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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. @spywareonya I really like these (especially the first one) but I also really like visible panties. Of course, any photo of you would be fantastic. Thank you!!
  2. I don't like meet ups in genera, especially with people I've hardly spoken to at all, l so that counted me out from the very beginning. And I really dislike the idea of being the only female there, or there being very few females. It wasn't the travel that was the problem. It was everything else. There's a very small amount of people from this site and other pee sites I would meet in person, less than 5, and those I've known for nearly a decade.
  3. It's just a hypothetical question. I suppose really there is no win condition, the snail can't die and you'll always have to be aware of it coming towards you.
  4. A) It's immortal B) It's just touched you, you're dead.
  5. You and a super intelligent snail both get 1 million dollars, and you both become immortal, however you die if the snail touches you. It always knows where you are and slowly crawls toward you. What's your plan?
  6. I won't be attending myself but I wish you all the best of luck, and I hope some women turn up!
  7. Now I know what you mean! It annoys me too
  8. Women sitting on the toilet is the biggest aspect of my fetish. My husband finds it really interesting because I do it multiple times a day, every day. My pee porn collection is probably at least 75% women sat on the toilet, especially the photo side of things. So yeah, I would absolutely love to see @spywareonya sitting on the toilet!
  9. Hi Sathuta, the PeeFans staff are aware of this and we are trying to rectify the problem. What happened is I was too hasty making a decision as a moderator and ultimately I made the wrong choice. I shouldn't have been too quick in my thinking, and I shouldn't have flagged your account. I've felt guilty and hated myself for what I did ever since it happened and it is going to take a long time for me to forgive myself. I assure you, and every member in this community, that this mistake will never happen again. I would like to make things right for you, and in addition to that, do som
  10. I'm not quite sure what you mean, maybe share a video as an example? But one thing i do hate and it might be the same thing, is when they suck in through their teeth. Have you ever made that noise when you've cut yourself or something, like a sharp inhale through your teeth? Why do they do that in porn?! Moaning like a metronome is one thing, but this is a whole new level of annoyance for me.
  11. I definitely agree with you, but there's just something so awesome about the pistols, it's as iconic as her shorts! I definitely prefer the vulnerable Lara, it makes her more...human. More relateable. Feel free to message me about games! I've been playing them since I could hold a controller. I've never played Bayonetta but I'm well aware of it. I can just imagine the look on my parents face if i asked for that when younger, and happily popped it on in front of them!
  12. @Scot_Lover The girls might like this one
  13. Sophie


    It's Lianarda from Chaturbate, but she hasn't been online in over 5 months. https://chaturbate.com/lianarda/
  14. The very first is a classic but the one I remember best from my childhood is 2 and 3. The new Lara is great and I liked the story of her getting to grips with adventuring. But, I'm worried that the games are straying too far from their original path. Rise of the Tomb Raider was mostly action with little else. No puzzles, no hidden collectables (they were all on the map!), no dual pistols! C'mon, it's not Lara Croft without the pistols! I'm hoping the new game coming out in September is a good one.
  15. I've peed in a mens room toilet before but never let others see me. I think I'd be too shy. I'll PM you the message board
  16. I'm pleased I could help! Feel free to message me if there's anything else.
  17. I'm sorry guys but... What does this have to do with pee shyness? @tompee @pee01 Can we stay on topic please? Thanks.
  18. I use one too! It's basically a silicone cup that looks like a party popper and you kinda fold it in half and slip it inside. It catches your flow and you just empty and wash it
  19. Click the little + button to the left of where it says 'quote' and it will be added to the list. A little box will appear in the corner saying "Quote X posts', click that and they will all appear in the reply box, in the order you added them. You can also just highlight different parts of text and click 'quote this' instead of quoting the whole thing and chopping bits out. This works with multiple posts!
  20. I occasionally get pee shy and it annoys me because I cannot figure out what causes it. I don't mind people hearing me and I sometimes wait for a quiet moment just so I can be heard. And how busy a bathroom is makes no difference to me. I'll pee if there are 5 people outside or 50. It's strange because I usually have complete privacy, toilet paper, a clean bathroom etc, everything a girl could ask for and I still can't go. I don't actually feel shy or nervous, I just can't get my stream started and I have to sit there for a few minutes before I finally go. And once I've started I'm fine.
  21. I have to agree with some of the other above, there shouldn't be a rule against them. If we block people showing their genitals, what will be next? Theres a big difference between using it as an avatar and randomly sending it to people. And at the end of the day, it's an adult site after all. These things should be expected. Of course I don't make the rules, I just keep the website tidy but that's my two cents. If a gorgeous woman took a photo of her pussy, maybe even peeing, would there be as much of an outrage?
  22. She's asking if she can post about it here and if she should cut out the sex part. @Ivy1989 go ahead and post it all as long as it features pee somewhat I'm sure we'll all be happy to read it.
  23. Brutus suggested I fully soak my underwear and then leave it in a public place to be possibly found so I did that! I hope you enjoy it. I want to apologise about this not being my best writing. I haven't been entirely myself the last month or so. I went out on Friday after work to do my normal grocery shopping and while I was out I bought myself some new underwear specifically for the wetting. I knew I would be leaving it behind so I didn’t want to spend too much money on it but I settled with a nice white thong and a push up bra set. It cost me just over £10 and I’d be able to we
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