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Everything posted by FlyingthedreamUK

  1. I have no idea what you’re talking about @Sophie 😉 You can literally pay as much or as little as you like. What I mean by that is there are various levels or qualifications that you can do. A trial flight is generally around the £100 mark (or used to be) and a typical Private Pilot License would cost around £3,000-£5,000. If you want to take it further and get your Air Transport Pilot License the cost comes in at anywhere from £60,000 to over £100,000 depending on where you train etc. Gliding is another cheaper alternative which is meant to be incredible. For me I like having an eng
  2. I think my advice would be - Never live in the past, always look to the future - Always follow your dreams, no matter how big they are - Believe in yourself and others will too - Never forget that you’re human and treat everyone with equal respect - Save early and invest in your future - Don’t let other people run your life - Never give up, no matter how difficult the path is - Live life to the fullest and without regrets There are so many life events that I would do differently if I had the time again but equally without those life events I wouldn’
  3. Okay, so this one is for all those out there who enjoy cycling, specifically the girls among us. I know some of us among the community have enjoyed a wee or two while out cycling, not stopping to find a quiet spot but instead letting that warm trickle soak the Lycra and run down their legs…. But I have to ask, just how easy is it to let go? Do you have to raise up a little to allow the flow to start? and if so, wouldn’t it be easier if you could just go while still seated… 😉 Which leads me to this… I was scrolling through social media earlier and came across this saddle pictured. Now I
  4. I remember in year two in Primary School one of my classmates asked to go to the bathroom, I can’t recall why but she wasn’t allowed to go. The next thing I remember was the patter of water hitting the floor and people looking round to see what it was. From where I was sat I could see the streams falling off her chair and the look of sheer embarrassment on her face. She was promptly escorted out of the room and returned no longer wearing her skirt and tights but some god awful tartan trousers to add insult to injury. I can’t imagine what it would have felt like to have gone through that in fro
  5. This is a difficult subject to bring up, especially if you've been in a relationship for some time. My advice would be to bring the subject up as soon as possible, like a few have said, get her used to the idea first. Find excuses to be in the bathroom at the same time, comment on her pee saying things like "that sounded like you really needed to go" etc.. add a few compliments over time i.e "your trickle sounds really cute" and then slowly build up to asking her if you could see. Great houses are built of strong foundations, don't go in there all guns blazing and telling her youre i
  6. I love this 😍 I know I only dived in for a few minutes but it was absolutely amazing. The image created at the end, leaning over your desk is just incredible. Hope you both had the nest night xxxx
  7. It's definitely a topic that isn't as popular as others on here, maybe because of the AB connection. I would only ever encourage people to try them because they just feel amazing and the freedom they give is even more of a reason to try them. Everyone's been caught short at some point in their lives, imagine not having to worry ever again! Personally I love Goodnites, they're cute and discreet and can be worn under pretty much anything without anyone knowing. The downside being they can only hold one big wee or a few smaller ones. I also love how open you are @MiaDarlingabout we
  8. This topic has a very fine line between what someone might find acceptable or not. Having a family that is open with each other and feel comfortable around each other is an incredible and rare thing. As we grow up we become more aware of our bodies and as a result tend to shy away and hide, especially when we become sexually active, the whole idea of body confidence and comparing yourself with others. Hence why some believe the line is at family seeing their body. Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with it, peeing in the same spot or going at the same time on a trail etc
  9. It's true, not everyone on this site will share the same feelings as you towards wearing but the same could be said for golden showers or wetting. The important thing is that on this site you are sure to find more than one who will share the same enjoyment as you so don't stop sharing if you want to. We all love the honesty of a personal experience x
  10. Firstly, congratulations on taking the leap into wearing diapers fulltime @MiaDarling It's a huge step for anyone, especially sharing with others that may not understand... Issues that everyone on this forum has faced at some point in their lives and also is a real tell of who your true friends are. Given your predicament before you started wearing them I think your decision has not only been one of enjoyment but also life changing. Not having to worry the next time you sneeze or cough or laugh, the freedom it must have brought you will undoubtedly outway any negative you experience.
  11. I've just seen this article earlier today, it has been a discussion amongst crew before. Often when the flights are busy and they don't have enough time to go to the bathroom. I doubt you will ever know if one of them is wearing but it certainly gets you thinking. Something discreet would be fine but they would need to be changed on a long flight. All depends how much you had to pee. It would be absolutely unreal if I knew one of my crew was wearing... Next time you're on a flight and the cabin crew hand you your meal, you can have the thought "I wonder if she's having a wee ri
  12. Finding a partner that is in to the same kinks as you is difficult enough, especially when it's something like ours where many people consider it disgusting etc... Should you find that person, even if they're willing to entertain it for a short time, you should make the most of it. I believe that to convince a long term partner to try something new has to be done over many months and can't just he introduced over night (unless you're fortunate to be in a relationship with pre existing kinks) Will it ever become part of your regular sex life, unlikely. It will more be reserved for spe
  13. No permission needed, go ahead 🙂
  14. It was a few months ago for me. I'd been at the pool all day drinking and having fun. When the sun set we all sat at the bar and the conversation carried on. Before we knew it it was 1am and time to head home. I remember thinking at the time that I should go to the loo but decided that since it was just a short walk home I'd just wait till then instead. I'd only left the bar a few minutes and naughty thought crossed my mind. Instead of going the direct route home I was going to walk the back way along a poorly lit path behind some of the villas. Once I was out of the public eye i just rel
  15. The best ever explanation of why you should wear a mask.....
  16. I've been to India many times and peeing in public is commonplace, whether it be hidden behind bushes to simply squatting and peeing on the side of the road. Generally whenever and wherever the need takes them...
  17. Morning everyone... So, I was just browsing online and it appears that a new challenge on TikTok has attracted a lot more attention than the creator intended. The original creator states he "created the challenge as a parody of the other challenges that have gone viral on the internet in an attempt to show how pointless they are" but people all around the world are taking on the challenge and posting their videos. Not surprisingly there's also a number of posts from people who are like WFT but then that's not surprising considering the love hate relationship for our little kink.
  18. My only recommendation here is to take every precaution you can to secure your own health, especially if you have underlying health issues. I fly to Asia a lot, and everyone here are wearing face masks etc.. and while they may not stop the person from contracting the virus, they will hopefully reduce it from being spread. I'm not sure how serious everyone is taking back home but I would consider the use of masks etc if you commute a lot on public transport or crowded areas. Especially on aircraft.
  19. To all Peefans far and near, Wishing you all a warm, wet and Pisstastic New Year. I hope 2020 brings everything that you all dreamed of and look forward to everything that the New Year brings. Love to you all Si xx
  20. For me I'd like to see more real life stuff. Pee porn is great but it can be too engineered at times, the camera moving around all over the place trying to get the best shot etc. Let's be honest, recording a girls stream at the right angle etc can be tricky at best. Seeing something that you can relate to like POV shots do far more for me than the others.
  21. Haha.. Just tell me where and when 😄
  22. There's actually a few places in Sydney where unisex toilets are common and seem to be pretty popular, especially in the bars. Sadly though, or good, whichever way you look at it, they have measures in place to prevent you from loitering and enjoying the sights. Solution.... go to the bar and drink more so you inevitably have touse the facilities again 😉
  23. Literotica is an awesome site... sooo many stories on there that cover every possible sexual idea/kink that you can think of, it's no wonder they have so much traffic, there's literally something on there for everyone, whatever mood you're in. It's been around years as well so the archives are vast with plenty of material for each topic. Quite often I've found my self reading a story and getting so engrossed in it that I've gone back regularly to see if there's been another part published.
  24. I think actually that unisex toilets in the more popular places such as bars and restaurants where there's a lot of people coming and going are more safe than those in quiet places. The predators that you speak of seem to tend to prey on women when they are more vulnerable, isolated. The whole idea of unisex toilets is great and why not share facilities. Society has taught us over the years this, segregation, when it reality there is no need for it to be there, we are all human no matter what sexual orientation. Maybe in future, instead of having boys and girls bathrooms, they'll hav
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