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Posts posted by FlyingthedreamUK

  1. People have tried for years, both here and on other forums to bring in a dating aspect to the site.

    The reality is that our love for anything warm and wet is largely male dominated so if anything like that was incorporated in to this site it would most likely push the few amazing women we have here away. They already get bombarded with enough messages.

    It’s extremely important to respect everyone here. As Goose said, we’re a close community that is growing every day with amazing members.

    My advice is be part of it, you’ll be amazed at the bonds you build with people and the experiences that you share. If you’re extremely lucky (which a few members have been in the past) this may lead to more. 

    If you’re not interested in finding a relationship and using similar dating sites to those that are mentioned then you may as well pay for the experience. At least that way you get exactly what you want.

    Either way I hope you enjoy the site. Everyone here is incredible and the mods do an outstanding job at keeping the site safe for everyone to enjoy.

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  2. Having the confidence to bring up a kink to someone is always hard. Especially if it’s someone you’ve known for several years. 

    The best way seems to be to bring it up early on in a relationship, especially if it’s extremely important to you to include it in the relationship.

    It does however become a fine line between what you want though… for instance if you were with an incredible partner, would you sacrifice the relationship if they weren’t in to the same kink?

    I think many of us here have felt a loneliness in thinking that we’re the only ones that have this kink. And it does suck at times that you can’t enjoy it with someone else but we do have this site to express ourselves and while not the full relief you may want it is certainly something.


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  3. This is incredible news.. congratulations to you and also to your mum. 

    How far apart are your pregnancies? 

    What an amazing experience to go through and I, like many others on here can’t wait to hear more about your pregnancies and your adventures x

  4. First off I wish you all the best in taking the next steps in your journey @devb7

    You’re certainly in the right place to ask anything. This community is like a family, we look out for each other and support each other when needed so you should only get helpful replies to your questions.

    Sadly the real world is full of idiots though and I can see how this can make your transition a lot harder and I’m sure you’ll face several challenges along the way.

    Like you pointed out, the etiquette in a men’s restroom is different to a women’s one. Mostly because of the stigma of being call gay or queer growing up and the bullying that follows if you even glanced in someone’s direction while they were at the urinal.

    As a result men generally don’t engage with anyone, unless, like @Couple92 said, you know the other person. We also tend not to make eye contact, meaning instead you look at your phone, or at the floor etc while you’re waiting for a stall to become free.

    Stall’s in public restrooms, especially in the UK, don’t tend to have locks on them, or at least ones that work, and are mostly used if the urinals are full or if you’re a little shy. Rarely I’d say they get used for anything more than peeing in. Hence why you’ll find them covered in pee, the floor soaked and the toilet seat broken or missing. Consequently this may present a challenge. My suggestion would be to buy a Shewee or something similar so that you could stand to pee.

    Until your transition is complete, I guess you’ll have quite a few guys who will spot your curves etc and may feel uncomfortable as a result. I would say most wouldn’t be bothered.. women often use the men’s restrooms in bars/clubs when there’s a line for the women’s.

    Most importantly be safe. Try to find clean, well kept bathrooms and maybe ones that aren’t too busy but still have plenty of people coming and going.

    Good luck and welcome to the community 

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  5. Telling anyone about a fetish is scary but then many things we do in life are. Think back to when you built up the courage to ask someone out for the first time… or driving on a motorway for the first time… even to the extreme of jumping out of a plane. But the great thing is that after the first time, things should get easier as your confidence grows.

    The hard part with our particular kink is that there’s so many different levels to it.. from simply watching someone pee to being peed on or drinking from the source and there is such taboo surrounding the subject. As soon as you tell someone you’re in to pee they instantly jump from 0 to 100 and imagine the worst. 

    My advice would be to start early. The sooner you get it out there the better. Especially if it’s something that you really want to have in your relationship. But start out small! If you come out and say you’re in to golden showers on a first date then they’re probably going to run for the hills. But if you were to start off by showing an interest, saying that it’s always fascinated you how women go to the loo. Asking questions around the subject, making it light hearted, you’re probably going to get a positive response. It also paves the way for you to ask to watch later down the line and then hopefully lead on to more. 

    An important thing to remember is that no one who enjoys our fetish (unless you’re extremely lucky) told there partner they were in to it and then went straight to the bathroom.

    I’ve tried to tell a long term partner in the past after being together a number of years and she was just shocked. Looking at me as if she didn’t know me at all. I never made a big thing of it and just kept it to myself after that. 

    The few women that I’ve actually brought it up with early on were far more receiving, and while they weren’t in to it, never made it feel awkward.

    Everyone has their own experiences of course and whichever way you choose I wish you all the best 

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  6. Anything scripted or fake ruins it for me. I want to see stuff that I can relate to, things that I enjoy with a partner.

    Talking! 90% aren’t actors so when any words come out of their mouths it just sounds awkward.

    Fake orgasms for instance… what’s the point?!


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  7. 1) Peeing on a partner - 3

    2) Being peed on by a partner - 10

    3) Peeing in your partner's face - 0

    4) Having your own face peed on - 0

    5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source - 0

    6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source - 2 (Drinking not so much but happy to use my tongue to take the last few droplets away after she’s finished)

    7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet - 10

    .8 )Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner - 7

    9) Wetting yourself while your partner watches - 6 (only if they were in to it. I enjoy it far more on my own)

    10) Watching your partner wet her self - 10

    11) Having your partner hold your dick while you pee - 7

    12) Being totally desperate in front of your partner - 4

    13) Seeing your partner totally desperate - 10

    14) Pissing in full public view - 5

    15) Watching your partner or any other sexually attractive person piss in full public view - 10

    16) You and your partner watching pee porn together -10 (Would love to do this an it lead to our own pee fun)

  8. On 1/1/2023 at 11:55 AM, Chrissy89 said:

    My dream as a little girl was always to be a pilot. I started doing my private licence before covid, had a block of lessons then boom! Lockdown…. Now it’s far too expensive, between fuel and the hire of planes, then there’s the complete lack of instructors as well as many of their own licences or medicals have expired. 
    The money I had saved went on a garden refurbishment. 
    maybe one day. What a great question 😘 x

    Loved reading this. It reminded me of when I was growing up, having the same dream 🙂 

    All I can say is never give up on your dreams… thanks to Sept 11th it took me a lot longer to get to where I wanted.

    There’s going to be a huge demand for pilots soon so the next few years would be the perfect time to get your licence. Start saving 😉 

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  9. Hi Layla and welcome to Peefans.

    You certainly won’t find anyone who’s repulsed by the idea of anything wet here so please feel free to explore and enjoy. 

    Thank you for sharing pictures of your train journey also. Certainly one way to make the journey more interesting 😉

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  10. When it comes to pictures and videos available online, I hate anything fake or staged. Pee desperation with little or no stream. Peeing on objects or food. But probably the biggest for me is people putting things in their urethra. It just looks painful and not enjoyable at all. 

    Real life has to be dehydrated and dark yellow pee which usually has a strong smell accompanied with it.

  11. There’s so many good ideas from everyone here. Peeing in the shower is a great way to introduce the kink we have. The advantage of this, like a few have already said, is that the water washes it away very quickly so there’s little mess. This in turn will increase her confidence. The important thing above all is not to rush! Give her time to get used to going in the shower with you, show interest, ask questions and explore a bit. Ask if her stream is always the same? Does spreading her legs make a difference? How does she squat? This should open opportunity for her to ask questions about how you go and give you the opportunity to show her. Maybe not straight away but after a few times.

    Once she starts and especially after she finishes it’s important that you show her just how lucky you are, kissing her, telling her how amazing it was and how much it excites you. This will again boost her confidence knowing that you enjoyed it. 

    Moving on from the shower, peeing in a body of water is also another great suggestion that someone made. It doesn’t have to be a pool, it could just as easily be the bath. However, hugging each other in a private pool is amazing. Both wearing swimwear, embrace each other, her legs wrapped around your body. I guarantee you’ll be able to feel the warmth spreading through any material 😉 And then again, follow the steps above, kissing her, telling her good it feels etc… you’ll soon find that this will lead to some other fun in the pool!

    Going on from there, the world is your oyster. No matter what you try, ALWAYS reassure her and make her feel special during and after whatever she does. That way she’ll be more than likely to try other suggestions.

    Good luck and let’s us know how you get on.

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