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Posts posted by FlyingthedreamUK

  1. Hi Marty, 

    First off, welcome to the site!

    To answer your question, this forum is more about having a place where people can come and explorer their love of things wet and to share experiences, ask questions and generally get to know people. 

    You may find someone that will be willing to share in what you’re looking for later but I would recommend getting to know the members here first.

    Also, please be respectful to our amazing female members that you may come across during your time exploring the site and, if not done so already, have a look at the site rules for any guidance.

    This is an incredible space with many long standing members that are very welcoming so take a look around and enjoy.

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  2. I bought one for a female friend recently, she likes it but says it’s not intense enough for her to orgasm internally but it is great for adding a little extra fun, especially teasing while out in public 😉

    Every woman is different obviously so what might be good for one may not be for another. That being said, I also have doubts over some of those videos, especially the ones where it seems really intense.

    I’d be intrigued if any of the women on here have any different experiences with using it though.

  3. This has always been a fantasy of mine. A female friend in the passenger seat of my car, getting more and more desperate as the miles tick by and with nowhere to go. Would I let her pee in the car if I knew it was going to happen? I don’t know… would I find it an extreme turn on if she just squealed and without saying another word, lost complete control snd  completely soaked herself and the seat… yes, 1 million percent yes! 

    I remember picking up my girlfriend and two of her friends from a party, they’d all be drinking and while driving down a long country lane, one of them declared she needed a wee which in turn set off a chain reaction… next thing I was stopped next to a gap in a hedge and all three girls got out and ran to squat behind it. 

    While they didn’t wet in the car, I do wonder just how desperate they were and if any of them leaked at all… either way I loved the experience.

  4. A garden that’s overgrown doesn’t do it for me I’m afraid. I like to see some definition and the source of the fountain.. don’t get me wrong, something that is well looked after, kept short, even in different shapes/strips is sexy but after having been with a girl that had more hair than me I can safely say that it doesn’t excite me.

    I get the wet hair scenario that’s been talked about but I much prefer a pair of freshly wet lips that I can clean 

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  5. For me it has to me something natural, not forced or scripted. If I can relate to it, see that person in the particular situation doing whatever then I can’t help myself and have to do something to release the tension.

    I know many of the answers have been related to pee whether that be seeing someone desperate, wetting or peeing etc… but for me, while the subject is a huge huge turn on, anything I see that I can relate to, be it physical intimacy or kink related I can’t help but get lost in my own world. 

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  6. Firstly it's amazing to hear that you and your girlfriend are able to share and act on your fantasies. In so many relationships, when a partner has a particular fantasy or desire, it is never spoken about because of how the other person may react so consequently many live their lives without ever experiencing it. You clearly have a very close and intimate bond with her and it's great that she was accepting and willing to try it.

    Age regression is a lot more common than you think. In times when you're overwhelmed we all regress a little, whether it be being held by a loved one, curling up on the sofa or in bed, sucking a thumb, cuddling a teddy... these are all ways at which we calm ourselves down and stem back to our childhood and you can feel your body almost instantly start to relax. For screaming babies, a bottle, pacifier or their mothers breast soothes them and sends them off to sleep.

    Being taken care of, nursed, changed is probably one of the most intimate of all. You're allowing yourself to be vulnerable and the other person to take care of you. As we grow up we forget what that was like. 


  7. People have tried for years, both here and on other forums to bring in a dating aspect to the site.

    The reality is that our love for anything warm and wet is largely male dominated so if anything like that was incorporated in to this site it would most likely push the few amazing women we have here away. They already get bombarded with enough messages.

    It’s extremely important to respect everyone here. As Goose said, we’re a close community that is growing every day with amazing members.

    My advice is be part of it, you’ll be amazed at the bonds you build with people and the experiences that you share. If you’re extremely lucky (which a few members have been in the past) this may lead to more. 

    If you’re not interested in finding a relationship and using similar dating sites to those that are mentioned then you may as well pay for the experience. At least that way you get exactly what you want.

    Either way I hope you enjoy the site. Everyone here is incredible and the mods do an outstanding job at keeping the site safe for everyone to enjoy.

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  8. This is incredible news.. congratulations to you and also to your mum. 

    How far apart are your pregnancies? 

    What an amazing experience to go through and I, like many others on here can’t wait to hear more about your pregnancies and your adventures x

  9. First off I wish you all the best in taking the next steps in your journey @devb7

    You’re certainly in the right place to ask anything. This community is like a family, we look out for each other and support each other when needed so you should only get helpful replies to your questions.

    Sadly the real world is full of idiots though and I can see how this can make your transition a lot harder and I’m sure you’ll face several challenges along the way.

    Like you pointed out, the etiquette in a men’s restroom is different to a women’s one. Mostly because of the stigma of being call gay or queer growing up and the bullying that follows if you even glanced in someone’s direction while they were at the urinal.

    As a result men generally don’t engage with anyone, unless, like @Couple92 said, you know the other person. We also tend not to make eye contact, meaning instead you look at your phone, or at the floor etc while you’re waiting for a stall to become free.

    Stall’s in public restrooms, especially in the UK, don’t tend to have locks on them, or at least ones that work, and are mostly used if the urinals are full or if you’re a little shy. Rarely I’d say they get used for anything more than peeing in. Hence why you’ll find them covered in pee, the floor soaked and the toilet seat broken or missing. Consequently this may present a challenge. My suggestion would be to buy a Shewee or something similar so that you could stand to pee.

    Until your transition is complete, I guess you’ll have quite a few guys who will spot your curves etc and may feel uncomfortable as a result. I would say most wouldn’t be bothered.. women often use the men’s restrooms in bars/clubs when there’s a line for the women’s.

    Most importantly be safe. Try to find clean, well kept bathrooms and maybe ones that aren’t too busy but still have plenty of people coming and going.

    Good luck and welcome to the community 

    • Thanks 1
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  10. Telling anyone about a fetish is scary but then many things we do in life are. Think back to when you built up the courage to ask someone out for the first time… or driving on a motorway for the first time… even to the extreme of jumping out of a plane. But the great thing is that after the first time, things should get easier as your confidence grows.

    The hard part with our particular kink is that there’s so many different levels to it.. from simply watching someone pee to being peed on or drinking from the source and there is such taboo surrounding the subject. As soon as you tell someone you’re in to pee they instantly jump from 0 to 100 and imagine the worst. 

    My advice would be to start early. The sooner you get it out there the better. Especially if it’s something that you really want to have in your relationship. But start out small! If you come out and say you’re in to golden showers on a first date then they’re probably going to run for the hills. But if you were to start off by showing an interest, saying that it’s always fascinated you how women go to the loo. Asking questions around the subject, making it light hearted, you’re probably going to get a positive response. It also paves the way for you to ask to watch later down the line and then hopefully lead on to more. 

    An important thing to remember is that no one who enjoys our fetish (unless you’re extremely lucky) told there partner they were in to it and then went straight to the bathroom.

    I’ve tried to tell a long term partner in the past after being together a number of years and she was just shocked. Looking at me as if she didn’t know me at all. I never made a big thing of it and just kept it to myself after that. 

    The few women that I’ve actually brought it up with early on were far more receiving, and while they weren’t in to it, never made it feel awkward.

    Everyone has their own experiences of course and whichever way you choose I wish you all the best 

    • Agree 1
  11. Anything scripted or fake ruins it for me. I want to see stuff that I can relate to, things that I enjoy with a partner.

    Talking! 90% aren’t actors so when any words come out of their mouths it just sounds awkward.

    Fake orgasms for instance… what’s the point?!


    • Agree 1
  12. 1) Peeing on a partner - 3

    2) Being peed on by a partner - 10

    3) Peeing in your partner's face - 0

    4) Having your own face peed on - 0

    5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source - 0

    6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source - 2 (Drinking not so much but happy to use my tongue to take the last few droplets away after she’s finished)

    7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet - 10

    .8 )Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner - 7

    9) Wetting yourself while your partner watches - 6 (only if they were in to it. I enjoy it far more on my own)

    10) Watching your partner wet her self - 10

    11) Having your partner hold your dick while you pee - 7

    12) Being totally desperate in front of your partner - 4

    13) Seeing your partner totally desperate - 10

    14) Pissing in full public view - 5

    15) Watching your partner or any other sexually attractive person piss in full public view - 10

    16) You and your partner watching pee porn together -10 (Would love to do this an it lead to our own pee fun)

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