and model. She may be best known for her roles in Home and Away, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Daybreakers, The Pacific, Immortals, and Red Dawn. I've been watching her in MacGyver
  7. I'm from the UK, not going to be specific with location but I'm northern.
  8. It has been reported to me that a certain emoji isn't working. I don't know the specific one because I'm not having the issue myself, I've only been told it's a smiley face. I believe the issue is because the image no longer exists, it returns a 404 error. https://twitter.github.io/twemoji/2/72x72/6e-75-6c-6c.png
  9. I'm the same and the two line breaks always catch me out when I'm writing on this forum. Every single time.
  10. I have moved this topic to the TV section for you. 🙂
  11. Living up to your name I see! 😄 Lovely photo, thank you!
  12. Last night with my husband, and it was fantastic 🙂 Very slow and loving.
  13. As an avid jewellery maker myself, I have to ask. What kind of jewellery? What materials?
  14. You have absolutely nothing to apologise for Sephora. We're not just friends here, we're family. And family is there for you no matter what.
  15. Can we keep this on topic please? Thanks
  16. I've just finished the story for Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and I'll probably be going back for the few treasures and photo opportunities I missed. Will likely be playing Last of Us for the first time on Tuesday though so that will have my attention.
  17. Awesome account Puddyls! Thank you for sharing 🙂
  18. I think I'm just a bit irritable at the moment. I could probably write a long essay about it but I won't because it won't help anyone 🙂 Thank you for doing what you do!
  19. Something definitely feels a little off but I can't quite put my finger on it. I know I've definitely felt less desire to visit and post here the last week or so.
  20. Emoji / smilies don't work in the shoutbox. The word 'True' just appears instead. They are quite literally returning true.
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